diff small_rna_clusters.py @ 0:8028521b6e4f draft

"planemo upload for repository https://github.com/ARTbio/tools-artbio/tree/master/tools/small_rna_clusters commit f38805cf151cbda1cf7de0a92cdfeb5978f26547"
author artbio
date Mon, 07 Oct 2019 12:51:25 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/small_rna_clusters.py	Mon Oct 07 12:51:25 2019 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+import argparse
+from collections import defaultdict
+import pysam
+def Parser():
+    the_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    the_parser.add_argument('--inputs', dest='inputs', required=True,
+                            nargs='+', help='list of input BAM files')
+    the_parser.add_argument('--minsize', dest='minsize', type=int,
+                            default=19, help='minimal size of reads')
+    the_parser.add_argument('--maxsize', dest='maxsize', type=int,
+                            default=29, help='maximal size of reads')
+    the_parser.add_argument('--cluster', dest='cluster', type=int,
+                            default=0, help='clustering distance')
+    the_parser.add_argument('--sample_names', dest='sample_names',
+                            required=True, nargs='+',
+                            help='list of sample names')
+    the_parser.add_argument('--bed', dest='bed', required=False,
+                            help='Name of bed output must be specified\
+                            if --cluster option used')
+    the_parser.add_argument('--bed_skipsize', dest='bed_skipsize',
+                            required=False, type=int, default=1,
+                            help='Skip clusters of size equal or less than\
+                            specified integer in the bed output. \
+                            Default = 0, not skipping')
+    the_parser.add_argument('--bed_skipdensity', dest='bed_skipdensity',
+                            required=False, type=float, default=0,
+                            help='Skip clusters of density equal or less than\
+                            specified float number in the bed output. \
+                            Default = 0, not skipping')
+    the_parser.add_argument('--bed_skipcounts', dest='bed_skipcounts',
+                            required=False, type=int, default=1,
+                            help='Skip clusters of size equal or less than\
+                            specified integer in the bed output. \
+                            Default = 0, not skipping')
+    the_parser.add_argument('--outputs', action='store',
+                            help='list of two output paths (only two)')
+    the_parser.add_argument('--nostrand', action='store_true',
+                            help='Consider reads regardless their polarity')
+    args = the_parser.parse_args()
+    return args
+class Map:
+    def __init__(self, bam_file, sample, minsize, maxsize, cluster, nostrand):
+        self.sample_name = sample
+        self.minsize = minsize
+        self.maxsize = maxsize
+        self.cluster = cluster
+        if not nostrand:
+            self.nostrand = False
+        else:
+            self.nostrand = True
+        self.bam_object = pysam.AlignmentFile(bam_file, 'rb')
+        self.chromosomes = dict(zip(self.bam_object.references,
+                                self.bam_object.lengths))
+        self.map_dict = self.create_map(self.bam_object, self.nostrand)
+        if self.cluster:
+            self.map_dict = self.tile_map(self.map_dict, self.cluster)
+    def create_map(self, bam_object, nostrand=False):
+        '''
+        Returns a map_dictionary {(chromosome,read_position,polarity):
+                                                    [read_length, ...]}
+        '''
+        map_dictionary = defaultdict(list)
+        for chrom in self.chromosomes:
+            # get empty value for start and end of each chromosome
+            map_dictionary[(chrom, 1, 'F')] = []
+            map_dictionary[(chrom, self.chromosomes[chrom], 'F')] = []
+            if not nostrand:
+                for read in bam_object.fetch(chrom):
+                    positions = read.positions  # a list of covered positions
+                    if read.is_reverse:
+                        map_dictionary[(chrom, positions[-1]+1, 'R')].append(
+                                        read.query_alignment_length)
+                    else:
+                        map_dictionary[(chrom, positions[0]+1, 'F')].append(
+                                        read.query_alignment_length)
+            else:
+                for read in bam_object.fetch(chrom):
+                    positions = read.positions  # a list of covered positions
+                    map_dictionary[(chrom, positions[0]+1, 'F')].append(
+                                    read.query_alignment_length)
+        return map_dictionary
+    def grouper(self, iterable, clust_distance):
+        prev = None
+        group = []
+        for item in iterable:
+            if not prev or item - prev <= clust_distance:
+                group.append(item)
+            else:
+                yield group
+                group = [item]
+            prev = item
+        if group:
+            yield group
+    def tile_map(self, map_dic, clust_distance):
+        '''
+        takes a map_dictionary {(chromosome,read_position,polarity):
+                                    [read_length, ...]}
+        and returns a map_dictionary with structure:
+        {(chromosome,read_position,polarity):
+            [*counts*, [start_clust, end_clust]]}
+        '''
+        clustered_dic = defaultdict(list)
+        for chrom in self.chromosomes:
+            F_chrom_coord = []
+            R_chrom_coord = []
+            for key in map_dic:
+                if key[0] == chrom and key[2] == 'F':
+                    F_chrom_coord.append(key[1])
+                elif key[0] == chrom and key[2] == 'R':
+                    R_chrom_coord.append(key[1])
+            F_chrom_coord = list(set(F_chrom_coord))
+            R_chrom_coord = list(set(R_chrom_coord))
+            F_chrom_coord.sort()
+            R_chrom_coord.sort()
+            F_clust_values = [i for i in self.grouper(F_chrom_coord,
+                                                      clust_distance)]
+            F_clust_keys = [(i[-1]+i[0])/2 for i in F_clust_values]
+            R_clust_values = [i for i in self.grouper(R_chrom_coord,
+                                                      clust_distance)]
+            R_clust_keys = [(i[-1]+i[0])/2 for i in R_clust_values]
+            # now 2 dictionnaries (F and R) with structure:
+            # {centered_coordinate: [coord1, coord2, coord3, ..]}
+            F_clust_dic = dict(zip(F_clust_keys, F_clust_values))
+            R_clust_dic = dict(zip(R_clust_keys, R_clust_values))
+            for centcoor in F_clust_dic:
+                accumulator = []
+                for coor in F_clust_dic[centcoor]:
+                    accumulator.extend(map_dic[(chrom, coor, 'F')])
+                '''
+                compute the offset of the cluster due to
+                size of reads
+                '''
+                last = sorted(F_clust_dic[centcoor])[-1]
+                try:
+                    margin = max(map_dic[(chrom, last, 'F')]) - 1
+                except ValueError:
+                    margin = 0
+                clustered_dic[(chrom, centcoor, 'F')] = [len(accumulator), [
+                    F_clust_dic[centcoor][0],
+                    F_clust_dic[centcoor][-1] + margin]]
+            for centcoor in R_clust_dic:
+                accumulator = []
+                for coor in R_clust_dic[centcoor]:
+                    accumulator.extend(map_dic[(chrom, coor, 'R')])
+                '''
+                compute the offset of the cluster due to
+                size of reads
+                '''
+                first = sorted(R_clust_dic[centcoor])[0]
+                try:
+                    margin = max(map_dic[(chrom, first, 'R')]) - 1
+                except ValueError:
+                    margin = 0
+                clustered_dic[(chrom, centcoor, 'R')] = [len(accumulator), [
+                    R_clust_dic[centcoor][0] - margin,
+                    R_clust_dic[centcoor][-1]]]
+        return clustered_dic
+    def write_table(self, mapdict, out):
+        '''
+        Writer of a tabular file
+        Dataset, Chromosome, Chrom_length, Coordinate, Polarity,
+        <some mapped value>
+        out is an *open* file handler
+        '''
+        for key in sorted(mapdict):
+            line = [self.sample_name, key[0], self.chromosomes[key[0]],
+                    key[1], key[2], mapdict[key]]
+            line = [str(i) for i in line]
+            out.write('\t'.join(line) + '\n')
+    def write_cluster_table(self, clustered_dic, out, bedpath):
+        '''
+        Writer of a tabular file
+        Dataset, Chromosome, Chrom_length, Coordinate, Polarity,
+        <some mapped value>
+        out is an *open* file handler
+        bed is an a file handler internal to the function
+        '''
+        def filterCluster(size, count, density):
+            if size < args.bed_skipsize:
+                return False
+            if count < args.bed_skipcounts:
+                return False
+            if density <= args.bed_skipdensity:
+                return False
+            return True
+        bed = open(bedpath, 'w')
+        clusterid = 0
+        for key in sorted(clustered_dic):
+            start = clustered_dic[key][1][0]
+            end = clustered_dic[key][1][1]
+            size = end - start + 1
+            read_count = clustered_dic[key][0]
+            if self.nostrand:
+                polarity = '.'
+            elif key[2] == 'F':
+                polarity = '+'
+            else:
+                polarity = '-'
+            density = float(read_count) / size
+            line = [self.sample_name, key[0], self.chromosomes[key[0]],
+                    key[1], key[2], read_count,
+                    str(start) + "-" + str(end), str(size), str(density)]
+            line = [str(i) for i in line]
+            out.write('\t'.join(line) + '\n')
+            if filterCluster(size, read_count, density):
+                clusterid += 1
+                name = 'cluster_' + str(clusterid)
+                bedline = [key[0], str(start-1), str(end), name,
+                           str(read_count), polarity, str(density)]
+                bed.write('\t'.join(bedline) + '\n')
+        print("number of reported clusters:", clusterid)
+        bed.close()
+def main(inputs, samples, outputs, minsize, maxsize, cluster,
+         nostrand, bedfile=None, bed_skipsize=0):
+    out = open(outputs, 'w')
+    header = ["# Dataset", "Chromosome", "Chrom_length", "Coordinate",
+              "Polarity", "Counts", "Start-End", "Cluster Size", "density"]
+    out.write('\t'.join(header) + '\n')
+    for input, sample in zip(inputs, samples):
+        mapobj = Map(input, sample, minsize, maxsize, cluster, nostrand)
+        mapobj.write_cluster_table(mapobj.map_dict, out, bedfile)
+    out.close()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    args = Parser()
+    # if identical sample names
+    if len(set(args.sample_names)) != len(args.sample_names):
+        args.sample_names = [name + '_' + str(i) for
+                             i, name in enumerate(args.sample_names)]
+    main(args.inputs, args.sample_names, args.outputs,
+         args.minsize, args.maxsize, args.cluster, args.nostrand, args.bed)