33 This tool will generate all possible combination of observed STR length profiles of the consecutive alleles from given error profile. The range of observed read lengths can be filtered to contain only those that are frequently occur using "Minimum error rate to be considered" parameter.
35 This program will collect the lists of valid (pass "Minimum error rate to be considered" threshold) observed length profiles from combination of consecutive allele lengths. The lists that are equivalent or the subset of the other lists will be removed. For each depth and each list, length profile were generated from combination with replacement which compatible with python 2.7. There could be redundant error profiles generated from different lists if more than one combination of allele is generated due to overlap range of observed microsatellite lengths. The user need to remove them which can be done easily using **sort | uniq** command in unix.
40 When you use this tool, please cite **Fungtammasan A, Ananda G, Hile SE, Su MS, Sun C, Harris R, Medvedev P, Eckert K, Makova KD. 2015. Accurate Typing of Short Tandem Repeats from Genome-wide Sequencing Data and its Applications, Genome Research**
68 - Using the default minimum probability (fraction of reads) of 0.00000001 and motif = A, all observed STR lengths are valid. The program will generated lists of observed length profiles from consecutive allele lengths ::
75 - The program will then generate all combinations with replacement for each depth from each list. Using **maximum read depth levels =3**, we will get the following output. ::