view chicViewpointBackgroundModel.xml @ 0:bd11c6a972ef draft

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author bgruening
date Mon, 16 Dec 2019 15:32:01 -0500
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<tool id="hicexplorer_chicviewpointbackgroundmodel" name="@BINARY@" version="@WRAPPER_VERSION@.0">
    <description>validate detected loops with protein peaks.</description>
        <token name="@BINARY@">chicViewpointBackgroundModel</token>
    <expand macro="requirements" />
    <command detect_errors="exit_code"><![CDATA[
        #for $counter, $m in enumerate($matrix_h5_cooler_multiple):
            ln -s '$m' '${counter}_matrix.$m.ext' &&
        #end for
        #set $m = ' '.join([ '\'%s_matrix.%s\'' % ($counter, $matrix.ext) for $counter, $matrix in enumerate($matrix_h5_cooler_multiple) ])

            --matrices $m
            --averageContactBin $averageContactBin
            --fixateRange $fixateRange
            --referencePoints '$referencePoints'
            --threads @THREADS@
            --outFileName background.txt
        <expand macro="matrix_h5_cooler_multiple_macro" />
        <param argument="--referencePoints" type="data" format='interval'
                        label="Reference points"
                        help="Bed file contains all reference points which should be used to build the background model." />
        <param argument="--averageContactBin" type="integer" value="5"  label="Average contacts window size" help='Average the contacts of n bins via a sliding window approach.'/>    
        <param argument="--fixateRange" type="integer" value="500000"  label="Clip background distance" help='Fixate score of background model starting at distance x. E.g. all values greater 500kb are set to the value of the 500kb bin.'/>    
        <data name="background" from_work_dir="background.txt" format="tabular" label="${} on [${on_string}]: Background model"/>
           <param name="matrix_h5_cooler_multiple" value="cHi-C/,cHi-C/"/>
            <param name="referencePoints" value="cHi-C/referencePoints.bed"/>
            <output name="background" file="cHi-C/background.bed" ftype="tabular" compare="sim_size" delta='40000'/>

Compute a background model for cHi-C data analysis

chicViewpointBackgroundModel computes for all given samples with all reference points a background model. For all relative distances to a reference point
a negative binomial distribution is fitted. Moreover, for each relative distance to a reference point the average value for this location is computed. Both
background models are used, the first one for p-value and significance computation, the second one to filter out interactions with a less x-fold over mean.

The background distributions are fixed at `--fixateRange` i.e. all distances lower / higher than this value use the fixed background distribution.

For more information about HiCExplorer please consider our documentation on readthedocs.io_

    <expand macro="citations" />