comparison @ 0:c375489bbcb0 draft

planemo upload for repository commit ecf95caa7d5e9ab001a75cbf5fb306e7ecd3def3
author artbio
date Sun, 21 Jul 2019 19:22:52 -0400
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:c375489bbcb0
1 {
2 "a_galaxy_workflow": "true",
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5 "format-version": "0.1",
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7 "steps": {
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10 "errors": null,
11 "uuid": "ba008c06-f14c-4096-8e67-aaadc5f4da7f",
12 "tool_version": null,
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14 "workflow_outputs": [
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19 }
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21 "annotation": "",
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23 "input_connections": {},
24 "inputs": [],
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26 "top": 538.5,
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29 "tool_state": "{}",
30 "label": "Protein Blast database",
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32 "id": 1,
33 "name": "Input dataset"
34 },
35 "0": {
36 "tool_id": null,
37 "errors": null,
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53 "top": 269.5,
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58 "type": "data_collection_input",
59 "id": 0,
60 "name": "Input dataset collection"
61 },
62 "3": {
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64 "errors": null,
65 "uuid": "b6115894-4559-4388-8a64-4e7f909ab90c",
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67 "outputs": [
68 {
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70 "name": "paired_output"
71 },
72 {
73 "type": "input",
74 "name": "list_output"
75 },
76 {
77 "type": "input",
78 "name": "out_file1"
79 },
80 {
81 "type": "_sniff_",
82 "name": "paired_out_file"
83 }
84 ],
85 "post_job_actions": {
86 "HideDatasetActionpaired_out_file": {
87 "output_name": "paired_out_file",
88 "action_type": "HideDatasetAction",
89 "action_arguments": {}
90 },
91 "HideDatasetActionpaired_output": {
92 "output_name": "paired_output",
93 "action_type": "HideDatasetAction",
94 "action_arguments": {}
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97 "output_name": "out_file1",
98 "action_type": "HideDatasetAction",
99 "action_arguments": {}
100 },
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104 "action_arguments": {}
105 }
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107 "workflow_outputs": [],
108 "annotation": "",
109 "content_id": "",
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114 }
115 },
116 "inputs": [
117 {
118 "name": "global_condition",
119 "description": "runtime parameter for tool Concatenate multiple datasets"
120 }
121 ],
122 "position": {
123 "top": 276.5,
124 "left": 782
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128 "type": "tool",
129 "id": 3,
130 "tool_shed_repository": {
131 "owner": "artbio",
132 "changeset_revision": "55cf9d9defd1",
133 "name": "concatenate_multiple_datasets",
134 "tool_shed": ""
135 },
136 "name": "Concatenate multiple datasets"
137 },
138 "2": {
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140 "errors": null,
141 "uuid": "23f680f2-4891-4bea-a920-700ef1e95149",
142 "tool_version": "",
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144 {
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147 },
148 {
149 "type": "fastqsanger",
150 "name": "output_aligned_reads_l"
151 },
152 {
153 "type": "fastqsanger",
154 "name": "output_aligned_reads_r"
155 },
156 {
157 "type": "fastqsanger",
158 "name": "output_unaligned_reads_r"
159 },
160 {
161 "type": "bam",
162 "name": "output"
163 },
164 {
165 "type": "txt",
166 "name": "mapping_stats"
167 }
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169 "post_job_actions": {
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171 "output_name": "output_unaligned_reads_l",
172 "action_type": "DeleteIntermediatesAction",
173 "action_arguments": {}
174 },
175 "HideDatasetActionoutput_unaligned_reads_r": {
176 "output_name": "output_unaligned_reads_r",
177 "action_type": "HideDatasetAction",
178 "action_arguments": {}
179 },
180 "HideDatasetActionoutput": {
181 "output_name": "output",
182 "action_type": "HideDatasetAction",
183 "action_arguments": {}
184 },
185 "HideDatasetActionoutput_aligned_reads_l": {
186 "output_name": "output_aligned_reads_l",
187 "action_type": "HideDatasetAction",
188 "action_arguments": {}
189 },
190 "HideDatasetActionmapping_stats": {
191 "output_name": "mapping_stats",
192 "action_type": "HideDatasetAction",
193 "action_arguments": {}
194 },
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196 "output_name": "output_aligned_reads_r",
197 "action_type": "HideDatasetAction",
198 "action_arguments": {}
199 },
200 "HideDatasetActionoutput_unaligned_reads_l": {
201 "output_name": "output_unaligned_reads_l",
202 "action_type": "HideDatasetAction",
203 "action_arguments": {}
204 }
205 },
206 "workflow_outputs": [],
207 "annotation": "Get non-host reads",
208 "content_id": "",
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211 "output_name": "output",
212 "id": 0
213 }
214 },
215 "inputs": [
216 {
217 "name": "library",
218 "description": "runtime parameter for tool Bowtie2"
219 }
220 ],
221 "position": {
222 "top": 302.5,
223 "left": 477
224 },
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227 "type": "tool",
228 "id": 2,
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230 "owner": "devteam",
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233 "tool_shed": ""
234 },
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239 "errors": null,
240 "uuid": "71675030-b426-4e72-ac38-3dcb5c50f420",
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243 {
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246 }
247 ],
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250 {
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262 }
263 },
264 "inputs": [
265 {
266 "name": "input",
267 "description": "runtime parameter for tool Filter sequences by length"
268 }
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271 "top": 316.5,
272 "left": 1482.5
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276 "type": "tool",
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279 "owner": "devteam",
280 "changeset_revision": "2fd6033d0e9c",
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282 "tool_shed": ""
283 },
284 "name": "Filter sequences by length"
285 },
286 "4": {
287 "tool_id": "",
288 "errors": null,
289 "uuid": "b32de930-c74c-4836-b127-0ca17f064df5",
290 "tool_version": "3.12.0+galaxy1",
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293 "type": "tabular",
294 "name": "out_contig_stats"
295 },
296 {
297 "type": "tabular",
298 "name": "out_scaffold_stats"
299 },
300 {
301 "type": "fasta",
302 "name": "out_contigs"
303 },
304 {
305 "type": "fasta",
306 "name": "out_scaffolds"
307 },
308 {
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311 },
312 {
313 "type": "txt",
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315 },
316 {
317 "type": "txt",
318 "name": "scaffold_graph"
319 }
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323 "output_name": "out_contig_stats",
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325 "action_arguments": {}
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333 "output_name": "out_scaffolds",
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335 "action_arguments": {}
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337 "HideDatasetActionout_contigs": {
338 "output_name": "out_contigs",
339 "action_type": "HideDatasetAction",
340 "action_arguments": {}
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352 "label": null
353 },
354 {
355 "output_name": "contig_graph",
356 "uuid": "d40dcf64-77ce-45ad-b8d1-f29bfd15daf2",
357 "label": null
358 }
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366 }
367 },
368 "inputs": [
369 {
370 "name": "pacbio_reads",
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372 },
373 {
374 "name": "nanopore_reads",
375 "description": "runtime parameter for tool SPAdes"
376 },
377 {
378 "name": "trusted_contigs",
379 "description": "runtime parameter for tool SPAdes"
380 },
381 {
382 "name": "untrusted_contigs",
383 "description": "runtime parameter for tool SPAdes"
384 },
385 {
386 "name": "sanger_reads",
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388 }
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392 "left": 1093.5
393 },
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396 "type": "tool",
397 "id": 4,
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399 "owner": "nml",
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403 },
404 "name": "SPAdes"
405 },
406 "7": {
407 "tool_id": "",
408 "errors": null,
409 "uuid": "f281973f-fc95-4393-881f-353a8709c55b",
410 "tool_version": "2.6.1",
411 "outputs": [
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413 "type": "tabular",
414 "name": "tabularOutput"
415 },
416 {
417 "type": "fasta",
418 "name": "fastaOutput"
419 },
420 {
421 "type": "fasta",
422 "name": "al_sequences"
423 },
424 {
425 "type": "fasta",
426 "name": "un_sequences"
427 }
428 ],
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431 "output_name": "al_sequences",
432 "action_type": "HideDatasetAction",
433 "action_arguments": {}
434 },
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436 "output_name": "tabularOutput",
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438 "action_arguments": {
439 "newname": "Assembled contigs matching vir2"
440 }
441 },
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443 "output_name": "un_sequences",
444 "action_type": "HideDatasetAction",
445 "action_arguments": {}
446 },
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451 }
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465 "id": 6
466 },
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469 "id": 5
470 }
471 },
472 "inputs": [
473 {
474 "name": "blast",
475 "description": "runtime parameter for tool Parse blast output and compile hits"
476 },
477 {
478 "name": "sequences",
479 "description": "runtime parameter for tool Parse blast output and compile hits"
480 }
481 ],
482 "position": {
483 "top": 347,
484 "left": 2136
485 },
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488 "type": "tool",
489 "id": 7,
490 "tool_shed_repository": {
491 "owner": "artbio",
492 "changeset_revision": "b4c9c085d709",
493 "name": "blastparser_and_hits",
494 "tool_shed": ""
495 },
496 "name": "Parse blast output and compile hits"
497 },
498 "6": {
499 "tool_id": "",
500 "errors": null,
501 "uuid": "80f46de2-9775-4658-88e2-ebe915185e2f",
502 "tool_version": "0.3.1",
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505 "type": "tabular",
506 "name": "output1"
507 }
508 ],
509 "post_job_actions": {},
510 "workflow_outputs": [
511 {
512 "output_name": "output1",
513 "uuid": "37874627-1583-40e3-9d59-96c0ffa3d5c5",
514 "label": null
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522 "id": 5
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526 "id": 1
527 }
528 },
529 "inputs": [
530 {
531 "name": "db_opts",
532 "description": "runtime parameter for tool NCBI BLAST+ blastx"
533 },
534 {
535 "name": "query",
536 "description": "runtime parameter for tool NCBI BLAST+ blastx"
537 }
538 ],
539 "position": {
540 "top": 460.5,
541 "left": 1763
542 },
543 "tool_state": "{\"evalue_cutoff\": \"\\\"0.001\\\"\", \"output\": \"{\\\"__current_case__\\\": 2, \\\"ext_cols\\\": [\\\"slen\\\"], \\\"ids_cols\\\": null, \\\"misc_cols\\\": null, \\\"out_format\\\": \\\"cols\\\", \\\"std_cols\\\": [\\\"qseqid\\\", \\\"sseqid\\\", \\\"pident\\\", \\\"length\\\", \\\"mismatch\\\", \\\"gapopen\\\", \\\"qstart\\\", \\\"qend\\\", \\\"sstart\\\", \\\"send\\\", \\\"evalue\\\", \\\"bitscore\\\"], \\\"tax_cols\\\": null}\", \"adv_opts\": \"{\\\"__current_case__\\\": 0, \\\"adv_opts_selector\\\": \\\"basic\\\"}\", \"__page__\": null, \"__rerun_remap_job_id__\": null, \"db_opts\": \"{\\\"__current_case__\\\": 1, \\\"database\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"db_opts_selector\\\": \\\"histdb\\\", \\\"histdb\\\": {\\\"__class__\\\": \\\"RuntimeValue\\\"}, \\\"subject\\\": \\\"\\\"}\", \"query_gencode\": \"\\\"1\\\"\", \"blast_type\": \"\\\"blastx\\\"\", \"query\": \"{\\\"__class__\\\": \\\"RuntimeValue\\\"}\"}",
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545 "type": "tool",
546 "id": 6,
547 "tool_shed_repository": {
548 "owner": "devteam",
549 "changeset_revision": "e25d3acf6e68",
550 "name": "ncbi_blast_plus",
551 "tool_shed": ""
552 },
553 "name": "NCBI BLAST+ blastx"
554 }
555 },
556 "annotation": "",
557 "name": "Metavisitor: Spades test in Use Case 2-2"
558 }