diff metfrag-vis.py @ 0:3dbe79671820 draft default tip

"planemo upload for repository https://github.com/computational-metabolomics/metfrag-galaxy commit b337c6296968848e3214f4b51df3d86776f84b6a"
author computational-metabolomics
date Tue, 14 Jul 2020 07:42:34 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/metfrag-vis.py	Tue Jul 14 07:42:34 2020 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,695 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Load modules
+import argparse
+import base64
+import csv
+import os
+import re
+import time
+import urllib.parse
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import pubchempy
+import requests
+# Parse arguments
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+    description='Visualise MetFrag results in html.')
+parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version',
+                    version='MetFrag-vis Version 0.9',
+                    help='show version')
+parser.add_argument('-i', '--input', metavar='metfrag_results.tsv',
+                    dest="input_tsv", required=True,
+                    help='MetFrag results as input')
+parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', metavar='metfrag_results.html',
+                    dest="output_html", required=True,
+                    help='Write MetFrag results into this output file')
+parser.add_argument('-m', '--max-candidates', metavar='10',
+                    dest="max_candidates", default=10, type=int,
+                    required=False,
+                    help='Maximum number of candidates per compound [1-1000]')
+parser.add_argument('-s', '--synonyms', dest='synonyms', action='store_true',
+                    required=False,
+                    help='Fetch synonyms from PubChem [disabled by default]')
+parser.add_argument('-c', '--classyfire', dest='classyfire',
+                    action='store_true', required=False,
+                    help='Fetch compound classes from ClassyFire'
+                         ' [disabled by default]')
+args = parser.parse_args()
+# Input CSV with MetFrag results
+input_tsv = args.input_tsv
+# Output html of MetFrag results
+output_html = args.output_html
+# Max number of candidates per compound
+max_candidates = args.max_candidates
+# PubChem synonyms
+pubchem_synonyms_enabled = args.synonyms
+# ClassyFire classes
+classyfire_classes_enabled = args.classyfire
+# ---------- cdk_inchi_to_svg ----------
+def cdk_inchi_to_svg(inchi):
+    if "cdk-inchi-to-svg" in os.environ:
+        JAVA_CMD = 'cdk-inchi-to-svg' + ' ' + str(
+            '\'' + inchi + '\'') + ' ' + 'cdk-inchi-to-svg-output.svg'
+    else:
+        JAVA_BINARY = '/usr/local/bin/java'
+        CDK_INCHI_TO_SVG_JAR = '/usr/local/bin/' \
+                               'cdk-inchi-to-svg-0.0.1-' \
+                               'SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar'
+        JAVA_CMD = str(
+            JAVA_BINARY + ' ' + '-jar' + ' ' + CDK_INCHI_TO_SVG_JAR + ' '
+            + str('\'' + inchi + '\'') + ' ' + 'cdk-inchi-to-svg-output.svg')
+    # Exec cdk-inchi-to-svg JAVA binary
+    exitcode = os.system(JAVA_CMD)
+    # Check whether binary has successfully been run
+    if (exitcode == 0):
+        with open("cdk-inchi-to-svg-output.svg", "r") as svg_file:
+            svg_string = []
+            for line in svg_file:
+                if not ('<?xml' in line) and not ('<!DOCTYPE' in line):
+                    if (' fill=\'#FFFFFF\'' in line):
+                        line = re.sub(' fill=\'#FFFFFF\'',
+                                      ' fill=\'#FFFFFF\' fill-opacity=\'0.0\'',
+                                      line)
+                    svg_string.append(line)
+        svg_file.close()
+        os.remove("cdk-inchi-to-svg-output.svg")
+        return (str(''.join(svg_string)))
+    else:
+        return ('&nbsp;')
+# ---------- pubchem_link ----------
+def pubchem_link(compound_name):
+    return (str('https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/#query=' + compound_name))
+# ---------- kegg_link ----------
+def kegg_link(compound_name):
+    return (str(
+        'https://www.genome.jp/dbget-bin/'
+        'www_bfind_sub?mode=bfind&max_hit=1000&dbkey=kegg&keywords=' +
+        compound_name))
+# ---------- biocyc_link ----------
+def biocyc_link(compound_name):
+    biocyc_url = urllib.parse.urlparse(
+        str(
+            'https://www.biocyc.org/'
+            'substring-search?type=NIL&object=' +
+            compound_name + '&quickSearch=Quick+Search'))
+    return (biocyc_url.geturl())
+# ---------- hmdb_link ----------
+def hmdb_link(compound_name):
+    hmdb_url = urllib.parse.urlparse(
+        str(
+            'https://hmdb.ca/unearth/q?utf8=\xe2&query=' +
+            compound_name + '&searcher=metabolites&button='))
+    return (hmdb_url.geturl())
+# ---------- hmdb_link ----------
+def chebi_link(inchi):
+    return (str(
+        'https://www.ebi.ac.uk/chebi/advancedSearchFT.do?searchString='
+        + inchi))
+# ---------- PubChem Synonyms ----------
+def fetch_pubchem_synonyms(inchi):
+    if not ('InChI=' in inchi):
+        return ('&nbsp;')
+    # Fetch CID from InChI
+    print('Retrieving PubChem CID from InChI...')
+    compound = pubchempy.get_compounds(identifier=inchi, namespace='inchi')
+    compound_cid = re.sub(r'\).*', '', re.sub(r'.*\(', '', str(compound)))
+    if len(compound_cid) <= 1:
+        print(str('Warning. No match for InChI \"' + str(inchi) + '\".'))
+        return ('&nbsp;')
+    # Retrieve compound
+    print('Retrieving PubChem compound information...')
+    compound = pubchempy.Compound.from_cid(compound_cid)
+    if ('synonyms' in dir(compound)):
+        return ('; '.join(compound.synonyms))
+    else:
+        print(str('Warning. No synonyms found for CID \"' + str(
+            compound_cid) + '\".'))
+        return ('&nbsp;')
+# ---------- ClassyFire ----------
+def fetch_classyfire_classes(inchi):
+    if not ('InChI=' in inchi):
+        return ('&nbsp;')
+    # Send POST request to ClassyFire
+    print('Sending request to ClassyFire...')
+    classyfire_url = 'http://classyfire.wishartlab.com/queries.json'
+    classyfire_post = str(
+        '{\"label\":\"metfrag\",\"query_input\":\"' + inchi +
+        '\",\"query_type\":\"STRUCTURE\"}')
+    classyfire_headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
+    classyfire_request = requests.post(classyfire_url, data=classyfire_post,
+                                       headers=classyfire_headers)
+    # Only continue when request has been successfully sent
+    if (classyfire_request.status_code != 201):
+        print('Error! Could not send request to ClassyFire. \"',
+              str(classyfire_request.status_code) + ': ' + str(
+                  classyfire_request.reason), '\". Skipping entry.')
+        return ('&nbsp;')
+    # Get ClassyFire Query ID
+    classyfire_request.json()
+    classyfire_query_id = classyfire_request.json()['id']
+    # Query ClassyFire in max. 20 attempts
+    classyfire_request_loop = 0
+    while (classyfire_request_loop < 20):
+        print(str(
+            'Sending query ' + str(classyfire_query_id) + ' to ClassyFire...'))
+        time.sleep(10)
+        classyfire_query = requests.get(
+            str('http://classyfire.wishartlab.com/queries/' + str(
+                classyfire_query_id) + '.json'))
+        if (classyfire_query.status_code == 200) and (
+                classyfire_query.json()['classification_status'] == 'Done'):
+            classyfire_request_loop = 999
+            break
+        else:
+            classyfire_request_loop += 1
+    if classyfire_request_loop == 999:
+        # Direct parent
+        direct_parent_name = classyfire_query.json()[
+            'entities'][0]['direct_parent']['name']
+        direct_parent_url = classyfire_query.json()[
+            'entities'][0]['direct_parent']['url']
+        direct_parent = str(
+            '<a target="_blank" href="' + direct_parent_url + '">' +
+            direct_parent_name + '</a>')
+        # Alternative parents
+        alt_parents = []
+        for i in range(0, len(classyfire_query.json()['entities'][0][
+                                  'alternative_parents'])):
+            alt_parent_name = classyfire_query.json()[
+                'entities'][0]['alternative_parents'][i]['name']
+            alt_parent_url = classyfire_query.json()[
+                'entities'][0]['alternative_parents'][i]['url']
+            alt_parent = str(
+                '<a target="_blank" href="' + alt_parent_url + '">' +
+                alt_parent_name + '</a>')
+            alt_parents.append(alt_parent)
+        # Concat classes
+        classes = str('<b>' + direct_parent + '</b>, <br>' + str(
+            ', <br>'.join(alt_parents)))
+    else:
+        print('Warning. Timout sending query to ClassyFire. Skipping entry.')
+        classes = '&nbsp;'
+    return (classes)
+# ---------- Plot Spectrum ----------
+def plot_spectrum(spectrum, spectrum_explained, spectrum_explained_formulas):
+    # Plot
+    plt.figure(figsize=[5.5, 4.4])
+    plt.xlabel('m/z')
+    plt.ylabel('intensity')
+    # Plot spectrum
+    x = []
+    y = []
+    for i in spectrum.split(';'):
+        t = i.split('_')
+        x.append(t[0])
+        y.append(t[1])
+    for i in range(0, len(x)):
+        plt.plot([float(x[i]), float(x[i])], [0, float(y[i])], linewidth=1,
+                 color='black')
+        plt.plot(float(x[i]), float(y[i]), 'o', color='black', markersize=4)
+    if not (spectrum_explained == 'NA') and not (
+            spectrum_explained_formulas == 'NA'):
+        # Plot explained peaks
+        ex = []
+        ey = []
+        for i in spectrum_explained.split(';'):
+            t = i.split('_')
+            ex.append(t[0])
+            ey.append(y[x.index(t[0])])
+        for i in range(0, len(ex)):
+            plt.plot([float(ex[i]), float(ex[i])], [0, float(ey[i])],
+                     linewidth=3, color='#2b8126')
+            plt.plot(float(ex[i]), float(ey[i]), 'o', color='#2b8126',
+                     markersize=8)
+        # Plot formulas on explained peaks
+        ex = []
+        ey = []
+        ez = []
+        for i in spectrum_explained_formulas.split(';'):
+            t = i.split(':')
+            ex.append(t[0])
+            ey.append(y[x.index(t[0])])
+            ez.append(t[1])
+        for i in range(0, len(ex)):
+            plt.text(float(ex[i]), float(ey[i]) + 1000, ez[i], color='#2b8126',
+                     fontsize=8,
+                     horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='bottom')
+    # Save SVG
+    plt.savefig("metfrag-vis-spectrum.svg", format="svg", transparent=True)
+    plt.close()
+    # Import SVG
+    with open("metfrag-vis-spectrum.svg", "r") as svg_file:
+        svg_string = []
+        for line in svg_file:
+            if not ('<?xml' in line) and not ('<!DOCTYPE' in line) and not (
+                    '  "http://www.w3.org/Graphics' in line):
+                svg_string.append(line)
+    svg_file.close()
+    os.remove("metfrag-vis-spectrum.svg")
+    return (str(''.join(svg_string)))
+# #################### MAIN ####################
+if pubchem_synonyms_enabled:
+    print('Fetching of PubChem Synonyms enabled.')
+if classyfire_classes_enabled:
+    print('Fetching of ClassyFire Classes enabled.')
+# Open output html file
+    metfrag_html = open(output_html, "w")
+except Exception as e:
+    print("Error writing output file. {}".format(e))
+    exit(1)
+# Write html header
+metfrag_html.write('<!DOCTYPE html>\n')
+metfrag_html.write('<title>' + 'msPurity MetFrag results' + '</title>\n')
+metfrag_html.write('<style type="text/css">\n')
+metfrag_html.write('svg { width: 200px; height: 100%; }\n')
+    'body { font-family: Lucida, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; '
+    'font-size: 13px; text-align: left; '
+    'color: #000000; margin: 8px 8px 8px 8px; }\n')
+    'A { color: #2b8126; text-decoration: none; background: transparent; }\n')
+    'A:visited { '
+    'color: #19681a; text-decoration: none; background: transparent; '
+    '}\n')
+    'A:hover { '
+    'color: #8fc180; text-decoration: underline; background: transparent; '
+    '}\n')
+    'h1 { font-size: 32px; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; '
+    'padding: 0px 0px 4px 0px; margin: 26px 0px 0px 0px; }\n')
+    'h2 { font-size: 24px; font-weight: bold; text-align: left; '
+    'padding: 0px 0px 4px 0px; margin: 26px 0px 0px 0px; }\n')
+    'table { font-family: Lucida, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; '
+    'font-size: 10px; text-align: left; '
+    'line-height: 10px; border: 1px solid #e3efdf; '
+    'background-color: #ecf5ea; margin-bottom: 8px; '
+    'min-width: 1600px; max-width: 2400px; }\n')
+    '#tablediv { width: 100%; min-width: 20px; max-width: 200px; }\n')
+metfrag_html.write('.tdmax { min-width: 200px; max-width: 200px; }\n')
+metfrag_html.write('.tdvar { min-width: 200px; max-width: 600px; }\n')
+metfrag_html.write('tr:nth-child(even) { background-color: #f6faf5; }\n')
+# Read input csv file
+with open(input_tsv, "r") as metfrag_file:
+    metfrag_results = csv.DictReader(metfrag_file, delimiter='\t')
+    # Parse each line
+    line_count = 0
+    compound = ""
+    candidates = 0
+    for row in metfrag_results:
+        # Start new document
+        if (line_count == 0):
+            if os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
+                            'metfrag_logo.png'):
+                logo_pth = os.path.join(
+                    os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
+                    'metfrag_logo.png')
+            else:
+                logo_pth = '/usr/local/share/metfrag/metfrag_logo.png'
+            with open(logo_pth, "rb") as png_file:
+                png_encoded = base64.b64encode(png_file.read())
+            metfrag_html.write(str(
+                '\n<h1><img style="vertical-align:bottom" '
+                'src="data:image/png;base64,' +
+                png_encoded.decode('utf-8') +
+                '" alt="metfrag-logo" width="150"></img><text '
+                'style="line-height:2.0">&nbsp;&nbsp;results</text></h1>\n'
+            ))
+        else:
+            # Parameter list at beginning of document
+            if (line_count == 1):
+                metfrag_html.write('\n<h2>Parameter list</h2>\n')
+                metfrag_html.write(str('MetFragDatabaseType=' +
+                                       re.sub(' .*', '',
+                                              re.sub('.*MetFragDatabaseType=',
+                                                     '',
+                                                     row[
+                                                         "MetFragCLIString"]))
+                                       + '<br>\n')
+                                   )
+                metfrag_html.write(str('PrecursorIonMode=' +
+                                       re.sub(' .*', '',
+                                              re.sub('.*PrecursorIonMode=', '',
+                                                     row[
+                                                         "MetFragCLIString"]))
+                                       + '<br>\n')
+                                   )
+                metfrag_html.write(str('DatabaseSearchRelativeMassDeviation=' +
+                                       re.sub(' .*', '',
+                                              re.sub(
+                                                  '.*DatabaseSearchRelative'
+                                                  'MassDeviation=',
+                                                  '',
+                                                  row[
+                                                      "MetFragCLIString"])) +
+                                       '<br>\n')
+                                   )
+                metfrag_html.write(
+                    str('FragmentPeakMatchAbsoluteMassDeviation=' +
+                        re.sub(' .*', '',
+                               re.sub(
+                                   '.*FragmentPeakMatchAbsoluteMassDeviation=',
+                                   '',
+                                   row["MetFragCLIString"])) + '<br>\n')
+                )
+                metfrag_html.write(
+                    str('FragmentPeakMatchRelativeMassDeviation=' +
+                        re.sub(' .*', '',
+                               re.sub(
+                                   '.*FragmentPeakMatchRelativeMassDeviation=',
+                                   '',
+                                   row["MetFragCLIString"])) + '<br>\n')
+                )
+                metfrag_html.write(str('FilterExcludedElements=' +
+                                       re.sub(' .*', '',
+                                              re.sub(
+                                                  '.*FilterExcludedElements=',
+                                                  '',
+                                                  row[
+                                                      "MetFragCLIString"])) +
+                                       '<br>\n')
+                                   )
+                metfrag_html.write(str('FilterIncludedElements=' +
+                                       re.sub(' .*', '',
+                                              re.sub(
+                                                  '.*FilterIncludedElements=',
+                                                  '',
+                                                  row[
+                                                      "MetFragCLIString"])) +
+                                       '<br>\n')
+                                   )
+                metfrag_html.write(str('MetFragScoreTypes=' +
+                                       re.sub(' .*', '',
+                                              re.sub('.*MetFragScoreTypes=',
+                                                     '',
+                                                     row[
+                                                         "MetFragCLIString"]))
+                                       + '<br>\n')
+                                   )
+            # New compound in list
+            if (row["name"] != compound):
+                compound = row["name"]
+                candidates = 0
+                identifier = row["name"]
+                monoisotopic_mass = row["MonoisotopicMass"]
+                precursor_mz = row["precursor_mz"]
+                if "retention_time" in row:
+                    precursor_rt = row["retention_time"]
+                    try:
+                        precursor_rt = round(float(precursor_rt), 4)
+                    except ValueError:
+                        continue
+                else:
+                    precursor_rt = ''
+                if "precursor_type" in row:
+                    precursor_type = row["precursor_type"]
+                elif "adduct" in row:
+                    precursor_type = row["adduct"]
+                else:
+                    precursor_type = ''
+                if line_count > 1:
+                    metfrag_html.write(str('</table>\n'))
+                metfrag_html.write(str('\n' + '<h2>' + identifier + '</h2>\n'))
+                metfrag_html.write(str('<p><b>Precursor Type:</b> ' + str(
+                    precursor_type) + '<br>'))
+                metfrag_html.write(str('<b>Precursor Mass:</b> ' + str(
+                    round(float(precursor_mz), 4)) + '<br>'))
+                metfrag_html.write(
+                    str('<b>Precursor Retention Time:</b> ' + str(
+                        precursor_mz) + '<br></p>'))
+                metfrag_html.write(str('\n' + '<table>\n'))
+                metfrag_html.write(str(
+                    '<tr style="vertical-align:bottom; '
+                    'background-color:#e3efdf;">'
+                    + '<td class="tdmax">' + '<b>Spectrum</b>' + '</td>'
+                    + '<td class="tdmax">' + '<b>Structure</b>' + '</td>'
+                    + '<td>' + '<b>Monoisotopic Mass</b>' + '</td>'
+                    + '<td>' + '<b>Molecular Formula</b>' + '</td>'
+                    + '<td>' + '<b>Compound Name</b>' + '</td>'
+                    + '<td class="tdvar">' + '<b>PubChem Synonyms</b>'+'</td>'
+                    + '<td>' + '<b>Compound Classes</b>' + '</td>'
+                    + '<td>' + '<b>MetFrag Score</b>' + '</td>'
+                    + '<td>' + '<b>MetFusion Score</b>' + '</td>'
+                    + '<td>' + '<b>Fragmenter Score</b>' + '</td>'
+                    + '<td>' + '<b>Suspectlist Score</b>' + '</td>'
+                    + '<td>' + '<b>Explained Peaks</b>' + '</td>'
+                    + '<td>' + '<b>MetFrag Web</b>' + '</td>'
+                    + '<td>' + '<b>External Links</b>' + '</td>'
+                    + '<td class="tdmax">' + '<b>InChI</b>' + '</td>'
+                    + '</tr>\n'))
+            # Compound candidate
+            if (candidates < max_candidates):
+                # Column variables
+                inchi = row["InChI"]
+                smiles = row["SMILES"]
+                mol_formula = row["MolecularFormula"]
+                compound_name = row["IUPACName"]
+                frag_score = row["FragmenterScore"]
+                metfusion_score = row["OfflineMetFusionScore"]
+                score = row["Score"]
+                if "SuspectListScore" in row:
+                    suspectlist_score = row["SuspectListScore"]
+                else:
+                    suspectlist_score = 0
+                peaks_explained = row["NoExplPeaks"]
+                peaks_used = row["NumberPeaksUsed"]
+                spectrum_explained = row["ExplPeaks"]
+                spectrum_explained_formulas = row["FormulasOfExplPeaks"]
+                identifier = row["Identifier"]
+                # PubChem Synonyms
+                if pubchem_synonyms_enabled:
+                    pubchem_synonyms = fetch_pubchem_synonyms(inchi)
+                else:
+                    pubchem_synonyms = '&nbsp;'
+                # Compound Classes
+                if classyfire_classes_enabled:
+                    compound_classes = fetch_classyfire_classes(inchi)
+                else:
+                    compound_classes = '&nbsp;'
+                # Draw Spectrum
+                spectrum = re.sub(' .*', '', re.sub('.*PeakListString=', '',
+                                                    row["MetFragCLIString"]))
+                spectrum_string = plot_spectrum(spectrum, spectrum_explained,
+                                                spectrum_explained_formulas)
+                # Draw SVG
+                svg_string = cdk_inchi_to_svg(str(inchi))
+                # External links
+                external_links = str(
+                    '<a target="_blank" href="' + pubchem_link(
+                        compound_name) + '">PubChem</a>' + ', ' +
+                    '<a target="_blank" href="' + kegg_link(
+                        compound_name) + '">KEGG</a>' + ', ' +
+                    '<a target="_blank" href="' + hmdb_link(
+                        compound_name) + '">HMDB</a>' + ', ' +
+                    '<a target="_blank" href="' + biocyc_link(
+                        compound_name) + '">BioCyc</a>' + ', ' +
+                    '<a target="_blank" href="' + chebi_link(
+                        inchi) + '">ChEBI</a>')
+                # MetFragWeb
+                FragmentPeakMatchAbsoluteMassDeviation = str(
+                    '' +
+                    re.sub(' .*', '',
+                           re.sub(
+                               '.*FragmentPeakMatchAbsoluteMassDeviation=',
+                               'FragmentPeakMatchAbsoluteMassDeviation=',
+                               row["MetFragCLIString"]))
+                )
+                FragmentPeakMatchRelativeMassDeviation = str(
+                    '' +
+                    re.sub(' .*', '',
+                           re.sub(
+                               '.*FragmentPeakMatchRelativeMassDeviation=',
+                               'FragmentPeakMatchRelativeMassDeviation=',
+                               row["MetFragCLIString"]))
+                )
+                DatabaseSearchRelativeMassDeviation = str(
+                    '' +
+                    re.sub(' .*', '',
+                           re.sub(
+                               '.*DatabaseSearchRelativeMassDeviation=',
+                               'DatabaseSearchRelativeMassDeviation=',
+                               row["MetFragCLIString"]))
+                )
+                IonizedPrecursorMass = str(
+                    'IonizedPrecursorMass=' + str(row["precursor_mz"]))
+                NeutralPrecursorMass = str(
+                    '' + re.sub(' .*', '',
+                                re.sub(
+                                    '.*NeutralPrecursorMass=',
+                                    'NeutralPrecursorMass=',
+                                    row[
+                                        "MetFragCLIString"]))
+                )
+                NeutralPrecursorMolecularFormula = str(
+                    'NeutralPrecursorMolecularFormula=' + str(
+                        row["MolecularFormula"]))
+                PrecursorIonMode = str(
+                    '' + re.sub(' .*', '', re.sub('.*PrecursorIonMode=',
+                                                  'PrecursorIonMode=',
+                                                  row["MetFragCLIString"])))
+                PeakList = str(
+                    '' + re.sub(' .*', '',
+                                re.sub('.*PeakListString=', 'PeakList=',
+                                       row["MetFragCLIString"])))
+                MetFragDatabaseType = str(
+                    '' + re.sub(' .*', '',
+                                re.sub(
+                                    '.*MetFragDatabaseType=',
+                                    'MetFragDatabaseType=',
+                                    row["MetFragCLIString"])))
+                metfrag_web = str(
+                    'https://msbi.ipb-halle.de/MetFrag/landing.xhtml?' +
+                    FragmentPeakMatchAbsoluteMassDeviation + '&' +
+                    FragmentPeakMatchRelativeMassDeviation + '&' +
+                    DatabaseSearchRelativeMassDeviation + '&' +
+                    IonizedPrecursorMass + '&' +
+                    NeutralPrecursorMass + '&' +
+                    # NeutralPrecursorMolecularFormula + '&' +
+                    PrecursorIonMode + '&' +
+                    PeakList + '&' +
+                    MetFragDatabaseType)
+                # Write html code
+                metfrag_html.write(str('<tr style="vertical-align:center">' +
+                                       '<td class="tdmax">' +
+                                       spectrum_string +
+                                       '</td>' +
+                                       '<td class="tdmax">' +
+                                       svg_string +
+                                       '</td>' +
+                                       '<td>' +
+                                       monoisotopic_mass +
+                                       '</td>' +
+                                       '<td>' +
+                                       mol_formula +
+                                       '</td>' +
+                                       '<td>' +
+                                       compound_name +
+                                       '</td>' +
+                                       '<td class="tdvar">' +
+                                       pubchem_synonyms +
+                                       '</td>' +
+                                       '<td>' +
+                                       compound_classes + '</td>' +
+                                       '<td>' +
+                                       str(round(float(score), 3)) +
+                                       '</td>' +
+                                       '<td>' +
+                                       str(round(float(metfusion_score), 3)) +
+                                       '</td>' +
+                                       '<td>' +
+                                       str(round(float(frag_score), 3)) +
+                                       '</td>' +
+                                       '<td>' +
+                                       str(
+                                           round(float(suspectlist_score), 3)
+                                       ) +
+                                       '</td>' +
+                                       '<td>' +
+                                       peaks_explained +
+                                       ' / ' +
+                                       peaks_used +
+                                       '</td>' +
+                                       '<td>' +
+                                       '<a  target="_blank" href="' +
+                                       metfrag_web +
+                                       '">MetFragWeb</a>' +
+                                       '</td>' +
+                                       '<td>' +
+                                       external_links +
+                                       '</td>' +
+                                       '<td class="tdmax">' +
+                                       inchi +
+                                       '</td>' +
+                                       '</tr>\n'))
+        line_count += 1
+        candidates += 1
+    # Finish candidate list
+    metfrag_html.write(str('</table>\n'))
+# Write html footer
+# Close output html file