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author abims-sbr
date Fri, 01 Feb 2019 10:26:37 -0500
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf8
## Author: Eric Fontanillas
## Modification: 03/09/14 by Julie BAFFARD
## Last modification : 05/03/18 by Victor Mataigne

## Description : find and remove indels

###### DEF 9 ######
def detect_short_indel(seq,MAX_LENGTH_SMALL_INDEL):
    ## 1 ## Built the list of sublist of consecutive gap position
    LIST = []
    ln = len(seq)
    while i < ln:
        if seq[i] == "-":
            sublist.append(i)  ## save gaps in sublist until a aa is found => else:
            LIST.append(sublist)  ## save the list of gap
            sublist = []  ## create new list of gap
        i = i+1
            ## if gap at the end: add the last "sublist of gap" (not done in previous loop, at it add sublist (of gaps) only when in find aa, but if gap at the end, no aa after are present, so cannot add this last sublist to the LISt of gaps
    if sublist != []:

    ## 2 ## keep only the records of the small indel (<MAX_LENGTH_SMALL_INDEL)
    list_of_sublist_positions = []
    for element in LIST:
        if element != [] and len(element)<=MAX_LENGTH_SMALL_INDEL:


##### RUN RUN RUN #####
import string, os, time, re, sys
from dico import dico

### 0 ### PARAMETERS
MIN_LENGTH_ALL_aa = int(sys.argv[3])-20
MIN_LENGTH_BIT_OF_SEQUENCE_aa = int(sys.argv[4])
MAX_LENGTH_SMALL_INDEL = 2      ## in aa
MAX_LENGTH_SMALL_INDEL_nuc = 6  ## in nuc
MIN_SPECIES_NB = int(sys.argv[1])
dicoco = {}
dico_dico = {}
list_new_file = []
n0 = 0
name_elems = ["orthogroup", "0", "with", "0", "species.fasta"]

### 1 ### IN
if sys.argv[2] == "oui" :
    path_IN1 = "./06_CDS_with_M_aa/"
    L_IN1 = os.listdir(path_IN1)
    path_IN2 = "./06_CDS_with_M_nuc/"
    L_IN2 = os.listdir(path_IN2)
elif sys.argv[2] == "non" :
    path_IN1 = "./05_CDS_aa/"
    L_IN1 = os.listdir(path_IN1)
    path_IN2 = "./05_CDS_nuc/"
    L_IN2 = os.listdir(path_IN2)    

## 2 ## OUT
path_OUT1 = "07_CDS_aa"
path_OUT2 = "07_CDS_nuc"

for file in L_IN1:
    file_INaa = "%s/%s" %(path_IN1, file)
    file_INnuc = "%s/%s" %(path_IN2, file)

    dico_aa = dico(file_INaa)   ### DEF 0 ###
    dico_nuc = dico(file_INnuc)   ### DEF 0 ###
    new_bash_aa = {}
    new_bash_nuc = {}
    for fasta_name in dico_aa.keys():
        seq = dico_aa[fasta_name]
        seq_nuc = dico_nuc[fasta_name]

        if "?" in seq:
            seq = string.replace(seq, "?", "-")
        if "?" in seq_nuc:
            seq_nuc = string.replace(seq_nuc, "?", "-")
        ## 4.1 ## [FILTER 1] : Detect and Replace short internal indel symbole (= "-" as for other longer gaps) by a "?"
        ## aa
        list_sublist_pos = detect_short_indel(seq, MAX_LENGTH_SMALL_INDEL)   ### DEF 9 ###
        for pos_short_indels in list_sublist_pos:
            for pos in pos_short_indels:
                seq = seq[:pos] + "?" + seq[pos+1:]
        ## nuc
        list_sublist_pos = detect_short_indel(seq_nuc, MAX_LENGTH_SMALL_INDEL_nuc)   ### DEF 9 ###
        for pos_short_indels in list_sublist_pos:
            for pos in pos_short_indels:
                seq_nuc = seq_nuc[:pos] + "?" + seq_nuc[pos+1:]
        ## 4.2 ## [FILTER 2] : Remove short bits of sequence (<"MIN_LENGTH_BIT_OF_SEQUENCE_aa")
        S1 = string.split(seq, "-")
        for element in S1:
            if len(element) > MIN_LENGTH_BIT_OF_SEQUENCE_aa:

        ## 4.3 ## [FILTER 3] : Remove all the sequence if the total length of all subsequences < "MIN_LENGTH_ALL_aa")
        seq_all = ""
        for bit_of_sequence in LIST_sublist_aa:
            seq_all = seq_all + bit_of_sequence

        if len(seq_all) < MIN_LENGTH_ALL_aa:
            LIST_sublist_aa = []

        ## 4.4 ## [FILTER 4] : Detect sublist position in the original sequence, and recreate the filtered sequence from these positions:
        seq_gap = "-" * len(seq)    ## 4.4.1 ## generate a sequence with only gaps inside
        seq_gap_nuc = "-" * len(seq_nuc)
        for subsequence in LIST_sublist_aa:
            ## aa
            START = string.find(seq, subsequence)
            END = START + len(subsequence)
            seq_gap = seq_gap[:START] + seq[START:END] + seq_gap[END:]  ## 4.4.2 ## and then replace the correponding gaps by coding subsequence in the sequence
            ## nuc
            START_nuc = START*3
            END_nuc = END*3
            seq_gap_nuc = seq_gap_nuc[:START_nuc] + seq_nuc[START_nuc:END_nuc] + seq_gap_nuc[END_nuc:]
        ## 4.5 ## Save new sequence in bash if not empty
        seq_empty_test = string.replace(seq_gap, "-", "")
        if seq_empty_test != "":
            new_bash_aa[fasta_name] = seq_gap

        seq_empty_test = string.replace(seq_gap_nuc, "-", "")
        if seq_empty_test != "":
            new_bash_nuc[fasta_name] = seq_gap_nuc

    # 4.6 ## Correct the nb of sequence in the output name, if necessary    
    n0 += 1
    name_elems[1] = file.split('_')[1]
    #name_elems[1] = str(n0)
    name_elems[3] = str(len(new_bash_nuc.keys()))
    new_name = "_".join(name_elems)
    dico_dico[new_name] = [new_bash_aa, new_bash_nuc]

## [FILTER 6]: print output only if at least "MIN_SPECIES_NB" species remaining in the alignment
for name in list_new_file :
    dicoo = dico_dico[name]
    dico_aa = dicoo[0]
    dico_nuc = dicoo[1]
    sp_nbre = len(dico_aa.keys())

    if sp_nbre >= MIN_SPECIES_NB :
        file_OUTaa = open("%s/%s" %(path_OUT1, name), "w")
        file_OUTnuc = open("%s/%s" %(path_OUT2, name), "w")

        for fasta_name in dico_aa.keys() :
            seq_aa = dico_aa[fasta_name]
            file_OUTaa.write("%s\n" %fasta_name)
            file_OUTaa.write("%s\n" %seq_aa)
        for fasta_name in dico_nuc.keys() :
            seq_nuc = dico_nuc[fasta_name]
            file_OUTnuc.write("%s\n" %fasta_name)
            file_OUTnuc.write("%s\n" %seq_nuc)



if sys.argv[2] == "oui" :
    print "\nIn locus with CDS considering Methionine : \n"
else :
    print "\nIn locus with CDS regardless of the Methionine : \n"

print "\nTotal number of locus recorded  = %d" %n0