view Marea/marea.xml @ 0:23ac9cf12788 draft

author bimib
date Tue, 06 Nov 2018 03:16:21 -0500
children 9e63d5f02d62
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<tool id="MaREA" name="Metabolic Enrichment Analysis">
    <description>for Galaxy</description>
        <requirement type="package">pandas</requirement>
        <requirement type="package">scipy</requirement>
        <requirement type="package">lxml</requirement>
        <requirement type="package">svglib</requirement>
        <requirement type="package">reportlab</requirement>
        <requirement type="package">cobrapy</requirement>
        <requirement type="package">python-libsbml</requirement>
      	python $__tool_directory__/
        --rules_selector $cond_rule.rules_selector
        #if $cond_rule.rules_selector == 'Custom':
            --custom ${cond_rule.Custom_rules}
            --yes_no ${cond_rule.cond_map.yes_no}
            #if $cond_rule.cond_map.yes_no == 'yes':
                --custom_map $cond_rule.cond_map.Custom_map
            #end if
        #end if
      	--none $None
      	--pValue $pValue
      	--fChange $fChange
      	--tool_dir $__tool_directory__
      	--option $cond.type_selector
        --out_log $log
        #if $cond.type_selector == 'datasets':
            #for $data in $cond.input_Datasets:
            #end for
            #for $data in $cond.input_Datasets:
            #end for
        #elif $cond.type_selector == 'dataset_class':
            --input_data ${input_data}
            --input_class ${input_class}
        #end if
        <conditional name="cond_rule">
            <param name="rules_selector" type="select" label="Gene-Protein-Reaction rules:">
                <option value="HMRcore" selected="true">HMRcore rules</option>
                <option value="Recon">Recon 2.2 rules</option>
                <option value="Custom">Custom rules</option>
            <when value="Custom">
                <param name="Custom_rules" type="data" format="tabular, csv, tsv, xml" label="Custom rules"/>
                <conditional name="cond_map">
                    <param name="yes_no" type="select" label="Custom map? (optional)">
                        <option value="no" selected="true">no</option>
                        <option value="yes">yes</option>
                    <when value="yes">
                        <param name="Custom_map" type="data" format="xml, svg" label="custom-map.svg"/>
        <conditional name="cond">
            <param name="type_selector" type="select" label="Input format:">
                <option value="datasets" selected="true">RNAseq of group 1 + RNAseq of group 2 + … + RNAseq of group N</option>
                <option value="dataset_class">RNAseq of all samples + sample group specification</option>
            <when value="datasets">
                <repeat name="input_Datasets" title="RNAseq" type="data" min="2">
                    <param name="input" type="data" format="tabular, csv, tsv" label="add dataset"/>	
                    <param name="input_name" type="text" label="Dataset's name:" value="Dataset" help="Defalut: Dataset"/>
            <when value="dataset_class">
                <param name="input_data" type="data" format="tabular, csv, tsv" label="RNAseq of all samples"/>
                <param name="input_class" type="data" format="tabular, csv, tsv" label="Sample group specification"/>
        <param name="None" type="boolean" truevalue="true" falsevalue="false" checked="true" label="(A and NaN) solved as (A)?"/> 
        <param name="pValue" type="float" size="20" value="0.05" max="1" min="0" label="P-value threshold" help="min value 0"/>
        <param name="fChange" type="float" size="20" value="1.5" min="1" label="Fold-Cahnge threshold" help="min value 1"/>
        <data format="txt" name="log" label="Log"/>
        <collection name="map_svg" type="list" label="file svg">
            <filter>(cond_rule['rules_selector'] == 'HMRcore') or ((cond_rule['rules_selector'] == 'Custom') and (cond_rule['cond_map']['yes_no'] == 'yes'))</filter>
            <discover_datasets pattern="__name_and_ext__" directory="map_svg"/>
        <collection name="map_pdf" type="list" label="file pdf">
            <filter>(cond_rule['rules_selector'] == 'HMRcore') or ((cond_rule['rules_selector'] == 'Custom') and (cond_rule['cond_map']['yes_no'] == 'yes'))</filter>
            <discover_datasets pattern="__name_and_ext__" directory="map_pdf"/>
        <collection name="table_out" type="list" label="file table">
            <discover_datasets pattern="__name_and_ext__" directory="table_out"/>

What it does

This tool analyzes RNA-seq dataset(s) as described in Graudenzi et al."`MaREA`_: Metabolic feature extraction, enrichment and visualization of RNAseq data" bioRxiv (2018): 248724.

The tool can be used to generate:
    1) a tab-separated file: reporting fold-change and p-values of reaction activity scores (RASs) between a pair of conditions/classes
    2) a metabolic map file (downlodable as .svg): visualizing up- and down-regulated reactions between a pair of conditions/classes
    3) a log file (.txt) 

Accepted files are: 
    1) or two or more RNA-seq datasets, each referring to samples in a given condition/class. The user can specify a label for each class (as e.g. “classA” and “classB”).
    2) or one RNA dataset and one class-file specifying the class/condition each sample belongs to.

RNA-seq datasets format: tab-separated text files, reporting the expression level (e.g., TPM, RPKM, …) of each gene (row) for a given sample (column). Header: sample ID.

Class-file format: each row of the class-file reports the sample ID (column1) and the label of the class/condition the sample belongs to (column 2).

To calculate P-Values and Fold-Changes and to generate maps, comparisons are performed for each possible pair of classes.

Output files will be named as classA_vs_classB. Reactions will conventionally be reported as up-regulated (down-regulated) if they are significantly more (less) active in class having label “classA”.

.. _MaREA:

Example input

**"RNAseq of group 1 + RNAseq of group 2 + ... + RNAseq of group N" exemple input"** option:

Dataset 1:						

|  Hugo_ID   | TCGAA62670 | TCGAA62671 | TCGAA62672 |   
| HGNC:24086 |  0.523167  |  0.371355  |  0.925661  |   
| HGNC:24086 |  0.568765  |  0.765567  |  0.456789  |    
| HGNC:9876  |  0.876545  |  0.768933  |  0.987654  |   
| HGNC:9     |  0.456788  |  0.876543  |  0.876542  |   
| HGNC:23    |  0.876543  |  0.786543  |  0.897654  |   

Dataset 2:

| Hugo_Symbol | TCGAA62670 | TCGAA62671 | TCGAA62672 |
|    A1BG     |  0.523167  |  0.371355  |  0.925661  |
|    A1CF     |  0.568765  |  0.765567  |  0.456789  |
|     A2M     |  0.876545  |  0.768933  |  0.987654  |
|    A4GALT   |  0.456788  |  0.876543  |  0.876542  |
|   M664Y65   |  0.876543  |  0.786543  |  0.897654  |


**"RNAseq of all samples + sample group specification"** option:


|  Hugo_ID   | TCGAA62670 | TCGAA62671 | TCGAA62672 |   
| HGNC:24086 |  0.523167  |  0.371355  |  0.925661  |   
| HGNC:24086 |  0.568765  |  0.765567  |  0.456789  |    
| HGNC:9876  |  0.876545  |  0.768933  |  0.987654  |   
| HGNC:9     |  0.456788  |  0.876543  |  0.876542  |   
| HGNC:23    |  0.876543  |  0.786543  |  0.897654  |   



| Patient_ID |    class   |   
| TCGAAA3529 |     MSI    |   
| TCGAA62671 |     MSS    |    
| TCGAA62672 |     MSI    |   


.. class:: warningmark

This tool expects input datasets consisting of tab-delimited columns.

.. class:: infomark

TIP: If your data is not TAB delimited, use `Convert delimiters to TAB`_.

.. class:: infomark

TIP: If your dataset is not split into classes, use `Cluster for MaREA`_.

This tool is developed by the `nome del gruppo di bioinformatica`_ at the `dipartimento di informatica disco`_.

.. _Convert delimiters to TAB:
.. _Cluster for MaREA: http://link del tool di
.. _nome del gruppo di bioinformatica: http://sito di
.. _dipartimento di informatica disco :
