diff miRDeep_plant.pl @ 50:7b5a48b972e9 draft

author big-tiandm
date Fri, 05 Dec 2014 00:11:02 -0500
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/miRDeep_plant.pl	Fri Dec 05 00:11:02 2014 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,1622 @@
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use Getopt::Std;
+#use RNA;
+################################# MIRDEEP #################################################
+################################## USAGE ##################################################
+my $usage=
+"$0 file_signature file_structure temp_out_directory
+This is the core algorithm of miRDeep. It takes as input a file in blastparsed format with
+information on the positions of reads aligned to potential precursor sequences (signature).
+It also takes as input an RNAfold output file, giving information on the sequence, structure
+and mimimum free energy of the potential precursor sequences.
+Extra arguments can be given. -s specifies a fastafile containing the known mature miRNA
+sequences that should be considered for conservation purposes. -t prints out the potential
+precursor sequences that do _not_ exceed the cut-off (default prints out the sequences that
+exceeds the cut-off). -u gives limited output, that is only the ids of the potential precursors
+that exceed the cut-off. -v varies the cut-off. -x is a sensitive option for Sanger sequences
+obtained through conventional cloning. -z consider the number of base pairings in the lower
+stems (this option is not well tested).
+-h print this usage
+-s fasta file with known miRNAs
+#-o temp directory ,maked befor running the program.
+-t print filtered
+-u limited output (only ids)
+-v cut-off (default 1)
+-x sensitive option for Sanger sequences
+-y use Randfold
+-z consider Drosha processing
+################################### INPUT ##################################################
+#signature file in blast_parsed format
+my $file_blast_parsed=shift or die $usage;
+#structure file outputted from RNAfold
+my $file_struct=shift or die $usage;
+my $tmpdir=shift or die $usage;
+my %options=();
+############################# GLOBAL VARIABLES ##############################################
+my $nucleus_lng=11;
+my $score_star=3.9;
+my $score_star_not=-1.3;
+my $score_nucleus=7.63;
+my $score_nucleus_not=-1.17;
+my $score_randfold=1.37;
+my $score_randfold_not=-3.624;
+my $score_intercept=0.3;
+my @scores_stem=(-3.1,-2.3,-2.2,-1.6,-1.5,0.1,0.6,0.8,0.9,0.9,0);
+my $score_min=1;
+my $e=2.718281828;
+my %hash_desc;
+my %hash_seq;
+my %hash_struct;
+my %hash_mfe;
+my %hash_nuclei;
+my %hash_mirs;
+my %hash_query;
+my %hash_comp;
+my %hash_bp;
+#other variables
+my $subject_old;
+my $message_filter;
+my $message_score;
+my $lines;
+my $out_of_bound;
+################################  MAIN  ###################################################### 
+#print help if that option is used
+if($options{h}){die $usage;}
+unless ($tmpdir=~/\/$/) {$tmpdir .="/";}
+if(!(-s $tmpdir)){mkdir $tmpdir;}
+$tmpdir .="TMP_DIR/";
+mkdir $tmpdir;
+#parse structure file outputted from RNAfold
+#if conservation is scored, the fasta file of known miRNA sequences is parsed
+#parse signature file in blast_parsed format and resolve each potential precursor
+#`rm -rf $tmpdir`;
+############################## SUBROUTINES ###################################################
+sub parse_file_blast_parsed{
+#    read through the signature blastparsed file, fills up a hash with information on queries
+#    (deep sequences) mapping to the current subject (potential precursor) and resolve each
+#    potential precursor in turn
+    my $file_blast_parsed=shift;
+    open (FILE_BLAST_PARSED, "<$file_blast_parsed") or die "can not open $file_blast_parsed\n";
+    while (my $line=<FILE_BLAST_PARSED>){
+		if($line=~/^(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\d+)\.+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\d+)\.+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(.+)$/){
+			my $query=$1;
+			my $query_lng=$2;
+			my $query_beg=$3;
+			my $query_end=$4;
+			my $subject=$5;
+			my $subject_lng=$6;
+			my $subject_beg=$7;
+			my $subject_end=$8;
+			my $e_value=$9;
+			my $pid=$10;
+			my $bitscore=$11;
+			my $other=$12;
+			#if the new line concerns a new subject (potential precursor) then the old subject must be resolved
+			if($subject_old and $subject_old ne $subject){
+				resolve_potential_precursor();
+			}
+			#resolve the strand
+			my $strand=find_strand($other);
+			#resolve the number of reads that the deep sequence represents
+			my $freq=find_freq($query);
+			#read information of the query (deep sequence) into hash
+			$hash_query{$query}{"subject_beg"}=$subject_beg;
+			$hash_query{$query}{"subject_end"}=$subject_end;
+			$hash_query{$query}{"strand"}=$strand;
+			$hash_query{$query}{"freq"}=$freq;
+			#save the signature information
+			$lines.=$line;
+			$subject_old=$subject;
+		}
+    }
+    resolve_potential_precursor();
+sub resolve_potential_precursor{
+#    dissects the potential precursor in parts by filling hashes, and tests if it passes the
+#    initial filter and the scoring filter
+#    binary variable whether the potential precursor is still viable
+    my $ret=1;
+#print STDERR ">$subject_old\n";
+    fill_structure();
+#print STDERR "\%hash_bp",scalar keys %hash_bp,"\n";
+    fill_pri();
+#print STDERR "\%hash_comp",scalar keys %hash_comp,"\n";
+    fill_mature();
+#print STDERR "\%hash_comp",scalar keys %hash_comp,"\n";
+    fill_star();
+#print STDERR "\%hash_comp",scalar keys %hash_comp,"\n";
+    fill_loop();
+#print STDERR "\%hash_comp",scalar keys %hash_comp,"\n";
+    fill_lower_flanks();
+#print STDERR "\%hash_comp",scalar keys %hash_comp,"\n";
+#    do_test_assemble();
+#    this is the actual classification
+    unless(pass_filtering_initial() and pass_threshold_score()){$ret=0;}
+    print_results($ret);
+    reset_variables();
+    return;
+sub print_results{
+    my $ret=shift;
+#    print out if the precursor is accepted and accepted precursors should be printed out
+#    or if the potential precursor is discarded and discarded potential precursors should
+#    be printed out
+    if((!$options{t} and $ret) or ($options{t} and !$ret)){
+	#full output
+		unless($options{u}){
+			if($message_filter){print $message_filter;}
+			if($message_score){print $message_score;}
+			print_hash_comp();
+			print $lines,"\n\n";
+			return;
+		}
+		#limited output (only ids)
+		my $id=$hash_comp{"pri_id"};
+		print "$id\n";
+    }    
+sub pass_threshold_score{
+#    this is the scoring
+    #minimum free energy of the potential precursor
+#    my $score_mfe=score_mfe($hash_comp{"pri_mfe"});
+    my $score_mfe=score_mfe($hash_comp{"pri_mfe"},$hash_comp{"pri_end"});
+    #count of reads that map in accordance with Dicer processing
+    my $score_freq=score_freq($hash_comp{"freq"});
+#print STDERR "score_mfe: $score_mfe\nscore_freq: $score_freq\n";
+    #basic score
+    my $score=$score_mfe+$score_freq;
+    #scoring of conserved nucleus/seed (optional)
+    if($options{s}){
+	#if the nucleus is conserved
+	if(test_nucleus_conservation()){
+	    #nucleus from position 2-8
+	    my $nucleus=substr($hash_comp{"mature_seq"},1,$nucleus_lng);
+	    #resolve DNA/RNA ambiguities
+	    $nucleus=~tr/[T]/[U]/;
+	    #print score contribution
+	    score_s("score_nucleus\t$score_nucleus");
+	    #print the ids of known miRNAs with same nucleus
+	    score_s("$hash_mirs{$nucleus}");
+#print STDERR "score_nucleus\t$score_nucleus\n";
+	    #add to score
+	    $score+=$score_nucleus;
+	#if the nucleus is not conserved
+	}else{
+	    #print (negative) score contribution
+	    score_s("score_nucleus\t$score_nucleus_not");
+	    #add (negative) score contribution
+	    $score+=$score_nucleus_not;
+	}
+    }
+    #if the majority of potential star reads fall as expected from Dicer processing
+    if($hash_comp{"star_read"}){
+	score_s("score_star\t$score_star");
+#print STDERR "score_star\t$score_star\n";
+	$score+=$score_star;
+    }else{
+	score_s("score_star\t$score_star_not");
+#print STDERR "score_star_not\t$score_star_not\n";
+	$score+=$score_star_not;
+    }
+    #score lower stems for potential for Drosha recognition (highly optional)
+    if($options{z}){
+	my $stem_bp=$hash_comp{"stem_bp"};
+	my $score_stem=$scores_stem[$stem_bp];
+	$score+=$score_stem;
+	score_s("score_stem\t$score_stem");
+    }
+#print STDERR "score_intercept\t$score_intercept\n";
+    $score+=$score_intercept;
+    #score for randfold (optional)
+    if($options{y}){
+#	only calculate randfold value if it can make the difference between the potential precursor
+#	being accepted or discarded
+	if($score+$score_randfold>=$score_min and $score+$score_randfold_not<=$score_min){
+	    #randfold value<0.05
+	    if(test_randfold()){$score+=$score_randfold;score_s("score_randfold\t$score_randfold");}
+	    #randfold value>0.05
+	    else{$score+=$score_randfold_not;score_s("score_randfold\t$score_randfold_not");}
+	}
+    }
+    #round off values to one decimal
+    my $round_mfe=round($score_mfe*10)/10;
+    my $round_freq=round($score_freq*10)/10;
+    my $round=round($score*10)/10;
+    #print scores
+    score_s("score_mfe\t$round_mfe\nscore_freq\t$round_freq\nscore\t$round");
+    #return 1 if the potential precursor is accepted, return 0 if discarded
+    unless($score>=$score_min){return 0;}
+    return 1;
+sub test_randfold{
+    #print sequence to temporary file, test randfold value, return 1 or 0
+#    print_file("pri_seq.fa",">pri_seq\n".$hash_comp{"pri_seq"});
+	#my $tmpfile=$tmpdir.$hash_comp{"pri_id"};
+	#open(FILE, ">$tmpfile");
+	#print FILE ">pri_seq\n",$hash_comp{"pri_seq"};
+	#close FILE;
+#	my $p_value=`randfold -s $tmpfile 999 | cut -f 3`;
+	#my $p1=`randfold -s $tmpfile 999 | cut -f 3`;
+	#my $p2=`randfold -s $tmpfile 999 | cut -f 3`;
+	my $p1=&randfold_pvalue($hash_comp{"pri_seq"},999);
+	my $p2=&randfold_pvalue($hash_comp{"pri_seq"},999);
+	my $p_value=($p1+$p2)/2;
+	wait;
+#    system "rm $tmpfile";
+    if($p_value<=0.05){return 1;}
+    return 0;
+sub randfold_pvalue{
+	my $cpt_sup = 0;
+	my $cpt_inf = 0;
+	my $cpt_ega = 1;
+	my ($seq,$number_of_randomizations)=@_;
+	#my $str =$seq;
+	#my $mfe = RNA::fold($seq,$str);
+		my $rnafold=`perl -e 'print "$seq"' | RNAfold --noPS`;
+		my @rawfolds=split/\s+/,$rnafold;
+		my $str=$rawfolds[1];
+		my $mfe=$rawfolds[-1];
+		$mfe=~s/\(//;
+		$mfe=~s/\)//;
+	for (my $i=0;$i<$number_of_randomizations;$i++) {
+		$seq = shuffle_sequence_dinucleotide($seq);
+		#$str = $seq;
+		#my $rand_mfe = RNA::fold($str,$str);
+		$rnafold=`perl -e 'print "$seq"' | RNAfold --noPS`;
+		my @rawfolds=split/\s+/,$rnafold;
+		my $str=$rawfolds[1];
+		my $rand_mfe=$rawfolds[-1];
+		$rand_mfe=~s/\(//;
+		$rand_mfe=~s/\)//;
+		if ($rand_mfe < $mfe) {
+			$cpt_inf++;
+		}
+		if ($rand_mfe == $mfe) {
+			$cpt_ega++;
+		}
+		if ($rand_mfe > $mfe) {		
+			$cpt_sup++;
+		}
+	}
+	my $proba = ($cpt_ega + $cpt_inf) / ($number_of_randomizations + 1);
+	#print "$name\t$mfe\t$proba\n";
+	return $proba;
+sub shuffle_sequence_dinucleotide {
+	my ($str) = @_;
+	# upper case and convert to ATGC
+	$str = uc($str);
+	$str =~ s/U/T/g;
+	my @nuc = ('A','T','G','C');
+	my $count_swap = 0;
+	# set maximum number of permutations
+	my $stop = length($str) * 10;
+	while($count_swap < $stop) {
+		my @pos;
+		# look start and end letters
+		my $firstnuc = $nuc[int(rand 4)];
+		my $thirdnuc = $nuc[int(rand 4)];	
+		# get positions for matching nucleotides
+		for (my $i=0;$i<(length($str)-2);$i++) {
+			if ((substr($str,$i,1) eq $firstnuc) && (substr($str,$i+2,1) eq $thirdnuc)) {
+				push (@pos,($i+1));
+				$i++;
+			}
+		}
+		# swap at random trinucleotides
+		my $max = scalar(@pos);
+		for (my $i=0;$i<$max;$i++) {
+			my $swap = int(rand($max));
+			if ((abs($pos[$swap] - $pos[$i]) >= 3) && (substr($str,$pos[$i],1) ne substr($str,$pos[$swap],1))) {			
+				$count_swap++;
+				my $w1 = substr($str,$pos[$i],1);
+				my $w2 = substr($str,$pos[$swap],1);			
+				substr($str,$pos[$i],1,$w2);
+				substr($str,$pos[$swap],1,$w1);		
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return($str);	
+sub test_nucleus_conservation{
+    #test if nucleus is identical to nucleus from known miRNA, return 1 or 0
+    my $nucleus=substr($hash_comp{"mature_seq"},1,$nucleus_lng);
+    $nucleus=~tr/[T]/[U]/;
+    if($hash_nuclei{$nucleus}){return 1;}
+    return 0;
+sub pass_filtering_initial{
+    #test if the structure forms a plausible hairpin
+    unless(pass_filtering_structure()){filter_p("structure problem"); return 0;}
+    #test if >90% of reads map to the hairpin in consistence with Dicer processing
+    unless(pass_filtering_signature()){filter_p("signature problem");return 0;}
+    return 1;
+sub pass_filtering_signature{
+    #number of reads that map in consistence with Dicer processing
+    my $consistent=0;
+    #number of reads that map inconsistent with Dicer processing
+    my $inconsistent=0;
+#   number of potential star reads map in good consistence with Drosha/Dicer processing
+#   (3' overhangs relative to mature product)
+    my $star_perfect=0;
+#   number of potential star reads that do not map in good consistence with 3' overhang
+    my $star_fuzzy=0;
+    #sort queries (deep sequences) by their position on the hairpin
+    my @queries=sort {$hash_query{$a}{"subject_beg"} <=> $hash_query{$b}{"subject_beg"}} keys %hash_query;
+    foreach my $query(@queries){
+		#number of reads that the deep sequence represents
+		unless(defined($hash_query{$query}{"freq"})){next;}
+		my $query_freq=$hash_query{$query}{"freq"};
+		#test which Dicer product (if any) the deep sequence corresponds to
+		my $product=test_query($query);
+		#if the deep sequence corresponds to a Dicer product, add to the 'consistent' variable
+		if($product){$consistent+=$query_freq;}
+		#if the deep sequence do not correspond to a Dicer product, add to the 'inconsistent' variable
+		else{$inconsistent+=$query_freq;}
+		#test a potential star sequence has good 3' overhang
+		if($product eq "star"){
+			if(test_star($query)){$star_perfect+=$query_freq;}
+			else{$star_fuzzy+=$query_freq;}
+		}
+    }
+#   if the majority of potential star sequences map in good accordance with 3' overhang
+#    score for the presence of star evidence
+    if($star_perfect>$star_fuzzy){$hash_comp{"star_read"}=1;}
+    #total number of reads mapping to the hairpin
+    my $freq=$consistent+$inconsistent;
+    $hash_comp{"freq"}=$freq;
+    unless($freq>0){filter_s("read frequency too low"); return 0;}
+    #unless >90% of the reads map in consistence with Dicer processing, the hairpin is discarded
+    my $inconsistent_fraction=$inconsistent/($inconsistent+$consistent);
+    unless($inconsistent_fraction<=0.1){filter_p("inconsistent\t$inconsistent\nconsistent\t$consistent"); return 0;}
+    #the hairpin is retained
+    return 1;
+sub test_star{
+    #test if a deep sequence maps in good consistence with 3' overhang
+    my $query=shift;
+    #5' begin and 3' end positions
+    my $beg=$hash_query{$query}{"subject_beg"};
+    my $end=$hash_query{$query}{"subject_end"};
+    #the difference between observed and expected begin positions must be 0 or 1
+    my $offset=$beg-$hash_comp{"star_beg"};
+    if($offset==0 or $offset==1 or $offset==-1){return 1;}
+    return 0;
+sub test_query{
+    #test if deep sequence maps in consistence with Dicer processing
+    my $query=shift;
+    #begin, end, strand and read count
+    my $beg=$hash_query{$query}{"subject_beg"};
+    my $end=$hash_query{$query}{"subject_end"};
+    my $strand=$hash_query{$query}{"strand"};
+    my $freq=$hash_query{$query}{"freq"};
+    #should not be on the minus strand (although this has in fact anecdotally been observed for known miRNAs)
+    if($strand eq '-'){return 0;}
+    #the deep sequence is allowed to stretch 2 nt beyond the expected 5' end
+    my $fuzz_beg=2;
+    #the deep sequence is allowed to stretch 5 nt beyond the expected 3' end
+    my $fuzz_end=2;
+    #if in accordance with Dicer processing, return the type of Dicer product 
+    if(contained($beg,$end,$hash_comp{"mature_beg"}-$fuzz_beg,$hash_comp{"mature_end"}+$fuzz_end)){return "mature";}
+    if(contained($beg,$end,$hash_comp{"star_beg"}-$fuzz_beg,$hash_comp{"star_end"}+$fuzz_end)){return "star";}
+    if(contained($beg,$end,$hash_comp{"loop_beg"}-$fuzz_beg,$hash_comp{"loop_end"}+$fuzz_end)){return "loop";}
+    #if not in accordance, return 0
+    return 0;
+sub pass_filtering_structure{
+    #The potential precursor must form a hairpin with miRNA precursor-like characteristics
+    #return value
+    my $ret=1;
+    #potential mature, star, loop and lower flank parts must be identifiable
+    unless(test_components()){return 0;}
+    #no bifurcations
+    unless(no_bifurcations_precursor()){$ret=0;}
+    #minimum 14 base pairings in duplex
+    unless(bp_duplex()>=15){$ret=0;filter_s("too few pairings in duplex");}
+    #not more than 6 nt difference between mature and star length
+    unless(-6<diff_lng() and diff_lng()<6){$ret=0; filter_s("too big difference between mature and star length") }
+    return $ret;
+sub test_components{
+    #tests whether potential mature, star, loop and lower flank parts are identifiable
+    unless($hash_comp{"mature_struct"}){
+	filter_s("no mature");
+#	print STDERR "no mature\n";
+	return 0;
+    }
+    unless($hash_comp{"star_struct"}){
+	filter_s("no star");
+#	print STDERR "no star\n";
+	return 0;
+    }
+    unless($hash_comp{"loop_struct"}){
+	filter_s("no loop");
+#	print STDERR "no loop\n";
+   	return 0;
+    }
+    unless($hash_comp{"flank_first_struct"}){
+	filter_s("no flanks");
+#print STDERR "no flanks_first_struct\n";
+   	return 0;
+    }
+    unless($hash_comp{"flank_second_struct"}){
+	filter_s("no flanks");
+#	print STDERR "no flanks_second_struct\n";
+    	return 0;
+    }
+    return 1;
+sub no_bifurcations_precursor{
+    #tests whether there are bifurcations in the hairpin
+    #assembles the potential precursor sequence and structure from the expected Dicer products
+    #this is the expected biological precursor, in contrast with 'pri_seq' that includes
+    #some genomic flanks on both sides
+    my $pre_struct;
+    my $pre_seq;
+    if($hash_comp{"mature_arm"} eq "first"){
+	$pre_struct.=$hash_comp{"mature_struct"}.$hash_comp{"loop_struct"}.$hash_comp{"star_struct"};
+	$pre_seq.=$hash_comp{"mature_seq"}.$hash_comp{"loop_seq"}.$hash_comp{"star_seq"};
+    }else{
+	$pre_struct.=$hash_comp{"star_struct"}.$hash_comp{"loop_struct"}.$hash_comp{"mature_struct"};
+	$pre_seq.=$hash_comp{"star_seq"}.$hash_comp{"loop_seq"}.$hash_comp{"mature_seq"};
+    }
+    #read into hash
+    $hash_comp{"pre_struct"}=$pre_struct;
+    $hash_comp{"pre_seq"}=$pre_seq;
+    #simple pattern matching checks for bifurcations
+    unless($pre_struct=~/^((\.|\()+..(\.|\))+)$/){
+	filter_s("bifurcation in precursor");
+#	print STDERR "bifurcation in precursor\n";
+	return 0;
+    }
+    return 1;
+sub bp_precursor{
+    #total number of bps in the precursor
+    my $pre_struct=$hash_comp{"pre_struct"};
+    #simple pattern matching
+    my $pre_bps=0;
+    while($pre_struct=~/\(/g){
+	$pre_bps++;
+    }
+    return $pre_bps;
+sub bp_duplex{
+    #total number of bps in the duplex
+    my $duplex_bps=0;
+    my $mature_struct=$hash_comp{"mature_struct"};
+    #simple pattern matching
+    while($mature_struct=~/(\(|\))/g){
+	$duplex_bps++;
+    }
+    return $duplex_bps;
+sub diff_lng{
+    #find difference between mature and star lengths
+    my $mature_lng=length $hash_comp{"mature_struct"};
+    my $star_lng=length $hash_comp{"star_struct"};
+    my $diff_lng=$mature_lng-$star_lng;
+    return $diff_lng;
+sub do_test_assemble{
+#    not currently used, tests if the 'pri_struct' as assembled from the parts (Dicer products, lower flanks)
+#    is identical to 'pri_struct' before disassembly into parts
+    my $assemble_struct;
+    if($hash_comp{"flank_first_struct"} and $hash_comp{"mature_struct"} and $hash_comp{"loop_struct"} and $hash_comp{"star_struct"} and $hash_comp{"flank_second_struct"}){
+	if($hash_comp{"mature_arm"} eq "first"){
+	    $assemble_struct.=$hash_comp{"flank_first_struct"}.$hash_comp{"mature_struct"}.$hash_comp{"loop_struct"}.$hash_comp{"star_struct"}.$hash_comp{"flank_second_struct"};
+	}else{
+	    $assemble_struct.=$hash_comp{"flank_first_struct"}.$hash_comp{"star_struct"}.$hash_comp{"loop_struct"}.$hash_comp{"mature_struct"}.$hash_comp{"flank_second_struct"};
+	}
+	unless($assemble_struct eq $hash_comp{"pri_struct"}){
+	    $hash_comp{"test_assemble"}=$assemble_struct;
+	    print_hash_comp();
+	}
+    }
+    return;
+ }
+sub fill_structure{
+    #reads the dot bracket structure into the 'bp' hash where each key and value are basepaired
+    my $struct=$hash_struct{$subject_old};
+    my $lng=length $struct;
+    #local stack for keeping track of basepairings
+    my @bps;
+    for(my $pos=1;$pos<=$lng;$pos++){
+		my $struct_pos=excise_struct($struct,$pos,$pos,"+");
+		if($struct_pos eq "("){
+			push(@bps,$pos);
+		}
+		if($struct_pos eq ")"){
+			my $pos_prev=pop(@bps);
+			$hash_bp{$pos_prev}=$pos;
+			$hash_bp{$pos}=$pos_prev;
+		}
+    }
+    return;
+sub fill_star{
+    #fills specifics on the expected star strand into 'comp' hash ('component' hash)
+    #if the mature sequence is not plausible, don't look for the star arm
+    my $mature_arm=$hash_comp{"mature_arm"};
+    unless($mature_arm){$hash_comp{"star_arm"}=0; return;}
+    #if the star sequence is not plausible, don't fill into the hash
+    my($star_beg,$star_end)=find_star();
+    my $star_arm=arm_star($star_beg,$star_end);
+    unless($star_arm){return;}
+    #excise expected star sequence and structure
+    my $star_seq=excise_seq($hash_comp{"pri_seq"},$star_beg,$star_end,"+");
+    my $star_struct=excise_seq($hash_comp{"pri_struct"},$star_beg,$star_end,"+");
+    #fill into hash
+    $hash_comp{"star_beg"}=$star_beg;
+    $hash_comp{"star_end"}=$star_end;
+    $hash_comp{"star_seq"}=$star_seq;
+    $hash_comp{"star_struct"}=$star_struct;
+    $hash_comp{"star_arm"}=$star_arm;
+    return;
+sub find_star{
+    #uses the 'bp' hash to find the expected star begin and end positions from the mature positions
+    #the -2 is for the overhang
+    my $mature_beg=$hash_comp{"mature_beg"};
+    my $mature_end=$hash_comp{"mature_end"}-2;
+    my $mature_lng=$mature_end-$mature_beg+1;
+    #in some cases, the last nucleotide of the mature sequence does not form a base pair,
+    #and therefore does not basepair with the first nucleotide of the star sequence.
+    #In this case, the algorithm searches for the last nucleotide of the mature sequence
+    #to form a base pair. The offset is the number of nucleotides searched through.
+    my $offset_star_beg=0;
+    my $offset_beg=0;
+    #the offset should not be longer than the length of the mature sequence, then it
+    #means that the mature sequence does not form any base pairs
+    while(!$offset_star_beg and $offset_beg<$mature_lng){
+		if($hash_bp{$mature_end-$offset_beg}){
+			$offset_star_beg=$hash_bp{$mature_end-$offset_beg};
+		}else{
+			$offset_beg++;
+		}
+    }
+    #when defining the beginning of the star sequence, compensate for the offset
+    my $star_beg=$offset_star_beg-$offset_beg;
+    #same as above
+    my $offset_star_end=0;
+    my $offset_end=0;
+    while(!$offset_star_end and $offset_end<$mature_lng){
+		if($hash_bp{$mature_beg+$offset_end}){
+			$offset_star_end=$hash_bp{$mature_beg+$offset_end};
+		}else{
+			$offset_end++;
+		}
+    }
+    #the +2 is for the overhang
+    my $star_end=$offset_star_end+$offset_end+2;
+    return($star_beg,$star_end);
+sub fill_pri{
+    #fills basic specifics on the precursor into the 'comp' hash
+    my $seq=$hash_seq{$subject_old};
+    my $struct=$hash_struct{$subject_old};
+    my $mfe=$hash_mfe{$subject_old};
+    my $length=length $seq;
+    $hash_comp{"pri_id"}=$subject_old;
+    $hash_comp{"pri_seq"}=$seq;
+    $hash_comp{"pri_struct"}=$struct;
+    $hash_comp{"pri_mfe"}=$mfe;
+    $hash_comp{"pri_beg"}=1;
+    $hash_comp{"pri_end"}=$length;
+    return;
+sub fill_mature{
+    #fills specifics on the mature sequence into the 'comp' hash
+    my $mature_query=find_mature_query();
+    my($mature_beg,$mature_end)=find_positions_query($mature_query);
+    my $mature_strand=find_strand_query($mature_query);
+    my $mature_seq=excise_seq($hash_comp{"pri_seq"},$mature_beg,$mature_end,$mature_strand);
+    my $mature_struct=excise_struct($hash_comp{"pri_struct"},$mature_beg,$mature_end,$mature_strand);
+    my $mature_arm=arm_mature($mature_beg,$mature_end,$mature_strand);
+    $hash_comp{"mature_query"}=$mature_query;
+    $hash_comp{"mature_beg"}=$mature_beg;
+    $hash_comp{"mature_end"}=$mature_end;
+    $hash_comp{"mature_strand"}=$mature_strand;
+    $hash_comp{"mature_struct"}=$mature_struct;
+    $hash_comp{"mature_seq"}=$mature_seq;
+    $hash_comp{"mature_arm"}=$mature_arm;
+    return;
+sub fill_loop{
+    #fills specifics on the loop sequence into the 'comp' hash
+    #unless both mature and star sequences are plausible, do not look for the loop
+    unless($hash_comp{"mature_arm"} and $hash_comp{"star_arm"}){return;}
+    my $loop_beg;
+    my $loop_end;
+    #defining the begin and end positions of the loop from the mature and star positions
+    #excision depends on whether the mature or star sequence is 5' of the loop ('first')
+    if($hash_comp{"mature_arm"} eq "first"){
+	$loop_beg=$hash_comp{"mature_end"}+1;
+    }else{
+	$loop_end=$hash_comp{"mature_beg"}-1;
+    }
+    if($hash_comp{"star_arm"} eq "first"){
+	$loop_beg=$hash_comp{"star_end"}+1;
+    }else{
+	$loop_end=$hash_comp{"star_beg"}-1;
+    }
+    #unless the positions are plausible, do not fill into hash
+    unless(test_loop($loop_beg,$loop_end)){return;}
+    my $loop_seq=excise_seq($hash_comp{"pri_seq"},$loop_beg,$loop_end,"+");
+    my $loop_struct=excise_struct($hash_comp{"pri_struct"},$loop_beg,$loop_end,"+");
+    $hash_comp{"loop_beg"}=$loop_beg;
+    $hash_comp{"loop_end"}=$loop_end;
+    $hash_comp{"loop_seq"}=$loop_seq;
+    $hash_comp{"loop_struct"}=$loop_struct;
+    return;
+sub fill_lower_flanks{
+    #fills specifics on the lower flanks and unpaired strands into the 'comp' hash
+    #unless both mature and star sequences are plausible, do not look for the flanks
+    unless($hash_comp{"mature_arm"} and $hash_comp{"star_arm"}){return;}
+    my $flank_first_end;
+    my $flank_second_beg;
+    #defining the begin and end positions of the flanks from the mature and star positions
+    #excision depends on whether the mature or star sequence is 5' in the potenitial precursor ('first')
+    if($hash_comp{"mature_arm"} eq "first"){
+	$flank_first_end=$hash_comp{"mature_beg"}-1;
+    }else{
+	$flank_second_beg=$hash_comp{"mature_end"}+1;
+    }
+    if($hash_comp{"star_arm"} eq "first"){
+	$flank_first_end=$hash_comp{"star_beg"}-1;
+    }else{
+	$flank_second_beg=$hash_comp{"star_end"}+1;
+    }   
+    #unless the positions are plausible, do not fill into hash
+    unless(test_flanks($flank_first_end,$flank_second_beg)){return;}
+    $hash_comp{"flank_first_end"}=$flank_first_end;
+    $hash_comp{"flank_second_beg"}=$flank_second_beg;
+    $hash_comp{"flank_first_seq"}=excise_seq($hash_comp{"pri_seq"},$hash_comp{"pri_beg"},$hash_comp{"flank_first_end"},"+");
+    $hash_comp{"flank_second_seq"}=excise_seq($hash_comp{"pri_seq"},$hash_comp{"flank_second_beg"},$hash_comp{"pri_end"},"+");
+    $hash_comp{"flank_first_struct"}=excise_struct($hash_comp{"pri_struct"},$hash_comp{"pri_beg"},$hash_comp{"flank_first_end"},"+");
+    $hash_comp{"flank_second_struct"}=excise_struct($hash_comp{"pri_struct"},$hash_comp{"flank_second_beg"},$hash_comp{"pri_end"},"+");
+    if($options{z}){
+	fill_stems_drosha();
+    }
+    return;
+sub fill_stems_drosha{
+    #scores the number of base pairings formed by the first ten nt of the lower stems
+    #in general, the more stems, the higher the score contribution
+    #warning: this options has not been thoroughly tested
+    my $flank_first_struct=$hash_comp{"flank_first_struct"};
+    my $flank_second_struct=$hash_comp{"flank_second_struct"};
+    my $stem_first=substr($flank_first_struct,-10);
+    my $stem_second=substr($flank_second_struct,0,10);
+    my $stem_bp_first=0;
+    my $stem_bp_second=0;
+    #find base pairings by simple pattern matching
+    while($stem_first=~/\(/g){
+	$stem_bp_first++;
+    }
+    while($stem_second=~/\)/g){
+	$stem_bp_second++;
+    }
+    my $stem_bp=min2($stem_bp_first,$stem_bp_second);
+    $hash_comp{"stem_first"}=$stem_first;
+    $hash_comp{"stem_second"}=$stem_second;
+    $hash_comp{"stem_bp_first"}=$stem_bp_first;
+    $hash_comp{"stem_bp_second"}=$stem_bp_second;
+    $hash_comp{"stem_bp"}=$stem_bp;
+    return;
+sub arm_mature{
+    #tests whether the mature sequence is in the 5' ('first') or 3' ('second') arm of the potential precursor
+    my ($beg,$end,$strand)=@_;
+    #mature and star sequences should alway be on plus strand
+    if($strand eq "-"){return 0;}
+    #there should be no bifurcations and minimum one base pairing
+    my $struct=excise_seq($hash_comp{"pri_struct"},$beg,$end,$strand);
+    if(defined($struct) and $struct=~/^(\(|\.)+$/ and $struct=~/\(/){
+	return "first";
+    }elsif(defined($struct) and $struct=~/^(\)|\.)+$/ and $struct=~/\)/){
+	return "second";
+    }
+    return 0;
+sub arm_star{
+    #tests whether the star sequence is in the 5' ('first') or 3' ('second') arm of the potential precursor
+    my ($beg,$end)=@_;
+    #unless the begin and end positions are plausible, test negative
+    unless($beg>0 and $beg<=$hash_comp{"pri_end"} and $end>0 and $end<=$hash_comp{"pri_end"} and $beg<=$end){return 0;}
+    #no overlap between the mature and the star sequence
+    if($hash_comp{"mature_arm"} eq "first"){
+	($hash_comp{"mature_end"}<$beg) or return 0;
+    }elsif($hash_comp{"mature_arm"} eq "second"){
+	($end<$hash_comp{"mature_beg"}) or return 0;
+    }
+    #there should be no bifurcations and minimum one base pairing
+    my $struct=excise_seq($hash_comp{"pri_struct"},$beg,$end,"+");
+    if($struct=~/^(\(|\.)+$/ and $struct=~/\(/){
+	return "first";
+    }elsif($struct=~/^(\)|\.)+$/ and $struct=~/\)/){
+	return "second";
+    }
+    return 0;
+sub test_loop{
+    #tests the loop positions
+    my ($beg,$end)=@_;
+    #unless the begin and end positions are plausible, test negative
+    unless($beg>0 and $beg<=$hash_comp{"pri_end"} and $end>0 and $end<=$hash_comp{"pri_end"} and $beg<=$end){return 0;}
+    return 1;
+sub test_flanks{
+    #tests the positions of the lower flanks
+    my ($beg,$end)=@_;
+    #unless the begin and end positions are plausible, test negative
+    unless($beg>0 and $beg<=$hash_comp{"pri_end"} and $end>0 and $end<=$hash_comp{"pri_end"} and $beg<=$end){return 0;}
+    return 1;
+sub comp{
+    #subroutine to retrive from the 'comp' hash
+    my $type=shift;
+    my $component=$hash_comp{$type};
+    return $component;
+sub find_strand_query{
+    #subroutine to find the strand for a given query
+    my $query=shift;
+    my $strand=$hash_query{$query}{"strand"};
+    return $strand;
+sub find_positions_query{
+    #subroutine to find the begin and end positions for a given query
+    my $query=shift;
+    my $beg=$hash_query{$query}{"subject_beg"};
+    my $end=$hash_query{$query}{"subject_end"};
+    return ($beg,$end);
+sub find_mature_query{
+    #finds the query with the highest frequency of reads and returns it
+    #is used to determine the positions of the potential mature sequence
+    my @queries=sort {$hash_query{$b}{"freq"} <=> $hash_query{$a}{"freq"}} keys %hash_query;
+    my $mature_query=$queries[0];
+    return $mature_query;
+sub reset_variables{
+    #resets the hashes for the next potential precursor
+#    %hash_query=();
+#    %hash_comp=();
+#    %hash_bp=();
+	foreach my $key (keys %hash_query) {delete($hash_query{$key});}
+	foreach my $key (keys %hash_comp) {delete($hash_comp{$key});}
+	foreach my $key (keys %hash_bp) {delete($hash_bp{$key});}
+#    $message_filter=();
+#    $message_score=();
+#    $lines=();
+	undef($message_filter);
+	undef($message_score);
+	undef($lines);
+    return;
+sub excise_seq{
+    #excise sub sequence from the potential precursor
+    my($seq,$beg,$end,$strand)=@_;
+    #begin can be equal to end if only one nucleotide is excised
+    unless($beg<=$end){print STDERR "begin can not be smaller than end for $subject_old\n";exit;}
+    #rarely, permuted combinations of signature and structure cause out of bound excision errors.
+    #this happens once appr. every two thousand combinations
+    unless($beg<=length($seq)){$out_of_bound++;return 0;}
+    #if on the minus strand, the reverse complement should be excised
+    if($strand eq "-"){$seq=revcom($seq);}
+    #the blast parsed format is 1-indexed, substr is 0-indexed
+    my $sub_seq=substr($seq,$beg-1,$end-$beg+1);
+    return $sub_seq;
+sub excise_struct{
+    #excise sub structure
+    my($struct,$beg,$end,$strand)=@_;
+    my $lng=length $struct;
+    #begin can be equal to end if only one nucleotide is excised
+    unless($beg<=$end){print STDERR "begin can not be smaller than end for $subject_old\n";exit;}
+    #rarely, permuted combinations of signature and structure cause out of bound excision errors.
+    #this happens once appr. every two thousand combinations
+    unless($beg<=length($struct)){return 0;}
+    #if excising relative to minus strand, positions are reversed
+    if($strand eq "-"){($beg,$end)=rev_pos($beg,$end,$lng);}
+    #the blast parsed format is 1-indexed, substr is 0-indexed
+    my $sub_struct=substr($struct,$beg-1,$end-$beg+1);
+    return $sub_struct;
+sub create_hash_nuclei{
+    #parses a fasta file with sequences of known miRNAs considered for conservation purposes
+    #reads the nuclei into a hash
+    my ($file) = @_;
+    my ($id, $desc, $sequence, $nucleus) = ();
+    open (FASTA, "<$file") or die "can not open $file\n";
+    while (<FASTA>)
+    {
+        chomp;
+        if (/^>(\S+)(.*)/)
+	{
+	    $id       = $1;
+	    $desc     = $2;
+	    $sequence = "";
+	    $nucleus  = "";
+	    while (<FASTA>){
+                chomp;
+                if (/^>(\S+)(.*)/){
+		    $nucleus                = substr($sequence,1,$nucleus_lng);
+		    $nucleus                =~ tr/[T]/[U]/;
+		    $hash_mirs{$nucleus}   .="$id\t";
+		    $hash_nuclei{$nucleus} += 1;
+		    $id               = $1;
+		    $desc             = $2;
+		    $sequence         = "";
+		    $nucleus          = "";
+		    next;
+                }
+		$sequence .= $_;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    $nucleus                = substr($sequence,1,$nucleus_lng);
+    $nucleus                =~ tr/[T]/[U]/;
+    $hash_mirs{$nucleus}   .="$id\t";
+    $hash_nuclei{$nucleus} += 1;
+    close FASTA;
+sub parse_file_struct{
+	#parses the output from RNAfoldand reads it into hashes
+	my($file) = @_;
+	my($id,$desc,$seq,$struct,$mfe) = ();
+	open (FILE_STRUCT, "<$file") or die "can not open $file\n";
+	while (<FILE_STRUCT>){
+		chomp;
+		if (/^>(\S+)\s*(.*)/){
+			$id= $1;
+			$desc= $2;
+			$seq= "";
+			$struct= "";
+			$mfe= "";
+			while (<FILE_STRUCT>){
+				chomp;
+				if (/^>(\S+)\s*(.*)/){
+					$hash_desc{$id}   = $desc;
+					$hash_seq{$id}    = $seq;
+					$hash_struct{$id} = $struct;
+					$hash_mfe{$id}    = $mfe;
+					$id          = $1;
+					$desc        = $2;
+					$seq         = "";
+					$struct      = "";
+					$mfe         = "";
+					next;
+				}
+				if(/^\w/){
+					tr/uU/tT/;
+					$seq .= $_;
+					next;
+				}
+				if(/((\.|\(|\))+)/){$struct .=$1;}
+				if(/\((\s*-\d+\.\d+)\)/){$mfe = $1;}
+			}
+        }
+    }
+    $hash_desc{$id}        = $desc;
+    $hash_seq{$id}         = $seq;
+    $hash_struct{$id}      = $struct;
+    $hash_mfe{$id}         = $mfe;
+    close FILE_STRUCT;
+    return;
+sub score_s{
+    #this score message is appended to the end of the string of score messages outputted for the potential precursor
+    my $message=shift;
+    $message_score.=$message."\n";;
+    return;
+sub score_p{
+   #this score message is appended to the beginning of the string of score messages outputted for the potential precursor
+    my $message=shift;
+    $message_score=$message."\n".$message_score;
+    return;
+sub filter_s{
+    #this filtering message is appended to the end of the string of filtering messages outputted for the potential precursor
+    my $message=shift;
+    $message_filter.=$message."\n";
+    return;
+sub filter_p{
+    #this filtering message is appended to the beginning of the string of filtering messages outputted for the potential precursor
+    my $message=shift;
+    if(defined $message_filter){$message_filter=$message."\n".$message_filter;}
+    else{$message_filter=$message."\n";}
+    return;
+sub find_freq{
+    #finds the frequency of a given read query from its id.
+    my($query)=@_;
+    if($query=~/x(\d+)/i){
+	my $freq=$1;
+	return $freq;
+    }else{
+	#print STDERR "Problem with read format\n";
+	return 0;
+    }
+sub print_hash_comp{
+    #prints the 'comp' hash
+    my @keys=sort keys %hash_comp;
+    foreach my $key(@keys){
+	my $value=$hash_comp{$key};
+	print "$key  \t$value\n";
+    }
+sub print_hash_bp{
+    #prints the 'bp' hash
+    my @keys=sort {$a<=>$b} keys %hash_bp;
+    foreach my $key(@keys){
+	my $value=$hash_bp{$key};
+	print "$key\t$value\n";
+    }
+    print "\n";
+sub find_strand{
+    #A subroutine to find the strand, parsing different blast formats
+    my($other)=@_;
+    my $strand="+";
+    if($other=~/-/){
+	$strand="-";
+    }
+    if($other=~/minus/i){
+	$strand="-";
+    }
+    return($strand);
+sub contained{
+    #Is the stretch defined by the first positions contained in the stretch defined by the second?
+    my($beg1,$end1,$beg2,$end2)=@_;
+    testbeginend($beg1,$end1,$beg2,$end2);
+    if($beg2<=$beg1 and $end1<=$end2){
+	return 1;
+    }else{
+	return 0;
+    }
+sub testbeginend{
+    #Are the beginposition numerically smaller than the endposition for each pair?
+    my($begin1,$end1,$begin2,$end2)=@_;
+    unless($begin1<=$end1 and $begin2<=$end2){
+	print STDERR "beg can not be larger than end for $subject_old\n";
+	exit;
+    }
+sub rev_pos{
+#   The blast_parsed format always uses positions that are relative to the 5' of the given strand
+#   This means that for a sequence of length n, the first nucleotide on the minus strand base pairs with
+#   the n't nucleotide on the plus strand
+#   This subroutine reverses the begin and end positions of positions of the minus strand so that they
+#   are relative to the 5' end of the plus strand	
+    my($beg,$end,$lng)=@_;
+    my $new_end=$lng-$beg+1;
+    my $new_beg=$lng-$end+1;
+    return($new_beg,$new_end);
+sub round {
+    #rounds to nearest integer
+    my($number) = shift;
+    return int($number + .5);
+sub rev{
+    #reverses the order of nucleotides in a sequence
+    my($sequence)=@_;
+    my $rev=reverse $sequence;   
+    return $rev;
+sub com{
+    #the complementary of a sequence
+    my($sequence)=@_;
+    $sequence=~tr/acgtuACGTU/TGCAATGCAA/;   
+    return $sequence;
+sub revcom{
+    #reverse complement
+    my($sequence)=@_;
+    my $revcom=rev(com($sequence));
+    return $revcom;
+sub max2 {
+    #max of two numbers
+    my($a, $b) = @_;
+    return ($a>$b ? $a : $b);
+sub min2  {
+    #min of two numbers
+    my($a, $b) = @_;
+    return ($a<$b ? $a : $b);
+sub score_freq{
+#   scores the count of reads that map to the potential precursor
+#   Assumes geometric distribution as described in methods section of manuscript
+    my $freq=shift;
+    #parameters of known precursors and background hairpins
+    my $parameter_test=0.999;
+    my $parameter_control=0.6;
+    #log_odds calculated directly to avoid underflow
+    my $intercept=log((1-$parameter_test)/(1-$parameter_control));
+    my $slope=log($parameter_test/$parameter_control);
+    my $log_odds=$slope*$freq+$intercept;
+    #if no strong evidence for 3' overhangs, limit the score contribution to 0
+    unless($options{x} or $hash_comp{"star_read"}){$log_odds=min2($log_odds,0);}
+    return $log_odds;
+##sub score_mfe{
+#   scores the minimum free energy in kCal/mol of the potential precursor
+#   Assumes Gumbel distribution as described in methods section of manuscript
+##    my $mfe=shift;
+    #numerical value, minimum 1
+##    my $mfe_adj=max2(1,-$mfe);
+    #parameters of known precursors and background hairpins, scale and location
+##    my $prob_test=prob_gumbel_discretized($mfe_adj,5.5,32);
+##    my $prob_background=prob_gumbel_discretized($mfe_adj,4.8,23);
+##    my $odds=$prob_test/$prob_background;
+##    my $log_odds=log($odds);
+##    return $log_odds;
+sub score_mfe{
+#	use bignum;
+#   scores the minimum free energy in kCal/mol of the potential precursor
+#   Assumes Gumbel distribution as described in methods section of manuscript
+    my ($mfe,$mlng)=@_;
+    #numerical value, minimum 1
+    my $mfe_adj=max2(1,-$mfe);
+my $mfe_adj1=$mfe/$mlng;
+    #parameters of known precursors and background hairpins, scale and location
+	my $a=1.339e-12;my $b=2.778e-13;my $c=45.834;
+	my $ev=$e**($mfe_adj1*$c);
+	#print STDERR "\n***",$ev,"**\t",$ev+$b,"\t";
+	my $log_odds=($a/($b+$ev));
+	my $prob_test=prob_gumbel_discretized($mfe_adj,5.5,32);
+    my $prob_background=prob_gumbel_discretized($mfe_adj,4.8,23);
+    my $odds=$prob_test/$prob_background;
+    my $log_odds_2=log($odds);
+	#print STDERR "log_odds :",$log_odds,"\t",$log_odds_2,"\n";
+   return $log_odds;
+sub prob_gumbel_discretized{
+#   discretized Gumbel distribution, probabilities within windows of 1 kCal/mol
+#   uses the subroutine that calculates the cdf to find the probabilities
+    my ($var,$scale,$location)=@_;
+    my $bound_lower=$var-0.5;
+    my $bound_upper=$var+0.5;
+    my $cdf_lower=cdf_gumbel($bound_lower,$scale,$location);
+    my $cdf_upper=cdf_gumbel($bound_upper,$scale,$location);
+    my $prob=$cdf_upper-$cdf_lower;
+    return $prob;
+sub cdf_gumbel{
+#   calculates the cumulative distribution function of the Gumbel distribution
+    my ($var,$scale,$location)=@_;
+    my $cdf=$e**(-($e**(-($var-$location)/$scale)));
+    return $cdf;