diff cobraxy-9688ad27287b/COBRAxy/testing.py @ 90:a48b2e06ebe7 draft

author luca_milaz
date Sun, 13 Oct 2024 11:35:56 +0000 (5 months ago)
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/cobraxy-9688ad27287b/COBRAxy/testing.py	Sun Oct 13 11:35:56 2024 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,806 @@
+# This is a general-purpose "testing utilities" module for the COBRAxy tool.
+# This code was written entirely by m.ferrari133@campus.unimib.it and then (hopefully) many
+# more people contributed by writing tests for this tool's modules, feel free to send an email for
+# any questions.
+# How the testing module works:
+# The testing module allows you to easily set up unit tests for functions in a module, obtaining
+# information on what each method returns, when and how it fails and so on.
+# How do I test a module?
+# - create a function at the very bottom, before the __main__
+# - import the stuff you need
+# - create a UnitTester instance, follow the documentation
+# - fill it up with UnitTest instances, follow the documentation
+# - each UnitTest tests the function by passing specific parameters to it and by veryfing the correctness
+#   of the output via a CheckingMode instance
+# - call testModule() on the UnitTester
+# TODO(s):
+# - This module was written before the utilities were introduced, it may want to use some of those functions.
+# - I never got around to writing a CheckingMode for methods you WANT to fail in certain scenarios, I
+#   like the name "MustPanic".
+# - It's good practice to enforce boolean arguments of a function to be passed as kwargs and I did it a lot
+#   in the code I wrote for these tool's modules, but the current implementation of UnitTest doesn't allow
+#   you to pass kwargs to the functions you test.
+# - Implement integration tests as well, maybe!
+## Imports:
+from typing import Dict, Callable, Type, List
+from enum import Enum, auto
+from collections.abc import Iterable
+## Generic utilities:
+class TestResult:
+    """
+    Represents the result of a test and contains all the relevant information about it. Loosely models two variants:
+    - Ok: The test passed, no further information is saved besides the target's name.
+    - Err: The test failed, an error message and further contextual details are also saved.
+    This class does not ensure a static proof of the two states' behaviour, their meaning or mutual exclusivity outside
+    of the :bool property "isPass", meant for outside reads.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, isPass :bool, targetName :str, errMsg = "", details = "") -> None:
+        """
+        (Private) Initializes an instance of TestResult.
+        Args:
+            isPass : distinction between TestResult.Ok (True) and TestResult.Err (False).
+            targetName : the name of the target object / property / function / module being tested, not always set
+            to a meaningful value at this stage.
+            errMsg : concise error message explaining the test's failure.
+            details : contextual details about the error.
+        Returns:
+            None : practically, a TestResult instance.
+        """
+        self.isPass = isPass
+        self.isFail = not isPass # Convenience above all
+        self.targetName = targetName
+        if isPass: return
+        self.errMsg   = errMsg
+        self.details  = details
+    @classmethod
+    def Ok(cls, targetName = "") -> "TestResult":
+        """
+        Factory method for TestResult.Ok, where all we need to know is that our test passed.
+        Args:
+            targetName : the name of the target object / property / function / module being tested, not always set
+            to a meaningful value at this stage.
+        Returns:
+            TestResult : a new Ok instance.
+        """
+        return cls(True, targetName)
+    @classmethod
+    def Err(cls, errMsg :str, details :str, targetName = "") -> "TestResult":
+        """
+        Factory method for TestResult.Err, where we store relevant error information.
+        Args:
+            errMsg : concise error message explaining the test's failure.
+            details : contextual details about the error.
+            targetName : the name of the target object / property / function / module being tested, not always set
+            to a meaningful value at this stage.
+        Returns:
+            TestResult : a new Err instance.
+        """
+        return cls(False, targetName, errMsg, details)
+    def log(self, isCompact = True) -> str:
+        """
+        Dumps all the available information in a :str, ready for logging.
+        Args:
+            isCompact : if True limits the amount of information displayed to the targetName.
+        Returns:
+            str : information about this test result.
+        """
+        if isCompact:
+            return f"{TestResult.__name__}::{'Ok' if self.isPass else 'Err'}(Unit test on {self.targetName})"
+        logMsg = f"Unit test on {self.targetName} {'passed' if self.isPass else f'failed because {self.errMsg}'}"
+        if self.details: logMsg += f", {self.details}"
+        return logMsg
+    def throw(self) -> None:
+        #TODO: finer Exception typing would be desirable
+        """
+        Logs the result information and panics.
+        Raises:
+            Exception : an error containing log information about the test result.
+        Returns:
+            None
+        """
+        raise Exception(self.log())
+class CheckingMode:
+    """
+    (Private) Represents a way to check a value for correctness, in the context of "testing" it.
+    """
+    def __init__(self) -> None:
+        """
+        (Private) Implemented on child classes, initializes an instance of CheckingMode.
+        Returns:
+            None : practically, a CheckingMode instance.
+        """
+        self.logMsg = "CheckingMode base class should not be used directly"
+    def __checkPasses__(self, _) -> bool:
+        """
+        (Private) Implemented on child classes, performs the actual correctness check on a received value.
+        Returns:
+            bool : True if the check passed, False if it failed.
+        """
+        return True
+    def check(self, value) -> TestResult:
+        """
+        Converts the :bool evaluation of the value's correctness to a TestResult.
+        Args:
+            value : the value to check.
+        Returns:
+            TestResult : the result of the check.
+        """
+        return TestResult.Ok() if self.__checkPasses__(value) else TestResult.Err(self.logMsg, f"got {value} instead")
+    def __repr__(self) -> str:
+        """
+        (Private) Implemented on child classes, formats :object as :str.
+        """
+        return self.__class__.__name__
+class ExactValue(CheckingMode):
+    """
+    CheckingMode subclass variant to be used when the checked value needs to match another exactly.
+    """
+    #I suggest solving the more complex equality checking edge cases with the "Satisfies" and "MatchingShape" variants.
+    def __init__(self, value) -> None:
+        self.value  = value
+        self.logMsg = f"value needed to match {value} exactly"
+    def __checkPasses__(self, value) -> bool:
+        return self.value == value
+    def __repr__(self) -> str:
+        return f"{super().__repr__()}({self.value})"
+class AcceptedValues(CheckingMode):
+    """
+    CheckingMode subclass variant to be used when the checked value needs to appear in a list of accepted values.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, *values) -> None:
+        self.values = values
+        self.logMsg = f"value needed to be one of these: {values}"
+    def __checkPasses__(self, value) -> bool:
+        return value in self.values
+    def __repr__(self) -> str:
+        return f"{super().__repr__()}{self.values}"
+class SatisfiesPredicate(CheckingMode):
+    """
+    CheckingMode subclass variant to be used when the checked value needs to verify a given predicate, as in
+    the predicate accepts it as input and returns True.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, pred :Callable[..., bool], predName = "") -> None:
+        self.pred = pred
+        self.logMsg = f"value needed to verify a predicate{bool(predName) * f' called {predName}'}"
+    def __checkPasses__(self, *params) -> bool:
+        return self.pred(*params)
+    def __repr__(self) -> str:
+        return f"{super().__repr__()}(T) -> bool"
+class IsOfType(CheckingMode):
+    """
+    CheckingMode subclass variant to be used when the checked value needs to be of a certain type.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, type :Type) -> None:
+        self.type = type
+        self.logMsg = f"value needed to be of type {type.__name__}"
+    def __checkPasses__(self, value :Type) -> bool:
+        return isinstance(value, self.type)
+    def __repr__(self) -> str:
+        return f"{super().__repr__()}:{self.type.__name__}"
+class Exists(CheckingMode):
+    """
+    CheckingMode subclass variant to be used when the checked value needs to exist (or not!). Mainly employed as a quick default
+    check that always passes, it still upholds its contract when it comes to checking for existing properties in objects
+    without much concern on what value they contain.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, exists = True) -> None:
+        self.exists = exists
+        self.logMsg = f"value needed to {(not exists) * 'not '}exist"
+    def __checkPasses__(self, _) -> bool: return self.exists
+    def __repr__(self) -> str:
+        return f"{super().__repr__() if self.exists else 'IsMissing'}"
+class MatchingShape(CheckingMode):
+    """
+    CheckingMode subclass variant to be used when the checked value is an object that needs to have a certain shape,
+    as in to posess properties with a given name and value. Each property is checked for existance and correctness with
+    its own given CheckingMode.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, props :Dict[str, CheckingMode], objName = "") -> None:
+        """
+        (Private) Initializes an instance of MatchingShape.
+        Args:
+            props : :dict using property names as keys and checking modes for the property's value as values.
+            objName : label for the object we're testing the shape of.
+        Returns:
+            None : practically, a MatchingShape instance.
+        """
+        self.props   = props
+        self.objName = objName
+        self.shapeRepr = " {\n" + "\n".join([f"  {propName} : {prop}" for propName, prop in props.items()]) + "\n}"
+    def check(self, obj :object) -> TestResult:
+        objIsDict = isinstance(obj, dict) # Python forces us to distinguish between object properties and dict keys
+        for propName, checkingMode in self.props.items():
+            # Checking if the property exists:
+            if (not objIsDict and not hasattr(obj, propName)) or (objIsDict and propName not in obj):
+                if not isinstance(checkingMode, Exists): return TestResult.Err(
+                    f"property \"{propName}\" doesn't exist on object {self.objName}", "", self.objName)
+                if not checkingMode.exists: return TestResult.Ok(self.objName)
+                # Either the property value is meant to be checked (checkingMode is anything but Exists)
+                # or we want the property to not exist, all other cases are handled correctly ahead
+            checkRes = checkingMode.check(obj[propName] if objIsDict else getattr(obj, propName))
+            if checkRes.isPass: continue
+            checkRes.targetName = self.objName
+            return TestResult.Err(
+                f"property \"{propName}\" failed check {checkingMode} on shape {obj}",
+                checkRes.log(isCompact = False),
+                self.objName)
+        return TestResult.Ok(self.objName)
+    def __repr__(self) -> str:
+        return super().__repr__() + self.shapeRepr
+class Many(CheckingMode):
+    """
+    CheckingMode subclass variant to be used when the checked value is an Iterable we want to check item by item.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, *values :CheckingMode) -> None:
+        self.values = values
+        self.shapeRepr = " [\n" + "\n".join([f"  {value}" for value in values]) + "\n]"
+    def check(self, coll :Iterable) -> TestResult:
+        amt         = len(coll)
+        expectedAmt = len(self.values)
+        # Length equality is forced:
+        if amt != expectedAmt: return TestResult.Err(
+            "items' quantities don't match", f"expected {expectedAmt} items, but got {amt}")
+        # Items in the given collection value are paired in order with the corresponding checkingMode meant for each of them
+        for item, checkingMode in zip(coll, self.values):
+            checkRes = checkingMode.check(item)
+            if checkRes.isFail: return TestResult.Err(
+                f"item in list failed check {checkingMode}",
+                checkRes.log(isCompact = False))
+        return TestResult.Ok()
+    def __repr__(self) -> str:
+        return super().__repr__() + self.shapeRepr
+class LogMode(Enum):
+    """
+    Represents the level of detail of a logged message. Models 4 variants, in order of increasing detail:
+    - Minimal  : Logs the overall test result for the entire module.
+    - Default  : Also logs all single test fails, in compact mode.
+    - Detailed : Logs all function test results, in compact mode.
+    - Pedantic : Also logs all single test results in detailed mode.
+    """
+    Minimal  = auto()
+    Default  = auto()
+    Detailed = auto()
+    Pedantic = auto()
+    def isMoreVerbose(self, requiredMode :"LogMode") -> bool:
+        """
+        Compares the instance's level of detail with that of another.
+        Args:
+            requiredMode : the other instance.
+        Returns:
+            bool : True if the caller instance is a more detailed variant than the other.
+        """
+        return self.value >= requiredMode.value
+## Specific Unit Testing utilities:
+class UnitTest:
+    """
+    Represents a unit test, the test of a single function's isolated correctness.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, func :Callable, inputParams :list, expectedRes :CheckingMode) -> None:
+        """
+        (Private) Initializes an instance of UnitTest.
+        Args:
+            func : the function to test.
+            inputParams : list of parameters to pass as inputs to the function, in order.
+            expectedRes : checkingMode to test the function's return value for correctness.
+        Returns:
+            None : practically, a UnitTest instance.
+        """
+        self.func        = func
+        self.inputParams = inputParams
+        self.expectedRes = expectedRes
+        self.funcName = func.__name__
+    def test(self) -> TestResult:
+        """
+        Tests the function.
+        Returns:
+            TestResult : the test's result.
+        """
+        result = None
+        try: result = self.func(*self.inputParams)
+        except Exception as e: return TestResult.Err("the function panicked at runtime", e, self.funcName)
+        checkRes = self.expectedRes.check(result)
+        checkRes.targetName = self.funcName
+        return checkRes
+class UnitTester:
+    """
+    Manager class for unit testing an entire module, groups single UnitTests together and executes them in order on a
+    per-function basis (tests about the same function are executed consecutively) giving back as much information as
+    possible depending on the selected logMode. More customization options are available.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, moduleName :str, logMode = LogMode.Default, stopOnFail = True, *funcTests :'UnitTest') -> None:
+        """
+        (Private) initializes an instance of UnitTester.
+        Args:
+            moduleName : name of the tested module.
+            logMode : level of detail applied to all messages logged during the test.
+            stopOnFail : if True, the test stops entirely after one unit test fails.
+            funcTests : the unit tests to perform on the module.
+        Returns:
+            None : practically, a UnitTester instance.
+        """
+        self.logMode    = logMode
+        self.moduleName = moduleName
+        self.stopOnFail = stopOnFail
+        # This ensures the per-function order:
+        self.funcTests :Dict[str, List[UnitTest]]= {}
+        for test in funcTests:
+            if test.funcName in self.funcTests: self.funcTests[test.funcName].append(test)
+            else: self.funcTests[test.funcName] = [test]
+    def logTestResult(self, testRes :TestResult) -> None:
+        """
+        Prints the formatted result information of a unit test.
+        Args:
+            testRes : the result of the test.
+        Returns:
+            None
+        """
+        if testRes.isPass: return self.log("Passed!", LogMode.Detailed, indent = 2)
+        failMsg = "Failed! "
+        # Doing it this way prevents .log computations when not needed
+        if self.logMode.isMoreVerbose(LogMode.Detailed):
+            # Given that Pedantic is the most verbose variant, there's no point in comparing with LogMode.isMoreVerbose
+            failMsg += testRes.log(self.logMode is not LogMode.Pedantic)
+        self.log(failMsg, indent = 2)
+    def log(self, msg :str, minRequiredMode = LogMode.Default, indent = 0) -> None:
+        """
+        Prints and formats a message only when the UnitTester instance is set to a level of detail at least equal
+        to a minimum requirement, given as input.
+        Args:
+            msg : the message to print.
+            minRequiredMode : minimum detail requirement.
+            indent : formatting information, counter from 0 that adds 2 spaces each number up
+        Returns:
+            None
+        """
+        if self.logMode.isMoreVerbose(minRequiredMode): print("  " * indent + msg)
+    def testFunction(self, name :str) -> TestResult:
+        """
+        Perform all unit tests relative to the same function, plus the surrounding logs and checks.
+        Args:
+            name : the name of the tested function.
+        Returns :
+            TestResult : the overall Ok result of all the tests passing or the first Err. This behaviour is unrelated
+            to that of the overall testing procedure (stopOnFail), it always works like this for tests about the
+            same function.
+        """
+        self.log(f"Unit testing {name}...", indent = 1)
+        allPassed = True
+        for unitTest in self.funcTests[name]:
+            testRes = unitTest.test()
+            self.logTestResult(testRes)
+            if testRes.isPass: continue
+            allPassed = False
+            if self.stopOnFail: break
+        self.log("", LogMode.Detailed) # Provides one extra newline of space when needed, to better format the output
+        if allPassed: return TestResult.Ok(name)
+        if self.logMode is LogMode.Default: self.log("")        
+        return TestResult.Err(f"Unlogged err", "unit test failed", name)
+    def testModule(self) -> None:
+        """
+        Runs all the provided unit tests in order but on a per-function basis.
+        Returns:
+            None
+        """
+        self.log(f"Unit testing module {self.moduleName}...", LogMode.Minimal)
+        fails = 0
+        testStatusMsg = "complete"
+        for funcName in self.funcTests.keys():
+            if self.testFunction(funcName).isPass: continue
+            fails += 1
+            if self.stopOnFail:
+                testStatusMsg = "interrupted"
+                break
+        self.log(f"Testing {testStatusMsg}: {fails} problem{'s' * (fails != 1)} found.\n", LogMode.Minimal)
+        # ^^^ Manually applied an extra newline of space.
+## Unit testing all the modules:
+def unit_cobraxy() -> None:
+    import cobraxy as m
+    import math
+    import lxml.etree as ET
+    import utils.general_utils as utils
+    #m.ARGS = m.process_args()
+    ids = ["react1", "react2", "react3", "react4", "react5"]
+    metabMap = utils.Model.ENGRO2.getMap()
+    class_pat = {
+        "dataset1" :[
+            [2.3, 4, 7, 0, 0.01, math.nan, math.nan],
+            [math.nan, math.nan, math.nan, math.nan, math.nan, math.nan, math.nan],
+            [2.3, 4, 7, 0, 0.01, 5, 9],
+            [math.nan, math.nan, 2.3, 4, 7, 0, 0.01],
+            [2.3, 4, 7, math.nan, 2.3, 0, 0.01]],
+        "dataset2" :[
+            [2.3, 4, 7, math.nan, 2.3, 0, 0.01],
+            [2.3, 4, 7, 0, 0.01, math.nan, math.nan],
+            [math.nan, math.nan, 2.3, 4, 7, 0, 0.01],
+            [2.3, 4, 7, 0, 0.01, 5, 9],
+            [math.nan, math.nan, math.nan, math.nan, math.nan, math.nan, math.nan]]
+    }
+    unitTester = UnitTester("cobraxy", LogMode.Pedantic, False,
+        UnitTest(m.name_dataset, ["customName", 12], ExactValue("customName")),
+        UnitTest(m.name_dataset, ["Dataset", 12], ExactValue("Dataset_12")),
+        UnitTest(m.fold_change, [0.5, 0.5], ExactValue(0.0)),
+        UnitTest(m.fold_change, [0, 0.35], ExactValue("-INF")),
+        UnitTest(m.fold_change, [0.5, 0], ExactValue("INF")),
+        UnitTest(m.fold_change, [0, 0], ExactValue(0)),
+        UnitTest(
+            m.Arrow(m.Arrow.MAX_W, m.ArrowColor.DownRegulated, isDashed = True).toStyleStr, [],
+            ExactValue(";stroke:#0000FF;stroke-width:12;stroke-dasharray:5,5")),
+        UnitTest(m.computeEnrichment, [metabMap, class_pat, ids], ExactValue(None)),
+        UnitTest(m.computePValue, [class_pat["dataset1"][0], class_pat["dataset2"][0]], SatisfiesPredicate(math.isnan)),
+        UnitTest(m.reactionIdIsDirectional, ["reactId"], ExactValue(m.ReactionDirection.Unknown)),
+        UnitTest(m.reactionIdIsDirectional, ["reactId_F"], ExactValue(m.ReactionDirection.Direct)),
+        UnitTest(m.reactionIdIsDirectional, ["reactId_B"], ExactValue(m.ReactionDirection.Inverse)),
+        UnitTest(m.ArrowColor.fromFoldChangeSign, [-2], ExactValue(m.ArrowColor.DownRegulated)),
+        UnitTest(m.ArrowColor.fromFoldChangeSign, [2], ExactValue(m.ArrowColor.UpRegulated)),
+        UnitTest(
+            m.Arrow(m.Arrow.MAX_W, m.ArrowColor.UpRegulated).styleReactionElements,
+            [metabMap, "reactId"],
+            ExactValue(None)),
+        UnitTest(m.getArrowBodyElementId, ["reactId"], ExactValue("R_reactId")),
+        UnitTest(m.getArrowBodyElementId, ["reactId_F"], ExactValue("R_reactId")),
+        UnitTest(
+            m.getArrowHeadElementId, ["reactId"],
+            Many(ExactValue("F_reactId"), ExactValue("B_reactId"))),
+        UnitTest(
+            m.getArrowHeadElementId, ["reactId_F"],
+            Many(ExactValue("F_reactId"), ExactValue(""))),
+        UnitTest(
+            m.getArrowHeadElementId, ["reactId_B"],
+            Many(ExactValue("B_reactId"), ExactValue(""))),
+        UnitTest(
+            m.getElementById, ["reactId_F", metabMap],
+            SatisfiesPredicate(lambda res : res.isErr and isinstance(res.value, utils.Result.ResultErr))),
+        UnitTest(
+            m.getElementById, ["F_tyr_L_t", metabMap],
+            SatisfiesPredicate(lambda res : res.isOk and res.unwrap().get("id") == "F_tyr_L_t")),
+    ).testModule()
+def unit_rps_generator() -> None:
+    import rps_generator as rps
+    import math
+    import pandas as pd
+    import utils.general_utils as utils
+    dataset = pd.DataFrame({
+        "cell lines" : ["normal", "cancer"],
+        "pyru_vate"  : [5.3, 7.01],
+        "glu,cose"   : [8.2, 4.0],
+        "unknown"    : [3.0, 3.97],
+        "()atp"      : [7.05, 8.83],
+    })
+    abundancesNormalRaw = {
+        "pyru_vate" : 5.3,
+        "glu,cose"  : 8.2,
+        "unknown"   : 3.0,
+        "()atp"     : 7.05,
+    }
+    abundancesNormal = {
+        "pyr"    : 5.3,
+        "glc__D" : 8.2,
+        "atp"    : 7.05,
+    }
+    # TODO: this currently doesn't work due to "the pickle extension problem", see FileFormat class for details.
+    synsDict = utils.readPickle(utils.FilePath("synonyms", utils.FileFormat.PICKLE, prefix = "./local/pickle files"))
+    reactionsDict = {
+        "r1" : {
+            "glc__D" : 1
+        },
+        "r2" : {
+            "co2" : 2,
+            "pyr" : 3,
+        },
+        "r3" : {
+            "atp"    : 2,
+            "glc__D" : 4,
+        },
+        "r4" : {
+            "atp" : 3,
+        }
+    }
+    abundancesNormalEdited = {
+        "pyr"    : 5.3,
+        "glc__D" : 8.2,
+        "atp"    : 7.05,
+        "co2"    : 1,
+    }
+    blackList = ["atp"] # No jokes allowed!
+    missingInDataset = ["co2"]
+    normalRpsShape = MatchingShape({
+        "r1" : ExactValue(8.2 ** 1),
+        "r2" : ExactValue((1 ** 2) * (5.3 ** 3)),
+        "r3" : ExactValue((8.2 ** 4) * (7.05 ** 2)),
+        "r4" : SatisfiesPredicate(lambda n : math.isnan(n))
+    }, "rps dict")
+    UnitTester("rps_generator", LogMode.Pedantic, False,
+        UnitTest(rps.get_abund_data, [dataset, 0], MatchingShape({
+            "pyru_vate" : ExactValue(5.3),
+            "glu,cose"  : ExactValue(8.2),
+            "unknown"   : ExactValue(3.0),
+            "()atp"     : ExactValue(7.05),
+            "name"      : ExactValue("normal")
+        }, "abundance series")),
+        UnitTest(rps.get_abund_data, [dataset, 1], MatchingShape({
+            "pyru_vate" : ExactValue(7.01),
+            "glu,cose"  : ExactValue(4.0),
+            "unknown"   : ExactValue(3.97),
+            "()atp"     : ExactValue(8.83),
+            "name"      : ExactValue("cancer")
+        }, "abundance series")),
+        UnitTest(rps.get_abund_data, [dataset, -1], ExactValue(None)),
+        UnitTest(rps.check_missing_metab, [reactionsDict, abundancesNormal.copy()], Many(MatchingShape({
+            "pyr"    : ExactValue(5.3),
+            "glc__D" : ExactValue(8.2),
+            "atp"    : ExactValue(7.05),
+            "co2"    : ExactValue(1)
+        }, "updated abundances"), Many(ExactValue("co2")))),
+        UnitTest(rps.clean_metabolite_name, ["4,4'-diphenylmethane diisocyanate"], ExactValue("44diphenylmethanediisocyanate")),
+        UnitTest(rps.get_metabolite_id, ["tryptophan", synsDict], ExactValue("trp__L")),
+        UnitTest(rps.calculate_rps, [reactionsDict, abundancesNormalEdited, blackList, missingInDataset], normalRpsShape),
+        UnitTest(rps.rps_for_cell_lines, [dataset, reactionsDict, blackList, synsDict, "", True], Many(normalRpsShape, MatchingShape({
+            "r1" : ExactValue(4.0 ** 1),
+            "r2" : ExactValue((1 ** 2) * (7.01 ** 3)),
+            "r3" : ExactValue((4.0 ** 4) * (8.83 ** 2)),
+            "r4" : SatisfiesPredicate(lambda n : math.isnan(n))
+        }, "rps dict"))),
+        #UnitTest(rps.main, [], ExactValue(None)) # Complains about sys argvs
+    ).testModule()
+def unit_custom_data_generator() -> None:
+    import custom_data_generator as cdg
+    UnitTester("custom data generator", LogMode.Pedantic, False,
+        UnitTest(lambda :True, [], ExactValue(True)), # No tests can be done without a model at hand!
+    ).testModule()
+def unit_utils() -> None:
+    import utils.general_utils as utils
+    import utils.rule_parsing as ruleUtils
+    import utils.reaction_parsing as reactionUtils
+    UnitTester("utils", LogMode.Pedantic, False,
+        UnitTest(utils.CustomErr, ["myMsg", "more details"], MatchingShape({
+            "details" : ExactValue("more details"),
+            "msg"     : ExactValue("myMsg"),
+            "id"      : ExactValue(0) # this will fail if any custom errors happen anywhere else before!
+        })),
+        UnitTest(utils.CustomErr, ["myMsg", "more details", 42], MatchingShape({
+            "details" : ExactValue("more details"),
+            "msg"     : ExactValue("myMsg"),
+            "id"      : ExactValue(42)
+        })),
+        UnitTest(utils.Bool("someArg").check, ["TrUe"],  ExactValue(True)),
+        UnitTest(utils.Bool("someArg").check, ["FALse"], ExactValue(False)),
+        UnitTest(utils.Bool("someArg").check, ["foo"],   Exists(False)), # should panic!
+        UnitTest(utils.Model.ENGRO2.getRules, ["."], IsOfType(dict)),
+        UnitTest(utils.Model.Custom.getRules, [".", ""], Exists(False)), # expected panic
+        # rule utilities tests:
+        UnitTest(ruleUtils.parseRuleToNestedList, ["A"], Many(ExactValue("A"))),
+        UnitTest(ruleUtils.parseRuleToNestedList, ["A or B"],  Many(ExactValue("A"), ExactValue("B"))),
+        UnitTest(ruleUtils.parseRuleToNestedList, ["A and B"], Many(ExactValue("A"), ExactValue("B"))),
+        UnitTest(ruleUtils.parseRuleToNestedList, ["A foo B"], Exists(False)), # expected panic
+        UnitTest(ruleUtils.parseRuleToNestedList, ["A)"], Exists(False)), # expected panic
+        UnitTest(
+            ruleUtils.parseRuleToNestedList, ["A or B"],
+            MatchingShape({ "op" : ExactValue(ruleUtils.RuleOp.OR)})),
+        UnitTest(
+            ruleUtils.parseRuleToNestedList, ["A and B"],
+            MatchingShape({ "op" : ExactValue(ruleUtils.RuleOp.AND)})),
+        UnitTest(
+            ruleUtils.parseRuleToNestedList, ["A or B and C"],
+            MatchingShape({ "op" : ExactValue(ruleUtils.RuleOp.OR)})),
+        UnitTest(
+            ruleUtils.parseRuleToNestedList, ["A or B and C or (D and E)"],
+            Many(
+                ExactValue("A"), 
+                Many(ExactValue("B"), ExactValue("C")),
+                Many(ExactValue("D"), ExactValue("E"))
+            )),
+        UnitTest(lambda s : ruleUtils.RuleOp(s), ["or"],  ExactValue(ruleUtils.RuleOp.OR)),
+        UnitTest(lambda s : ruleUtils.RuleOp(s), ["and"], ExactValue(ruleUtils.RuleOp.AND)),
+        UnitTest(lambda s : ruleUtils.RuleOp(s), ["foo"], Exists(False)), # expected panic
+        UnitTest(ruleUtils.RuleOp.isOperator, ["or"],  ExactValue(True)),
+        UnitTest(ruleUtils.RuleOp.isOperator, ["and"], ExactValue(True)),
+        UnitTest(ruleUtils.RuleOp.isOperator, ["foo"], ExactValue(False)),
+        # reaction utilities tests:
+        UnitTest(reactionUtils.ReactionDir.fromReaction, ["atp <=> adp + pi"], ExactValue(reactionUtils.ReactionDir.REVERSIBLE)),
+        UnitTest(reactionUtils.ReactionDir.fromReaction, ["atp --> adp + pi"], ExactValue(reactionUtils.ReactionDir.FORWARD)),
+        UnitTest(reactionUtils.ReactionDir.fromReaction, ["atp <-- adp + pi"], ExactValue(reactionUtils.ReactionDir.BACKWARD)),
+        UnitTest(reactionUtils.ReactionDir.fromReaction, ["atp ??? adp + pi"], Exists(False)), # should panic
+        UnitTest(
+            reactionUtils.create_reaction_dict,
+            [{'shdgd': '2 pyruvate + 1 h2o <=> 1 h2o + 2 acetate', 'sgwrw': '2 co2 + 6 h2o --> 3 atp'}], 
+            MatchingShape({
+                "shdgd_B" : MatchingShape({
+                    "acetate" : ExactValue(2),
+                    "h2o" : ExactValue(1),
+                }),
+                "shdgd_F" : MatchingShape({
+                    "pyruvate" : ExactValue(2),
+                    "h2o" : ExactValue(1)
+                }),
+                "sgwrw" : MatchingShape({
+                    "co2" : ExactValue(2),
+                    "h2o" : ExactValue(6),
+                })
+            }, "reaction dict")),   
+    ).testModule()
+    rule = "A and B or C or D and (E or F and G) or H"
+    print(f"rule \"{rule}\" should comes out as: {ruleUtils.parseRuleToNestedList(rule)}")
+def unit_ras_generator() -> None:
+    import ras_generator as ras
+    import utils.rule_parsing as ruleUtils
+    # Making an alias to mask the name of the inner function and separate the 2 tests:
+    def opListAlias(op_list, dataset):
+        ras.ARGS.none = False
+        return ras.ras_op_list(op_list, dataset)
+    ras.ARGS = ras.process_args()
+    rule = ruleUtils.OpList(ruleUtils.RuleOp.AND)
+    rule.extend(["foo", "bar", "baz"])
+    dataset = { "foo" : 5, "bar" : 2, "baz" : None }
+    UnitTester("ras generator", LogMode.Pedantic, False,
+        UnitTest(ras.ras_op_list, [rule, dataset], ExactValue(2)),
+        UnitTest(opListAlias, [rule, dataset], ExactValue(None)),
+    ).testModule()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unit_cobraxy()
+    unit_custom_data_generator()
+    unit_utils()
+    unit_ras_generator()
\ No newline at end of file