changeset 16:38b63f7f8f7a draft

planemo upload for repository commit 4abb1e731efdaa32fadb32c9e23883f7c17fb85c
author bgruening
date Mon, 05 Feb 2018 11:44:51 -0500 (2018-02-05)
parents fd1275e01605
children 79bc5d836c75
files deepTools_macros.xml deepTools_macros.xml.orig test-data/ test-data/ test-data/bamPEFragmentSize_result1.txt test-data/heatmapper_result1.png test-data/plotCorrelation_result1.png test-data/plotCorrelation_result2.png test-data/plotCoverage_result1.png test-data/plotEnrichment_output.txt test-data/plotFingerprint_quality_metrics.tabular test-data/plotPCA_result1.png test-data/plotPCA_result2.png test-data/plotPCA_result2.tabular test-data/profiler_result1.png test-data/profiler_result2.png test-data/profiler_result2.tabular
diffstat 17 files changed, 483 insertions(+), 1122 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/deepTools_macros.xml	Mon May 15 03:58:45 2017 -0400
+++ b/deepTools_macros.xml	Mon Feb 05 11:44:51 2018 -0500
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
     <token name="@THREADS@">--numberOfProcessors "\${GALAXY_SLOTS:-4}"</token>
-    <token name="@WRAPPER_VERSION@"></token>
+    <token name="@WRAPPER_VERSION@">2.5.7</token>
     <xml name="requirements">
-            <requirement type="package" version="2.5.1">deeptools</requirement>
+            <requirement type="package" version="2.5.7">deeptools</requirement>
             <yield />
         <expand macro="stdio" />
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@
     <xml name="gtf_options">
-        <param argument="--metagene" type="boolean" truevalue="--boolean" falsevalue=""
+        <param argument="--metagene" type="boolean" truevalue="--metagene" falsevalue=""
             label="Use a metagene model"
             help="If set and a BED12 or GTF file or files is used to provide regions, only exons will be used. This is convenient for looking at coverage over mature mRNA transcripts or similar uses where introns should be ignored." />
         <param argument="--transcriptID" optional="True" value="transcript" type="text"
--- a/deepTools_macros.xml.orig	Mon May 15 03:58:45 2017 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,639 +0,0 @@
-    <xml name="advancedOpt_scaffold">
-        <conditional name="advancedOpt">
-            <param name="showAdvancedOpt" type="select" label="Show advanced options" >
-                <option value="no" selected="true">no</option>
-                <option value="yes">yes</option>
-            </param>
-            <when value="no" />
-            <when value="yes">
-                <yield/>
-            </when>
-        </conditional>
-    </xml>
-        #if $advancedOpt.doExtendCustom.doExtend == 'custom':
-            --extendReads $advancedOpt.doExtendCustom.extendReadsValue
-        #else if $advancedOpt.doExtendCustom.doExtend == 'yes':
-            --extendReads
-        #end if
-        $advancedOpt.ignoreDuplicates
-        $advancedOpt.centerReads
-        #if $advancedOpt.minMappingQuality:
-            --minMappingQuality '$advancedOpt.minMappingQuality'
-        #end if
-        #if $advancedOpt.samFlagInclude:
-            --samFlagInclude $advancedOpt.samFlagInclude
-        #end if
-        #if $advancedOpt.samFlagExclude:
-            --samFlagExclude $advancedOpt.samFlagExclude
-        #end if
-    </token>
-    <xml name="heatmap_options">
-        <expand macro="zMin_zMax" />
-        <expand macro="colorMap" />
-        <expand macro="plotTitle" />
-        <expand macro="plotNumbers" />
-    </xml>
-    <token name="@HEATMAP_OPTIONS@">
-        #if str($plotting_type.zMin) != "":
-            --zMin $plotting_type.zMin
-        #end if
-        #if str($plotting_type.zMax) != "":
-            --zMax $plotting_type.zMax
-        #end if
-        --colorMap '$plotting_type.colorMap'
-        $plotting_type.plotNumbers
-        --plotTitle '$plotting_type.plotTitle'
-    </token>
-    <xml name="includeZeros">
-        <param argument="--includeZeros" type="boolean" truevalue="--includeZeros" falsevalue=""
-            label="Include zeros"
-            help="If set, then regions with zero counts for *all* BAM files are included. The default behavior is to ignore such regions." />
-    </xml>
-    <xml name="zMin_zMax">
-        <param argument="--zMin" type="float" value="" optional="true" label="Minimum value for the heatmap intensities"
-            help="If not specified the value is set automatically."/>
-        <param argument="--zMax" type="float" value="" optional="true" label="Maximum value for the heatmap intensities"
-            help="If not specified the value is set automatically."/>
-    </xml>
-    <xml name="region_limit_operation">
-        <param argument="--region" type="text" value=""
-            label="Region of the genome to limit the operation to"
-            help="This is useful when testing parameters to reduce the time required. The format is chr:start:end, for example &quot;chr10&quot; or &quot;chr10:456700:891000&quot;." />
-    </xml>
-    <token name="@THREADS@">--numberOfProcessors "\${GALAXY_SLOTS:-4}"</token>
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-    <token name="@WRAPPER_VERSION@"></token>
-    <token name="@WRAPPER_VERSION@">2.1.0</token>
->>>>>>> d56067f86089e75354a2fad266002db3730766d9
-    <xml name="requirements">
-        <requirements>
-            <requirement type="package" version="2.7.10">python</requirement>
-            <requirement type="binary">@BINARY@</requirement>
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-            <requirement type="package" version="2.0.1">deepTools</requirement>
-            <requirement type="package" version="2.1.0">deepTools</requirement>
->>>>>>> d56067f86089e75354a2fad266002db3730766d9
-            <yield />
-        </requirements>
-        <expand macro="stdio" />
-        <version_command>@BINARY@ --version</version_command>
-    </xml>
-    <xml name="smoothLength">
-        <param argument="--smoothLength" type="integer" value="" optional="True" min="1"
-            label="Smooth values using the following length (in bases)"
-            help ="The smooth length defines a window, larger than the bin size, over which the number of reads is to be averaged. For example, if the bin size is set to 20 and the smooth length is 60, then, for each bin, its value is set to the average of it and its left and right neighbors. Any value smaller than the bin size will be ignored and no smoothing will be applied."/>
-    </xml>
-    <xml name="kmeans_clustering">
-        <conditional name="used_multiple_regions">
-            <param name="used_multiple_regions_options" type="select"
-                label="Did you compute the matrix with more than one groups of regions?"
-                help="Would you like to cluster the regions according to the similarity of the signal distribution? This is only possible if you used computeMatrix on only one group of regions.">
-                <option value="yes">Yes, I used multiple groups of regions</option>
-                <option value="no">No, I used only one group</option>
-            </param>
-            <when value="no">
-                <conditional name="clustering">
-                    <param name="clustering_options" type="select" label="Clustering algorithm">
-                        <option value="none">No clustering</option>
-                        <option value="kmeans">Kmeans clustering</option>
-                        <option value="hclust">Hierarchical clustering</option>
-                    </param>
-                    <when value="kmeans">
-                        <param name="k_kmeans" type="integer" value="0" label="Number of clusters to compute"
-                            help="When this option is set, the matrix is split into clusters using the k-means algorithm.
-                            This only works for data that is not grouped, otherwise only the first group will be clustered.
-                            If more specific clustering methods are required it is advisable to save the underlying matrix and
-                            run the clustering using other software."/>
-                    </when>
-                    <when value="hclust">
-                        <param name="n_hclust" type="integer" value="0" label="number of clusters to compute."
-                            help="WARNING: This option causes the tool to run for a very long time! When this option is
-                            set, the matrix is split into clusters using the hierarchical clustering algorithm, using ward linkage.
-                            This only works for data that is not grouped, otherwise only the first group will be clustered.
-                            Note that you must have used the '--missingDataAsZero' option within computeMatrix!
-                            If more specific clustering methods are required it is advisable to save the underlying matrix and
-                            run the clustering using other software."/>
-                    </when>
-                    <when value="none" />
-                </conditional>
-            </when>
-            <when value="yes" />
-        </conditional>
-    </xml>
-    <token name="@KMEANS_CLUSTERING@">
-        #if $advancedOpt.used_multiple_regions.used_multiple_regions_options == 'no':
-            #if $advancedOpt.used_multiple_regions.clustering.clustering_options == 'kmeans':
-                #if int($advancedOpt.used_multiple_regions.clustering.k_kmeans) > 0:
-                    --kmeans $advancedOpt.used_multiple_regions.clustering.k_kmeans
-                #end if
-            #end if
-            #if $advancedOpt.used_multiple_regions.clustering.clustering_options == 'hclust':
-                #if int($advancedOpt.used_multiple_regions.clustering.n_hclust) > 0:
-                    --hclust $advancedOpt.used_multiple_regions.clustering.n_hclust
-                #end if
-            #end if
-        #end if
-    </token>
-    <xml name="samFlags">
-        <param argument="--samFlagInclude" type="integer" optional="True" value=""
-            label="Include reads based on the SAM flag"
-            help= "For example, to get only reads that are the first mate use a flag of 64. This is useful to count properly paired reads only once, otherwise the second mate will be also considered for the coverage."/>
-        <param argument="--samFlagExclude" type="integer" optional="True" value=""
-            label="Exclude reads based on the SAM flag"
-            help= "For example, to get only reads that map to the forward strand, use --samFlagExclude 16, where 16 is the SAM flag for reads that map to the reverse strand."/>
-    </xml>
-    <xml name="read_processing_options">
-        <expand macro="extendReads" />
-        <expand macro="ignoreDuplicates" />
-        <expand macro="centerReads" />
-        <expand macro="minMappingQuality" />
-        <expand macro="samFlags" />
-    </xml>
-    <xml name="plotNumbers">
-        <param argument="--plotNumbers" type="boolean" truevalue="--plotNumbers" falsevalue=""
-            label="Plot the correlation value"
-            help="If set, then the correlation number is plotted on top of the heatmap."/>
-    </xml>
-    <xml name="extendReads">
-        <conditional name="doExtendCustom">
-            <param name="doExtend" type="select" label="Extend reads to the given average fragment size."
-                help="(1) Single-end reads and singletons are extended to match this length. (2) Paired-end reads are extended to match the fragment size, regardless of what is set here.
-                     By default *each* read mate is extended.
-                     This can be modified using the SAM flags (see --samFlagInclude and --samFlagExclude options) to keep only the first or the second mate.
-                     Unmated reads, mate reads that map to different chromosomes or too far apart are extended to the given value.
-                     Reads are only extended if --extendReads is set to a value greater than the read length. *NOTE*: For spliced-read data, this option is not
-                     recommended as it will extend reads over skipped regions, e.g. introns in RNA-seq data.">
-                <option value="no" selected="True">No extension. The default value and most typically appropriate.</option>
-                <option value="yes">Paired-end extension. Suitable only for paired-end datasets.</option>
-                <option value="custom">A custom length, which will be applied to ALL reads.</option>
-            </param>
-            <when value="no" />
-            <when value="yes" />
-            <when value="custom">
-                <param name="extendReadsValue" type="integer" value="300" min="1"
-                    label="Extend reads to the given average fragment size"
-                    help="Extend all reads to this length" />
-            </when>
-        </conditional>
-    </xml>
-    <xml name="corMethod">
-        <param argument="--corMethod" type="select" label="Correlation method">
-            <option value="spearman" selected="True">Spearman</option>
-            <option value="pearson">Pearson</option>
-        </param>
-    </xml>
-    <xml name="distanceBetweenBins">
-        <param argument="--distanceBetweenBins" type="integer" value="0" min="0"
-            label="Distance between bins"
-            help="By default, multiBamSummary considers consecutive bins of
-                the specified 'Bin size'. However, to reduce the
-                computation time, a larger distance between bins can
-                be given. Larger distances result in fewer bins being
-                considered."/>
-    </xml>
-    <xml name="centerReads">
-        <param argument="--centerReads" type="boolean" truevalue="--centerReads" falsevalue=""
-            label="Center regions with respect to the fragment length"
-            help="For paired-end data the fragment is defined by the bounds of the reads. For single-end data the bounds are defined by the read and the user-definable fragment/extension length. This option is useful to get a sharper signal around enriched regions."/>
-    </xml>
-    <xml name="ignoreDuplicates">
-        <param argument="--ignoreDuplicates" type="boolean" truevalue="--ignoreDuplicates" falsevalue=""
-            label="Ignore duplicates"
-            help="If set, reads that have the same orientation and start position will be considered only once. If reads are paired, the mate position also has to coincide to ignore a read." />
-    </xml>
-    <xml name="sortUsing">
-        <param argument="--sortUsing" type="select" label="Method used for sorting"
-            help="For each row the method is computed.">
-            <option value="mean" selected="true">mean</option>
-            <option value="median">median</option>
-            <option value="min">min</option>
-            <option value="max">max</option>
-            <option value="sum">sum</option>
-            <option value="region_length">region length</option>
-        </param>
-    </xml>
-    <xml name="sortRegions">
-        <param argument="--sortRegions" type="select" label="Sort regions"
-            help="Whether the heatmap should present the regions sorted. The default is to sort in descending order based on the mean value per region.">
-            <option value="no">no ordering</option>
-            <option value="descend" selected="true">descending order</option>
-            <option value="ascend">ascending order</option>
-        </param>
-    </xml>
-    <xml name="minMappingQuality">
-        <param argument="--minMappingQuality" type="integer" optional="true" value="1" min="1"
-            label="Minimum mapping quality"
-            help= "If set, only reads with a mapping quality score higher than this value are considered."/>
-    </xml>
-    <xml name="skipZeros">
-        <param argument="--skipZeros" type="boolean" truevalue="--skipZeros" falsevalue=""
-            label ="Skip zeros"
-            help ="If set, then zero counts that happen for *all* BAM files given are ignored. This may result in fewer considered regions." />
-    </xml>
-    <xml name="fragmentLength">
-        <param argument="--fragmentLength" type="integer" value="300" min="1"
-            label="Fragment length used for the sequencing"
-            help ="If paired-end reads are used, the fragment length is computed from the BAM file, so this is only needed for single-end data."/>
-    </xml>
-    <xml name="scaleFactor">
-        <param argument="--scaleFactor" type="float" value="1" label="Scaling factor"
-            help="When used in combination with --normalizeTo1x or
-                --normalizeUsingRPKM, the computed scaling factor will
-                be multiplied by the given scale factor." />
-    </xml>
-    <xml name="scaleFactors">
-        <param name="scaleFactor1" type="float" value="1" label="Scale factor for treatment" help="(--scaleFactors)"/>
-        <param name="scaleFactor2" type="float" value="1" label="Scale factor for input" help="(--scaleFactors)"/>
-    </xml>
-    <xml name="stdio">
-        <stdio>
-            <exit_code range="1:" />
-            <exit_code range=":-1" />
-            <regex match="Error:" />
-            <regex match="Exception:" />
-            <regex match="EXception:" />
-            <regex match="Traceback" />
-        </stdio>
-    </xml>
-    <xml name="pseudocount">
-        <param argument="--pseudocount" type="float" value="1" label="Pseudocount" help="Small number to avoid dividing by zero."/>
-    </xml>
-    <token name="@REFERENCES@">
-.. class:: infomark
-For more information on the tools, please visit our `help site`_.
-If you would like to give us feedback or you run into any trouble, please send an email to
-This tool is developed by the `Bioinformatics and Deep-Sequencing Unit`_ at the `Max Planck Institute for Immunobiology and Epigenetics`_.
-.. _Bioinformatics and Deep-Sequencing Unit:
-.. _Max Planck Institute for Immunobiology and Epigenetics:
-.. _help site:
-    </token>
-    <xml name="citations">
-        <citations>
-            <citation type="doi">10.1093/nar/gku365</citation>
-            <yield />
-        </citations>
-    </xml>
-    <xml name="multiple_input_bams">
-        <param argument="--bamfiles" type="data" format="bam" min="2"
-            label="Bam file" multiple="true"
-            help="The BAM file must be sorted."/>
-    </xml>
-    <xml name="multiple_input_bigwigs">
-        <param argument="--bigwigfiles" type="data" format="bigwig" multiple="True" min="2"
-            label="Bigwig file"
-            help="A Bigwig file."/>
-    </xml>
-    <xml name="plotTitle">
-        <param argument="--plotTitle" type="text" value="" size="30" optional="True"
-            label="Title of the plot"
-            help="Title of the plot, to be printed on top of the generated image." />
-    </xml>
-    <token name="@multiple_input_bams@">
-        #set files=[]
-        #set labels=[]
-        #for $counter, $bamfile in enumerate($bamfiles):
-            ln -s "${bamfile}" "./${counter}.bam" &&
-            ln -s "${bamfile.metadata.bam_index}" "./${counter}.bam.bai" &&
-            #silent $files.append('%s.bam' % $counter)
-            #silent $labels.append('%s' % ($bamfile.display_name))
-        #end for
-    </token>
-    <token name="@multiple_input_bigwigs@">
-        #set files=[]
-        #set labels=[]
-        #for $counter, $bigwig in enumerate($bigwigfiles):
-            ln -s "${bigwig}" "${counter}.bw" &&
-            #silent $files.append('' % $counter)
-            #silent $labels.append('%s' % ($bigwig.display_name))
-        #end for
-    </token>
-    <xml name="reference_genome_source">
-        <conditional name="source">
-            <param name="ref_source" type="select" label="Reference genome">
-                <option value="cached">locally cached</option>
-                <option value="history">in your history</option>
-            </param>
-            <when value="cached">
-                <param name="input1_2bit" type="select" label="Using reference genome" help="If your genome of interest is not listed, contact the Galaxy team">
-                    <options from_data_table="lastz_seqs">
-                        <filter type="sort_by" column="1" />
-                        <validator type="no_options" message="No indexes are available." />
-                    </options>
-                </param>
-            </when>
-            <when value="history">
-                <param name="input1" type="data" format="twobit" label="Select a reference dataset in 2bit format" />
-            </when>
-        </conditional>
-    </xml>
-    <token name="@reference_genome_source@">
-    #if $source.ref_source=="history":
-        --genome $source.input1
-    #else:
-        --genome "$source.input1_2bit.fields.path"
-    #end if
-    </token>
-    <xml name="effectiveGenomeSize">
-        <conditional name="effectiveGenomeSize">
-            <param name="effectiveGenomeSize_opt" type="select" label="Effective genome size"
-                help="The effective genome size is the portion of the genome that is mappable. Large fractions of the genome are stretches of NNNN that should be discarded.
-                    Also, if repetitive regions were not included in the mapping of reads, the effective genome size needs to be adjusted accordingly.
-                    See Table 2 of or for several effective genome sizes.">
-                <option value="93260000">ce10 (93260000)</option>
-                <option value="121400000">dm3 (121400000)</option>
-                <option value="2451960000" selected="true">hg19 (2451960000)</option>
-                <option value="2150570000">mm9 (2150570000)</option>
-                <option value="specific">user specified</option>
-            </param>
-            <when value="specific">
-                <param argument="--effectiveGenomeSize" type="integer" value="" label="Effective genome size" help="e.g. ce10: 93260000, dm3: 121400000, hg19: 2451960000, mm9: 2150570000"/>
-            </when>
-            <when value="2150570000" />
-            <when value="2451960000" />
-            <when value="121400000" />
-            <when value="93260000" />
-        </conditional>
-    </xml>
-    <xml name="skipNAs">
-        <param argument="--skipNAs" type="boolean" truevalue="--skipNAs" falsevalue="" checked="False"
-            label="Ignore missing data?"
-            help="This parameter determines if non-covered regions
-                 (regions without overlapping reads) in a bam/bigWig file
-                 should be skipped. The default is to treat those
-                 regions as having a value of zero. The decision to
-                 skip non-covered regions depends on the interpretation
-                 of the data. Non-covered regions may represent, for
-                 example, repetitive regions that should be ignored.
-                 (default: False)" />
-    </xml>
-    <xml name="input_save_matrix_values">
-        <param argument="--saveMatrix" type="boolean" label="Save the matrix of values underlying the heatmap"/>
-    </xml>
-    <xml name="input_graphic_output_settings">
-        <conditional name="output" >
-            <param name="showOutputSettings" type="select" label="Show advanced output settings" >
-                <option value="no" selected="true">no</option>
-                <option value="yes">yes</option>
-            </param>
-            <when value="no" />
-            <when value="yes">
-                <yield />
-                <param name="saveSortedRegions" type="boolean" label="Save the regions after skipping zeros or min/max threshold values" help="The order of the regions in the file follows the sorting order selected. This is useful, for example, to generate other heatmaps keeping the sorting of the first heatmap."/>
-            </when>
-        </conditional>
-    </xml>
-    <xml name="input_image_file_format">
-        <param argument="--outFileFormat" type="select" label="Image file format">
-            <option value="png" selected="true">png</option>
-            <option value="pdf">pdf</option>
-            <option value="svg">svg</option>
-            <option value="eps">eps</option>
-        </param>
-    </xml>
-    <xml name="output_image_file_format">
-        <data format="png" name="outFileName" label="${} image">
-            <change_format>
-                <when input="output.outFileFormat" value="pdf" format="pdf" />
-                <when input="output.outFileFormat" value="svg" format="svg" />
-                <when input="output.outFileFormat" value="eps" format="eps" />
-            </change_format>
-        </data>
-    </xml>
-    <xml name="output_image_file_format_not_nested">
-        <data format="png" name="outFileName" label="${} image">
-            <change_format>
-                <when input="outFileFormat" value="pdf" format="pdf" />
-                <when input="outFileFormat" value="svg" format="svg" />
-                <when input="outFileFormat" value="eps" format="eps" />
-            </change_format>
-        </data>
-    </xml>
-    <xml name="output_save_matrix_values">
-        <data format="tabular" name="outFileNameMatrix" label="${} on ${on_string}: Heatmap values">
-            <filter>
-            ((
-                output['showOutputSettings'] == 'yes' and
-                output['saveMatrix'] is True
-            ))
-            </filter>
-        </data>
-    </xml>
-    <xml name="output_graphic_outputs">
-        <data format="bed" name="outFileSortedRegions" label="${} on ${on_string}: sorted/filtered regions">
-            <filter>
-            ((
-                output['showOutputSettings'] == 'yes' and
-                output['saveSortedRegions'] is True
-            ))
-            </filter>
-        </data>
-    </xml>
-    <xml name="colorMap">
-        <param name="colorMap" type="select" label="Color map to use for the heatmap" help=" Available color map names can be found here:">
-            <option value="RdYlBu" selected="true">RdYlBu</option>
-            <option value="Accent">Accent</option>
-            <option value="Spectral">Spectral</option>
-            <option value="Set1">Set1</option>
-            <option value="Set2">Set2</option>
-            <option value="Set3">Set3</option>
-            <option value="Dark2">Dark2</option>
-            <option value="Reds">Reds</option>
-            <option value="Oranges">Oranges</option>
-            <option value="Greens">Greens</option>
-            <option value="Blues">Blues</option>
-            <option value="Greys">Greys</option>
-            <option value="Purples">Purples</option>
-            <option value="Paired">Paired</option>
-            <option value="Pastel1">Pastel1</option>
-            <option value="Pastel2">Pastel2</option>
-            <option value="spring">spring</option>
-            <option value="summer">summer</option>
-            <option value="autumn">autumn</option>
-            <option value="winter">winter</option>
-            <option value="hot">hot</option>
-            <option value="coolwarm">coolwarm</option>
-            <option value="cool">cool</option>
-            <option value="seismic">seismic</option>
-            <option value="terrain">terrain</option>
-            <option value="ocean">ocean</option>
-            <option value="rainbow">rainbow</option>
-            <option value="bone">bone</option>
-            <option value="flag">flag</option>
-            <option value="prism">prism</option>
-            <option value="cubehelix">cubehelix</option>
-            <option value="binary">binary</option>
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-            <option value="autumn_r">autumn reversed</option>
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-            <option value="gray_r">gray reversed</option>
-            <option value="copper_r">copper reversed</option>
-            <option value="BrBG_r">BrBG reversed</option>
-            <option value="BuGn_r">BuGn reversed</option>
-            <option value="BuPu_r">BuPu reversed</option>
-            <option value="GnBu_r">GnBu reversed</option>
-            <option value="OrRd_r">OrRd reversed</option>
-            <option value="PiYG_r">PiYG reversed</option>
-            <option value="PRGn_r">PRGn reversed</option>
-            <option value="PuOr_r">PuOr reversed</option>
-            <option value="PuRd_r">PuRd reversed</option>
-            <option value="PuBu_r">PuBu reversed</option>
-            <option value="RdBu_r">RdBu reversed</option>
-            <option value="RdGy_r">RdGy reversed</option>
-            <option value="RdPu_r">RdPu reversed</option>
-            <option value="YlGn_r">YlGn reversed</option>
-            <option value="PuBuGn_r">PuBuGn reversed</option>
-            <option value="RdYlBu_r">RdYlBu reversed</option>
-            <option value="RdYlGn_r">RdYlGn reversed</option>
-            <option value="YlGnBu_r">YlGnBu reversed</option>
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-            <option value="YlOrRd_r">YlOrRd reversed</option>
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-            <option value="gist_stern_r">gist_stern reversed</option>
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-            <option value="gist_yarg_r">gist_yarg reversed</option>
-            <option value="gist_ncar_r">gist_ncar reversed</option>
-            <option value="gist_rainbow_r">gist_rainbow reversed</option>
-            <option value="gist_heat_r">gist_heat reversed</option>
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-            <option value="gnuplot2_r">gnuplot2 reversed</option>
-            <option value="CMRmap_r">CMRmap reversed</option>
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-            <option value="brg_r">brg reversed</option>
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--- a/test-data/	Mon May 15 03:58:45 2017 -0400
+++ b/test-data/	Mon Feb 05 11:44:51 2018 -0500
@@ -1,472 +1,472 @@
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-phiX174	4590	4600	440176
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-phiX174	4640	4660	701022
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-phiX174	4690	4700	701022
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-phiX174	4730	4740	472782
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-phiX174	4790	4800	701022
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-phiX174	4880	4890	603205
-phiX174	4890	4900	521691
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-phiX174	4980	4990	211937
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-phiX174	5030	5040	342359
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-phiX174	5050	5060	309754
-phiX174	5060	5070	293451
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-phiX174	5080	5090	309754
-phiX174	5090	5100	277148
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-phiX174	5260	5270	309754
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-phiX174	5280	5290	277148
-phiX174	5290	5300	195634
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-phiX174	5310	5340	97817
-phiX174	5340	5350	65211.3
-phiX174	5350	5386	32605.7
+phiX174	0	10	16038.5
+phiX174	10	20	48115.4
+phiX174	20	70	144346
+phiX174	70	80	192462
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+phiX174	90	100	160385
+phiX174	100	120	112269
+phiX174	120	140	144346
+phiX174	140	150	160385
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+phiX174	160	170	160385
+phiX174	170	180	176423
+phiX174	180	200	208500
+phiX174	200	210	192462
+phiX174	210	220	240577
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+phiX174	240	250	320769
+phiX174	250	260	288692
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+phiX174	270	280	400962
+phiX174	280	300	417000
+phiX174	300	310	352846
+phiX174	310	320	320769
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+phiX174	330	340	352846
+phiX174	340	350	288692
+phiX174	350	360	256615
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+phiX174	370	380	240577
+phiX174	380	390	304731
+phiX174	390	400	256615
+phiX174	400	410	240577
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+phiX174	420	450	288692
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+phiX174	580	590	561346
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+phiX174	610	630	625500
+phiX174	630	640	577385
+phiX174	640	650	513231
+phiX174	650	660	545308
+phiX174	660	670	561346
+phiX174	670	680	593423
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+phiX174	700	710	561346
+phiX174	710	730	593423
+phiX174	730	740	513231
+phiX174	740	760	593423
+phiX174	760	770	497192
+phiX174	770	780	513231
+phiX174	780	790	529269
+phiX174	790	800	545308
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+phiX174	930	940	545308
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+phiX174	1070	1080	834000
+phiX174	1080	1090	866077
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+phiX174	1150	1160	625500
+phiX174	1160	1170	593423
+phiX174	1170	1180	609462
+phiX174	1180	1190	577385
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+phiX174	1220	1230	481154
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+phiX174	1270	1280	352846
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+phiX174	1330	1340	513231
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+phiX174	1350	1370	497192
+phiX174	1370	1390	465115
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+phiX174	1460	1470	577385
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+phiX174	1650	1660	497192
+phiX174	1660	1670	529269
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+phiX174	1720	1730	529269
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+phiX174	1740	1750	529269
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+phiX174	1900	1910	609462
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+phiX174	2000	2010	673615
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+phiX174	2070	2080	481154
+phiX174	2080	2100	513231
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+phiX174	2110	2120	513231
+phiX174	2120	2130	529269
+phiX174	2130	2140	545308
+phiX174	2140	2150	513231
+phiX174	2150	2160	545308
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+phiX174	2200	2210	433038
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+phiX174	2260	2270	625500
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+phiX174	2890	2900	609462
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+phiX174	3070	3080	625500
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+phiX174	3270	3280	625500
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+phiX174	3310	3320	529269
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+phiX174	3550	3560	753808
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+phiX174	5230	5240	449077
+phiX174	5240	5250	368885
+phiX174	5250	5260	272654
+phiX174	5260	5270	304731
+phiX174	5270	5280	336808
+phiX174	5280	5290	272654
+phiX174	5290	5300	192462
+phiX174	5300	5310	144346
+phiX174	5310	5340	96230.8
+phiX174	5340	5350	64153.8
+phiX174	5350	5386	32076.9
Binary file test-data/ has changed
--- a/test-data/bamPEFragmentSize_result1.txt	Mon May 15 03:58:45 2017 -0400
+++ b/test-data/bamPEFragmentSize_result1.txt	Mon Feb 05 11:44:51 2018 -0500
@@ -6,11 +6,11 @@
 Fragment lengths:
 Min.: 241.0
 1st Qu.: 241.5
-Mean: 244.666666667
+Mean: 244.66666666666666
 Median: 242.0
 3rd Qu.: 246.5
 Max.: 251.0
-Std: 4.49691252108
+Std: 4.496912521077347
 Read lengths:
 Min.: 251.0
Binary file test-data/heatmapper_result1.png has changed
Binary file test-data/plotCorrelation_result1.png has changed
Binary file test-data/plotCorrelation_result2.png has changed
Binary file test-data/plotCoverage_result1.png has changed
--- a/test-data/plotEnrichment_output.txt	Mon May 15 03:58:45 2017 -0400
+++ b/test-data/plotEnrichment_output.txt	Mon Feb 05 11:44:51 2018 -0500
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 file	featureType	percent
+bowtie2 test1.bam	up	100.00
 bowtie2 test1.bam	down	100.00
 bowtie2 test1.bam	up	100.00
 bowtie2 test1.bam	down	100.00
-bowtie2 test1.bam	up	100.00
--- a/test-data/plotFingerprint_quality_metrics.tabular	Mon May 15 03:58:45 2017 -0400
+++ b/test-data/plotFingerprint_quality_metrics.tabular	Mon Feb 05 11:44:51 2018 -0500
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 Sample	AUC	Synthetic AUC	X-intercept	Synthetic X-intercept	Elbow Point	Synthetic Elbow Point	JS Distance	Synthetic JS Distance	% genome enriched	diff. enrichment	CHANCE divergence
-bowtie2 test1.bam	0.00493632029864	0.481650684758	0.984443061605	1.15310443503e-24	0.984940883634	0.523268829811	NA	0.269004498068	NA	NA	NA
-bowtie2 test1.bam	0.00493632029864	0.481650684758	0.984443061605	1.15310443503e-24	0.984940883634	0.523268829811	0.0	0.269004498068	0	0	0
+bowtie2 test1.bam	0.00493632029863651	0.481650684757865	0.984443061605476	1.1531044350267195e-24	0.9849408836341008	0.5232688298112538	NA	0.26900449806812143	NA	NA	NA
+bowtie2 test1.bam	0.00493632029863651	0.481650684757865	0.984443061605476	1.1531044350267195e-24	0.9849408836341008	0.5232688298112538	0.0	0.26900449806812143	0	0	0
Binary file test-data/plotPCA_result1.png has changed
Binary file test-data/plotPCA_result2.png has changed
--- a/test-data/plotPCA_result2.tabular	Mon May 15 03:58:45 2017 -0400
+++ b/test-data/plotPCA_result2.tabular	Mon Feb 05 11:44:51 2018 -0500
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 Component	bowtie2-test1.bam	bowtie2-test1.bam	Eigenvalue
-1	-0.707106781187	-0.707106781187	6.0
-2	-0.707106781187	0.707106781187	1.23259516441e-32
+1	-0.7071067811865476	-0.7071067811865475	6.000000000000001
+2	-0.7071067811865475	0.7071067811865476	1.2325951644078315e-32
Binary file test-data/profiler_result1.png has changed
Binary file test-data/profiler_result2.png has changed
--- a/test-data/profiler_result2.tabular	Mon May 15 03:58:45 2017 -0400
+++ b/test-data/profiler_result2.tabular	Mon Feb 05 11:44:51 2018 -0500
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 bin labels		-0.0Kb	0.0Kb
-bins		1	2
+bins		1.0	2.0
 bamCoverage_result4_bw_0	genes	2477942.875	2610260.125