diff bbric_disco.xml @ 0:1beb3ed9e1e3

Imported from capsule None
author cmonjeau
date Fri, 05 Jun 2015 11:40:18 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/bbric_disco.xml	Fri Jun 05 11:40:18 2015 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+<tool id="discosnp_pp" name="discoSnp++" version="2.1.7">
+<description>is an efficient tool for detecting SNPs without a reference genome.</description>
+  <requirements>
+    <requirement type="package" version="2.1.7">discoSnp_plus_plus</requirement>
+    <requirement type="package" version="0.6.2">bwa</requirement>
+  </requirements>
+  <command interpreter="python">
+-r ${datfile}
+-b $branching_bubbles
+-D $deletions
+-P $limit_snp
+#if $low_complexity
+#end if
+-k $kmer
+#if (str($extension) == 't'):
+#end if
+#if (str($extension) == 'T'):
+#end if
+-c $coverage
+-C ${maxcoverage}
+-d $error_threshold
+#if (str($VCF_option.mapping) == 'reference'):
+-G ${VCF_option.reference}
+-M ${VCF_option.mapping_error}
+#end if
+  </command>
+  <inputs>             
+	<repeat name="input_list" title="input files" min="1">
+        	<param name="input" type="data" format="fasta,fastq,fastq.gz" label="input"/>
+	</repeat>
+	<param name="kmer" type="integer" label="Size of kmers" value="31" />
+	<param name="coverage" type="integer" label="Minimal coverage per read set" value="4" />
+  	<param name="maxcoverage" type="integer" label="Maximal coverage per read set" value="2147483647" help="default value = 2^31-1" />
+	<param name="error_threshold" type="integer" label="Max number of errors per read" value="1" help="Max number of errors per read" />
+	<param name="branching_bubbles" type="select" label="branching strategy">
+		<option value="0">variants for which any of the two paths is branching are discarded</option>
+		<option value="1">forbid SNPs for wich the two paths are branching</option>
+		<option value="2">No limitation on branching</option>
+        </param>
+	<param name="deletions" type="integer" label="deletion size" value="0" help="If different of 0, discoSnp++ will search for deletions of size from 1 to the value included"/>
+	<param name="limit_snp" type="integer" label="maximum SNPs per bubble" value="1" help="discoSnp++ will search up to the value SNPs in a unique bubble"/>
+	<param name="low_complexity" type="boolean" default="False" checked="False" label="accept low complexity bubbles" />
+	<param name="extension" type="select" label="extension strategy">
+                <option value="n">extends to 30bp on left and right</option>
+                <option value="t">extends left and right until a polymorphism s found (unitigs)</option>
+                <option value="T">extends left and right using local assembly (contigs)</option>
+        </param>
+	<conditional name="VCF_option" >
+		<param name="mapping" type="select" label="VCF option">
+			<option value="default">Do not use reference genome</option>
+			<option value="reference">Mapping with a reference genome</option>
+		</param>
+		<when value="defaut"></when>
+		<when value="reference">
+			<param name="reference" type="data" format="fasta,fastq" label="Reference genome file" />
+			<param name="mapping_error" type="integer" value="4" label="Maximal number of mapping errors" help="during BWA mapping phase" />
+		</when>
+	</conditional>
+  </inputs>
+  <outputs>
+<!--	 <data name="report" from_work_dir="report.txt" format="txt" label="Output of ${tool.name} on $on_string"/> -->
+	 <data name="vcf" from_work_dir="coherent.vcf" format="vcf" label="VCF of ${tool.name} on $on_string"/>
+    	<data name="fasta" from_work_dir="coherent.fasta" format="fasta" label="Multifasta of the polymorphisms -  ${tool.name} on $on_string"/>
+ <configfiles>
+        <configfile name="datfile">
+        #for $i, $lib in enumerate ($input_list)
+		${i}::${lib.input}
+        #end for
+ 	</configfile>
+   </configfiles>
+  <help>
+Software discoSnp is designed for discovering Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) from raw set(s) of reads obtained with Next Generation Sequencers (NGS).
+Note that number of input read sets is not constrained, it can be one, two, or more. Note also that no other data as reference genome or annotations are needed.
+The software is composed by two modules. First module, kissnp2, detects SNPs from read sets. A second module, kissreads, enhance the kissnp2 results by computing per read set  and for each found SNP i/ its mean read coverage and ii/ the (phred) quality of reads generating the polymorphism.
+Note that from release of DiscoSnp++-2.0.6, the tool also detects close SNPs and indels.
+.. class:: warningmark 
+**Input parameters**
+-Sequences files in fasta, fastq or fastq.gz, each allele will be counted in each file individually
+-Fasta sequence of a genome if case of you are willing to map the sequence extension on a reference in order to get a compliant VCF
+.. class:: warningmark 
+**Ouput parameters**
+-VCF file with coordinates on the higher branch sequences or on a reference genome if provided 
+-Fasta file with sequence extensions around the SNP. 
+**Web site**
+**Integrated by**
+Cyril Monjeaud and Fabrice Legeai
+GenOuest Bio-informatics Core Facility
+UMR 6074 IRISA INRIA-CNRS-UR1 Rennes (France)
+If you use this tool in Galaxy, please cite :
+`Y. Le Bras, A. Roult, C. Monjeaud, M. Bahin, O. Quenez, C. Heriveau, A. Bretaudeau, O. Sallou, O. Collin, Towards a Life Sciences Virtual Research Environment : an e-Science initiative in Western France. JOBIM 2013. &lt;https://www.e-biogenouest.org/resources/128&gt;`_
+  </help>
+<citation type="doi">10.1093/nar/gku1187</citation>
+<citation type="bibtex">@INPROCEEDINGS{JOBIM2013,
+    author = {Le Bras, Y. and ROULT, A. and Monjeaud, C. and Bahin, M. and Quenez, O. and Heriveau, C. and Bretaudeau, A. and Sallou, O. and Collin, O.},
+    title = {Towards a Life Sciences Virtual Research Environment: An e-Science initiative in Western France},
+    booktitle = {JOBIM 2013 Proceedings},
+    year = {2013},
+    url = {https://www.e-biogenouest.org/resources/128},
+    pages = {97-106}
+    }