diff svdetect/SVDetect_compare.pl @ 20:42353a10899a draft

author bzeitouni
date Thu, 12 Jul 2012 12:10:27 -0400
parents f090bf6ec765
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/svdetect/SVDetect_compare.pl	Thu Jul 12 12:10:27 2012 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,716 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+=head1 NAME
+SVDetect Compare for Galaxy
+Version: 0.8 for Galaxy
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+SVDetect_compare.pl links2compare -conf <configuration_file> [-help] [-man]
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Pod::Usage;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Config::General;
+use Tie::IxHash;
+my %OPT;
+	   'conf=s',
+	   'out1=s', #GALAXY
+	   'out2=s', #GALAXY
+	   'out3=s', #GALAXY
+	   'out4=s', #GALAXY
+	   'out5=s', #GALAXY
+	   'out6=s', #GALAXY
+	   'out7=s', #GALAXY
+	   'out8=s', #GALAXY
+	   'out9=s', #GALAXY
+	   'l=s', #GALAXY
+	   'N=s', #GALAXY
+	   'help',
+           'man'
+	  );
+pod2usage() if $OPT{help};
+pod2usage(-verbose=>2) if $OPT{man};
+pod2usage(-message=> "$!", -exitval => 2) if (!defined $OPT{conf});
+pod2usage() if(@ARGV<1);
+tie (my %func, 'Tie::IxHash',links2compare=>\&links2compare);
+foreach my $command (@ARGV){
+    pod2usage(-message=> "Unknown command \"$command\"", -exitval => 2) if (!defined($func{$command}));
+my $conf=Config::General->new(    -ConfigFile        => $OPT{conf},
+                                  -Tie => "Tie::IxHash",
+                                  -AllowMultiOptions => 1,
+				  -LowerCaseNames    => 1,
+				  -AutoTrue => 1);
+my %CONF= $conf->getall;
+validateconfiguration(\%CONF);							#validation of the configuration parameters
+my $SAMTOOLS_BIN_DIR="/bioinfo/local/samtools"; #GALAXY
+my $BEDTOOLS_BIN_DIR="/bioinfo/local/BEDTools/bin"; #GALAXY
+my $pt_log_file=$OPT{l}; #GALAXY
+my $log_file=$CONF{general}{output_dir}.$OPT{N}.".svdetect_compare.log"; #GALAXY
+open LOG,">$log_file" or die "$0: can't open ".$log_file.":$!\n";#GALAXY
+my @pt_sv_file=($OPT{out1},$OPT{out2},$OPT{out3}) if($OPT{out1}); #GALAXY common,sample,reference
+my @pt_circos_file=($OPT{out4},$OPT{out5},$OPT{out6}) if($OPT{out4}); #GALAXY common,sample,reference
+my @pt_bed_file=($OPT{out7},$OPT{out8},$OPT{out9}) if($OPT{out7}); #GALAXY common,sample,reference
+$CONF{compare}{sample_link_file}=~s/.sv.txt//; #GALAXY
+$CONF{compare}{reference_link_file}=~s/.sv.txt//; #GALAXY
+foreach my $command (@ARGV){
+    &{$func{$command}}();
+print LOG "-- end\n";
+close LOG;#GALAXY
+system "rm $pt_log_file ; ln -s $log_file $pt_log_file"; #GALAXY
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
+#MAIN FUNCTION number 5:Comparison between samples, common or specific links
+sub links2compare{
+    my @compare_files;
+    compareSamples($CONF{general}{output_dir},
+		   $CONF{compare}{list_samples},
+		   $CONF{compare}{sample_link_file},
+		   $CONF{compare}{reference_link_file},
+		   $CONF{compare}{min_overlap},
+		   $CONF{compare}{same_sv_type},
+		   \@compare_files);
+    my $pt_ind=0;
+    for my $input_file (@compare_files){
+	$input_file=$CONF{general}{output_dir}.$input_file;
+	my $output_file=$input_file;
+	$output_file=~s/unique$/compared/;
+	sortLinks($input_file, $output_file,1);
+	if($CONF{compare}{circos_output}){
+	    links2segdup($CONF{circos}{organism_id},
+			 $CONF{circos}{colorcode},
+			 $output_file,
+			 $output_file.".segdup.txt");
+	    system "rm $pt_circos_file[$pt_ind]; ln -s $output_file.segdup.txt $pt_circos_file[$pt_ind]" if (defined $pt_circos_file[$pt_ind]); #GALAXY
+	}
+	if($CONF{compare}{bed_output}){
+	links2bedfile($CONF{compare}{read_lengths},
+		      $CONF{bed}{colorcode},
+		      $output_file,
+		      $output_file.".bed");
+	system "rm $pt_bed_file[$pt_ind]; ln -s $output_file.bed $pt_bed_file[$pt_ind]" if (defined $pt_bed_file[$pt_ind]); #GALAXY
+	}
+	if($CONF{compare}{sv_output}){
+	    links2SVfile ($output_file, $output_file.".sv.txt");
+	    system "rm $pt_sv_file[$pt_ind]; ln -s $output_file.sv.txt $pt_sv_file[$pt_ind]" if (defined $pt_sv_file[$pt_ind]); #GALAXY
+	}
+	$pt_ind++;
+    }
+    unlink(@compare_files);
+sub compareSamples{
+    my ($dir,$list_samples,$sample_file,$reference_file,$min_overlap,$same_sv_type,$file_names)=@_;
+    my @bedpefiles;
+    my @list=split(",",$list_samples);
+    my @list_files=($sample_file,$reference_file);
+    print LOG "\# Comparison procedure...\n";
+    print LOG "-- samples=$list_samples\n".
+	 "-- minimum overlap=$min_overlap\n".
+	 "-- same SV type=$same_sv_type\n";
+    #conversion of links to bedPE format file
+    print LOG "-- Conversion of links.filtered files to bedPE format\n";
+    for my $s (0..$#list) {
+	links2bedPElinksfile($list[$s],$list_files[$s],$list_files[$s].".bedpe.txt");
+	push(@bedpefiles,$list_files[$s].".bedpe.txt");
+    }
+    #get common links between all samples compared
+    print LOG "-- Getting common links between all samples with BEDTools\n";
+    my $common_name=join(".",@list);
+    my $nb=scalar @list;
+    my $command="";
+    my $prompt=">";
+    while ($nb>0){
+	for my $i (0..$#list_files){
+	    $command.="$BEDTOOLS_BIN_DIR/pairToPair -type both -f $min_overlap -a ".$list_files[$i].".bedpe.txt";
+	    my $pipe=0;
+	    for my $j ($i+1..$#list_files){
+		$command.="| $BEDTOOLS_BIN_DIR/pairToPair -type both -f $min_overlap -a stdin" if($pipe);
+		$command.=" -b ".$list_files[$j].".bedpe.txt";
+		$pipe=1;
+	    }
+	    $command.=$prompt.$dir.$common_name.".bedpe.tmp;";
+	    $prompt=">>";
+	    my $first=shift(@list_files); push(@list_files,$first);
+	    last;
+	}
+	$nb--;
+    }
+    system ($command);
+    push(@bedpefiles,$dir.$common_name.".bedpe.tmp");
+    #Post comparison to get common links if same type only (as an option)
+    open( FILE, "<".$dir.$common_name.".bedpe.tmp") or die "Can't open".$dir.$common_name.".bedpe.tmp : $!";
+    open( OUT, ">".$dir.$common_name.".bedpe.unique") or die "Can't write in ".$dir.$common_name.".bedpe.unique : $!";
+    while(<FILE>){
+	my @t=split("\t",$_);
+	my $s=(split("_",$t[6]))[0];
+	my ($sv1,$sv2)=($t[7],$t[18]);
+	splice(@t,11,$#t);
+	if($same_sv_type){
+	    print OUT join("\t",@t)."\n" if($sv1 eq $sv2);
+	}else{
+	    print OUT join("\t",@t)."\n";
+	}
+    }
+    close FILE;
+    close OUT;
+    bedPElinks2linksfile($dir.$common_name.".bedpe.unique", $dir.$common_name.".unique");
+    push(@bedpefiles,$dir.$common_name.".bedpe.unique");
+    push(@$file_names,$common_name.".unique");
+    print LOG "-- output created: ".$dir.$common_name.".compared\n";
+    #get specific links for each sample
+    print LOG "-- Getting specific links for each sample\n";
+    for my $s (0..$#list) {
+	system("grep -Fxv -f ".$dir.$common_name.".bedpe.unique ".$list_files[$s].".bedpe.txt >".$dir.$list[$s].".bedpe.unique");
+	bedPElinks2linksfile($dir.$list[$s].".bedpe.unique",$dir.$list[$s].".unique");
+	push(@bedpefiles,$dir.$list[$s].".bedpe.unique");
+	push(@$file_names,$list[$s].".unique");
+	print LOG "-- output created: ".$dir.$list[$s].".compared\n";
+    }
+    unlink(@bedpefiles);
+#convert the links file to the circos format
+sub links2segdup{
+    my($id,$color_code,$links_file,$segdup_file)=@_;
+    print LOG "\# Converting to the circos format...\n";
+    tie (my %hcolor,'Tie::IxHash');						#color-code hash table
+    foreach my $col (keys %{$color_code}){
+	my ($min_links,$max_links)=split(",",$color_code->{$col});
+	$hcolor{$col}=[$min_links,$max_links];
+    }
+    open LINKS, "<$links_file" or die "$0: can't open $links_file :$!\n";
+    open SEGDUP, ">$segdup_file" or die "$0: can't write in the output: $segdup_file :$!\n";
+    my $index=1;
+    while(<LINKS>){
+	my ($chr1,$start1,$end1,$chr2,$start2,$end2,$count)=(split)[0,1,2,3,4,5,6];
+	my $color=getColor($count,\%hcolor,"circos");				#get the color-code according the number of links
+	print SEGDUP "$index\t$id$chr1\t$start1\t$end1\tcolor=$color\n".	#circos output
+		     "$index\t$id$chr2\t$start2\t$end2\tcolor=$color\n";
+	$index++;
+    }
+    close LINKS;
+    close SEGDUP;
+    print LOG "-- output created: $segdup_file\n";
+#convert the links file to the bedPE format for BEDTools usage
+sub links2bedPElinksfile{
+    my ($sample,$links_file,$bedpe_file)=@_;
+    open LINKS, "<$links_file" or die "$0: can't open $links_file :$!\n";
+    open BEDPE, ">$bedpe_file" or die "$0: can't write in the output: $bedpe_file :$!\n";
+    my $nb_links=1;
+    while(<LINKS>){
+	chomp;
+	my @t=split("\t",$_);
+	my ($chr1,$start1,$end1,$chr2,$start2,$end2)=splice(@t,0,6);
+	my $type=($chr1 eq $chr2)? "INTRA":"INTER";
+	$type.="_".$t[10];
+	$start1--; $start2--;
+	print BEDPE "$chr1\t$start1\t$end1\t$chr2\t$start2\t$end2".
+	"\t$sample"."_link$nb_links\t$type\t.\t.".
+	"\t".join("|",@t)."\n";
+	$nb_links++;
+    }
+    close LINKS;
+    close BEDPE;
+sub bedPElinks2linksfile{
+    my ($bedpe_file,$links_file)=@_;
+    open BEDPE, "<$bedpe_file" or die "$0: can't open: $bedpe_file :$!\n";
+    open LINKS, ">$links_file" or die "$0: can't write in the output $links_file :$!\n";
+    while(<BEDPE>){
+	chomp;
+	my $sample=(split("_",(split("\t",$_))[6]))[0];
+	my @t1=(split("\t",$_))[0,1,2,3,4,5];
+	my @t2=split(/\|/,(split("\t",$_))[10]);
+	push(@t2,$sample);
+	print LINKS join("\t",@t1)."\t".join("\t",@t2)."\n";
+    }
+    close BEDPE;
+    close LINKS;
+#convert the links file to the bed format
+sub links2bedfile{
+    my ($tag_length,$color_code,$links_file,$bed_file)=@_;
+    print LOG "\# Converting to the bed format...\n";
+    my $compare=1;
+    if($links_file!~/compared$/){
+	$compare=0;
+	$tag_length->{none}->{1}=$tag_length->{1};
+	$tag_length->{none}->{2}=$tag_length->{2};
+    }
+    #color-code hash table
+    tie (my %hcolor,'Tie::IxHash');
+    my %color_order;
+    $color_order{"255,255,255"}=0;
+    my $n=1;
+    foreach my $col (keys %{$color_code}){
+	my ($min_links,$max_links)=split(",",$color_code->{$col});
+	$hcolor{$col}=[$min_links,$max_links];
+	$color_order{$col}=$n;
+	$n++;
+    }
+    my %pair;
+    my %pt;
+    $n=1;
+    open LINKS, "<$links_file" or die "$0: can't open $links_file:$!\n";
+    my %str=( "F"=>"+", "R"=>"-" );
+    while(<LINKS>){
+	my @t=split;
+	my $sample=($compare)? pop(@t):"none";
+	my $chr1=$t[0]; 
+	my $chr2=$t[3];
+	$chr1 = "chr".$chr1 unless ($chr1 =~ m/chr/i);
+	$chr2 = "chr".$chr2 unless ($chr2 =~ m/chr/i);
+	my $same_chr=($chr1 eq $chr2)? 1:0;
+	my $count=$t[6];
+	my $color=getColor($count,\%hcolor,"bed");
+	my @pairs=deleteBadOrderSensePairs(split(",",$t[7]));
+	my @strand1=deleteBadOrderSensePairs(split(",",$t[8]));
+	my @strand2=deleteBadOrderSensePairs(split(",",$t[9]));
+	my @ends_order1=deleteBadOrderSensePairs(split(",",$t[10]));
+	my @ends_order2=deleteBadOrderSensePairs(split(",",$t[11]));
+	my @position1=deleteBadOrderSensePairs(split(",",$t[14]));
+	my @position2=deleteBadOrderSensePairs(split(",",$t[15]));
+	my @start1; my @end1; getCoordswithLeftMost(\@start1,\@end1,\@position1,\@strand1,\@ends_order1,$tag_length->{$sample});
+	my @start2; my @end2; getCoordswithLeftMost(\@start2,\@end2,\@position2,\@strand2,\@ends_order2,$tag_length->{$sample});
+	for my $p (0..$#pairs){						
+	    if (!exists $pair{$pairs[$p]}){
+		if($same_chr){
+		    $pair{$pairs[$p]}->{0}=[ $chr1, $start1[$p]-1, $end2[$p], $pairs[$p], 0, $str{$strand1[$p]},
+				    $start1[$p]-1, $end2[$p], $color,
+				    2, $tag_length->{$sample}->{$ends_order1[$p]}.",".$tag_length->{$sample}->{$ends_order2[$p]}, "0,".($start2[$p]-$start1[$p]) ];    
+		    $pt{$n}=$pair{$pairs[$p]}->{0};
+		    $n++;
+		}else{
+		    $pair{$pairs[$p]}->{1}=[ $chr1, $start1[$p]-1, $end1[$p] , $pairs[$p]."/1", 0, $str{$strand1[$p]},
+						$start1[$p]-1, $end1[$p], $color,
+						1, $tag_length->{$sample}->{$ends_order1[$p]}, 0];
+		    $pt{$n}=$pair{$pairs[$p]}->{1};
+		    $n++;
+		    $pair{$pairs[$p]}->{2}=[ $chr2, $start2[$p]-1, $end2[$p], $pairs[$p]."/2", 0, $str{$strand2[$p]},
+						$start2[$p]-1, $end2[$p], $color,
+						1, $tag_length->{$sample}->{$ends_order2[$p]}, 0];
+		    $pt{$n}=$pair{$pairs[$p]}->{2};
+		    $n++;
+		}
+	    }else{
+		if($same_chr){
+		    ${$pair{$pairs[$p]}->{0}}[8]=$color if($color_order{$color}>$color_order{${$pair{$pairs[$p]}->{0}}[8]});
+		}else{
+		    ${$pair{$pairs[$p]}->{1}}[8]=$color if($color_order{$color}>$color_order{${$pair{$pairs[$p]}->{1}}[8]});
+		    ${$pair{$pairs[$p]}->{2}}[8]=$color if($color_order{$color}>$color_order{${$pair{$pairs[$p]}->{2}}[8]});
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    close LINKS;
+    my $nb_pairs=$n-1;
+    open BED, ">$bed_file" or die "$0: can't write in the output: $bed_file :$!\n";
+    print BED "track name=\"$bed_file\" description=\"mate pairs involved in links\" ".
+	      "visibility=2 itemRgb=\"On\"\n";
+    for my $i (1..$nb_pairs){
+	print BED join("\t",@{$pt{$i}})."\n";
+    }
+    close BED;
+    print LOG "-- output created: $bed_file\n";
+    undef %pair;
+    undef %pt;
+sub links2SVfile{
+    my($links_file,$sv_file)=@_;
+    print LOG "\# Converting to the sv output table...\n";
+    open LINKS, "<$links_file" or die "$0: can't open $links_file:$!\n";
+    open SV, ">$sv_file" or die "$0: can't write in the output: $sv_file :$!\n";
+    my @header=qw(chr_type SV_type BAL_type chromosome1 start1-end1 average_dist
+    chromosome2 start2-end2 nb_pairs score_strand_filtering score_order_filtering score_insert_size_filtering
+    final_score breakpoint1_start1-end1 breakpoint2_start2-end2);
+    my $nb_links=0;
+    while (<LINKS>){
+	my @t=split;
+	my @sv=();
+	my $sv_type="-";
+	my $strand_ratio="-";
+	my $eq_ratio="-";
+	my $eq_type="-";
+	my $insert_ratio="-";
+	my $link="-";
+	my ($bk1, $bk2)=("-","-");
+	my $score="-";
+	my ($chr1,$start1,$end1)=($t[0],$t[1],$t[2]); 
+	my ($chr2,$start2,$end2)=($t[3],$t[4],$t[5]);
+	my $nb_pairs=$t[6];
+	$chr1 = "chr".$chr1 unless ($chr1 =~ m/chr/i);
+	$chr2 = "chr".$chr2 unless ($chr2 =~ m/chr/i);
+	my $chr_type=($chr1 eq $chr2)? "INTRA":"INTER";
+	#if strand filtering
+	if (defined $t[16]){
+	    #if inter-chr link
+	    $sv_type=$t[16];
+	    if(defined $t[17] && $t[17]=~/^(\d+)\/(\d+)$/){
+		$strand_ratio=floor($1/$2*100)."%";
+		$score=$t[18];
+	    }
+	    if(defined $t[18] && $t[18]=~/^(\d+)\/(\d+)$/){
+	    #if intra-chr link with insert size filtering
+		$strand_ratio=floor($1/$2*100)."%";
+		$link=floor($t[17]);
+		if($sv_type!~/^INV/){
+		    $insert_ratio=floor($1/$2*100)."%" if($t[19]=~/^(\d+)\/(\d+)$/);
+		    $score=$t[20];
+		}else{
+		    $score=$t[19];
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+	if(defined $t[18] && ($t[18] eq "UNBAL" || $t[18] eq "BAL")){
+	    #if strand and order filtering only and/or interchr link
+	    $eq_type=$t[18];
+	    $eq_ratio=floor($1/$2*100)."%" if($t[19]=~/^(\d+)\/(\d+)$/);
+	    ($bk1, $bk2)=($t[20],$t[21]);
+	    foreach my $bk ($bk1, $bk2){$bk=~s/\),\(/ /g; $bk=~s/(\(|\))//g; $bk=~s/,/-/g;}
+	    $score=$t[22];
+	}elsif(defined $t[19] && ($t[19] eq "UNBAL" || $t[19] eq "BAL")){
+	    #if all three filtering
+	    $link=floor($t[17]);
+	    $eq_type=$t[19];
+	    $eq_ratio=floor($1/$2*100)."%" if($t[20]=~/^(\d+)\/(\d+)$/);
+	    if(defined $t[21] && $t[21]=~/^(\d+)\/(\d+)$/){
+		$insert_ratio=floor($1/$2*100)."%";
+		($bk1, $bk2)=($t[22],$t[23]);
+		$score=$t[24];
+	    }else{
+		($bk1, $bk2)=($t[21],$t[22]);
+		$score=$t[23];
+	    }
+	    foreach my $bk ($bk1, $bk2){$bk=~s/\),\(/ /g; $bk=~s/(\(|\))//g; $bk=~s/,/-/g;}
+	}
+	push(@sv, $chr_type, $sv_type,$eq_type);
+	push(@sv,"$chr1\t$start1-$end1");
+	push(@sv, $link);
+	push(@sv,"$chr2\t$start2-$end2",
+	     $nb_pairs,$strand_ratio,$eq_ratio,$insert_ratio, decimal($score,4), $bk1, $bk2);
+	print SV join("\t",@sv)."\n";
+    }
+    close LINKS;
+    close SV;
+    system "sort  -k 9,9nr -k 13,13nr $sv_file > $sv_file.sorted";
+    open SV, "<".$sv_file.".sorted" or die "$0: can't open in the output: $sv_file".".sorted :$!\n";
+    my @links=<SV>;
+    close SV;
+    open SV, ">$sv_file" or die "$0: can't write in the output: $sv_file :$!\n";
+    print SV join("\t",@header)."\n";
+    print SV @links;
+    close SV;
+    unlink($sv_file.".sorted");
+    print LOG "-- output created: $sv_file\n";
+sub deleteBadOrderSensePairs{
+    my (@tab)=@_;
+    my @tab2;
+    foreach my $v (@tab){
+	$v=~s/[\(\)]//g;
+	push(@tab2,$v) if($v!~/[\$\*\@]$/);
+    }
+    return @tab2;
+#gets starts and ends Coords when start=leftmost given positions, directions and orders
+sub getCoordswithLeftMost {
+    my ($starts,$ends,$positions,$strand,$end_order,$tag_length) = @_;
+    for my $i (0..scalar(@{$positions})-1) {
+	if($strand->[$i] eq 'F'){
+	    $starts->[$i]=$positions->[$i];
+	    $ends->[$i]=$positions->[$i]+$tag_length->{$end_order->[$i]}-1;
+	}else{
+	    $starts->[$i]=$positions->[$i]-$tag_length->{$end_order->[$i]}+1;
+	    $ends->[$i]=$positions->[$i];
+	}
+    }    
+sub floor {
+    my $nb = $_[0];
+    $nb=~ s/\..*//;
+    return $nb;
+sub decimal{
+  my $num=shift;
+  my $digs_to_cut=shift;
+  $num=sprintf("%.".($digs_to_cut-1)."f", $num) if ($num=~/\d+\.(\d){$digs_to_cut,}/);
+  return $num;
+#Sort links according the concerned chromosomes and their coordinates
+sub sortLinks{
+    my ($links_file,$sortedlinks_file,$unique)=@_;
+    print LOG "# Sorting links...\n";
+    my $pipe=($unique)? "| sort -u":"";
+    system "sort -k 1,1 -k 4,4 -k 2,2n -k 5,5n -k 8,8n $links_file $pipe > $sortedlinks_file";
+sub getColor{
+    my($count,$hcolor,$format)=@_;
+    for my $col ( keys % { $hcolor} ) {
+       return $col if($count>=$hcolor->{$col}->[0] && $count<=$hcolor->{$col}->[1]);
+    }
+    return "white" if($format eq "circos");
+    return "255,255,255" if($format eq "bed");
+#check if the configuration file is correct
+sub validateconfiguration{
+    my %conf=%{$_[0]};
+    my $list_prgs="@ARGV";
+    my @circos_params=qw(organism_id colorcode);
+    my @bed_params=qw(colorcode);
+    my @compare_params=qw(list_samples list_read_lengths sample_link_file reference_link_file);
+    unless (defined($conf{general}{output_dir})) {
+	$conf{general}{output_dir} = ".";
+    }
+    unless (-d $conf{general}{output_dir}){
+	mkdir $conf{general}{output_dir} or die;
+    }
+    $conf{general}{output_dir}.="/" if($conf{general}{output_dir}!~/\/$/);
+    if($list_prgs=~/links2compare/){
+	foreach my $p (@compare_params) {
+	    die("Error Config : The compare parameter \"$p\" is not defined\n") if (!defined $conf{compare}{$p});
+	}
+	unless (defined($conf{compare}{same_sv_type})) {
+	    $conf{compare}{same_sv_type} = 0;
+	}
+	unless (defined($conf{compare}{min_overlap})) {
+	    $conf{compare}{min_overlap} = 1E-9;
+	}
+	if($conf{compare}{circos_output}){
+	    foreach my $p (@circos_params) {
+		next if($list_prgs=~/^ratio/ && $p eq "colorcode");
+		die("Error Config : The circos parameter \"$p\" is not defined\n") if (!defined $conf{circos}{$p});
+	    }
+	}
+	if($conf{compare}{bed_output}){
+	    foreach my $p (@bed_params) {
+		die("Error Config : The bed parameter \"$p\" is not defined\n") if (!defined $conf{bed}{$p});
+	    }
+	    die("Error Config : The compare parameter \"list_read_lengths\" is not defined\n") if (!defined $conf{compare}{list_read_lengths});
+	    my @samples=split(",",$conf{compare}{list_samples});
+	    my @read_lengths=split(",",$conf{compare}{list_read_lengths});
+	    for my $i (0..$#samples){
+		my @l=split("-",$read_lengths[$i]);
+		$conf{compare}{read_lengths}{$samples[$i]}={ 1=> $l[0], 2=> $l[1]};
+	    }
+	}
+    }