changeset 1:0960bd1161fa draft default tip

planemo upload for repository commit f7363f7c391bd501fc4d1c10aaf372ec2bd82732
author artbio
date Mon, 12 Feb 2024 23:57:01 +0000 (13 months ago)
parents fec313f5c889
files pathifier.R pathifier.xml
diffstat 2 files changed, 268 insertions(+), 224 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/pathifier.R	Mon Apr 12 09:55:24 2021 +0000
+++ b/pathifier.R	Mon Feb 12 23:57:01 2024 +0000
@@ -4,10 +4,10 @@
-options(show.error.messages = F, error = function() {
-  cat(geterrmessage(), file = stderr()); q("no", 1, F)
-  }
+options(show.error.messages = FALSE, error = function() {
+    cat(geterrmessage(), file = stderr())
+    q("no", 1, FALSE)
 # we need that to not crash galaxy with an UTF8 error on German LC settings.
 loc <- Sys.setlocale("LC_MESSAGES", "en_US.UTF-8")
@@ -18,106 +18,112 @@
 option_list <- list(
-  make_option(
-    "--exp",
-    type = "character",
-    help = "Expression matrix"),
-  make_option(
-    "--sep",
-    type = "character",
-    default = "\t",
-    help = "File separator [default : '%default']"
-  ),
-  make_option(
-    "--genes",
-    type = "character",
-    help = "Gene sets Pathways : gmt format (one pathway per line : Name, description, genes (one by column), tab separated)"),
-  make_option(
-    "--is_normal",
-    default = F,
-    type = "logical",
-    help = "Define normals cells in your data"),
-  make_option(
-    "--normals",
-    type = "character",
-    help = "A vector of sample status : 1 = Healthy, 0 = Tumor. Must be in the same order as in expression data"),
-  make_option(
-    "--logfile",
-    type = "character",
-    default = "log.txt",
-    help = "Log file name [default : '%default']"
-  ),
-  make_option(
-    "--max_stability",
-    type = "logical",
-    default = T,
-    help = "If true, throw away components leading to low stability of sampling noise [default : '%default']"
-  ),
-  make_option(
-    "--attempts",
-    type = "integer",
-    default = 10,
-    help = "Number of runs to determine stability. [default : '%default']"
-  ),
-  make_option(
-    "--min_std",
-    type = "character",
-    default = "0.4",
-    help = "Minimum of standard deviation to filter out low variable genes.
+    make_option(
+        "--exp",
+        type = "character",
+        help = "Expression matrix"
+    ),
+    make_option(
+        "--sep",
+        type = "character",
+        default = "\t",
+        help = "File separator [default : '%default']"
+    ),
+    make_option(
+        "--genes",
+        type = "character",
+        help = "Gene sets Pathways : gmt format (one pathway per line : Name, description, genes (one by column), tab separated)"
+    ),
+    make_option(
+        "--is_normal",
+        default = FALSE,
+        type = "logical",
+        help = "Define normals cells in your data"
+    ),
+    make_option(
+        "--normals",
+        type = "character",
+        help = "A vector of sample status : 1 = Healthy, 0 = Tumor. Must be in the same order as in expression data"
+    ),
+    make_option(
+        "--logfile",
+        type = "character",
+        default = "log.txt",
+        help = "Log file name [default : '%default']"
+    ),
+    make_option(
+        "--max_stability",
+        type = "logical",
+        default = TRUE,
+        help = "If true, throw away components leading to low stability of sampling noise [default : '%default']"
+    ),
+    make_option(
+        "--attempts",
+        type = "integer",
+        default = 10,
+        help = "Number of runs to determine stability. [default : '%default']"
+    ),
+    make_option(
+        "--min_std",
+        type = "character",
+        default = "0.4",
+        help = "Minimum of standard deviation to filter out low variable genes.
     Use --min.std data, to use the minimum std of your data [default : '%default']"
-  ),
-  make_option(
-    "--min_exp",
-    type = "character",
-    default = "4",
-    help = "Minimum of gene expression to filter out low expressed genes.
+    ),
+    make_option(
+        "--min_exp",
+        type = "character",
+        default = "4",
+        help = "Minimum of gene expression to filter out low expressed genes.
     Use --min.exp data, to use the minimum expression of your data [default : '%default']"
-  ),
-  make_option(
-    "--pds",
-    type = "character",
-    default = "PDS.tsv",
-    help = "Output PDS (Pathway deregulation score) of Pathifier in tabular file [default : '%default']"
-  ),
-  make_option(
-    "--heatmap_cluster_cells",
-    type = "logical",
-    default = TRUE,
-    help = "Cluster columns (cells) in the heatmap [default : '%default']"
-  ),
-  make_option(
-    "--heatmap_cluster_pathways",
-    type = "logical",
-    default = TRUE,
-    help = "Cluster rows (pathways) in the heatmap [default : '%default']"
-  ),
-  make_option(
-    "--heatmap_show_cell_labels",
-    type = "logical",
-    default = FALSE,
-    help = "Print column names (cells) on the heatmap [default : '%default']"
-  ),
-  make_option(
-    "--heatmap_show_pathway_labels",
-    type = "logical",
-    default = FALSE,
-    help = "Print row names (pathways) on the heatmap [default : '%default']"
-  ),
-  make_option(
-    "--plot",
-    type = "character",
-    default = "./plot.pdf",
-    help = "Pathifier visualization [default : '%default']"
-  ),
-  make_option(
-    "--rdata",
-    type = "character",
-    default = "./results.rdata",
-    help = "Pathifier object (S4) [default : '%default']"))
+    ),
+    make_option(
+        "--pds",
+        type = "character",
+        default = "PDS.tsv",
+        help = "Output PDS (Pathway deregulation score) of Pathifier in tabular file [default : '%default']"
+    ),
+    make_option(
+        "--heatmap_cluster_cells",
+        type = "logical",
+        default = TRUE,
+        help = "Cluster columns (cells) in the heatmap [default : '%default']"
+    ),
+    make_option(
+        "--heatmap_cluster_pathways",
+        type = "logical",
+        default = TRUE,
+        help = "Cluster rows (pathways) in the heatmap [default : '%default']"
+    ),
+    make_option(
+        "--heatmap_show_cell_labels",
+        type = "logical",
+        default = FALSE,
+        help = "Print column names (cells) on the heatmap [default : '%default']"
+    ),
+    make_option(
+        "--heatmap_show_pathway_labels",
+        type = "logical",
+        default = FALSE,
+        help = "Print row names (pathways) on the heatmap [default : '%default']"
+    ),
+    make_option(
+        "--plot",
+        type = "character",
+        default = "./plot.pdf",
+        help = "Pathifier visualization [default : '%default']"
+    ),
+    make_option(
+        "--rdata",
+        type = "character",
+        default = "./results.rdata",
+        help = "Pathifier object (S4) [default : '%default']"
+    )
 parser <- OptionParser(usage = "%prog [options] file", option_list = option_list)
 args <- parse_args(parser)
 if (args$sep == "tab") {
-  args$sep <- "\t"
+    args$sep <- "\t"
@@ -125,11 +131,13 @@
 # Load expression data for PATHIFIER
-exp_matrix <- as.matrix(read.delim(file = args$exp,
-                          = T,
-                                   row.names = 1,
-                                   sep = args$sep,
-                                   check.names = F))
+exp_matrix <- as.matrix(read.delim(
+    file = args$exp,
+ = TRUE,
+    row.names = 1,
+    sep = args$sep,
+    check.names = FALSE
 # Load Genesets annotation
 gene_sets_file <- file(args$genes, open = "r")
@@ -146,19 +154,23 @@
 # Prepare data and parameters ##################################################
 # Extract information from binary phenotypes. 1 = Normal, 0 = Tumor
-if (args$is_normal == T) {
-  normals <- read.delim(file = args$normals, h = F)
-  normals <- as.logical(normals[, 2])
-  n_exp_matrix <- exp_matrix[, normals]
-} else n_exp_matrix <- exp_matrix
+if (args$is_normal == TRUE) {
+    normals <- read.delim(file = args$normals, h = FALSE)
+    normals <- as.logical(normals[, 2])
+    n_exp_matrix <- exp_matrix[, normals]
+} else {
+    n_exp_matrix <- exp_matrix
 # Calculate MIN_STD
 rsd <- apply(n_exp_matrix, 1, sd)
 min_std <- quantile(rsd, 0.25)
 # Calculate MIN_EXP
-min_exp <- quantile(as.vector(as.matrix(exp_matrix)),
-                    0.1) # Percentile 10 of data
+min_exp <- quantile(
+    as.vector(as.matrix(exp_matrix)),
+    0.1
+) # Percentile 10 of data
 # Filter low value genes. At least 10% of samples with values over min_exp
 # Set expression levels < MIN_EXP to MIN_EXP
@@ -169,19 +181,23 @@
 exp_matrix_filtered[exp_matrix_filtered < min_exp] <- min_exp
 # Set maximum 5000 genes with more variance
-variable_genes <- names(sort(apply(exp_matrix_filtered, 1, var), decreasing = T))[1:5000]
+variable_genes <- names(sort(apply(exp_matrix_filtered, 1, var), decreasing = TRUE))[1:5000]
 variable_genes <- variable_genes[!]
 exp_matrix_filtered <- exp_matrix_filtered[variable_genes, ]
 allgenes <- as.vector(rownames(exp_matrix_filtered))
 if (args$min_std == "data") {
-  args$min_std <- min_std
-} else args$min_std <- as.numeric(args$min_std)
+    args$min_std <- min_std
+} else {
+    args$min_std <- as.numeric(args$min_std)
 if (args$min_exp == "data") {
-  args$min_exp <- min_exp
-} else args$min_exp <- as.numeric(args$min_exp)
+    args$min_exp <- min_exp
+} else {
+    args$min_exp <- as.numeric(args$min_exp)
 # Open pdf
@@ -191,89 +207,108 @@
 col_score_fun <- colorRamp2(c(0, 0.5, 1), c("#4575B4", "#FFFFBF", "#D73027"))
 # Run Pathifier
-if (args$is_normal == T) {
-  pds <- quantify_pathways_deregulation(exp_matrix_filtered,
-                                        allgenes,
-                                        gs,
-                                        pathwaynames,
-                                        normals,
-                                        maximize_stability = args$max_stability,
-                                        attempts = args$attempts,
-                                        logfile = args$logfile,
-                                        min_std = args$min_std,
-                                        min_exp = args$min_exp)
-  for (i in pathwaynames) {
-    df <- data.frame(pds$curves[[i]][, 1:3],
-                     normal = normals,
-                     PDS = as.numeric(pds$scores[[i]]),
-                     curve_order = as.vector(pds$curves_order[[i]]))
-    ordered <- df[df$curve_order, ]
+if (args$is_normal == TRUE) {
+    pds <- quantify_pathways_deregulation(exp_matrix_filtered,
+        allgenes,
+        gs,
+        pathwaynames,
+        normals,
+        maximize_stability = args$max_stability,
+        attempts = args$attempts,
+        logfile = args$logfile,
+        min_std = args$min_std,
+        min_exp = args$min_exp
+    )
+    for (i in pathwaynames) {
+        df <- data.frame(pds$curves[[i]][, 1:3],
+            normal = normals,
+            PDS = as.numeric(pds$scores[[i]]),
+            curve_order = as.vector(pds$curves_order[[i]])
+        )
+        ordered <- df[df$curve_order, ]
-    layout(cbind(1:2, 1:2), heights = c(7, 1))
-    sc3 <- scatterplot3d(ordered[, 1:3],
-                         main = paste("Principal curve of", i),
-                         box = F, pch = 19, type = "l")
-    sc3$points3d(ordered[, 1:3], box = F, pch = 19,
-                 col = col_score_fun(ordered$PDS))
+        layout(cbind(1:2, 1:2), heights = c(7, 1))
+        sc3 <- scatterplot3d(ordered[, 1:3],
+            main = paste("Principal curve of", i),
+            box = FALSE, pch = 19, type = "l"
+        )
+        sc3$points3d(ordered[, 1:3],
+            box = FALSE, pch = 19,
+            col = col_score_fun(ordered$PDS)
+        )
-    # Plot color scale legend
-    par(mar = c(5, 3, 0, 3))
-    plot(seq(min(ordered$PDS), max(ordered$PDS), length = 100), rep(0, 100), pch = 15,
-        axes = TRUE, yaxt = "n", xlab = "Color scale of PDS", ylab = "", bty = "n",
-        col = col_score_fun(seq(min(ordered$PDS), max(ordered$PDS), length = 100)))
+        # Plot color scale legend
+        par(mar = c(5, 3, 0, 3))
+        plot(seq(min(ordered$PDS), max(ordered$PDS), length = 100), rep(0, 100),
+            pch = 15,
+            axes = TRUE, yaxt = "n", xlab = "Color scale of PDS", ylab = "", bty = "n",
+            col = col_score_fun(seq(min(ordered$PDS), max(ordered$PDS), length = 100))
+        )
-    cols_status <- ifelse(ordered$normal, "blue", "red")
-    sc3 <- scatterplot3d(ordered[, 1:3],
-                         main = paste("Principal curve of", i),
-                         box = F, pch = "", type = "l")
-    sc3$points3d(ordered[, 1:3], box = F,
-                 pch = ifelse(ordered$normal, 19, 8),
-                 col = ifelse(ordered$normal, "blue", "red"))
-    legend("topright", pch = c(19, 8), yjust = 0,
-           legend = c("normal", "cancer"),
-           col = c("blue", "red"), cex = 1.1)
+        cols_status <- ifelse(ordered$normal, "blue", "red")
+        sc3 <- scatterplot3d(ordered[, 1:3],
+            main = paste("Principal curve of", i),
+            box = FALSE, pch = "", type = "l"
+        )
+        sc3$points3d(ordered[, 1:3],
+            box = FALSE,
+            pch = ifelse(ordered$normal, 19, 8),
+            col = ifelse(ordered$normal, "blue", "red")
+        )
+        legend("topright",
+            pch = c(19, 8), yjust = 0,
+            legend = c("normal", "cancer"),
+            col = c("blue", "red"), cex = 1.1
+        )
-    ## annotation for heatmap
-    sample_status <- data.frame(Status = factor(ifelse(df$normal, "normal", "tumor")))
-    rownames(sample_status) <- colnames(exp_matrix_filtered)
-    color_status_heatmap <- list(Status = c(normal = "blue", tumor = "red"))
-  }
-} else{
-  pds <- quantify_pathways_deregulation(exp_matrix_filtered,
-                                        allgenes,
-                                        gs,
-                                        pathwaynames,
-                                        maximize_stability = args$max_stability,
-                                        attempts = args$attempts,
-                                        logfile = args$logfile,
-                                        min_std = args$min_std,
-                                        min_exp = args$min_exp)
-  for (i in pathwaynames) {
-    df <- data.frame(pds$curves[[i]][, 1:3],
-                     PDS = as.numeric(pds$scores[[i]]),
-                     curve_order = as.vector(pds$curves_order[[i]]))
-    ordered <- df[df$curve_order, ]
+        ## annotation for heatmap
+        sample_status <- data.frame(Status = factor(ifelse(df$normal, "normal", "tumor")))
+        rownames(sample_status) <- colnames(exp_matrix_filtered)
+        color_status_heatmap <- list(Status = c(normal = "blue", tumor = "red"))
+    }
+} else {
+    pds <- quantify_pathways_deregulation(exp_matrix_filtered,
+        allgenes,
+        gs,
+        pathwaynames,
+        maximize_stability = args$max_stability,
+        attempts = args$attempts,
+        logfile = args$logfile,
+        min_std = args$min_std,
+        min_exp = args$min_exp
+    )
+    for (i in pathwaynames) {
+        df <- data.frame(pds$curves[[i]][, 1:3],
+            PDS = as.numeric(pds$scores[[i]]),
+            curve_order = as.vector(pds$curves_order[[i]])
+        )
+        ordered <- df[df$curve_order, ]
-    layout(cbind(1:2, 1:2), heights = c(7, 1))
-    sc3 <- scatterplot3d(ordered[, 1:3],
-                         main = paste("Principal curve of", i),
-                         box = F, pch = 19, type = "l")
-    sc3$points3d(ordered[, 1:3], box = F, pch = 19,
-                 col = col_score_fun(ordered$PDS))
+        layout(cbind(1:2, 1:2), heights = c(7, 1))
+        sc3 <- scatterplot3d(ordered[, 1:3],
+            main = paste("Principal curve of", i),
+            box = FALSE, pch = 19, type = "l"
+        )
+        sc3$points3d(ordered[, 1:3],
+            box = FALSE, pch = 19,
+            col = col_score_fun(ordered$PDS)
+        )
-    # Plot color scale legend
-    par(mar = c(5, 3, 0, 3))
-    plot(seq(min(ordered$PDS), max(ordered$PDS), length = 100), rep(0, 100), pch = 15,
-        axes = TRUE, yaxt = "n", xlab = "Color scale of PDS", ylab = "", bty = "n",
-        col = col_score_fun(seq(min(ordered$PDS), max(ordered$PDS), length = 100)))
+        # Plot color scale legend
+        par(mar = c(5, 3, 0, 3))
+        plot(seq(min(ordered$PDS), max(ordered$PDS), length = 100), rep(0, 100),
+            pch = 15,
+            axes = TRUE, yaxt = "n", xlab = "Color scale of PDS", ylab = "", bty = "n",
+            col = col_score_fun(seq(min(ordered$PDS), max(ordered$PDS), length = 100))
+        )
-  ## annotation for heatmap (for the moment none for this situation)
-  sample_status <- NA
-  color_status_heatmap <- NA
-  }
+        ## annotation for heatmap (for the moment none for this situation)
+        sample_status <- NA
+        color_status_heatmap <- NA
+    }
 ## Create dataframe from Pathifier list and round score to 4 digits
@@ -283,29 +318,31 @@
 ## plot heatmap
 if (ncol(pds_scores) > 1) {
-             main = "Heatmap of Pathway Deregulation Score",   # heat map title
-             cluster_rows = args$heatmap_cluster_pathways,     # apply clustering method
-             cluster_cols = args$heatmap_cluster_cells,        # apply clustering method
+        main = "Heatmap of Pathway Deregulation Score", # heat map title
+        cluster_rows = args$heatmap_cluster_pathways, # apply clustering method
+        cluster_cols = args$heatmap_cluster_cells, # apply clustering method
-             #Additional Options
-             ## Color labeled columns
-             annotation_col = sample_status,
-             annotation_colors = color_status_heatmap,
-             show_rownames = args$heatmap_show_pathway_labels,
-             show_colnames = args$heatmap_show_cell_labels,
-             border_color = NA,
-             legend = TRUE)
+        # Additional Options
+        ## Color labeled columns
+        annotation_col = sample_status,
+        annotation_colors = color_status_heatmap,
+        show_rownames = args$heatmap_show_pathway_labels,
+        show_colnames = args$heatmap_show_cell_labels,
+        border_color = NA,
+        legend = TRUE
+    )
 ## write table
-            args$pds,
-            row.names = T,
-            col.names = T,
-            quote = F,
-            sep = "\t")
+    args$pds,
+    row.names = TRUE,
+    col.names = TRUE,
+    quote = FALSE,
+    sep = "\t"
 ## write S4 pathifier object
 save(pds, file = args$rdata)
--- a/pathifier.xml	Mon Apr 12 09:55:24 2021 +0000
+++ b/pathifier.xml	Mon Feb 12 23:57:01 2024 +0000
@@ -1,23 +1,28 @@
-<tool id="pathifier" name="Pathifier" version="1.0.1">
+<tool id="pathifier" name="Pathifier" version="@TOOL_VERSION@+galaxy@VERSION_SUFFIX@" profile="@PROFILE@">
     <description>: Quantify deregulation of pathways in cancer</description>
+    <macros>
+        <token name="@TOOL_VERSION@">1.40.0</token>
+        <token name="@VERSION_SUFFIX@">0</token>
+        <token name="@PROFILE@">23.0</token>
+    </macros>
-        <requirement type="package" version="1.6.2=r35h6115d3f_0">r-optparse</requirement>
-        <requirement type="package" version="1.22.0=r351_0">bioconductor-pathifier</requirement>
-        <requirement type="package" version="1.0.12=r351h6115d3f_0">r-pheatmap</requirement>
-        <requirement type="package" version="0.3_41=r351h6115d3f_0">r-scatterplot3d</requirement>
-        <requirement type="package" version="0.4.7=r35h6115d3f_0">r-circlize</requirement>
+        <requirement type="package" version="@TOOL_VERSION@">bioconductor-pathifier</requirement>
+        <requirement type="package" version="1.7.4">r-optparse</requirement>
+        <requirement type="package" version="1.0.12">r-pheatmap</requirement>
+        <requirement type="package" version="0.3_44">r-scatterplot3d</requirement>
+        <requirement type="package" version="0.4.15">r-circlize</requirement>
         <exit_code range="1:" level="fatal" description="Tool exception" />
     <command detect_errors="exit_code"><![CDATA[ 
-        Rscript $__tool_directory__/pathifier.R 
+        Rscript '$__tool_directory__/pathifier.R' 
             --exp '$input'
             --sep '$input_sep'
             --genes '$genes'
-            #if $reference.is_normal == "Yes":
-                --is_normal 'TRUE'
+            #if str($reference.reference_selector) == 'TRUE':
+                --is_normal '$reference.reference_selector'
                 --normals '$reference.normals'
             #end if
@@ -35,7 +40,6 @@
             --logfile '$logfile'
             --plot '$plot'
             --rdata '$rdatafile'
         <param name="input" type="data" format="txt,tabular" label="expression data"/>
@@ -46,9 +50,13 @@
         <param name="genes" type="data" format="txt" label="Gene sets Pathways" 
                help="Must be in gmt format (one pathway per line : Name, description, genes (one by column), tab separated)" />
         <conditional name="reference">
-            <param name="is_normal" label="Do you have non cancer transcriptomes in your data set ?" type="boolean" truevalue="Yes" falsevalue="" checked="false" 
-                   help="If set the starting curve depends on the matrix of points with in a certain row order (first 'normal' then 'cancer' samples), otherwise the first principal component is used. See help for more informations"/>
-            <when value="Yes">
+            <param name="reference_selector" label="Do you have non cancer transcriptomes in your data set ?" type="select"
+                   help="Yes, if the starting curve depends on the matrix of points with in a certain row order
+                         (first 'normal' then 'cancer' samples), otherwise (No) the first principal component is used. See help section for more informations">
+                <option selected="True" value="TRUE">Yes</option>
+                <option value="">No</option>
+            </param>
+            <when value="TRUE">
                 <param name="normals" type="data" format="tabular" label="Sample status"
                        help="A two-column data frame, first column contains data labels, second column the levels of sample status : 1 = Healthy, 0 = Tumor (no header)" />
@@ -74,7 +82,6 @@
             <option value="no" selected="True">No</option>
             <option value="yes">Yes</option>
         <data name="pds" format="tabular" label="Pathifier Deregulation Score (PDS) of ${on_string}" />
@@ -83,14 +90,14 @@
         <data name="plot" format="pdf" label="Pathifier vizualization of ${on_string}" />
         <data name="rdatafile" format="rdata" label="Pathifier S4 object of ${on_string}" >
-            <filter>rds == 'yes'</filter>
+            <filter>rdata == 'yes'</filter>
-        <test>
+        <test expect_num_outputs="3">
             <param name="input" value="sheffer.tsv" ftype="tabular"/>
             <param name="genes" value="kegg_pathways.gmt" ftype="txt" />
-            <param name="is_normal" value="True" />
+            <param name="reference_selector" value="TRUE" />
             <param name="normals" value="normals.tsv" ftype="tabular" />
             <param name="log" value="yes" />
             <param name="attempts" value="100" />
@@ -98,10 +105,10 @@
             <output name="pds" file="sheffer.kegg.tsv" ftype="tabular"/>
             <output name="plot" file="plot.pdf" ftype="pdf" compare="sim_size" />
-        <test>
+        <test expect_num_outputs="3">
             <param name="input" value="sheffer_noref.tsv" ftype="tabular"/>
             <param name="genes" value="kegg_pathways.gmt" ftype="txt" />
-            <param name="is_normal" value="" />
+            <param name="reference_selector" value="" />
             <param name="log" value="no" />
             <param name="rdata" value="yes" />
             <param name="attempts" value="50" />