Mercurial > repos > artbio > gsc_high_dimensions_visualisation
view high_dim_visu.R @ 5:569334568afa draft
"planemo upload for repository commit 1b98c85982a2a9f9df4b318f672b9b68cff66a93"
author | artbio |
date | Mon, 02 Sep 2019 04:39:20 -0400 |
parents | 8e17c31c536a |
children | 19bef589f876 |
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# load packages that are provided in the conda env options( show.error.messages=F, error = function () { cat( geterrmessage(), file=stderr() ); q( "no", 1, F ) } ) loc <- Sys.setlocale("LC_MESSAGES", "en_US.UTF-8") warnings() library(optparse) library(FactoMineR) library(factoextra) library(Rtsne) library(ggplot2) library(ggfortify) library(RColorBrewer) library(ClusterR) library(data.table) # Arguments option_list = list( make_option( "--data", default = NA, type = 'character', help = "Input file that contains expression value to visualise" ), make_option( "--sep", default = '\t', type = 'character', help = "File separator [default : '%default' ]" ), make_option( "--colnames", default = TRUE, type = 'logical', help = "Consider first line as header ? [default : '%default' ]" ), make_option( "--out", default = "", type = 'character', help = "Output name [default : '%default' ]" ), make_option( "--labels", default = FALSE, type = 'logical', help = "add labels in scatter plots [default : '%default' ]" ), make_option( "--factor", default = '', type = 'character', help = "A two column table that specifies factor levels for contrasting data [default : '%default' ]" ), make_option( "--visu_choice", default = 'PCA', type = 'character', help = "visualisation method ('PCA', 'tSNE', 'HCPC') [default : '%default' ]" ), make_option( "--table_coordinates", default = '', type = 'character', help = "Table with plot coordinates [default : '%default' ]" ), make_option( "--Rtsne_seed", default = 42, type = 'integer', help = "Seed value for reproducibility [default : '%default' ]" ), make_option( "--Rtsne_dims", default = 2, type = 'integer', help = "Output dimensionality [default : '%default' ]" ), make_option( "--Rtsne_initial_dims", default = 50, type = 'integer', help = "The number of dimensions that should be retained in the initial PCA step [default : '%default' ]" ), make_option( "--Rtsne_perplexity", default = 5.0, type = 'numeric', help = "perplexity [default : '%default' ]" ), make_option( "--Rtsne_theta", default = 1.0, type = 'numeric', help = "theta [default : '%default' ]" ), make_option( "--Rtsne_max_iter", default = 1000, type = 'integer', help = "max_iter [default : '%default' ]" ), make_option( "--Rtsne_pca", default = TRUE, type = 'logical', help = "Whether an initial PCA step should be performed [default : '%default' ]" ), make_option( "--Rtsne_pca_center", default = TRUE, type = 'logical', help = "Should data be centered before pca is applied? [default : '%default' ]" ), make_option( "--Rtsne_pca_scale", default = FALSE, type = 'logical', help = "Should data be scaled before pca is applied? [default : '%default' ]" ), make_option( "--Rtsne_normalize", default = TRUE, type = 'logical', help = "Should data be normalized internally prior to distance calculations? [default : '%default' ]" ), make_option( "--Rtsne_exaggeration_factor", default = 12.0, type = 'numeric', help = " Exaggeration factor used to multiply the P matrix in the first part of the optimization [default : '%default' ]" ), make_option( "--PCA_npc", default = 5, type = 'integer', help = "number of dimensions kept in the results [default : '%default' ]" ), make_option( "--PCA_x_axis", default = 1, type = 'integer', help = "PC to plot in the x axis [default : '%default' ]" ), make_option( "--PCA_y_axis", default = 2, type = 'integer', help = "PC to plot in the y axis [default : '%default' ]" ), make_option( "--HCPC_ncluster", default = -1, type = 'numeric', help = "nb.clust, number of clusters to consider in the hierarchical clustering. [default : -1 let HCPC to optimize the number]" ), make_option( "--HCPC_npc", default = 5, type = 'integer', help = "npc, number of dimensions which are kept for HCPC analysis [default : '%default' ]" ), make_option( "--HCPC_metric", default = 'euclidean', type = 'character', help = "Metric to be used for calculating dissimilarities between observations, available 'euclidean' or 'manhattan' [default : '%default' ]" ), make_option( "--HCPC_method", default = 'ward', type = 'character', help = "Clustering method between 'ward','average','single', 'complete', 'weighted' [default :'%default']" ), make_option( "--pdf_out", default = "out.pdf", type = 'character', help = "pdf of plots [default : '%default' ]" ), make_option( "--HCPC_consol", default = 'TRUE', type = 'logical', help = "If TRUE, a k-means consolidation is performed [default :'%default']" ), make_option( "--HCPC_itermax", default = '10', type = 'integer', help = "The maximum number of iterations for the consolidation [default :'%default']" ), make_option( "--HCPC_min", default = '3', type = 'integer', help = "The least possible number of clusters suggested [default :'%default']" ), make_option( "--HCPC_max", default = -1, type = 'integer', help = "The higher possible number of clusters suggested [default :'%default']" ), make_option( "--HCPC_clusterCA", default = 'rows', type = 'character', help = "A string equals to 'rows' or 'columns' for the clustering of Correspondence Analysis results [default :'%default']" ), make_option( "--HCPC_kk", default = Inf, type = 'numeric', help = "The maximum number of iterations for the consolidation [default :'%default']" ), make_option( "--HCPC_clust", default = "", type = 'character', help = "Output result of HCPC clustering : two column table (cell identifiers and clusters) [default :'%default']" ), make_option( "--HCPC_mutual_info", default = "", type = "character", help = "Output file of external validation of HCPC clustering with factor levels [default :'%default']" ), make_option( "--HCPC_cluster_description", default = "", type = "character", help = "Output file with variables most contributing to clustering [default :'%default']" ) ) opt = parse_args(OptionParser(option_list = option_list), args = commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)) if (opt$sep == "tab") {opt$sep <- "\t"} if (opt$sep == "comma") {opt$sep <- ","} if(opt$HCPC_max == -1) {opt$HCPC_max <- NULL} if(opt$HCPC_kk == -1) {opt$HCPC_kk <- Inf} ##Add legend to plot() legend.col <- function(col, lev){ opar <- par n <- length(col) bx <- par("usr") <- c(bx[2] + (bx[2] - bx[1]) / 1000, bx[2] + (bx[2] - bx[1]) / 1000 + (bx[2] - bx[1]) / 50) <- c(bx[3], bx[3]) <- (bx[4] - bx[3]) / n xx <- rep(, each = 2) par(xpd = TRUE) for(i in 1:n){ yy <- c([1] + ( * (i - 1)),[1] + ( * (i)),[1] + ( * (i)),[1] + ( * (i - 1))) polygon(xx, yy, col = col[i], border = col[i]) } par(new = TRUE) plot(0, 0, type = "n", ylim = c(min(lev), max(lev)), yaxt = "n", ylab = "", xaxt = "n", xlab = "", frame.plot = FALSE) axis(side = 4, las = 2, tick = FALSE, line = .25) par <- opar } data = read.table( opt$data, check.names = FALSE, header = opt$colnames, row.names = 1, sep = opt$sep ) # Contrasting factor and its colors if (opt$factor != '') { contrasting_factor <- read.delim( opt$factor, header = TRUE ) rownames(contrasting_factor) <- contrasting_factor[,1] contrasting_factor <- contrasting_factor[colnames(data),] colnames(contrasting_factor) <- c("id","factor") if(is.numeric(contrasting_factor$factor)){ factor_cols <- rev(brewer.pal(n = 11, name = "RdYlGn"))[contrasting_factor$factor] } else { contrasting_factor$factor <- as.factor(contrasting_factor$factor) if(nlevels(contrasting_factor$factor) == 2){ colors_labels <- c("#E41A1C", "#377EB8") } else { colors_labels <- brewer.pal(nlevels(contrasting_factor$factor), name = 'Paired') } factorColors <- with(contrasting_factor, data.frame(factor = levels(contrasting_factor$factor), color = I(colors_labels) ) ) factor_cols <- factorColors$color[match(contrasting_factor$factor, factorColors$factor)] } } else { factor_cols <- rep("deepskyblue4", length(rownames(data))) } ################ t-SNE #################### if (opt$visu_choice == 'tSNE') { # filter and transpose df for tsne and pca tdf = t(data) # make tsne and plot results set.seed(opt$Rtsne_seed) ## Sets seed for reproducibility tsne_out <- Rtsne(tdf, dims = opt$Rtsne_dims, initial_dims = opt$Rtsne_initial_dims, perplexity = opt$Rtsne_perplexity , theta = opt$Rtsne_theta, max_iter = opt$Rtsne_max_iter, pca = opt$Rtsne_pca, pca_center = opt$Rtsne_pca_center, pca_scale = opt$Rtsne_pca_scale, normalize = opt$Rtsne_normalize, exaggeration_factor=opt$Rtsne_exaggeration_factor) embedding <-$Y[,1:2]) embedding$Class <- as.factor(rownames(tdf)) gg_legend = theme(legend.position="right") if (opt$factor == '') { ggplot(embedding, aes(x=V1, y=V2)) + geom_point(size=1, color='deepskyblue4') + gg_legend + xlab("t-SNE 1") + ylab("t-SNE 2") + ggtitle('t-SNE') + if (opt$labels) { geom_text(aes(label=Class),hjust=-0.2, vjust=-0.5, size=1.5, color='deepskyblue4') } } else { if(is.numeric(contrasting_factor$factor)){ embedding$factor <- contrasting_factor$factor } else { embedding$factor <- as.factor(contrasting_factor$factor) } ggplot(embedding, aes(x=V1, y=V2, color=factor)) + geom_point(size=1) + #, color=factor_cols gg_legend + xlab("t-SNE 1") + ylab("t-SNE 2") + ggtitle('t-SNE') + if (opt$labels) { geom_text(aes(label=Class, colour=factor),hjust=-0.2, vjust=-0.5, size=1.5) } } ggsave(file=opt$pdf_out, device="pdf") #save coordinates table if(opt$table_coordinates != ''){ coord_table <- cbind(rownames(tdf), round($Y), 6)) colnames(coord_table)=c("Cells",paste0("DIM",(1:opt$Rtsne_dims))) } } ######### make PCA with FactoMineR ################# if (opt$visu_choice == 'PCA') { pca <- PCA(t(data), ncp=opt$PCA_npc, graph=FALSE) pdf(opt$pdf_out) if (opt$labels == FALSE) { plot(pca, axes = c(opt$PCA_x_axis,opt$PCA_y_axis), label="none" , col.ind = factor_cols) } else { plot(pca, axes = c(opt$PCA_x_axis,opt$PCA_y_axis), cex=0.2 , col.ind = factor_cols) } if (opt$factor != '') { if(is.factor(contrasting_factor$factor)) { legend(x = 'topright', legend = as.character(factorColors$factor), col = factorColors$color, pch = 16, bty = 'n', xjust = 1, cex=0.7) } else { legend.col(col = rev(brewer.pal(n = 11, name = "RdYlGn")), lev = cut(contrasting_factor$factor, 11, label = FALSE)) } } #save coordinates table if(opt$table_coordinates != ''){ coord_table <- cbind(rownames(pca$ind$coord), round($ind$coord), 6)) colnames(coord_table)=c("Cells",paste0("DIM",(1:opt$PCA_npc))) } } ########### make HCPC with FactoMineR ########## if (opt$visu_choice == 'HCPC') { # HCPC starts with a PCA pca <- PCA( t(data), ncp = opt$HCPC_npc, graph = FALSE, ) PCA_IndCoord =$ind$coord) # coordinates of observations in PCA # Hierarchical Clustering On Principal Components Followed By Kmean Clustering res.hcpc <- HCPC(pca, nb.clust=opt$HCPC_ncluster, metric=opt$HCPC_metric, method=opt$HCPC_method, graph=F,consol=opt$HCPC_consol,iter.max=opt$HCPC_itermax,min=opt$HCPC_min,max=opt$HCPC_max, cluster.CA=opt$HCPC_clusterCA,kk=opt$HCPC_kk) # HCPC plots dims <- head($call$t$res$eig),2) # dims variances in column 2 pdf(opt$pdf_out) plot(res.hcpc, choice="tree") plot(res.hcpc, choice="bar") plot(res.hcpc, choice="") if (opt$labels == FALSE) { plot(res.hcpc, choice="map", label="none") } else { plot(res.hcpc, choice="map") } # user contrasts on the pca if (opt$factor != '') { plot(pca, label="none", col.ind = factor_cols) if(is.factor(contrasting_factor$factor)) { legend(x = 'topright', legend = as.character(factorColors$factor), col = factorColors$color, pch = 16, bty = 'n', xjust = 1, cex=0.7) ## Normalized Mutual Information sink(opt$HCPC_mutual_info) res <- external_validation( true_labels = as.numeric(contrasting_factor$factor), clusters = as.numeric(res.hcpc$data.clust$clust), summary_stats = TRUE ) sink() } else { legend.col(col = rev(brewer.pal(n = 11, name = "RdYlGn")), lev = cut(contrasting_factor$factor, 11, label = FALSE)) } } ## Clusters to which individual observations belong # used ? # Clust <- data.frame(Cluster = res.hcpc$data.clust[, (nrow(data) + 1)], # Observation = rownames(res.hcpc$data.clust)) # metadata <- data.frame(Observation=colnames(data), row.names=colnames(data)) # metadata = merge(y = metadata, # x = Clust, # by = "Observation") # unclear utility # ObsNumberPerCluster =$Cluster)) # colnames(ObsNumberPerCluster) = c("Cluster", "ObsNumber") # # ## Silhouette Plot # not used # hc.cut = hcut(PCA_IndCoord, # k = nlevels(metadata$Cluster), # hc_method = "ward.D2") # # Sil = fviz_silhouette(hc.cut) # sil1 =$data) if(opt$table_coordinates != ''){ coord_table <- cbind(Cell=rownames(res.hcpc$call$X), round($call$X[, -length(res.hcpc$call$X)]), 6),$call$X[, length(res.hcpc$call$X)]) ) colnames(coord_table)=c("Cells",paste0("DIM",(1:opt$HCPC_npc)),"Cluster") } if(opt$HCPC_clust != ""){ res_clustering <- data.frame(Cell = rownames(res.hcpc$data.clust), Cluster = res.hcpc$data.clust$clust) } # Description of cluster by most contributing variables / gene expressions # first transform list of vectors in a list of dataframes extract_description <- lapply(res.hcpc$desc.var$quanti, # second, transfer rownames (genes) to column in the dataframe, before rbinding extract_description_w_genes <- Map(cbind, extract_description, genes= lapply(extract_description, rownames) ) # Then use data.table to collapse all generated dataframe, with the cluster id in first column # using the {data.table} rbindlist function cluster_description <- rbindlist(extract_description_w_genes, idcol = "cluster_id") cluster_description = cluster_description[ ,c(8, 1, 2, 3,4,5,6,7)] # reorganize columns # Finally, output cluster description data frame write.table( cluster_description, file = opt$HCPC_cluster_description, sep = "\t", quote = F, col.names = T, row.names = F ) } ## Return coordinates file to user if(opt$table_coordinates != ''){ write.table( coord_table, file = opt$table_coordinates, sep = "\t", quote = F, col.names = T, row.names = F ) } if(opt$HCPC_clust != ""){ write.table( res_clustering, file = opt$HCPC_clust, sep = "\t", quote = F, col.names = T, row.names = F ) }