diff hexagram-6ae12361157c/hexagram/tools.js~ @ 0:1407e3634bcf draft default tip

Uploaded r11 from test tool shed.
author adam-novak
date Tue, 22 Oct 2013 14:17:59 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/hexagram-6ae12361157c/hexagram/tools.js~	Tue Oct 22 14:17:59 2013 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
+// tools.js: Code to run all the tools in the menu bar.
+// References globals in hexagram.js to actually do the tools' work.
+// To add a tool:
+// * Make a $(function() {...}); block to hold your code.
+// * Add a tool with add_tool with your tool code as the callback.
+// * Add at least one tool listener with add_tool_listener. Give it cleanup code
+//   if necessary to remove temporary UI elements.
+// * Make sure to set selected_tool to undefined when your tool's normal 
+//   workflow completes, so that the infowindow can use click events again.
+//   (it got set to your tool's name by the code prepended to your callback).
+$(function() {
+    // Set up the add text control
+    add_tool("add-text", "Add Text...", function() {
+        // We'll prompt the user for some text, and then put a label where they 
+        // next click.
+        var text = prompt("Enter some text, and click anywhere on the " +
+            "visualization to place it there", "Label Text");
+        if(!text) {
+            // They don't want to put a label
+            print("Not putting any text");
+            selected_tool = undefined;
+            return;
+        }
+        // Add a tool listenerr that places the label. It fires on a click 
+        // anywhere on anything on the map, including the background. We keep a 
+        // handle to it so we can remove it when it fires, ensuring we get just 
+        // one label. See http://stackoverflow.com/a/1544185
+        var handle = add_tool_listener("click", function(event) {
+            // Make a new MapLabel at the click position
+            // See http://bit.ly/18MbLhR (the MapLabel library example page)
+            var map_label = new MapLabel({
+                text: text,
+                position: event.latLng,
+                map: googlemap,
+                fontSize: 10,
+                align: "left"
+            });
+            // Subscribe tool listeners to the label
+            subscribe_tool_listeners(map_label);
+            // Don't trigger again
+            remove_tool_listener(handle);
+        }, function() {
+            // Cleanup: de-select ourselves.
+            selected_tool = undefined;
+        });
+    });
+$(function() {
+    // Set up the selection tool
+    add_tool("select", "Select", function() {
+        // Turn on a crosshair cursor
+        googlemap.setOptions({
+            draggableCursor:"crosshair"
+        });
+        // Add a listener to start the selection where the user clicks
+        var start_handle = add_tool_listener("click",
+            function(event) {
+            // Don't trigger again
+            remove_tool_listener(start_handle);
+            // Turn on a crosshair cursor again
+            googlemap.setOptions({
+                draggableCursor:"crosshair"
+            });
+            // Store the start of the selection
+            var selection_start = event.latLng;
+            print("Selection started at " + selection_start);
+            // Make a rectangle for the selection
+            var rectangle = new google.maps.Rectangle({
+                fillColor: "#FFFFFF",
+                strokeColor: "#FFFFFF",
+                strokeWeight: 2,
+                strokeOpacity: 1.0,
+                fillOpacity: 0.5,
+                // Don't give us a clickable cursor, or take mouse events.
+                clickable: false, 
+                map: googlemap,
+                bounds: new google.maps.LatLngBounds(selection_start, 
+                    selection_start)
+            });
+            // This holds a selection preview event handler that should happen
+            // when we mouse over the map or the rectangle.
+            var preview = function(event) {
+                // Store the end of the selection (provisionally)
+                var selection_end = event.latLng;
+                if(selection_end.lng() < selection_start.lng()) {
+                    // The user has selected a backwards rectangle, which wraps
+                    // across the place where the globe is cut. None of our 
+                    // selections ever need to do this.
+                    // Make the rectangle backwards
+                    rectangle.setBounds(new google.maps.LatLngBounds(
+                        selection_end, selection_start));    
+                } else {
+                    // Make the rectangle forwards
+                    rectangle.setBounds(new google.maps.LatLngBounds(
+                        selection_start, selection_end));    
+                }
+            }
+            // This holds a cleanup function to get rid of the rectangle when 
+            // the resizing listener goes away.
+            var preview_cleanup = function() {
+                // Remove the rectangle
+                rectangle.setMap(undefined);
+                // Remove the crosshair cursor
+                googlemap.setOptions({
+                    draggableCursor: undefined
+                });
+            };
+            // Add a mouse move listener for interactivity
+            // Works over the map, hexes, or the rectangle.
+            var move_handle = add_tool_listener("mousemove", preview, 
+                preview_cleanup);
+            // We need a listener to finish the selection
+            var finish = function(event) {
+                // Don't trigger again
+                remove_tool_listener(stop_handle);
+                // Also stop the dynamic updates. This removes the rectangle.
+                remove_tool_listener(move_handle);
+                // Store the end of the selection
+                var selection_end = event.latLng;
+                print("Selection ended at " + selection_end);
+                // Select the rectangle by arbitrary corners.
+                select_rectangle(selection_start, selection_end);    
+            };
+            // Attach the listener.
+            // The listener can still use its own handle because variable 
+            // references are resolved at runtime.
+            var stop_handle = add_tool_listener("click", finish, function() {
+                // Cleanup: say this tool is no longer selected
+                selected_tool = undefined;
+            });
+        }, function() {
+            // Remove the crosshair cursor
+            googlemap.setOptions({
+                draggableCursor: undefined
+            });
+        });
+    });
+// A tool for importing a list of hexes as a selection
+$(function() {
+    add_tool("import", "Import...", function() {
+        // Make the import form
+        var import_form = $("<form/>").attr("title", 
+            "Import List As Selection");
+        import_form.append($("<div/>").text("Input names, one per line:"));
+        // A big text box
+        var text_area = $("<textarea/>").addClass("import");
+        import_form.append(text_area);
+        import_form.append($("<div/>").text(
+            "Open a file:"));
+        // This holds a file form element
+        var file_picker = $("<input/>").attr("type", "file").addClass("import");
+        import_form.append(file_picker);
+        file_picker.change(function(event) {
+            // When a file is selected, read it in and populate the text box.
+            // What file do we really want to read?
+            var file = event.target.files[0];
+            // Make a FileReader to read the file
+            var reader = new FileReader();
+            reader.onload = function(read_event) {  
+                // When we read with readAsText, we get a string. Just stuff it
+                // in the text box for the user to see.
+                text_area.text(reader.result);
+            };
+            // Read the file, and, when it comes in, stick it in the textbox.
+            reader.readAsText(file);
+        });
+        import_form.dialog({
+            modal: true,
+            buttons: {
+                "Import": function() {
+                    // Do the import of the data. The data in question is always
+                    // in the textbox.
+                    // Select all the entered hexes
+                    select_string(text_area.val());
+                    // Finally, close the dialog
+                    $(this).dialog("close");
+                    // Done with the tool
+                    selected_tool = undefined;
+                }   
+            },
+            close: function() {
+                // They didn't want to use this tool.
+                selected_tool = undefined;
+            }
+        });
+    });
+// The actual text to selection import function used by that tool
+function select_string(string) {
+    // Given a string of hex names, one per line, make a selection of all those
+    // hexes.
+    // This is an array of signature names entered.
+    var to_select = [];
+    // This holds the array of lines. Split on newlines (as seen in
+    // jQuery.tsv.js)
+    var lines = string.split(/\r?\n/);
+    for(var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
+        // Trim and add to our requested selection
+        to_select.push(lines[i].trim());
+    }
+    // Add a selection with as many of the requested hexes as actually exist and
+    // pass the current filters.
+    select_list(to_select);
+// And a tool for exporting selections as lists of hexes
+$(function() {
+    add_tool("export", "Export...", function() {
+        // Make the export form
+        var export_form = $("<form/>").attr("title", 
+            "Export Selection As List");
+        export_form.append($("<div/>").text("Select a selection to export:"));
+        // Make a select box for picking from all selections.
+        var select_box = $("<select/>");
+        // Populate it with all existing selections
+        for(var layer_name in layers) {
+            if(layers[layer_name].selection) {
+                // This is a selection, so add it to the dropdown.
+                select_box.append($("<option/>").text(layer_name).attr("value",
+                    layer_name));
+            }
+        }
+        export_form.append(select_box);
+        export_form.append($("<div/>").text("Exported data:"));
+        // A big text box
+        var text_area = $("<textarea/>").addClass("export");
+        text_area.prop("readonly", true);
+        export_form.append(text_area);
+        // Add a download as file link. The "download" attribute makes the
+        // browser save it, and the href data URI holds the data.
+        var download_link = $("<a/>").attr("download", "selection.txt");
+        download_link.attr("href", "data:text/plain;base64,");
+        download_link.text("Download As Text");
+        export_form.append(download_link);
+        text_area.focus(function() {
+            // Select all on focus.
+            $(this).select();
+        });
+        text_area.mouseup(function(event) {
+            // Don't change selection on mouseup. See
+            // http://stackoverflow.com/a/5797700/402891 and
+            // http://stackoverflow.com/q/3380458/402891
+            event.preventDefault();
+        });
+        select_box.change(function() {
+            // Update the text area with the list of hexes in the selected
+            // layer.
+            // Get the layer name.
+            var layer_name = select_box.val();
+            if(!have_layer(layer_name)) {
+                // Not a real layer.
+                // Probably just an empty select or something
+                return;
+            }
+            // This holds our list. We build it in a string so we can escape it
+            // with one .text() call when adding it to the page.
+            var exported = "";
+            // Get the layer data to export
+            var layer_data = layers[layer_name].data;
+            for(var signature in layer_data) {
+                if(layer_data[signature]) {
+                    // It's selected, put it in
+                    if(exported != "") {
+                        // If there's already text, put a newline first.
+                        exported += "\n";
+                    }
+                    exported += signature;
+                }
+            }
+            // Now we know all the signatures from the selection, so tell the
+            // page.
+            text_area.text(exported);
+            // Also fill in the data URI for saving. We use the handy
+            // window.bota encoding function.
+            download_link.attr("href", "data:text/plain;base64," + 
+                window.btoa(exported));
+        });
+        // Trigger the change event on the select box for the first selected
+        // thing, if any.
+        select_box.change();
+        export_form.dialog({
+            modal: true,
+            buttons: {
+                "Done": function() {
+                    // First, close the dialog
+                    $(this).dialog("close");
+                    // Done with the tool
+                    selected_tool = undefined;
+                }   
+            },
+            close: function() {
+                // They didn't want to use this tool.
+                selected_tool = undefined;
+            }
+        });
+    });