diff cpt_intersect_adj/intersect_and_adjacent.py @ 0:4c72b6accdee draft

author cpt
date Fri, 13 May 2022 05:05:59 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/cpt_intersect_adj/intersect_and_adjacent.py	Fri May 13 05:05:59 2022 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import logging
+import argparse
+from intervaltree import IntervalTree, Interval
+from CPT_GFFParser import gffParse, gffWrite
+from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord
+from Bio.Seq import Seq
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def validFeat(rec):
+    for feat in rec.features:
+      if feat.type != 'remark' and feat.type != 'annotation':
+        return True
+    return False
+def treeFeatures(features, window):
+    for feat in features:
+        # Interval(begin, end, data)
+        yield Interval(
+            int(feat.location.start) - int(window),
+            int(feat.location.end) + int(window),
+            feat.id,
+        )
+def treeFeatures_noRem(features, window):
+    for feat in features:
+        if feat.type == 'remark' or feat.type == 'annotation':
+          continue
+        # Interval(begin, end, data)
+        yield Interval(
+            int(feat.location.start) - int(window),
+            int(feat.location.end) + int(window),
+            feat.id,
+        )
+def intersect(a, b, window, stranding):
+    rec_a = list(gffParse(a))
+    rec_b = list(gffParse(b))
+    rec_a_out = []
+    rec_b_out = []
+    maxLen = min(len(rec_a), len(rec_b))
+    iterate = 0
+    if maxLen > 0:
+        while iterate < maxLen:
+          rec_a_i = rec_a[iterate]
+          rec_b_i = rec_b[iterate]
+          if (not validFeat(rec_a_i)) or (not validFeat(rec_b_i)):
+            rec_a_out.append(SeqRecord(rec_a[iterate].seq, rec_a[iterate].id, rec_a[iterate].name, rec_a[iterate].description, rec_a[iterate].dbxrefs, [], rec_a[iterate].annotations))
+            rec_b_out.append(SeqRecord(rec_b[iterate].seq, rec_b[iterate].id, rec_b[iterate].name, rec_b[iterate].description, rec_b[iterate].dbxrefs, [], rec_b[iterate].annotations))
+            iterate += 1
+            continue
+          a_neg = []
+          a_pos = []
+          b_neg = []
+          b_pos = []
+          tree_a = []
+          tree_b = []
+          if stranding == True:
+            for feat in rec_a_i.features:
+                if feat.type == 'remark' or feat.type == 'annotation':
+                  continue
+                if feat.strand > 0:
+                    a_pos.append(
+                        Interval(
+                            int(feat.location.start) - int(window),
+                            int(feat.location.end) + int(window),
+                            feat.id,
+                        )
+                    )
+                else:
+                    a_neg.append(
+                        Interval(
+                            int(feat.location.start) - int(window),
+                            int(feat.location.end) + int(window),
+                            feat.id,
+                        )
+                    )
+            for feat in rec_b_i.features:
+                if feat.type == 'remark' or feat.type == 'annotation':
+                  continue
+                if feat.strand > 0:
+                    b_pos.append(
+                        Interval(
+                            int(feat.location.start) - int(window),
+                            int(feat.location.end) + int(window),
+                            feat.id,
+                        )
+                    )
+                else:
+                    b_neg.append(
+                        Interval(
+                            int(feat.location.start) - int(window),
+                            int(feat.location.end) + int(window),
+                            feat.id,
+                        )
+                    )
+          else:
+            for feat in rec_a_i.features:
+              if feat.type == 'remark' or feat.type == 'annotation':
+                  continue
+              tree_a.append(
+                Interval(
+                            int(feat.location.start) - int(window),
+                            int(feat.location.end) + int(window),
+                            feat.id,
+                        )
+              )
+            for feat in rec_b_i.features:
+              if feat.type == 'remark' or feat.type == 'annotation':
+                  continue
+              tree_b.append(
+                Interval(
+                            int(feat.location.start) - int(window),
+                            int(feat.location.end) + int(window),
+                            feat.id,
+                        )
+              )
+          if stranding:
+            # builds interval tree from Interval objects of form (start, end, id) for each feature
+           # tree_a = IntervalTree(list(treeFeatures_noRem(rec_a_i.features, window)))
+            #tree_b = IntervalTree(list(treeFeatures_noRem(rec_b_i.features, window)))
+          #else:
+            tree_a_pos = IntervalTree(a_pos)
+            tree_a_neg = IntervalTree(a_neg)
+            tree_b_pos = IntervalTree(b_pos)
+            tree_b_neg = IntervalTree(b_neg)
+          else:
+            tree_a = IntervalTree(tree_a)
+            tree_b = IntervalTree(tree_b)
+          # Used to map ids back to features later
+          rec_a_map = {f.id: f for f in rec_a_i.features}
+          rec_b_map = {f.id: f for f in rec_b_i.features}
+          rec_a_hits_in_b = []
+          rec_b_hits_in_a = []
+          for feature in rec_a_i.features:
+            # Save each feature in rec_a that overlaps a feature in rec_b
+            # hits = tree_b.find_range((int(feature.location.start), int(feature.location.end)))
+            if feature.type == "remark" or feature.type == "annotation":
+              continue
+            if stranding == False:
+                hits = tree_b[int(feature.location.start) : int(feature.location.end)]
+                # feature id is saved in interval result.data, use map to get full feature
+                for hit in hits:
+                    rec_a_hits_in_b.append(rec_b_map[hit.data])
+            else:
+                if feature.strand > 0:
+                    hits_pos = tree_b_pos[
+                        int(feature.location.start) : int(feature.location.end)
+                    ]
+                    for hit in hits_pos:
+                        rec_a_hits_in_b.append(rec_b_map[hit.data])
+                else:
+                    hits_neg = tree_b_neg[
+                        int(feature.location.start) : int(feature.location.end)
+                    ]
+                    for hit in hits_neg:
+                        rec_a_hits_in_b.append(rec_b_map[hit.data])
+          for feature in rec_b_i.features:
+            if feature.type == "remark" or feature.type == "annotation":
+              continue
+            if stranding == False:
+                hits = tree_a[int(feature.location.start) : int(feature.location.end)]
+                # feature id is saved in interval result.data, use map to get full feature
+                for hit in hits:
+                    rec_b_hits_in_a.append(rec_a_map[hit.data])
+            else:
+                if feature.strand > 0:
+                    hits_pos = tree_a_pos[
+                        int(feature.location.start) : int(feature.location.end)
+                    ]
+                    for hit in hits_pos:
+                        rec_b_hits_in_a.append(rec_a_map[hit.data])
+                else:
+                    hits_neg = tree_a_neg[
+                        int(feature.location.start) : int(feature.location.end)
+                    ]
+                    for hit in hits_neg:
+                        rec_b_hits_in_a.append(rec_a_map[hit.data])
+          # Remove duplicate features using sets
+          rec_a_out.append(SeqRecord(rec_a[iterate].seq, rec_a[iterate].id, rec_a[iterate].name, rec_a[iterate].description, rec_a[iterate].dbxrefs, sorted(set(rec_a_hits_in_b), key=lambda feat: feat.location.start), rec_a[iterate].annotations))
+          rec_b_out.append(SeqRecord(rec_b[iterate].seq, rec_b[iterate].id, rec_b[iterate].name, rec_b[iterate].description, rec_b[iterate].dbxrefs, sorted(set(rec_b_hits_in_a), key=lambda feat: feat.location.start), rec_b[iterate].annotations))
+          iterate += 1
+    else:
+        # If one input is empty, output two empty result files.
+        rec_a_out = [SeqRecord(Seq(""), "none")]
+        rec_b_out = [SeqRecord(Seq(""), "none")]
+    return rec_a_out, rec_b_out
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+        description="rebase gff3 features against parent locations", epilog=""
+    )
+    parser.add_argument("a", type=argparse.FileType("r"))
+    parser.add_argument("b", type=argparse.FileType("r"))
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "window",
+        type=int,
+        default=50,
+        help="Allows features this far away to still be considered 'adjacent'",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "-stranding",
+        action="store_true",
+        help="Only allow adjacency for same-strand features",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument("--oa", type=str, default="a_hits_near_b.gff")
+    parser.add_argument("--ob", type=str, default="b_hits_near_a.gff")
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    b, a = intersect(args.a, args.b, args.window, args.stranding)
+    with open(args.oa, "w") as handle:
+        for rec in a:
+          gffWrite([rec], handle)
+    with open(args.ob, "w") as handle:
+        for rec in b:
+          gffWrite([rec], handle)