comparison Tools/Second/ @ 0:229d36377838 draft

author amadeo
date Mon, 05 Sep 2016 05:53:08 -0400
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:229d36377838
1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
3 $|=1;
4 use warnings;
5 use strict;
6 #Script that takes a gff format file from as input and compares contiguous motifs listed in the gff file.
7 #If motifs overlap and surpass the threshold, then it will remove that motif with the highest p value.
9 my $line;
10 my @cols;
11 my %hash;
12 my %hash_negative;
13 my $gene;
14 my @sequences;
15 my $seq_len;
16 my $OL;
17 my @output_pos;
18 my @output_neg;
19 my $actual_pvalue;
20 my $actual_pvalue_neg;
21 my $pvalue;
22 my $pvalue_neg;
25 if(@ARGV < 4){
26 print "\nUsage: fimo-test-sue.gff fimo-nol-pos.gff fimo-nol-neg.gff overlap_percentage\n\n";
27 exit(0);
28 }
32 open(FIMO, "<$ARGV[0]") ||
33 die "File '$ARGV[0]' not found\n";
34 open(POSITIVE, ">$ARGV[1]") ||
35 die "File '>$ARGV[1]' not found\n";
36 open(NEGATIVE, ">$ARGV[2]") ||
37 die "File '>$ARGV[2]' not found\n";
39 # Getting overlap value form user and testing to see if it's 0-100 and
40 # converting to 0-1 scale.
41 if ($ARGV[3] >0.0 && $ARGV[3] <=100){
42 $OL=$ARGV[3]/100;
43 }
44 else{
45 print" ERROR: overlap is a value 0-100\n";
46 exit(0);
47 }
48 #print "OL is $OL\n";
50 while (<FIMO>) {
51 $line=$_; #assigning line to variable $line | $_ is a special default variable that here holds the line contents
52 chomp $line; #avoid \n on last field
53 @cols=split;#Splits the string EXPR into a list of strings and returns the list in list context, or the size of the list in scalar context.
54 #This is very useful because the data of the gff file can be called using this variable.
55 my $pos1;
56 my $pos2;
57 my $scalar;
58 my $decimal;
59 my $e;
61 my @list=();
62 if ($line=~/^#/){
63 printf POSITIVE"%s\n", $line;
64 printf NEGATIVE"%s\n", $line;
65 }
66 elsif ($line!~/^##/ and $cols[6]eq"+") {
67 @cols=split;
68 #$TF= substr $cols[8],5,8; #in this case we don't need that the hash considers the motif
69 $gene=substr $cols[0],0,21;
70 $pos1 = $cols[3]; #start position of the motif
71 $pos2=$cols[4]; #end position of the motif
72 @list=();
73 @list=($pos1,$pos2);
74 @sequences= split( "=", $cols[9]);
75 $seq_len = int(length (substr $sequences[1],0,-1)); #returns the length of the sequence
76 ####These variables consider the p value####
77 $decimal= substr $cols[8],-16,4;
78 $e=substr $cols[8],-11,3;
79 $decimal =~ s/[^.\d]//g; #This removes all nondigit characters from the string.
80 $actual_pvalue=$decimal*(10**$e); #it will take the p value of the current line
81 ####====###
82 if (not exists $hash{$gene}) { #Every time that a block of a gene with all the different motifs starts, it will register
83 #the gene in a hash: gene as a key and pos1 and pos2 as values.
84 $hash{$gene}=\@list;
85 $pvalue=$actual_pvalue; #p value of the current line that it will be compared in the next loop
86 push @output_pos, $line; #it saves the information of the gene motif in the array
87 }
89 elsif (not($pos1>=@{$hash{$gene}}[0] and $pos1<=@{$hash{$gene}}[1])
90 and not($pos2>=@{$hash{$gene}}[0] and $pos2<=@{$hash{$gene}}[1])) {#if the gene exists and the motif is not overlaped
91 #with the previous one
92 #then it will take the line in the list and it will
93 #consider the p value in the next loop
94 $hash{$gene}=\@list;
95 $pvalue=$actual_pvalue;
96 push @output_pos, $line;
97 }
100 elsif (
102 (not($pos1>=@{$hash{$gene}}[0] and $pos1<=@{$hash{$gene}}[1])and
103 ($pos2>=@{$hash{$gene}}[0] and $pos2<=@{$hash{$gene}}[1]) and (int($pos2-(@{$hash{$gene}}[0]))/$seq_len)<$OL)
105 ) {#If the actual motif overlaps with the previous motif and the overlaping sequence includes the second position
106 #position and not the first one of the actual motif AND it doesn't surpass the threshold $OL then it will consider the line.
107 #It will store it in the array and its p value it will consider in the next loop.
108 $hash{$gene}=\@list;
109 $pvalue=$actual_pvalue;
110 push @output_pos, $line;
111 #print $pvalue , "\n";
112 }
113 elsif (
115 (not($pos1>=@{$hash{$gene}}[0] and $pos1<=@{$hash{$gene}}[1])and
116 ($pos2>=@{$hash{$gene}}[0] and $pos2<=@{$hash{$gene}}[1]) and (int($pos2-(@{$hash{$gene}}[0]))/$seq_len)>$OL)
117 and $actual_pvalue<$pvalue
120 ) { #If the actual motif overlaps with the previous motif and the overlaping sequence includes the second
121 #position and not the first one of the actual motif AND it DOES surpass the threshold $OL but the actual motif has a lower p value
122 #than the last considered;then it will consider the line and it will remove the previous motif from the array; considering the motif
123 #with the lowest p value. This p value will consider in the next loop.
124 pop @output_pos;
125 $hash{$gene}=\@list;
126 $pvalue=$actual_pvalue;
127 push @output_pos, $line;
128 #print $pvalue , "\n";
129 }
130 elsif (
132 ((($pos1>=@{$hash{$gene}}[0] and $pos1<=@{$hash{$gene}}[1]) and (int((@{$hash{$gene}}[1])-$pos1)/$seq_len)<$OL )
133 and not($pos2>=@{$hash{$gene}}[0] and $pos2<=@{$hash{$gene}}[1]))
135 ) {#If the actual motif overlaps with the previous motif and the overlaping sequence includes the first position
136 #position and not the first one of the actual motif AND it doesn't surpass the threshold $OL then it will consider the line.
137 #It will store it in the array and its p value it will consider in the next loop.
139 $hash{$gene}=\@list;
140 $pvalue=$actual_pvalue;
141 push @output_pos, $line;
142 }
143 elsif (
145 ((($pos1>=@{$hash{$gene}}[0] and $pos1<=@{$hash{$gene}}[1]) and (int((@{$hash{$gene}}[1])-$pos1)/$seq_len)>$OL )
146 and not($pos2>=@{$hash{$gene}}[0] and $pos2<=@{$hash{$gene}}[1])) and $actual_pvalue<$pvalue
147 #If the actual motif overlaps with the previous motif and the overlaping sequence includes the first
148 #position and not the second one of the actual motif AND it DOES surpass the threshold $OL but the actual motif has a lower p value
149 #than the last considered;then it will consider the line and it will remove the previous motif from the array; considering the motif
150 #with the lowest p value. This p value will consider in the next loop.
151 ) {
152 $hash{$gene}=\@list;
153 $pvalue=$actual_pvalue;
154 pop @output_pos;
155 push @output_pos, $line;
156 }
157 elsif (
159 (($pos1>=@{$hash{$gene}}[0] and $pos1<=@{$hash{$gene}}[1])
160 and ($pos2>=@{$hash{$gene}}[0] and $pos2<=@{$hash{$gene}}[1])) and $actual_pvalue<$pvalue
162 ) {
163 $hash{$gene}=\@list;
164 $pvalue=$actual_pvalue;
165 pop @output_pos;
166 push @output_pos, $line;
167 }
170 }
172 ##===========Same strategy applied to the motifs located in the minus strand===========#
173 elsif ($line!~/^##/ and $cols[6]eq"-") {
174 @cols=split;
175 #$TF= substr $cols[8],5,8;
176 $gene=substr $cols[0],0,21;
177 $pos1 = $cols[3];
178 $pos2=$cols[4];
179 @list=();
180 @list=($pos1,$pos2);
181 @sequences= split( "=", $cols[9]);
182 $seq_len = int(length (substr $sequences[1],0,-1));
183 $decimal= substr $cols[8],-16,4;
184 $e=substr $cols[8],-11,3;
185 $decimal =~ s/[^.\d]//g; #This removes all nondigit characters from the string.
186 $actual_pvalue_neg=$decimal*(10**$e);
188 if (not exists $hash_negative{$gene}) {
189 $hash_negative{$gene}=\@list;
190 $pvalue_neg=$actual_pvalue_neg;
191 push @output_neg, $line;
192 }
194 elsif (not($pos1>=@{$hash_negative{$gene}}[0] and $pos1<=@{$hash_negative{$gene}}[1])
195 and not($pos2>=@{$hash_negative{$gene}}[0] and $pos2<=@{$hash_negative{$gene}}[1])) {
196 $pvalue_neg=$actual_pvalue_neg;
197 $hash_negative{$gene}=\@list;
198 push @output_neg, $line;
199 }
202 elsif (
204 (not($pos1>=@{$hash_negative{$gene}}[0] and $pos1<=@{$hash_negative{$gene}}[1])and
205 ($pos2>=@{$hash_negative{$gene}}[0] and $pos2<=@{$hash_negative{$gene}}[1]) and (int($pos2-(@{$hash_negative{$gene}}[0]))/$seq_len)<$OL )
206 ) {
207 $pvalue_neg=$actual_pvalue_neg;
208 $hash_negative{$gene}=\@list;
209 push @output_neg, $line;
210 }
211 elsif (
213 (not($pos1>=@{$hash_negative{$gene}}[0] and $pos1<=@{$hash_negative{$gene}}[1]) and
214 ($pos2>=@{$hash_negative{$gene}}[0] and $pos2<=@{$hash_negative{$gene}}[1]) and (int($pos2-(@{$hash_negative{$gene}}[0]))/$seq_len)>$OL and
215 $actual_pvalue_neg<$pvalue_neg)
216 ) {
217 $pvalue=$actual_pvalue_neg;
218 $hash_negative{$gene}=\@list;
219 pop @output_neg;
220 push @output_neg, $line;
221 }
222 elsif (
223 ((($pos1>=@{$hash_negative{$gene}}[0] and $pos1<=@{$hash_negative{$gene}}[1]) and (int((@{$hash_negative{$gene}}[1])-$pos1)/$seq_len)<$OL )
224 and not($pos2>=@{$hash_negative{$gene}}[0] and $pos2<=@{$hash_negative{$gene}}[1] ))
225 ) {
226 $pvalue_neg=$actual_pvalue_neg;
227 $hash_negative{$gene}=\@list;
228 push @output_neg, $line;
229 }
230 elsif (
231 ((($pos1>=@{$hash_negative{$gene}}[0] and $pos1<=@{$hash_negative{$gene}}[1]) and
232 (int((@{$hash_negative{$gene}}[1])-$pos1)/$seq_len)>$OL )
233 and not($pos2>=@{$hash_negative{$gene}}[0] and $pos2<=@{$hash_negative{$gene}}[1] )and
234 $actual_pvalue_neg<$pvalue_neg)
235 ) {
236 $pvalue_neg=$actual_pvalue_neg;
237 $hash_negative{$gene}=\@list;
238 pop @output_neg;
239 push @output_neg, $line;
240 }
242 elsif (
243 ((($pos1>=@{$hash_negative{$gene}}[0] and $pos1<=@{$hash_negative{$gene}}[1]) )
244 and ($pos2>=@{$hash_negative{$gene}}[0] and $pos2<=@{$hash_negative{$gene}}[1] )and
245 $actual_pvalue_neg<$pvalue_neg)
246 ) {
247 $pvalue_neg=$actual_pvalue_neg;
248 $hash_negative{$gene}=\@list;
249 pop @output_neg;
250 push @output_neg, $line;
251 }
254 }
255 }
256 foreach my $lines_pos (@output_pos){
257 printf POSITIVE"%s\n", $lines_pos;
259 }
260 foreach my $lines_neg (@output_neg){
261 printf NEGATIVE"%s\n", $lines_neg;
262 }