diff clustalomega/clustal-omega-0.2.0/src/kmpp/KmTree.cpp @ 0:ff1768533a07

Migrated tool version 0.2 from old tool shed archive to new tool shed repository
author clustalomega
date Tue, 07 Jun 2011 17:04:25 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/clustalomega/clustal-omega-0.2.0/src/kmpp/KmTree.cpp	Tue Jun 07 17:04:25 2011 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+// See KmTree.cpp
+// Author: David Arthur (darthur@gmail.com), 2009
+// Includes
+#include "KmTree.h"
+#include <iostream>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+using namespace std;
+KmTree::KmTree(int n, int d, Scalar *points): n_(n), d_(d), points_(points) {
+  // Initialize memory
+  // DD: need to cast to long otherwise malloc will fail
+  // if we need more than 2 gigabytes or so
+  int node_size = sizeof(Node) + d_ * 3 * sizeof(Scalar);
+  node_data_ = (char*)malloc((2*(long unsigned int)n-1) * node_size);
+  point_indices_ = (int*)malloc(n * sizeof(int));
+  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
+    point_indices_[i] = i;
+  KM_ASSERT(node_data_ != 0 && point_indices_ != 0);
+  // Calculate the bounding box for the points
+  Scalar *bound_v1 = PointAllocate(d_);
+  Scalar *bound_v2 = PointAllocate(d_);
+  KM_ASSERT(bound_v1 != 0 && bound_v2 != 0);
+  PointCopy(bound_v1, points, d_);
+  PointCopy(bound_v2, points, d_);
+  for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)
+  for (int j = 0; j < d; j++) {
+    if (bound_v1[j] > points[i*d_ + j]) bound_v1[j] = points[i*d_ + j];
+    if (bound_v2[j] < points[i*d_ + j]) bound_v1[j] = points[i*d_ + j];
+  }
+  // Build the tree
+  char *temp_node_data = node_data_;
+  top_node_ = BuildNodes(points, 0, n-1, &temp_node_data);
+  // Cleanup
+  PointFree(bound_v1);
+  PointFree(bound_v2);
+KmTree::~KmTree() {
+  free(point_indices_);
+  free(node_data_);
+Scalar KmTree::DoKMeansStep(int k, Scalar *centers, int *assignment) const {
+  // Create an invalid center for comparison purposes
+  Scalar *bad_center = PointAllocate(d_);
+  KM_ASSERT(bad_center != 0);
+  memset(bad_center, 0xff, d_ * sizeof(Scalar));
+  // Allocate data
+  Scalar *sums = (Scalar*)calloc(k * d_, sizeof(Scalar));
+  int *counts = (int*)calloc(k, sizeof(int));
+  int num_candidates = 0;
+  int *candidates = (int*)malloc(k * sizeof(int));
+  KM_ASSERT(sums != 0 && counts != 0 && candidates != 0);
+  for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
+  if (memcmp(centers + i*d_, bad_center, d_ * sizeof(Scalar)) != 0)
+    candidates[num_candidates++] = i;
+  // Find nodes
+  Scalar result = DoKMeansStepAtNode(top_node_, num_candidates, candidates, centers, sums,
+                                     counts, assignment);
+  // Set the new centers
+  for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
+    if (counts[i] > 0) {
+      PointScale(sums + i*d_, Scalar(1) / counts[i], d_);
+      PointCopy(centers + i*d_, sums + i*d_, d_);
+    } else {
+      memcpy(centers + i*d_, bad_center, d_ * sizeof(Scalar));
+    }
+  }
+  // Cleanup memory
+  PointFree(bad_center);
+  free(candidates);
+  free(counts);
+  free(sums);
+  return result;
+// Helper functions for constructor
+// ================================
+// Build a kd tree from the given set of points
+KmTree::Node *KmTree::BuildNodes(Scalar *points, int first_index, int last_index,
+                                 char **next_node_data) {
+  // Allocate the node
+  Node *node = (Node*)(*next_node_data);
+  (*next_node_data) += sizeof(Node);
+  node->sum = (Scalar*)(*next_node_data);
+  (*next_node_data) += sizeof(Scalar) * d_;
+  node->median = (Scalar*)(*next_node_data);
+  (*next_node_data) += sizeof(Scalar) * d_;
+  node->radius = (Scalar*)(*next_node_data);
+  (*next_node_data) += sizeof(Scalar) * d_;
+  // Fill in basic info
+  node->num_points = (last_index - first_index + 1);
+  node->first_point_index = first_index;
+  // Calculate the bounding box
+  Scalar *first_point = points + point_indices_[first_index] * d_;
+  Scalar *bound_p1 = PointAllocate(d_);
+  Scalar *bound_p2 = PointAllocate(d_);
+  KM_ASSERT(bound_p1 != 0 && bound_p2 != 0);
+  PointCopy(bound_p1, first_point, d_);
+  PointCopy(bound_p2, first_point, d_);
+  for (int i = first_index+1; i <= last_index; i++)
+  for (int j = 0; j < d_; j++) {
+    Scalar c = points[point_indices_[i]*d_ + j];
+    if (bound_p1[j] > c) bound_p1[j] = c;
+    if (bound_p2[j] < c) bound_p2[j] = c;
+  }
+  // Calculate bounding box stats and delete the bounding box memory
+  Scalar max_radius = -1;
+  int split_d = -1;
+  for (int j = 0; j < d_; j++) {
+    node->median[j] = (bound_p1[j] + bound_p2[j]) / 2;
+    node->radius[j] = (bound_p2[j] - bound_p1[j]) / 2;
+    if (node->radius[j] > max_radius) {
+      max_radius = node->radius[j];
+      split_d = j;
+    }
+  }
+  PointFree(bound_p2);
+  PointFree(bound_p1);
+  // If the max spread is 0, make this a leaf node
+  if (max_radius == 0) {
+    node->lower_node = node->upper_node = 0;
+    PointCopy(node->sum, first_point, d_);
+    if (last_index != first_index)
+      PointScale(node->sum, Scalar(last_index - first_index + 1), d_);
+    node->opt_cost = 0;
+    return node;
+  }
+  // Partition the points around the midpoint in this dimension. The partitioning is done in-place
+  // by iterating from left-to-right and right-to-left in the same way that partioning is done for
+  // quicksort.
+  Scalar split_pos = node->median[split_d];
+  int i1 = first_index, i2 = last_index, size1 = 0;
+  while (i1 <= i2) {
+    bool is_i1_good = (points[point_indices_[i1]*d_ + split_d] < split_pos);
+    bool is_i2_good = (points[point_indices_[i2]*d_ + split_d] >= split_pos);
+    if (!is_i1_good && !is_i2_good) {
+      int temp = point_indices_[i1];
+      point_indices_[i1] = point_indices_[i2];
+      point_indices_[i2] = temp;
+      is_i1_good = is_i2_good = true;
+    }
+    if (is_i1_good) {
+      i1++;
+      size1++;
+    }
+    if (is_i2_good) {
+      i2--;
+    }
+  }
+  // Create the child nodes
+  KM_ASSERT(size1 >= 1 && size1 <= last_index - first_index);
+  node->lower_node = BuildNodes(points, first_index, first_index + size1 - 1, next_node_data);
+  node->upper_node = BuildNodes(points, first_index + size1, last_index, next_node_data);
+  // Calculate the new sum and opt cost
+  PointCopy(node->sum, node->lower_node->sum, d_);
+  PointAdd(node->sum, node->upper_node->sum, d_);
+  Scalar *center = PointAllocate(d_);
+  KM_ASSERT(center != 0);
+  PointCopy(center, node->sum, d_);
+  PointScale(center, Scalar(1) / node->num_points, d_);
+  node->opt_cost = GetNodeCost(node->lower_node, center) + GetNodeCost(node->upper_node, center);
+  PointFree(center);
+  return node;
+// Returns the total contribution of all points in the given kd-tree node, assuming they are all
+// assigned to a center at the given location. We need to return:
+//   sum_{x \in node} ||x - center||^2.
+// If c denotes the center of mass of the points in this node and n denotes the number of points in
+// it, then this quantity is given by
+//   n * ||c - center||^2 + sum_{x \in node} ||x - c||^2
+// The sum is precomputed for each node as opt_cost. This formula follows from expanding both sides
+// as dot products. See Kanungo/Mount for more info.
+Scalar KmTree::GetNodeCost(const Node *node, Scalar *center) const {
+  Scalar dist_sq = 0;
+  for (int i = 0; i < d_; i++) {
+    Scalar x = (node->sum[i] / node->num_points) - center[i];
+    dist_sq += x*x;
+  }
+  return node->opt_cost + node->num_points * dist_sq;
+// Helper functions for DoKMeans step
+// ==================================
+// A recursive version of DoKMeansStep. This determines which clusters all points that are rooted
+// node will be assigned to, and updates sums, counts and assignment (if not null) accordingly.
+// candidates maintains the set of cluster indices which could possibly be the closest clusters
+// for points in this subtree.
+Scalar KmTree::DoKMeansStepAtNode(const Node *node, int k, int *candidates, Scalar *centers,
+                                  Scalar *sums, int *counts, int *assignment) const {
+  // Determine which center the node center is closest to
+  Scalar min_dist_sq = PointDistSq(node->median, centers + candidates[0]*d_, d_);
+  int closest_i = candidates[0];
+  for (int i = 1; i < k; i++) {
+    Scalar dist_sq = PointDistSq(node->median, centers + candidates[i]*d_, d_);
+    if (dist_sq < min_dist_sq) {
+      min_dist_sq = dist_sq;
+      closest_i = candidates[i];
+    }
+  }
+  // If this is a non-leaf node, recurse if necessary
+  if (node->lower_node != 0) {
+    // Build the new list of candidates
+    int new_k = 0;
+    int *new_candidates = (int*)malloc(k * sizeof(int));
+    KM_ASSERT(new_candidates != 0);
+    for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
+    if (!ShouldBePruned(node->median, node->radius, centers, closest_i, candidates[i]))
+      new_candidates[new_k++] = candidates[i];
+    // Recurse if there's at least two
+    if (new_k > 1) {
+      Scalar result = DoKMeansStepAtNode(node->lower_node, new_k, new_candidates, centers,
+                                         sums, counts, assignment) +
+                      DoKMeansStepAtNode(node->upper_node, new_k, new_candidates, centers,
+                                         sums, counts, assignment);
+      free(new_candidates);
+      return result;
+    } else {
+      free(new_candidates);
+    }
+  }
+  // Assigns all points within this node to a single center
+  PointAdd(sums + closest_i*d_, node->sum, d_);
+  counts[closest_i] += node->num_points;
+  if (assignment != 0) {
+    for (int i = node->first_point_index; i < node->first_point_index + node->num_points; i++)
+      assignment[point_indices_[i]] = closest_i;
+  }
+  return GetNodeCost(node, centers + closest_i*d_);
+// Determines whether every point in the box is closer to centers[best_index] than to
+// centers[test_index].
+// If x is a point, c_0 = centers[best_index], c = centers[test_index], then:
+//       (x-c).(x-c) < (x-c_0).(x-c_0)
+//   <=> (c-c_0).(c-c_0) < 2(x-c_0).(c-c_0)
+// The right-hand side is maximized for a vertex of the box where for each dimension, we choose
+// the low or high value based on the sign of x-c_0 in that dimension.
+bool KmTree::ShouldBePruned(Scalar *box_median, Scalar *box_radius, Scalar *centers,
+                            int best_index, int test_index) const {
+  if (best_index == test_index)
+    return false;
+  Scalar *best = centers + best_index*d_;
+  Scalar *test = centers + test_index*d_;
+  Scalar lhs = 0, rhs = 0;
+  for (int i = 0; i < d_; i++) {
+    Scalar component = test[i] - best[i];
+    lhs += component * component;
+    if (component > 0)
+      rhs += (box_median[i] + box_radius[i] - best[i]) * component;
+    else
+      rhs += (box_median[i] - box_radius[i] - best[i]) * component;
+  }
+  return (lhs >= 2*rhs);
+Scalar KmTree::SeedKMeansPlusPlus(int k, Scalar *centers) const {
+  Scalar *dist_sq = (Scalar*)malloc(n_ * sizeof(Scalar));
+  KM_ASSERT(dist_sq != 0);
+  // Choose an initial center uniformly at random
+  SeedKmppSetClusterIndex(top_node_, 0);
+  int i = GetRandom(n_);
+  memcpy(centers, points_ + point_indices_[i]*d_, d_*sizeof(Scalar));
+  Scalar total_cost = 0;
+  for (int j = 0; j < n_; j++) {
+    dist_sq[j] = PointDistSq(points_ + point_indices_[j]*d_, centers, d_);
+    total_cost += dist_sq[j];
+  }
+  // Repeatedly choose more centers
+  for (int new_cluster = 1; new_cluster < k; new_cluster++) {
+    while (1) {
+      Scalar cutoff = (rand() / Scalar(RAND_MAX)) * total_cost;
+      Scalar cur_cost = 0;
+      for (i = 0; i < n_; i++) {
+        cur_cost += dist_sq[i];
+        if (cur_cost >= cutoff)
+          break;
+      }
+      if (i < n_)
+        break;
+    }
+    memcpy(centers + new_cluster*d_, points_ + point_indices_[i]*d_, d_*sizeof(Scalar));
+    total_cost = SeedKmppUpdateAssignment(top_node_, new_cluster, centers, dist_sq);
+  }
+  // Clean up and return
+  free(dist_sq);
+  return total_cost;
+// Helper functions for SeedKMeansPlusPlus
+// =======================================
+// Sets kmpp_cluster_index to 0 for all nodes
+void KmTree::SeedKmppSetClusterIndex(const Node *node, int value) const {
+  node->kmpp_cluster_index = value;
+  if (node->lower_node != 0) {
+    SeedKmppSetClusterIndex(node->lower_node, value);
+    SeedKmppSetClusterIndex(node->upper_node, value);
+  }
+Scalar KmTree::SeedKmppUpdateAssignment(const Node *node, int new_cluster, Scalar *centers,
+                                        Scalar *dist_sq) const {
+  // See if we can assign all points in this node to one cluster
+  if (node->kmpp_cluster_index >= 0) {
+    if (ShouldBePruned(node->median, node->radius, centers, node->kmpp_cluster_index, new_cluster))
+      return GetNodeCost(node, centers + node->kmpp_cluster_index*d_);
+    if (ShouldBePruned(node->median, node->radius, centers, new_cluster,
+                       node->kmpp_cluster_index)) {
+      SeedKmppSetClusterIndex(node, new_cluster);
+      for (int i = node->first_point_index; i < node->first_point_index + node->num_points; i++)
+        dist_sq[i] = PointDistSq(points_ + point_indices_[i]*d_, centers + new_cluster*d_, d_);
+      return GetNodeCost(node, centers + new_cluster*d_);
+    }
+    // It may be that the a leaf-node point is equidistant from the new center or old
+    if (node->lower_node == 0)
+      return GetNodeCost(node, centers + node->kmpp_cluster_index*d_);
+  }
+  // Recurse
+  Scalar cost = SeedKmppUpdateAssignment(node->lower_node, new_cluster, centers, dist_sq) +
+                SeedKmppUpdateAssignment(node->upper_node, new_cluster, centers, dist_sq);
+  int i1 = node->lower_node->kmpp_cluster_index, i2 = node->upper_node->kmpp_cluster_index;
+  if (i1 == i2 && i1 != -1)
+    node->kmpp_cluster_index = i1;
+  else
+    node->kmpp_cluster_index = -1;
+  return cost;