view cpt_gbk_to_gff/ @ 0:a68f32350196 draft

author cpt
date Fri, 17 Jun 2022 12:46:43 +0000
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env python

import argparse
import sys

from Bio import SeqIO
from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord
from Bio.SeqFeature import FeatureLocation
from CPT_GFFParser import gffSeqFeature, gffWrite

bottomFeatTypes = ["exon", "RBS", "CDS"]

def makeGffFeat(inFeat, num, recName, identifier):
    if inFeat.type == "RBS" or (inFeat.type == "regulatory" and "regulatory_class" in inFeat.qualifiers.keys() and inFeat.qualifiers["regulatory_class"][0] == "ribosome_binding_site"):
      inFeat.type = "Shine_Dalgarno_sequence"
    if "codon_start" in inFeat.qualifiers.keys():
      shift = int(inFeat.qualifiers["codon_start"][0]) - 1
      shift = "."
    if identifier in inFeat.qualifiers.keys():
      name = inFeat.qualifiers[identifier][0] + "." + inFeat.type 
      if num > 0:
        name += "." + str(num)
      name = recName + "." + inFeat.type + "." + str(num)
    outFeat = gffSeqFeature(inFeat.location, inFeat.type, '', inFeat.strand, name, inFeat.qualifiers, None, None, None, shift, 0, "GbkToGff")
    outFeat.qualifiers["ID"] = [name]  
    return outFeat

def main(inFile, makeMRNA, makeGene, identifier, fastaFile, outFile):

    ofh = sys.stdout
    if outFile:
        ofh = outFile

    outRec = []
    failed = 0
    for rec in SeqIO.parse(inFile, "genbank"):
        recID =

        if len(str(rec.seq)) > 0:
            seqs_pending_writes = True
            outSeq = str(rec.seq)
            seqLen = len(outSeq)

        locBucket = {}
        outFeats = []
        topTypeDict = {}
        seekingParent = []
        geneNum = 0
        autoGeneNum = 0
        for feat in rec.features:
            if identifier not in feat.qualifiers.keys(): #Allow metadata features and other features with no ID (Output warning?) - AJC
              if feat.type in bottomFeatTypes:
                seekingParent.append([feat, [], []]) # [Feature, all parent candidates, strongest parent candidates]
              elif feat.type not in topTypeDict.keys():
                topTypeDict[feat.type] = 1
                topTypeDict[feat.type] += 1
              outFeats.append(makeGffFeat(feat, topTypeDict[feat.type], recID, identifier))
            elif feat.qualifiers[identifier][0] not in locBucket.keys():
              locBucket[feat.qualifiers[identifier][0]] = []

        for locus in locBucket.keys():
          minLoc = locBucket[locus][0].location.start
          maxLoc = locBucket[locus][0].location.end
          for feat in locBucket[locus]:
            minLoc = min(minLoc, feat.location.start)
            maxLoc = max(maxLoc, feat.location.end)
          for x in seekingParent:
            if x[0].location.start >= minLoc and x[0].location.end <= maxLoc:
            if x[0].location.start == minLoc or x[0].location.end == maxLoc:

        for x in seekingParent: #Reformat to [Feature, Locus, Unused/Free]
          if len(x[2]) == 1:
            finList = ""
            if len(x[1]) > 1:
              for loc in x[1]:
                if loc != x[2][0]:
                  finList += loc + ", "
              finList = str(x[0].type) + " had no locus tag set in .gbk file, automatically derived. Other, weaker candidate(s) were " + finList[0:-2] + "."
              finList = str(x[0].type) + " had no locus tag set in .gbk file, automatically derived."
            if "Notes" not in x[0].qualifiers.keys():
              x[0].qualifiers["Notes"] = []
            x[1] = x[2][0]
          elif len(x[2]) > 1:
            candidate = x[2][0] #Arbitrarily choose first one
            finList = ""
            strongList = ""
            for loc in x[2]:
              if loc != candidate:
                finList += loc + ", "
                strongList += loc + ", "
            for loc in x[1]:
              if loc not in x[2]:
                finList += loc + ", "
            finList = str(x[0].type) + " had no locus tag set in .gbk file, automatically derived. Other candidate(s) were " + finList[0:-2] + " (Equally strong candidate(s): " + strongList[0:-2] + ")."
            if "Notes" not in x[0].qualifiers.keys():
              x[0].qualifiers["Notes"] = []
            x[1] = candidate
          elif len(x[1]) == 1:
            x[1] = x[1][0]
            if "Notes" not in x[0].qualifiers.keys():
              x[0].qualifiers["Notes"] = []
            finList = str(x[0].type) + " had no locus tag set in .gbk file, automatically derived."
          elif len(x[1]) > 1:
            candidate = x[1][0] #Arbitrarily choose first one
            finList = ""
            for loc in x[1]:
              if loc != candidate:
                finList += loc + ", "
            finList = str(x[0].type) + " had no locus tag set in .gbk file, automatically derived. Other candidates were " + finList[0:-2] + "."
            if "Notes" not in x[0].qualifiers.keys():
              x[0].qualifiers["Notes"] = []
            x[1] = candidate
            if makeGene:
              sys.stderr.write("Warning: Unable to find potential parent for feature with no " + identifier + " of type " + str(x[0].type) + " at location [" + str(x[0].location.start + 1) + ", " + str(x[0].location.end) + "], creating standalone gene.\n")
              autoGeneNum += 1
              x[0].source = "GbkToGff"
              x[0].score = 0
              x[0].shift = 0
              if "ID" not in x[0].qualifiers.keys():
                x[0].qualifiers["ID"] = [recID + ".standalone_" + x[0].type + "." + str(autoGeneNum)]
              tempName = recID + ".derived_Gene." + str(autoGeneNum)
              tempQuals = {"ID" : [tempName], "Notes" : ["Gene feature automatically generated by Gbk to GFF conversion"]}
              tempGene = gffSeqFeature(FeatureLocation(x[0].location.start, x[0].location.end, x[0].location.strand), 'gene', '', x[0].strand, tempName, tempQuals, None, None, None, ".", 0, "GbkToGff")
              if makeMRNA:
                tempName = recID + ".derived_mRNA." + str(autoGeneNum)
                tempQuals = {"ID" : [tempName], "Notes" : ["mRNA feature automatically generated by Gbk to GFF conversion"]}
                tempGene.sub_features.append(gffSeqFeature(FeatureLocation(x[0].location.start, x[0].location.end, x[0].location.strand), 'mRNA', '', x[0].strand, tempName, tempQuals, None, None, None, ".", 0, "GbkToGff"))
              sys.stderr.write("Warning: Unable to find potential parent for feature with no " + identifier + " of type " + str(x[0].type) + " at location [" + str(x[0].location.start + 1) + ", " + str(x[0].location.end) + "].\n")
              if x[0].type not in topTypeDict.keys():
                topTypeDict[x[0].type] = 1
                topTypeDict[x[0].type] += 1
              outFeats.append(makeGffFeat(x[0], topTypeDict[x[0].type], recID, identifier))
        for locus in locBucket.keys():
          if len(locBucket[locus]) == 1: # No heirarchy to be made
            outFeats.append(makeGffFeat(locBucket[locus][0], 0, recID, identifier))
          topFeat = None
          midFeat = None
          bottomFeats = []
          typeDict = {}
          minLoc = locBucket[locus][0].location.start
          maxLoc = locBucket[locus][0].location.end
          geneNum += 1
          for feat in locBucket[locus]:
            # If we want to make our own top-level feat?
            minLoc = min(minLoc, feat.location.start)
            maxLoc = max(maxLoc, feat.location.end)
            # Gene->mRNA->CDS included as example, to add other feature-heirarchys in the appropriate slot
            if feat.type in ['gene']:
              if not topFeat:
                topFeat = feat
              # Else handle multiple top features
            elif feat.type in ['mRNA', 'tRNA', 'rRNA']:
              if not midFeat:
                midFeat = feat
              # Else handle multiple mid feats (May need another elif type-in-list statement if we actually expect a list of mid feats)
              if feat.type not in typeDict.keys():
                typeDict[feat.type] = 1
                typeDict[feat.type] += 1 
          for x in seekingParent:
            if type(x[1]) != "list" and locus == x[1]:
              x[0].qualifiers[identifier] = [locus]
              if x[0].type not in typeDict.keys():
                typeDict[x[0].type] = 1
                typeDict[x[0].type] += 1 
          #if not topFeat: # Make our own top-level feature based off minLoc, maxLoc bounds
          for x in typeDict.keys(): # If only 1, set it to 0 so we don't append a number to the name
            if typeDict[x] == 1:    # Else, set to 1 so that we count up as we encounter the features
              typeDict[x] = 0
              typeDict[x] = 1
          if not topFeat:
            if makeGene:
              if midFeat:
                possibleStrand = midFeat.strand
                possibleStrand = bottomFeats[0].strand
              tempName = recID + ".gene." + str(geneNum)
              tempQuals = {identifier : [locus], "ID" : [tempName], "Notes" : ["Gene feature automatically generated by Gbk to GFF conversion"]}
              topFeat = gffSeqFeature(FeatureLocation(minLoc, maxLoc, possibleStrand), 'gene', '', possibleStrand, tempName, tempQuals, None, None, None, ".", 0, "GbkToGff")
              sys.stderr.write("Unable to create a feature heirarchy at location [%d, %d] with features: \n" % (minLoc, maxLoc))
              for x in locBucket[locus]:
                failed = 1

          outFeats.append(makeGffFeat(topFeat, 0, recID, identifier))
          if not midFeat and topFeat.type == "gene" and makeMRNA:
              if identifier in topFeat.qualifiers.keys():
                tempName = topFeat.qualifiers[identifier][0] + ".mRNA"
                tempQuals = {identifier : topFeat.qualifiers[identifier], "ID" : [tempName], "Notes" : ["mRNA feature automatically generated by Gbk to GFF conversion"]}
                tempName = outFeats[-1].ID + ".mRNA"
                tempQuals = {identifier : topFeat.qualifiers[identifier], "ID" : [tempName], "Notes" : ["mRNA feature automatically generated by Gbk to GFF conversion"]}
              midFeat = gffSeqFeature(FeatureLocation(minLoc, maxLoc, topFeat.strand), 'mRNA', '', topFeat.strand, tempName, tempQuals, None, None, None, ".", 0, "GbkToGff")
          if midFeat: # Again, need a new if statement if we want to handle multiple mid-tier features
              outFeats[-1].sub_features.append(makeGffFeat(midFeat, 0, recID, identifier))
              outFeats[-1].sub_features[-1].qualifiers["Parent"] = [outFeats[-1].id]
              for x in bottomFeats:
                typeDict[x.type] += 1
                outFeats[-1].sub_features[-1].sub_features.append(makeGffFeat(x, typeDict[x.type], recID, identifier))
                outFeats[-1].sub_features[-1].sub_features[-1].qualifiers["Parent"] = [outFeats[-1].sub_features[-1].id]
          else: # No midFeat, append bottom feats directly to top feats 
              for x in bottomFeats:
                typeDict[x.type] += 1
                outFeats[-1].sub_features.append(makeGffFeat(x, typeDict[x.type], recID, identifier))
                outFeats[-1].sub_features[-1].qualifiers["Parent"] = [outFeats[-1].id]
        outRec.append(SeqRecord(rec.seq, recID,, rec.description, rec.dbxrefs, sorted(outFeats, key=lambda x: x.location.start), rec.annotations, rec.letter_annotations))
        SeqIO.write([outRec[-1]], fastaFile, "fasta")
    gffWrite(outRec, ofh)    
    exit(failed) # 0 if all features handled, 1 if unable to handle some

if __name__ == '__main__':
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Biopython solution to Gbk to GFF conversion')

    parser.add_argument('inFile', type=argparse.FileType("r"), help='Path to an input GBK file' )
    parser.add_argument('--makeMRNA', action="store_true", required=False, help="Automatically create mRNA features")
    parser.add_argument('--makeGene', action="store_true", required=False, help="Automatically create missing Gene features")
    parser.add_argument('--identifier', type=str, default="locus_tag", required=False, help="Qualifier to derive ID property from")
    parser.add_argument('--fastaFile', type=argparse.FileType("w"),  help='Fasta output for sequences' )
    parser.add_argument('--outFile', type=argparse.FileType("w"),  help='GFF feature output' )
    args = parser.parse_args()