diff plotWheels/descriptors.py @ 1:9b276485c94a draft

planemo upload commit 94b0cd1fff0826c6db3e7dc0c91c0c5a8be8bb0c
author cpt
date Mon, 05 Jun 2023 02:44:43 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/plotWheels/descriptors.py	Mon Jun 05 02:44:43 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1183 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+.. currentmodule:: modlamp.descriptors
+.. moduleauthor:: modlab Alex Mueller ETH Zurich <alex.mueller@pharma.ethz.ch>
+This module incorporates different classes to calculate peptide descriptor values. The following classes are available:
+=============================        ============================================================================
+Class                                Characteristics
+=============================        ============================================================================
+:py:class:`GlobalDescriptor`         Global one-dimensional peptide descriptors calculated from the AA sequence.
+:py:class:`PeptideDescriptor`        AA scale based global or convoluted descriptors (auto-/cross-correlated).
+=============================        ============================================================================
+.. seealso:: :class:`modlamp.core.BaseDescriptor` from which the classes in :mod:`modlamp.descriptors` inherit.
+import sys
+import numpy as np
+from scipy import stats
+from sklearn.externals.joblib import Parallel, delayed
+from plotWheels.core import (
+    BaseDescriptor,
+    load_scale,
+    count_aas,
+    aa_weights,
+    aa_energies,
+    aa_formulas,
+__author__ = "Alex Müller, Gisela Gabernet"
+__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
+def _one_autocorr(seq, window, scale):
+    """Private function used for calculating auto-correlated descriptors for 1 given sequence, window and an AA scale.
+    This function is used by the :py:func:`calculate_autocorr` method of :py:class:`PeptideDescriptor`.
+    :param seq: {str} amino acid sequence to calculate descriptor for
+    :param window: {int} correlation-window size
+    :param scale: {str} amino acid scale to be used to calculate descriptor
+    :return: {numpy.array} calculated descriptor data
+    """
+    try:
+        m = list()  # list of lists to store translated sequence values
+        for l in range(len(seq)):  # translate AA sequence into values
+            m.append(scale[str(seq[l])])
+        # auto-correlation in defined sequence window
+        seqdesc = list()
+        for dist in range(window):  # for all correlation distances
+            for val in range(
+                len(scale["A"])
+            ):  # for all features of the descriptor scale
+                valsum = list()
+                cntr = 0.0
+                for pos in range(len(seq)):  # for every position in the sequence
+                    if (pos + dist) < len(
+                        seq
+                    ):  # check if corr distance is possible at that sequence position
+                        cntr += 1  # counter to scale sum
+                        valsum.append(m[pos][val] * m[pos + dist][val])
+                seqdesc.append(
+                    sum(valsum) / cntr
+                )  # append scaled correlation distance values
+        return seqdesc
+    except ZeroDivisionError:
+        print(
+            "ERROR!\nThe chosen correlation window % i is larger than the sequence %s !"
+            % (window, seq)
+        )
+def _one_crosscorr(seq, window, scale):
+    """Private function used for calculating cross-correlated descriptors for 1 given sequence, window and an AA scale.
+    This function is used by the :py:func:`calculate_crosscorr` method of :py:class:`PeptideDescriptor`.
+    :param seq: {str} amino acid sequence to calculate descriptor for
+    :param window: {int} correlation-window size
+    :param scale: {str} amino acid scale to be used to calculate descriptor
+    :return: {numpy.array} calculated descriptor data
+    """
+    try:
+        m = list()  # list of lists to store translated sequence values
+        for l in range(len(seq)):  # translate AA sequence into values
+            m.append(scale[str(seq[l])])
+        # auto-correlation in defined sequence window
+        seqdesc = list()
+        for val in range(len(scale["A"])):  # for all features of the descriptor scale
+            for cc in range(len(scale["A"])):  # for every feature cross correlation
+                if (val + cc) < len(
+                    scale["A"]
+                ):  # check if corr distance is in range of the num of features
+                    for dist in range(window):  # for all correlation distances
+                        cntr = float()
+                        valsum = list()
+                        for pos in range(
+                            len(seq)
+                        ):  # for every position in the sequence
+                            if (pos + dist) < len(
+                                seq
+                            ):  # check if corr distance is possible at that sequence pos
+                                cntr += 1  # counter to scale sum
+                                valsum.append(m[pos][val] * m[pos + dist][val + cc])
+                        seqdesc.append(
+                            sum(valsum) / cntr
+                        )  # append scaled correlation distance values
+        return seqdesc
+    except ZeroDivisionError:
+        print(
+            "ERROR!\nThe chosen correlation window % i is larger than the sequence %s !"
+            % (window, seq)
+        )
+def _one_arc(seq, modality, scale):
+    """Privat function used for calculating arc descriptors for one sequence and AA scale. This function is used by
+    :py:func:`calculate_arc` method method of :py:class:`PeptideDescriptor`.
+    :param seq: {str} amino acid sequence to calculate descriptor for
+    :param scale: {str} amino acid scale to be used to calculate descriptor
+    :return: {numpy.array} calculated descriptor data
+    """
+    desc_mat = []
+    for aa in seq:
+        desc_mat.append(scale[aa])
+    desc_mat = np.asarray(desc_mat)
+    # Check descriptor dimension
+    desc_dim = desc_mat.shape[1]
+    # list to store descriptor values for all windows
+    allwindows_arc = []
+    if len(seq) > 18:
+        window = 18
+        # calculates number of windows in sequence
+        num_windows = len(seq) - window
+    else:
+        window = len(seq)
+        num_windows = 1
+    # loop through all windows
+    for j in range(num_windows):
+        # slices descriptor matrix into current window
+        window_mat = desc_mat[j : j + window, :]
+        # defines order of amino acids in helical projection
+        order = [0, 11, 4, 15, 8, 1, 12, 5, 16, 9, 2, 13, 6, 17, 10, 3, 14, 7]
+        # orders window descriptor matrix into helical projection order
+        ordered = []
+        for pos in order:
+            try:
+                ordered.append(window_mat[pos, :])
+            except:
+                # for sequences of len < 18 adding dummy vector with 2s, length of descriptor dimensions
+                ordered.append([2] * desc_dim)
+        ordered = np.asarray(ordered)
+        window_arc = []
+        # loop through pharmacophoric features
+        for m in range(desc_dim):
+            all_arcs = (
+                []
+            )  # stores all arcs that can be found of a pharmacophoric feature
+            arc = 0
+            for n in range(
+                18
+            ):  # for all positions in helix, regardless of sequence length
+                if (
+                    ordered[n, m] == 0
+                ):  # if position does not contain pharmacophoric feature
+                    all_arcs.append(arc)  # append previous arc to all arcs list
+                    arc = 0  # arc is initialized
+                elif (
+                    ordered[n, m] == 1
+                ):  # if position contains pharmacophoric feature(PF), elongate arc by 20°
+                    arc += 20
+                elif ordered[n, m] == 2:  # if position doesn't contain amino acid:
+                    if (
+                        ordered[n - 1, m] == 1
+                    ):  # if previous position contained PF add 10°
+                        arc += 10
+                    elif (
+                        ordered[n - 1, m] == 0
+                    ):  # if previous position didn't contain PF don't add anything
+                        arc += 0
+                    elif (
+                        ordered[n - 2, m] == 1
+                    ):  # if previous position is empty then check second previous for PF
+                        arc += 10
+                    if (
+                        n == 17
+                    ):  # if we are at the last position check for position n=0 instead of next position.
+                        if ordered[0, m] == 1:  # if it contains PF add 10° extra
+                            arc += 10
+                    else:  # if next position contains PF add 10° extra
+                        if ordered[n + 1, m] == 1:
+                            arc += 10
+                        elif ordered[n + 1, m] == 0:
+                            arc += 0
+                        else:  # if next position is empty check for 2nd next position
+                            if n == 16:
+                                if ordered[0, m] == 1:
+                                    arc += 10
+                            else:
+                                if ordered[n + 2, m] == 1:
+                                    arc += 10
+            all_arcs.append(arc)
+            if not arc == 360:
+                arc0 = all_arcs.pop() + all_arcs[0]  # join first and last arc together
+                all_arcs = [arc0] + all_arcs[1:]
+            window_arc.append(
+                np.max(all_arcs)
+            )  # append to window arcs the maximum arc of this PF
+        allwindows_arc.append(window_arc)  # append all PF arcs of this window
+    allwindows_arc = np.asarray(allwindows_arc)
+    if modality == "max":
+        final_arc = np.max(
+            allwindows_arc, axis=0
+        )  # calculate maximum / mean arc along all windows
+    elif modality == "mean":
+        final_arc = np.mean(allwindows_arc, axis=0)
+    else:
+        print('modality is unknown, please choose between "max" and "mean"\n.')
+        sys.exit()
+    return final_arc
+def _charge(seq, ph=7.0, amide=False):
+    """Calculates charge of a single sequence. The method used is first described by Bjellqvist. In the case of
+    amidation, the value for the  'Cterm' pKa is 15 (and Cterm is added to the pos_pks dictionary.
+    The pKa scale is extracted from: http://www.hbcpnetbase.com/ (CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 96th ed).
+    **pos_pks** = {'Nterm': 9.38, 'K': 10.67, 'R': 12.10, 'H': 6.04}
+    **neg_pks** = {'Cterm': 2.15, 'D': 3.71, 'E': 4.15, 'C': 8.14, 'Y': 10.10}
+    :param ph: {float} pH at which to calculate peptide charge.
+    :param amide: {boolean} whether the sequences have an amidated C-terminus.
+    :return: {array} descriptor values in the attribute :py:attr:`descriptor
+    """
+    if amide:
+        pos_pks = {"Nterm": 9.38, "K": 10.67, "R": 12.10, "H": 6.04}
+        neg_pks = {"Cterm": 15.0, "D": 3.71, "E": 4.15, "C": 8.14, "Y": 10.10}
+    else:
+        pos_pks = {"Nterm": 9.38, "K": 10.67, "R": 12.10, "H": 6.04}
+        neg_pks = {"Cterm": 2.15, "D": 3.71, "E": 4.15, "C": 8.14, "Y": 10.10}
+    aa_content = count_aas(seq, scale="absolute")
+    aa_content["Nterm"] = 1.0
+    aa_content["Cterm"] = 1.0
+    pos_charge = 0.0
+    for aa, pK in pos_pks.items():
+        c_r = 10 ** (pK - ph)
+        partial_charge = c_r / (c_r + 1.0)
+        pos_charge += aa_content[aa] * partial_charge
+    neg_charge = 0.0
+    for aa, pK in neg_pks.items():
+        c_r = 10 ** (ph - pK)
+        partial_charge = c_r / (c_r + 1.0)
+        neg_charge += aa_content[aa] * partial_charge
+    return round(pos_charge - neg_charge, 3)
+class GlobalDescriptor(BaseDescriptor):
+    """
+    Base class for global, non-amino acid scale dependant descriptors. The following descriptors can be calculated by
+    the **methods** linked below:
+    - `Sequence Length      <modlamp.html#modlamp.descriptors.GlobalDescriptor.length>`_
+    - `Molecular Formula    <modlamp.html#modlamp.descriptors.GlobalDescriptor.formula>`_
+    - `Molecular Weight     <modlamp.html#modlamp.descriptors.GlobalDescriptor.calculate_MW>`_
+    - `Sequence Charge      <modlamp.html#modlamp.descriptors.GlobalDescriptor.calculate_charge>`_
+    - `Charge Density       <modlamp.html#modlamp.descriptors.GlobalDescriptor.charge_density>`_
+    - `Isoelectric Point    <modlamp.html#modlamp.descriptors.GlobalDescriptor.isoelectric_point>`_
+    - `Instability Index    <modlamp.html#modlamp.descriptors.GlobalDescriptor.instability_index>`_
+    - `Aromaticity          <modlamp.html#modlamp.descriptors.GlobalDescriptor.aromaticity>`_
+    - `Aliphatic Index      <modlamp.html#modlamp.descriptors.GlobalDescriptor.aliphatic_index>`_
+    - `Boman Index          <modlamp.html#modlamp.descriptors.GlobalDescriptor.boman_index>`_
+    - `Hydrophobic Ratio    <modlamp.html#modlamp.descriptors.GlobalDescriptor.hydrophobic_ratio>`_
+    - `all of the above     <modlamp.html#modlamp.descriptors.GlobalDescriptor.calculate_all>`_
+    """
+    def length(self, append=False):
+        """
+        Method to calculate the length (total AA count) of every sequence in the attribute :py:attr:`sequences`.
+        :param append: {boolean} whether the produced descriptor values should be appended to the existing ones in the
+            attribute :py:attr:`descriptor`.
+        :return: array of sequence lengths in the attribute :py:attr:`descriptor`
+        :Example:
+        >>> desc = GlobalDescriptor(['AFDGHLKI','KKLQRSDLLRTK','KKLASCNNIPPR'])
+        >>> desc.length()
+        >>> desc.descriptor
+        array([[ 8.], [12.], [12.]])
+        """
+        desc = []
+        for seq in self.sequences:
+            desc.append(float(len(seq.strip())))
+        desc = np.asarray(desc).reshape(len(desc), 1)
+        if append:
+            self.descriptor = np.hstack((self.descriptor, np.array(desc)))
+            self.featurenames.append("Length")
+        else:
+            self.descriptor = np.array(desc)
+            self.featurenames = ["Length"]
+    def formula(self, amide=False, append=False):
+        """Method to calculate the molecular formula of every sequence in the attribute :py:attr:`sequences`.
+        :param amide: {boolean} whether the sequences are C-terminally amidated.
+        :param append: {boolean} whether the produced descriptor values should be appended to the existing ones in the
+            attribute :py:attr:`descriptor`.
+        :return: array of molecular formulas {str} in the attribute :py:attr:`descriptor`
+        :Example:
+        >>> desc.formula(amide=True)
+        >>> for v in desc.descriptor:
+        ...     print(v[0])
+        C122 H197 N35 O39
+        C121 H168 N28 O33 S
+        C106 H157 N29 O30 S2
+        .. seealso:: :py:func:`modlamp.core.aa_formulas()`
+        .. versionadded:: v2.7.6
+        """
+        desc = []
+        formulas = aa_formulas()
+        for seq in self.sequences:
+            f = {"C": 0, "H": 0, "N": 0, "O": 0, "S": 0}
+            for aa in seq:  # loop over all AAs
+                for k in f.keys():
+                    f[k] += formulas[aa][k]
+            # substract H2O for every peptide bond
+            f["H"] -= 2 * (len(seq) - 1)
+            f["O"] -= len(seq) - 1
+            if amide:  # add C-terminal amide --> replace OH with NH2
+                f["O"] -= 1
+                f["H"] += 1
+                f["N"] += 1
+            if f["S"] != 0:
+                val = "C%s H%s N%s O%s %s%s" % (
+                    f["C"],
+                    f["H"],
+                    f["N"],
+                    f["O"],
+                    "S",
+                    f["S"],
+                )
+            else:
+                val = "C%s H%s N%s O%s" % (f["C"], f["H"], f["N"], f["O"])
+            desc.append([val])
+        if append:
+            self.descriptor = np.hstack((self.descriptor, np.array(desc)))
+            self.featurenames.append("Formula")
+        else:
+            self.descriptor = np.array(desc)
+            self.featurenames = ["Formula"]
+    def calculate_MW(self, amide=False, append=False):
+        """Method to calculate the molecular weight [g/mol] of every sequence in the attribute :py:attr:`sequences`.
+        :param amide: {boolean} whether the sequences are C-terminally amidated (subtracts 0.95 from the MW).
+        :param append: {boolean} whether the produced descriptor values should be appended to the existing ones in the
+            attribute :py:attr:`descriptor`.
+        :return: array of descriptor values in the attribute :py:attr:`descriptor`
+        :Example:
+        >>> desc = GlobalDescriptor('IAESFKGHIPL')
+        >>> desc.calculate_MW(amide=True)
+        >>> desc.descriptor
+        array([[ 1210.43]])
+        .. seealso:: :py:func:`modlamp.core.aa_weights()`
+        .. versionchanged:: v2.1.5 amide option added
+        """
+        desc = []
+        weights = aa_weights()
+        for seq in self.sequences:
+            mw = []
+            for aa in seq:  # sum over aa weights
+                mw.append(weights[aa])
+            desc.append(
+                round(sum(mw) - 18.015 * (len(seq) - 1), 2)
+            )  # sum over AA MW and subtract H20 MW for every
+            # peptide bond
+        desc = np.asarray(desc).reshape(len(desc), 1)
+        if (
+            amide
+        ):  # if sequences are amidated, subtract 0.98 from calculated MW (OH - NH2)
+            desc = [d - 0.98 for d in desc]
+        if append:
+            self.descriptor = np.hstack((self.descriptor, np.array(desc)))
+            self.featurenames.append("MW")
+        else:
+            self.descriptor = np.array(desc)
+            self.featurenames = ["MW"]
+    def calculate_charge(self, ph=7.0, amide=False, append=False):
+        """Method to overall charge of every sequence in the attribute :py:attr:`sequences`.
+        The method used is first described by Bjellqvist. In the case of amidation, the value for the 'Cterm' pKa is 15
+        (and Cterm is added to the pos_pKs dictionary.
+        The pKa scale is extracted from: http://www.hbcpnetbase.com/ (CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 96th ed).
+        **pos_pKs** = {'Nterm': 9.38, 'K': 10.67, 'R': 12.10, 'H': 6.04}
+        **neg_pKs** = {'Cterm': 2.15, 'D': 3.71, 'E': 4.15, 'C': 8.14, 'Y': 10.10}
+        :param ph: {float} ph at which to calculate peptide charge.
+        :param amide: {boolean} whether the sequences have an amidated C-terminus.
+        :param append: {boolean} whether the produced descriptor values should be appended to the existing ones in the
+            attribute :py:attr:`descriptor`.
+        :return: array of descriptor values in the attribute :py:attr:`descriptor`
+        :Example:
+        >>> desc = GlobalDescriptor('KLAKFGKRSELVALSG')
+        >>> desc.calculate_charge(ph=7.4, amide=True)
+        >>> desc.descriptor
+        array([[ 3.989]])
+        """
+        desc = []
+        for seq in self.sequences:
+            desc.append(
+                _charge(seq, ph, amide)
+            )  # calculate charge with helper function
+        desc = np.asarray(desc).reshape(len(desc), 1)
+        if append:
+            self.descriptor = np.hstack((self.descriptor, np.array(desc)))
+            self.featurenames.append("Charge")
+        else:
+            self.descriptor = np.array(desc)
+            self.featurenames = ["Charge"]
+    def charge_density(self, ph=7.0, amide=False, append=False):
+        """Method to calculate the charge density (charge / MW) of every sequences in the attributes :py:attr:`sequences`
+        :param ph: {float} pH at which to calculate peptide charge.
+        :param amide: {boolean} whether the sequences have an amidated C-terminus.
+        :param append: {boolean} whether the produced descriptor values should be appended to the existing ones in the
+            attribute :py:attr:`descriptor`.
+        :return: array of descriptor values in the attribute :py:attr:`descriptor`.
+        :Example:
+        >>> desc = GlobalDescriptor('GNSDLLIEQRTLLASDEF')
+        >>> desc.charge_density(ph=6, amide=True)
+        >>> desc.descriptor
+        array([[-0.00097119]])
+        """
+        self.calculate_charge(ph, amide)
+        charges = self.descriptor
+        self.calculate_MW(amide)
+        masses = self.descriptor
+        desc = charges / masses
+        desc = np.asarray(desc).reshape(len(desc), 1)
+        if append:
+            self.descriptor = np.hstack((self.descriptor, np.array(desc)))
+            self.featurenames.append("ChargeDensity")
+        else:
+            self.descriptor = np.array(desc)
+            self.featurenames = ["ChargeDensity"]
+    def isoelectric_point(self, amide=False, append=False):
+        """
+        Method to calculate the isoelectric point of every sequence in the attribute :py:attr:`sequences`.
+        The pK scale is extracted from: http://www.hbcpnetbase.com/ (CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 96th ed).
+         **pos_pKs** = {'Nterm': 9.38, 'K': 10.67, 'R': 12.10, 'H': 6.04}
+         **neg_pKs** = {'Cterm': 2.15, 'D': 3.71, 'E': 4.15, 'C': 8.14, 'Y': 10.10}
+        :param amide: {boolean} whether the sequences have an amidated C-terminus.
+        :param append: {boolean} whether the produced descriptor values should be appended to the existing ones in the
+            attribute :py:attr:`descriptor`.
+        :return: array of descriptor values in the attribute :py:attr:`descriptor`
+        :Example:
+        >>> desc = GlobalDescriptor('KLFDIKFGHIPQRST')
+        >>> desc.isoelectric_point()
+        >>> desc.descriptor
+        array([[ 10.6796875]])
+        """
+        ph, ph1, ph2 = float(), float(), float()
+        desc = []
+        for seq in self.sequences:
+            # Bracket between ph1 and ph2
+            ph = 7.0
+            charge = _charge(seq, ph, amide)
+            if charge > 0.0:
+                ph1 = ph
+                charge1 = charge
+                while charge1 > 0.0:
+                    ph = ph1 + 1.0
+                    charge = _charge(seq, ph, amide)
+                    if charge > 0.0:
+                        ph1 = ph
+                        charge1 = charge
+                    else:
+                        ph2 = ph
+                        break
+            else:
+                ph2 = ph
+                charge2 = charge
+                while charge2 < 0.0:
+                    ph = ph2 - 1.0
+                    charge = _charge(seq, ph, amide)
+                    if charge < 0.0:
+                        ph2 = ph
+                        charge2 = charge
+                    else:
+                        ph1 = ph
+                        break
+            # Bisection
+            while ph2 - ph1 > 0.0001 and charge != 0.0:
+                ph = (ph1 + ph2) / 2.0
+                charge = _charge(seq, ph, amide)
+                if charge > 0.0:
+                    ph1 = ph
+                else:
+                    ph2 = ph
+            desc.append(ph)
+        desc = np.asarray(desc).reshape(len(desc), 1)
+        if append:
+            self.descriptor = np.hstack((self.descriptor, np.array(desc)))
+            self.featurenames.append("pI")
+        else:
+            self.descriptor = np.array(desc)
+            self.featurenames = ["pI"]
+    def instability_index(self, append=False):
+        """
+        Method to calculate the instability of every sequence in the attribute :py:attr:`sequences`.
+        The instability index is a prediction of protein stability based on the amino acid composition.
+        ([1] K. Guruprasad, B. V Reddy, M. W. Pandit, Protein Eng. 1990, 4, 155–161.)
+        :param append: {boolean} whether the produced descriptor values should be appended to the existing ones in the
+            attribute :py:attr:`descriptor`.
+        :return: array of descriptor values in the attribute :py:attr:`descriptor`
+        :Example:
+        >>> desc = GlobalDescriptor('LLASMNDLLAKRST')
+        >>> desc.instability_index()
+        >>> desc.descriptor
+        array([[ 63.95714286]])
+        """
+        desc = []
+        dimv = load_scale("instability")[1]
+        for seq in self.sequences:
+            stabindex = float()
+            for i in range(len(seq) - 1):
+                stabindex += dimv[seq[i]][seq[i + 1]]
+            desc.append((10.0 / len(seq)) * stabindex)
+        desc = np.asarray(desc).reshape(len(desc), 1)
+        if append:
+            self.descriptor = np.hstack((self.descriptor, np.array(desc)))
+            self.featurenames.append("InstabilityInd")
+        else:
+            self.descriptor = np.array(desc)
+            self.featurenames = ["InstabilityInd"]
+    def aromaticity(self, append=False):
+        """
+        Method to calculate the aromaticity of every sequence in the attribute :py:attr:`sequences`.
+        According to Lobry, 1994, it is simply the relative frequency of Phe+Trp+Tyr.
+        :param append: {boolean} whether the produced descriptor values should be appended to the existing ones in the
+            attribute :py:attr:`descriptor`.
+        :return: array of descriptor values in the attribute :py:attr:`descriptor`
+        :Example:
+        >>> desc = GlobalDescriptor('GLFYWRFFLQRRFLYWW')
+        >>> desc.aromaticity()
+        >>> desc.descriptor
+        array([[ 0.52941176]])
+        """
+        desc = []
+        for seq in self.sequences:
+            f = seq.count("F")
+            w = seq.count("W")
+            y = seq.count("Y")
+            desc.append(float(f + w + y) / len(seq))
+        desc = np.asarray(desc).reshape(len(desc), 1)
+        if append:
+            self.descriptor = np.hstack((self.descriptor, np.array(desc)))
+            self.featurenames.append("Aromaticity")
+        else:
+            self.descriptor = np.array(desc)
+            self.featurenames = ["Aromaticity"]
+    def aliphatic_index(self, append=False):
+        """
+        Method to calculate the aliphatic index of every sequence in the attribute :py:attr:`sequences`.
+        According to Ikai, 1980, the aliphatic index is a measure of thermal stability of proteins and is dependant
+        on the relative volume occupied by aliphatic amino acids (A,I,L & V).
+        ([1] A. Ikai, J. Biochem. 1980, 88, 1895–1898.)
+        :param append: {boolean} whether the produced descriptor values should be appended to the existing ones in the
+            attribute :py:attr:`descriptor`.
+        :return: array of descriptor values in the attribute :py:attr:`descriptor`
+        :Example:
+        >>> desc = GlobalDescriptor('KWLKYLKKLAKLVK')
+        >>> desc.aliphatic_index()
+        >>> desc.descriptor
+        array([[ 139.28571429]])
+        """
+        desc = []
+        aa_dict = aa_weights()
+        for seq in self.sequences:
+            d = {aa: seq.count(aa) for aa in aa_dict.keys()}  # count aa
+            d = {
+                k: (float(d[k]) / len(seq)) * 100 for k in d.keys()
+            }  # get mole percent of all AA
+            desc.append(
+                d["A"] + 2.9 * d["V"] + 3.9 * (d["I"] + d["L"])
+            )  # formula for calculating the AI (Ikai, 1980)
+        desc = np.asarray(desc).reshape(len(desc), 1)
+        if append:
+            self.descriptor = np.hstack((self.descriptor, np.array(desc)))
+            self.featurenames.append("AliphaticInd")
+        else:
+            self.descriptor = np.array(desc)
+            self.featurenames = ["AliphaticInd"]
+    def boman_index(self, append=False):
+        """Method to calculate the boman index of every sequence in the attribute :py:attr:`sequences`.
+        According to Boman, 2003, the boman index is a measure for protein-protein interactions and is calculated by
+        summing over all amino acid free energy of transfer [kcal/mol] between water and cyclohexane,[2] followed by
+        dividing by    sequence length.
+        ([1] H. G. Boman, D. Wade, I. a Boman, B. Wåhlin, R. B. Merrifield, *FEBS Lett*. **1989**, *259*, 103–106.
+        [2] A. Radzick, R. Wolfenden, *Biochemistry* **1988**, *27*, 1664–1670.)
+        .. seealso:: :py:func:`modlamp.core.aa_energies()`
+        :param append: {boolean} whether the produced descriptor values should be appended to the existing ones in the
+            attribute :py:attr:`descriptor`.
+        :return: array of descriptor values in the attribute :py:attr:`descriptor`
+        :Example:
+        >>> desc = GlobalDescriptor('GLFDIVKKVVGALGSL')
+        >>> desc.boman_index()
+        >>> desc.descriptor
+        array([[-1.011875]])
+        """
+        d = aa_energies()
+        desc = []
+        for seq in self.sequences:
+            val = []
+            for a in seq:
+                val.append(d[a])
+            desc.append(sum(val) / len(val))
+        desc = np.asarray(desc).reshape(len(desc), 1)
+        if append:
+            self.descriptor = np.hstack((self.descriptor, np.array(desc)))
+            self.featurenames.append("BomanInd")
+        else:
+            self.descriptor = np.array(desc)
+            self.featurenames = ["BomanInd"]
+    def hydrophobic_ratio(self, append=False):
+        """
+        Method to calculate the hydrophobic ratio of every sequence in the attribute :py:attr:`sequences`, which is the
+        relative frequency of the amino acids **A,C,F,I,L,M & V**.
+        :param append: {boolean} whether the produced descriptor values should be appended to the existing ones in the
+            attribute :py:attr:`descriptor`.
+        :return: array of descriptor values in the attribute :py:attr:`descriptor`
+        :Example:
+        >>> desc = GlobalDescriptor('VALLYWRTVLLAIII')
+        >>> desc.hydrophobic_ratio()
+        >>> desc.descriptor
+        array([[ 0.73333333]])
+        """
+        desc = []
+        aa_dict = aa_weights()
+        for seq in self.sequences:
+            pa = {aa: seq.count(aa) for aa in aa_dict.keys()}  # count aa
+            # formula for calculating the AI (Ikai, 1980):
+            desc.append(
+                (pa["A"] + pa["C"] + pa["F"] + pa["I"] + pa["L"] + pa["M"] + pa["V"])
+                / float(len(seq))
+            )
+        desc = np.asarray(desc).reshape(len(desc), 1)
+        if append:
+            self.descriptor = np.hstack((self.descriptor, np.array(desc)))
+            self.featurenames.append("HydrophRatio")
+        else:
+            self.descriptor = np.array(desc)
+            self.featurenames = ["HydrophRatio"]
+    def calculate_all(self, ph=7.4, amide=True):
+        """Method combining all global descriptors and appending them into the feature matrix in the attribute
+        :py:attr:`descriptor`.
+        :param ph: {float} pH at which to calculate peptide charge
+        :param amide: {boolean} whether the sequences have an amidated C-terminus.
+        :return: array of descriptor values in the attribute :py:attr:`descriptor`
+        :Example:
+        >>> desc = GlobalDescriptor('AFGHFKLKKLFIFGHERT')
+        >>> desc.calculate_all(amide=True)
+        >>> desc.featurenames
+        ['Length', 'MW', 'ChargeDensity', 'pI', 'InstabilityInd', 'Aromaticity', 'AliphaticInd', 'BomanInd', 'HydRatio']
+        >>> desc.descriptor
+        array([[ 18.,  2.17559000e+03,   1.87167619e-03,   1.16757812e+01, ...  1.10555556e+00,   4.44444444e-01]])
+        >>> desc.save_descriptor('/path/to/outputfile.csv')  # save the descriptor data (with feature names header)
+        """
+        # This is a strange way of doing it. However, the append=True option excludes length and charge, no idea why!
+        fn = []
+        self.length()  # sequence length
+        l = self.descriptor
+        fn.extend(self.featurenames)
+        self.calculate_MW(amide=amide)  # molecular weight
+        mw = self.descriptor
+        fn.extend(self.featurenames)
+        self.calculate_charge(ph=ph, amide=amide)  # net charge
+        c = self.descriptor
+        fn.extend(self.featurenames)
+        self.charge_density(ph=ph, amide=amide)  # charge density
+        cd = self.descriptor
+        fn.extend(self.featurenames)
+        self.isoelectric_point(amide=amide)  # pI
+        pi = self.descriptor
+        fn.extend(self.featurenames)
+        self.instability_index()  # instability index
+        si = self.descriptor
+        fn.extend(self.featurenames)
+        self.aromaticity()  # global aromaticity
+        ar = self.descriptor
+        fn.extend(self.featurenames)
+        self.aliphatic_index()  # aliphatic index
+        ai = self.descriptor
+        fn.extend(self.featurenames)
+        self.boman_index()  # Boman index
+        bi = self.descriptor
+        fn.extend(self.featurenames)
+        self.hydrophobic_ratio()  # Hydrophobic ratio
+        hr = self.descriptor
+        fn.extend(self.featurenames)
+        self.descriptor = np.concatenate((l, mw, c, cd, pi, si, ar, ai, bi, hr), axis=1)
+        self.featurenames = fn
+class PeptideDescriptor(BaseDescriptor):
+    """Base class for peptide descriptors. The following **amino acid descriptor scales** are available for descriptor
+    calculation:
+    - **AASI**           (An amino acid selectivity index scale for helical antimicrobial peptides, *[1] D. Juretić, D. Vukicević, N. Ilić, N. Antcheva, A. Tossi, J. Chem. Inf. Model. 2009, 49, 2873–2882.*)
+    - **ABHPRK**         (modlabs inhouse physicochemical feature scale (Acidic, Basic, Hydrophobic, Polar, aRomatic, Kink-inducer)
+    - **argos**          (Argos hydrophobicity amino acid scale, *[2] Argos, P., Rao, J. K. M. & Hargrave, P. A., Eur. J. Biochem. 2005, 128, 565–575.*)
+    - **bulkiness**      (Amino acid side chain bulkiness scale, *[3] J. M. Zimmerman, N. Eliezer, R. Simha, J. Theor. Biol. 1968, 21, 170–201.*)
+    - **charge_phys**    (Amino acid charge at pH 7.0 - Hystidine charge +0.1.)
+    - **charge_acid**    (Amino acid charge at acidic pH - Hystidine charge +1.0.)
+    - **cougar**         (modlabs inhouse selection of global peptide descriptors)
+    - **eisenberg**      (the Eisenberg hydrophobicity consensus amino acid scale, *[4] D. Eisenberg, R. M. Weiss, T. C. Terwilliger, W. Wilcox, Faraday Symp. Chem. Soc. 1982, 17, 109.*)
+    - **Ez**             (potential that assesses energies of insertion of amino acid side chains into lipid bilayers, *[5] A. Senes, D. C. Chadi, P. B. Law, R. F. S. Walters, V. Nanda, W. F. DeGrado, J. Mol. Biol. 2007, 366, 436–448.*)
+    - **flexibility**    (amino acid side chain flexibilitiy scale, *[6] R. Bhaskaran, P. K. Ponnuswamy, Int. J. Pept. Protein Res. 1988, 32, 241–255.*)
+    - **grantham**       (amino acid side chain composition, polarity and molecular volume, *[8] Grantham, R. Science. 185, 862–864 (1974).*)
+    - **gravy**          (GRAVY hydrophobicity amino acid scale, *[9] J. Kyte, R. F. Doolittle, J. Mol. Biol. 1982, 157, 105–132.*)
+    - **hopp-woods**     (Hopp-Woods amino acid hydrophobicity scale,*[10] T. P. Hopp, K. R. Woods, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 1981, 78, 3824–3828.*)
+    - **ISAECI**         (Isotropic Surface Area (ISA) and Electronic Charge Index (ECI) of amino acid side chains, *[11] E. R. Collantes, W. J. Dunn, J. Med. Chem. 1995, 38, 2705–2713.*)
+    - **janin**          (Janin hydrophobicity amino acid scale, *[12] J. L. Cornette, K. B. Cease, H. Margalit, J. L. Spouge, J. A. Berzofsky, C. DeLisi, J. Mol. Biol. 1987, 195, 659–685.*)
+    - **kytedoolittle**  (Kyte & Doolittle hydrophobicity amino acid scale, *[13] J. Kyte, R. F. Doolittle, J. Mol. Biol. 1982, 157, 105–132.*)
+    - **levitt_alpha**   (Levitt amino acid alpha-helix propensity scale, extracted from http://web.expasy.org/protscale. *[14] M. Levitt, Biochemistry 1978, 17, 4277-4285.*)
+    - **MSS**            (A graph-theoretical index that reflects topological shape and size of amino acid side chains, *[15] C. Raychaudhury, A. Banerjee, P. Bag, S. Roy, J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci. 1999, 39, 248–254.*)
+    - **MSW**            (Amino acid scale based on a PCA of the molecular surface based WHIM descriptor (MS-WHIM), extended to natural amino acids, *[16] A. Zaliani, E. Gancia, J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci 1999, 39, 525–533.*)
+    - **pepArc**         (modlabs pharmacophoric feature scale, dimensions are: hydrophobicity, polarity, positive charge, negative charge, proline.)
+    - **pepcats**        (modlabs pharmacophoric feature based PEPCATS scale, *[17] C. P. Koch, A. M. Perna, M. Pillong, N. K. Todoroff, P. Wrede, G. Folkers, J. A. Hiss, G. Schneider, PLoS Comput. Biol. 2013, 9, e1003088.*)
+    - **polarity**       (Amino acid polarity scale, *[18] J. M. Zimmerman, N. Eliezer, R. Simha, J. Theor. Biol. 1968, 21, 170–201.*)
+    - **PPCALI**         (modlabs inhouse scale derived from a PCA of 143 amino acid property scales, *[19] C. P. Koch, A. M. Perna, M. Pillong, N. K. Todoroff, P. Wrede, G. Folkers, J. A. Hiss, G. Schneider, PLoS Comput. Biol. 2013, 9, e1003088.*)
+    - **refractivity**   (Relative amino acid refractivity values, *[20] T. L. McMeekin, M. Wilensky, M. L. Groves, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 1962, 7, 151–156.*)
+    - **t_scale**        (A PCA derived scale based on amino acid side chain properties calculated with 6 different probes of the GRID program, *[21] M. Cocchi, E. Johansson, Quant. Struct. Act. Relationships 1993, 12, 1–8.*)
+    - **TM_tend**        (Amino acid transmembrane propensity scale, extracted from http://web.expasy.org/protscale, *[22] Zhao, G., London E. Protein Sci. 2006, 15, 1987-2001.*)
+    - **z3**             (The original three dimensional Z-scale, *[23] S. Hellberg, M. Sjöström, B. Skagerberg, S. Wold, J. Med. Chem. 1987, 30, 1126–1135.*)
+    - **z5**             (The extended five dimensional Z-scale, *[24] M. Sandberg, L. Eriksson, J. Jonsson, M. Sjöström, S. Wold, J. Med. Chem. 1998, 41, 2481–2491.*)
+    Further, amino acid scale independent methods can be calculated with help of the :class:`GlobalDescriptor` class.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, seqs, scalename="Eisenberg"):
+        """
+        :param seqs: a .fasta file with sequences, a list of sequences or a single sequence as string to calculate the
+            descriptor values for.
+        :param scalename: {str} name of the amino acid scale (one of the given list above) used to calculate the
+            descriptor values
+        :return: initialized attributes :py:attr:`sequences`, :py:attr:`names` and dictionary :py:attr:`scale` with
+            amino acid scale values of the scale name in :py:attr:`scalename`.
+        :Example:
+        >>> AMP = PeptideDescriptor('KLLKLLKKLLKLLK','pepcats')
+        >>> AMP.sequences
+        >>> seqs = PeptideDescriptor('/Path/to/file.fasta', 'eisenberg')  # load sequences from .fasta file
+        >>> seqs.sequences
+        """
+        super(PeptideDescriptor, self).__init__(seqs)
+        self.scalename, self.scale = load_scale(scalename.lower())
+        self.all_moms = list()  # for passing hydrophobic moments to calculate_profile
+        self.all_globs = list()  # for passing global  to calculate_profile
+    def load_scale(self, scalename):
+        """Method to load amino acid values from a given scale
+        :param scalename: {str} name of the amino acid scale to be loaded.
+        :return: loaded amino acid scale values in a dictionary in the attribute :py:attr:`scale`.
+        .. seealso:: :func:`modlamp.core.load_scale()`
+        """
+        self.scalename, self.scale = load_scale(scalename.lower())
+    def calculate_autocorr(self, window, append=False):
+        """Method for auto-correlating the amino acid values for a given descriptor scale
+        :param window: {int} correlation window for descriptor calculation in a sliding window approach
+        :param append: {boolean} whether the produced descriptor values should be appended to the existing ones in the
+            attribute :py:attr:`descriptor`.
+        :return: calculated descriptor numpy.array in the attribute :py:attr:`descriptor`.
+        :Example:
+        >>> AMP = PeptideDescriptor('GLFDIVKKVVGALGSL','PPCALI')
+        >>> AMP.calculate_autocorr(7)
+        >>> AMP.descriptor
+        array([[  1.28442339e+00,   1.29025116e+00,   1.03240901e+00, .... ]])
+        >>> AMP.descriptor.shape
+        (1, 133)
+        .. versionchanged:: v.2.3.0
+        """
+        desc = Parallel(n_jobs=-1)(
+            delayed(_one_autocorr)(seq, window, self.scale) for seq in self.sequences
+        )
+        if append:
+            self.descriptor = np.hstack((self.descriptor, np.array(desc)))
+        else:
+            self.descriptor = np.array(desc)
+    def calculate_crosscorr(self, window, append=False):
+        """Method for cross-correlating the amino acid values for a given descriptor scale
+        :param window: {int} correlation window for descriptor calculation in a sliding window approach
+        :param append: {boolean} whether the produced descriptor values should be appended to the existing ones in the
+            attribute :py:attr:`descriptor`.
+        :return: calculated descriptor numpy.array in the attribute :py:attr:`descriptor`.
+        :Example:
+        >>> AMP = PeptideDescriptor('GLFDIVKKVVGALGSL','pepcats')
+        >>> AMP.calculate_crosscorr(7)
+        >>> AMP.descriptor
+        array([[ 0.6875    ,  0.46666667,  0.42857143,  0.61538462,  0.58333333, ... ]])
+        >>> AMP.descriptor.shape
+        (1, 147)
+        """
+        desc = Parallel(n_jobs=-1)(
+            delayed(_one_crosscorr)(seq, window, self.scale) for seq in self.sequences
+        )
+        if append:
+            self.descriptor = np.hstack((self.descriptor, np.array(desc)))
+        else:
+            self.descriptor = np.array(desc)
+    def calculate_moment(self, window=1000, angle=100, modality="max", append=False):
+        """Method for calculating the maximum or mean moment of the amino acid values for a given descriptor scale and
+        window.
+        :param window: {int} amino acid window in which to calculate the moment. If the sequence is shorter than the
+            window, the length of the sequence is taken. So if the default window of 1000 is chosen, for all sequences
+            shorter than 1000, the **global** hydrophobic moment will be calculated. Otherwise, the maximal
+            hydrophiobic moment for the chosen window size found in the sequence will be returned.
+        :param angle: {int} angle in which to calculate the moment. **100** for alpha helices, **180** for beta sheets.
+        :param modality: {'all', 'max' or 'mean'} Calculate respectively maximum or mean hydrophobic moment. If all,
+            moments for all windows are returned.
+        :param append: {boolean} whether the produced descriptor values should be appended to the existing ones in the
+            attribute :py:attr:`descriptor`.
+        :return: Calculated descriptor as a numpy.array in the attribute :py:attr:`descriptor` and all possible global
+            values in :py:attr:`all_moms` (needed for the :py:func:`calculate_profile` method)
+        :Example:
+        >>> AMP = PeptideDescriptor('GLFDIVKKVVGALGSL', 'eisenberg')
+        >>> AMP.calculate_moment()
+        >>> AMP.descriptor
+        array([[ 0.48790226]])
+        """
+        if self.scale["A"] == list:
+            print(
+                "\n Descriptor moment calculation is only possible for one dimensional descriptors.\n"
+            )
+        else:
+            desc = []
+            for seq in self.sequences:
+                wdw = min(
+                    window, len(seq)
+                )  # if sequence is shorter than window, take the whole sequence instead
+                mtrx = []
+                mwdw = []
+                for aa in range(len(seq)):
+                    mtrx.append(self.scale[str(seq[aa])])
+                for i in range(len(mtrx) - wdw + 1):
+                    mwdw.append(sum(mtrx[i : i + wdw], []))
+                mwdw = np.asarray(mwdw)
+                rads = (
+                    angle * (np.pi / 180) * np.asarray(range(wdw))
+                )  # calculate actual moment (radial)
+                vcos = (mwdw * np.cos(rads)).sum(axis=1)
+                vsin = (mwdw * np.sin(rads)).sum(axis=1)
+                moms = np.sqrt(vsin**2 + vcos**2) / wdw
+                if modality == "max":  # take window with maximal value
+                    moment = np.max(moms)
+                elif modality == "mean":  # take average value over all windows
+                    moment = np.mean(moms)
+                elif modality == "all":
+                    moment = moms
+                else:
+                    print(
+                        '\nERROR!\nModality parameter is wrong, please choose between "all", "max" and "mean".\n'
+                    )
+                    return
+                desc.append(moment)
+                self.all_moms.append(moms)
+            desc = np.asarray(desc).reshape(len(desc), 1)  # final descriptor array
+            if append:
+                self.descriptor = np.hstack((self.descriptor, np.array(desc)))
+            else:
+                self.descriptor = np.array(desc)
+    def calculate_global(self, window=1000, modality="max", append=False):
+        """Method for calculating a global / window averaging descriptor value of a given AA scale
+        :param window: {int} amino acid window in which to calculate the moment. If the sequence is shorter than the
+            window, the length of the sequence is taken.
+        :param modality: {'max' or 'mean'} Calculate respectively maximum or mean hydrophobic moment.
+        :param append: {boolean} whether the produced descriptor values should be appended to the existing ones in the
+            attribute :py:attr:`descriptor`.
+        :return: Calculated descriptor as a numpy.array in the attribute :py:attr:`descriptor` and all possible global
+            values in :py:attr:`all_globs` (needed for the :py:func:`calculate_profile` method)
+        :Example:
+        >>> AMP = PeptideDescriptor('GLFDIVKKVVGALGSL','eisenberg')
+        >>> AMP.calculate_global(window=1000, modality='max')
+        >>> AMP.descriptor
+        array([[ 0.44875]])
+        """
+        desc = list()
+        for n, seq in enumerate(self.sequences):
+            wdw = min(
+                window, len(seq)
+            )  # if sequence is shorter than window, take the whole sequence instead
+            mtrx = []
+            mwdw = []
+            for l in range(len(seq)):  # translate AA sequence into values
+                mtrx.append(self.scale[str(seq[l])])
+            for i in range(len(mtrx) - wdw + 1):
+                mwdw.append(
+                    sum(mtrx[i : i + wdw], [])
+                )  # list of all the values for the different windows
+            mwdw = np.asarray(mwdw)
+            glob = np.sum(mwdw, axis=1) / float(wdw)
+            outglob = float()
+            if modality in ["max", "mean"]:
+                if modality == "max":
+                    outglob = np.max(
+                        glob
+                    )  # returned moment will be the maximum of all windows
+                elif modality == "mean":
+                    outglob = np.mean(
+                        glob
+                    )  # returned moment will be the mean of all windows
+                else:
+                    print(
+                        'Modality parameter is wrong, please choose between "max" and "mean"\n.'
+                    )
+                    return
+            desc.append(outglob)
+            self.all_globs.append(glob)
+        desc = np.asarray(desc).reshape(len(desc), 1)
+        if append:
+            self.descriptor = np.hstack((self.descriptor, np.array(desc)))
+        else:
+            self.descriptor = np.array(desc)
+    def calculate_profile(self, prof_type="uH", window=7, append=False):
+        """Method for calculating hydrophobicity or hydrophobic moment profiles for given sequences and fitting for
+        slope and intercept. The hydrophobicity scale used is "eisenberg"
+        :param prof_type: prof_type of profile, available: 'H' for hydrophobicity or 'uH' for hydrophobic moment
+        :param window: {int} size of sliding window used (odd-numbered).
+        :param append: {boolean} whether the produced descriptor values should be appended to the existing ones in the
+            attribute :py:attr:`descriptor`.
+        :return: Fitted slope and intercept of calculated profile for every given sequence in the attribute
+            :py:attr:`descriptor`.
+        :Example:
+        >>> AMP = PeptideDescriptor('KLLKLLKKVVGALG','kytedoolittle')
+        >>> AMP.calculate_profile(prof_type='H')
+        >>> AMP.descriptor
+        array([[ 0.03731293,  0.19246599]])
+        """
+        if prof_type == "uH":
+            self.calculate_moment(window=window)
+            y_vals = self.all_moms
+        elif prof_type == "H":
+            self.calculate_global(window=window)
+            y_vals = self.all_globs
+        else:
+            print(
+                'prof_type parameter is unknown, choose "uH" for hydrophobic moment or "H" for hydrophobicity\n.'
+            )
+            sys.exit()
+        desc = list()
+        for n, seq in enumerate(self.sequences):
+            x_vals = range(len(seq))[int((window - 1) / 2) : -int((window - 1) / 2)]
+            if len(seq) <= window:
+                slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
+            else:
+                slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(
+                    x_vals, y_vals[n]
+                )
+            desc.append([slope, intercept])
+        if append:
+            self.descriptor = np.hstack((self.descriptor, np.array(desc)))
+        else:
+            self.descriptor = np.array(desc)
+    def calculate_arc(self, modality="max", append=False):
+        """Method for calculating property arcs as seen in the helical wheel plot. Use for binary amino acid scales only.
+        :param modality: modality of the arc to calculate, to choose between "max" and "mean".
+        :param append: if true, append to current descriptor stored in the descriptor attribute.
+        :return: calculated descriptor as numpy.array in the descriptor attribute.
+        :Example:
+        >>> arc = PeptideDescriptor("KLLKLLKKLLKLLK", scalename="peparc")
+        >>> arc.calculate_arc(modality="max", append=False)
+        >>> arc.descriptor
+        array([[200, 160, 160,   0,   0]])
+        """
+        desc = Parallel(n_jobs=-1)(
+            delayed(_one_arc)(seq, modality, self.scale) for seq in self.sequences
+        )
+        # Converts each of the amino acids to descriptor vector
+        for seq in self.sequences:
+            # desc_mat = []
+            # for aa in seq:
+            #     desc_mat.append(self.scale[aa])
+            # desc_mat = np.asarray(desc_mat)
+            #
+            # # Check descriptor dimension
+            # desc_dim = desc_mat.shape[1]
+            #
+            # # list to store descriptor values for all windows
+            # allwindows_arc = []
+            #
+            # if len(seq) > 18:
+            #     window = 18
+            #     # calculates number of windows in sequence
+            #     num_windows = len(seq) - window
+            # else:
+            #     window = len(seq)
+            #     num_windows = 1
+            #
+            # # loop through all windows
+            # for j in range(num_windows):
+            #     # slices descriptor matrix into current window
+            #     window_mat = desc_mat[j:j + window, :]
+            #
+            #     # defines order of amino acids in helical projection
+            #     order = [0, 11, 4, 15, 8, 1, 12, 5, 16, 9, 2, 13, 6, 17, 10, 3, 14, 7]
+            #
+            #     # orders window descriptor matrix into helical projection order
+            #     ordered = []
+            #     for pos in order:
+            #         try:
+            #             ordered.append(window_mat[pos, :])
+            #         except:
+            #             # for sequences of len < 18 adding dummy vector with 2s, length of descriptor dimensions
+            #             ordered.append([2] * desc_dim)
+            #     ordered = np.asarray(ordered)
+            #
+            #     window_arc = []
+            #
+            #     # loop through pharmacophoric features
+            #     for m in range(desc_dim):
+            #         all_arcs = []  # stores all arcs that can be found of a pharmacophoric feature
+            #         arc = 0
+            #
+            #         for n in range(18):  # for all positions in helix, regardless of sequence length
+            #             if ordered[n, m] == 0:  # if position does not contain pharmacophoric feature
+            #                 all_arcs.append(arc)  # append previous arc to all arcs list
+            #                 arc = 0  # arc is initialized
+            #             elif ordered[n, m] == 1:  # if position contains pharmacophoric feature(PF), elongate arc by 20°
+            #                 arc += 20
+            #             elif ordered[n, m] == 2:  # if position doesn't contain amino acid:
+            #                 if ordered[n - 1, m] == 1:  # if previous position contained PF add 10°
+            #                     arc += 10
+            #                 elif ordered[n - 1, m] == 0:  # if previous position didn't contain PF don't add anything
+            #                     arc += 0
+            #                 elif ordered[
+            #                             n - 2, m] == 1:  # if previous position is empty then check second previous for PF
+            #                     arc += 10
+            #                 if n == 17:  # if we are at the last position check for position n=0 instead of next position.
+            #                     if ordered[0, m] == 1:  # if it contains PF add 10° extra
+            #                         arc += 10
+            #                 else:  # if next position contains PF add 10° extra
+            #                     if ordered[n + 1, m] == 1:
+            #                         arc += 10
+            #                     elif ordered[n + 1, m] == 0:
+            #                         arc += 0
+            #                     else:  # if next position is empty check for 2nd next position
+            #                         if n == 16:
+            #                             if ordered[0, m] == 1:
+            #                                 arc += 10
+            #                         else:
+            #                             if ordered[n + 2, m] == 1:
+            #                                 arc += 10
+            #
+            #         all_arcs.append(arc)
+            #         if not arc == 360:
+            #             arc0 = all_arcs.pop() + all_arcs[0]  # join first and last arc together
+            #             all_arcs = [arc0] + all_arcs[1:]
+            #
+            #         window_arc.append(np.max(all_arcs))  # append to window arcs the maximum arc of this PF
+            #     allwindows_arc.append(window_arc)  # append all PF arcs of this window
+            #
+            # allwindows_arc = np.asarray(allwindows_arc)
+            #
+            # if modality == 'max':
+            #     final_arc = np.max(allwindows_arc, axis=0)  # calculate maximum / mean arc along all windows
+            # elif modality == 'mean':
+            #     final_arc = np.mean(allwindows_arc, axis=0)
+            # else:
+            #     print('modality is unknown, please choose between "max" and "mean"\n.')
+            #     sys.exit()
+            if append:
+                self.descriptor = np.hstack((self.descriptor, np.array(desc)))
+            else:
+                self.descriptor = np.array(desc)