comparison test-data/res_files/reads-sample-small.fastq-piRNAs-genome.html @ 61:9185ca0a7b43 draft

Updated package according to recommendations.
author pierre.pouchin
date Wed, 16 Jan 2019 08:18:13 -0500
children 11708af40030
equal deleted inserted replaced
60:9645d995fb3c 61:9185ca0a7b43
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230 <h1>Genome</h1>
231 <p class="featurette-p">
232 <A HREF="reads-sample-small.fastq/subgroups/piRNAs//piRNAs-genome_minus.bedgraph">bedgraph minus strand</A><br/>
233 <A HREF="reads-sample-small.fastq/subgroups/piRNAs//piRNAs-genome_plus.bedgraph">bedgraph plus strand</A><br/>
234 <A HREF="reads-sample-small.fastq/subgroups/piRNAs//piRNAs-genome_sorted.bam">genome mappers (sorted bam)</A><br/>
235 <A HREF="reads-sample-small.fastq/subgroups/piRNAs//piRNAs-genome_unique_minus.bedgraph">bedgraph unique minus strand</A><br/>
236 <A HREF="reads-sample-small.fastq/subgroups/piRNAs//piRNAs-genome_unique_plus.bedgraph">bedgraph unique plus strand</A><br/>
237 <A HREF="reads-sample-small.fastq/subgroups/piRNAs//piRNAs-genome_unique_sorted.bam">genome unique mappers (sorted bam)</A><br/>
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267 <a class="thumb" href="reads-sample-small.fastq/subgroups/piRNAs//Gviz_genome/unique/chrom_4.png" title="chrom_4">chrom_4</a>
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271 <a class="thumb" href="reads-sample-small.fastq/subgroups/piRNAs//Gviz_genome/unique/chrom_6.png" title="chrom_6">chrom_6</a>
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