1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 import sys
3 import re
4 import itertools
5 import argparse
6 import hashlib
7 import copy
8 from CPT_GFFParser import gffParse, gffWrite, gffSeqFeature
9 from Bio.Blast import NCBIXML
10 from Bio.SeqFeature import SeqFeature, FeatureLocation
11 from gff3 import feature_lambda
12 from collections import OrderedDict
13 import logging
15 logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
16 log = logging.getLogger()
19 def parse_xml(blastxml, thresh):
20 """ Parses xml file to get desired info (genes, hits, etc) """
21 blast = []
22 discarded_records = 0
23 totLen = 0
24 for iter_num, blast_record in enumerate(NCBIXML.parse(blastxml), 1):
25 blast_gene = []
26 align_num = 0
27 for alignment in blast_record.alignments:
28 align_num += 1
29 # hit_gis = alignment.hit_id + alignment.hit_def
30 # gi_nos = [str(gi) for gi in re.findall('(?<=gi\|)\d{9,10}', hit_gis)]
31 gi_nos = str(alignment.accession)
33 for hsp in alignment.hsps:
34 x = float(hsp.identities - 1) / ((hsp.query_end) - hsp.query_start)
35 if x < thresh:
36 discarded_records += 1
37 continue
38 nice_name = blast_record.query
40 if " " in nice_name:
41 nice_name = nice_name[0 : nice_name.index(" ")]
43 blast_gene.append(
44 {
45 "gi_nos": gi_nos,
46 "sbjct_length": alignment.length,
47 "query_length": blast_record.query_length,
48 "sbjct_range": (hsp.sbjct_start, hsp.sbjct_end),
49 "query_range": (hsp.query_start, hsp.query_end),
50 "name": nice_name,
51 "evalue": hsp.expect,
52 "identity": hsp.identities,
53 "identity_percent": x,
54 "hit_num": align_num,
55 "iter_num": iter_num,
56 "match_id": alignment.title.partition(">")[0],
57 }
58 )
60 blast.append(blast_gene)
61 totLen += len(blast_gene)
62 log.debug("parse_blastxml %s -> %s", totLen + discarded_records, totLen)
63 return blast
66 def filter_lone_clusters(clusters):
67 """ Removes all clusters with only one member and those with no hits """
68 filtered_clusters = {}
69 for key in clusters:
70 if len(clusters[key]) > 1 and len(key) > 0:
71 filtered_clusters[key] = clusters[key]
72 log.debug("filter_lone_clusters %s -> %s", len(clusters), len(filtered_clusters))
73 return filtered_clusters
76 def test_true(feature, **kwargs):
77 return True
80 def parse_gff(gff3):
81 """ Extracts strand and start location to be used in cluster filtering """
82 log.debug("parse_gff3")
83 gff_info = {}
84 _rec = None
85 for rec in gffParse(gff3):
86 endBase = len(rec.seq)
88 _rec = rec
89 _rec.annotations = {}
90 for feat in feature_lambda(rec.features, test_true, {}, subfeatures=False):
91 if feat.type == "CDS":
92 if "Name" in feat.qualifiers.keys():
93 CDSname = feat.qualifiers["Name"]
94 else:
95 CDSname = feat.qualifiers["ID"]
96 gff_info[feat.id] = {
97 "strand": feat.strand,
98 "start": feat.location.start,
99 "end": feat.location.end,
100 "loc": feat.location,
101 "feat": feat,
102 "name": CDSname,
103 }
105 gff_info = OrderedDict(sorted(gff_info.items(), key=lambda k: k[1]["start"]))
106 # endBase = 0
107 for i, feat_id in enumerate(gff_info):
108 gff_info[feat_id].update({"index": i})
109 if gff_info[feat_id]["loc"].end > endBase:
110 endBase = gff_info[feat_id]["loc"].end
112 return dict(gff_info), _rec, endBase
115 def all_same(genes_list):
116 """ Returns True if all gene names in cluster are identical """
117 return all(gene["name"] == genes_list[0]["name"] for gene in genes_list[1:])
120 def remove_duplicates(clusters):
121 """ Removes clusters with multiple members but only one gene name """
122 filtered_clusters = {}
123 for key in clusters:
124 if all_same(clusters[key]):
125 continue
126 else:
127 filtered_clusters[key] = clusters[key]
128 log.debug("remove_duplicates %s -> %s", len(clusters), len(filtered_clusters))
129 return filtered_clusters
132 class IntronFinder(object):
133 """ IntronFinder objects are lists that contain a list of hits for every gene """
135 def __init__(self, gff3, blastp, thresh):
136 self.blast = []
137 self.clusters = {}
138 self.gff_info = {}
139 self.length = 0
141 (self.gff_info, self.rec, self.length) = parse_gff(gff3)
142 self.blast = parse_xml(blastp, thresh)
144 def create_clusters(self):
145 """ Finds 2 or more genes with matching hits """
146 clusters = {}
147 for gene in self.blast:
148 for hit in gene:
149 if " " in hit["gi_nos"]:
150 hit["gi_nos"] = hit["gi_nos"][0 : hit["gi_nos"].index(" ")]
152 nameCheck = hit["gi_nos"]
153 if nameCheck == "":
154 continue
155 name = hashlib.md5((nameCheck).encode()).hexdigest()
157 if name in clusters:
158 if hit not in clusters[name]:
159 clusters[name].append(hit)
160 else:
161 clusters[name] = [hit]
162 log.debug("create_clusters %s -> %s", len(self.blast), len(clusters))
163 self.clusters = filter_lone_clusters(clusters)
165 def check_strand(self):
166 """ filters clusters for genes on the same strand """
167 filtered_clusters = {}
168 for key in self.clusters:
169 pos_strand = []
170 neg_strand = []
171 for gene in self.clusters[key]:
172 if self.gff_info[gene["name"]]["strand"] == 1:
173 pos_strand.append(gene)
174 else:
175 neg_strand.append(gene)
176 if len(pos_strand) == 0 or len(neg_strand) == 0:
177 filtered_clusters[key] = self.clusters[key]
178 else:
179 if len(pos_strand) > 1:
180 filtered_clusters[key + "_+1"] = pos_strand
181 if len(neg_strand) > 1:
182 filtered_clusters[key + "_-1"] = neg_strand
184 return filtered_clusters
186 def check_gene_gap(self, maximum=10000):
187 filtered_clusters = {}
188 for key in self.clusters:
189 hits_lists = []
190 gene_added = False
191 for gene in self.clusters[key]:
192 for hits in hits_lists:
193 for hit in hits:
194 lastStart = max(
195 self.gff_info[gene["name"]]["start"],
196 self.gff_info[hit["name"]]["start"],
197 )
198 lastEnd = max(
199 self.gff_info[gene["name"]]["end"],
200 self.gff_info[hit["name"]]["end"],
201 )
202 firstEnd = min(
203 self.gff_info[gene["name"]]["end"],
204 self.gff_info[hit["name"]]["end"],
205 )
206 firstStart = min(
207 self.gff_info[gene["name"]]["start"],
208 self.gff_info[hit["name"]]["start"],
209 )
210 if (
211 lastStart - firstEnd <= maximum
212 or self.length - lastEnd + firstStart <= maximum
213 ):
214 hits.append(gene)
215 gene_added = True
216 break
217 if not gene_added:
218 hits_lists.append([gene])
220 for i, hits in enumerate(hits_lists):
221 if len(hits) >= 2:
222 filtered_clusters[key + "_" + str(i)] = hits
223 # for i in filtered_clusters:
224 # print(i)
225 # print(filtered_clusters[i])
226 log.debug("check_gene_gap %s -> %s", len(self.clusters), len(filtered_clusters))
228 return remove_duplicates(
229 filtered_clusters
230 ) # call remove_duplicates somewhere else?
232 # maybe figure out how to merge with check_gene_gap?
233 # def check_seq_gap():
235 # also need a check for gap in sequence coverage?
236 def check_seq_overlap(self, minimum=-1):
237 filtered_clusters = {}
238 for key in self.clusters:
239 add_cluster = True
240 sbjct_ranges = []
241 query_ranges = []
242 for gene in self.clusters[key]:
243 sbjct_ranges.append(gene["sbjct_range"])
244 query_ranges.append(gene["query_range"])
246 combinations = list(itertools.combinations(sbjct_ranges, 2))
248 for pair in combinations:
249 overlap = len(
250 set(range(pair[0][0], pair[0][1]))
251 & set(range(pair[1][0], pair[1][1]))
252 )
253 minPair = pair[0]
254 maxPair = pair[1]
256 if minPair[0] > maxPair[0]:
257 minPair = pair[1]
258 maxPair = pair[0]
259 elif minPair[0] == maxPair[0] and minPair[1] > maxPair[1]:
260 minPair = pair[1]
261 maxPair = pair[0]
262 if overlap > 0:
263 dist1 = maxPair[0] - minPair[0]
264 else:
265 dist1 = abs(maxPair[0] - minPair[1])
267 if minimum < 0:
268 if overlap > (minimum * -1):
269 # print("Rejcting: Neg min but too much overlap: " + str(pair))
270 add_cluster = False
271 elif minimum == 0:
272 if overlap > 0:
273 # print("Rejcting: 0 min and overlap: " + str(pair))
274 add_cluster = False
275 elif overlap > 0:
276 # print("Rejcting: Pos min and overlap: " + str(pair))
277 add_cluster = False
279 if (dist1 < minimum) and (minimum >= 0):
280 # print("Rejcting: Dist failure: " + str(pair) + " D1: " + dist1)
281 add_cluster = False
282 # if add_cluster:
283 # print("Accepted: " + str(pair) + " D1: " + str(dist1) + " Ov: " + str(overlap))
284 if add_cluster:
286 filtered_clusters[key] = self.clusters[key]
288 log.debug(
289 "check_seq_overlap %s -> %s", len(self.clusters), len(filtered_clusters)
290 )
291 # print(self.clusters)
292 return filtered_clusters
294 def cluster_report(self):
295 condensed_report = {}
296 for key in self.clusters:
297 for gene in self.clusters[key]:
298 if gene["name"] in condensed_report:
299 condensed_report[gene["name"]].append(gene["sbjct_range"])
300 else:
301 condensed_report[gene["name"]] = [gene["sbjct_range"]]
302 return condensed_report
304 def cluster_report_2(self):
305 condensed_report = {}
306 for key in self.clusters:
307 gene_names = []
308 for gene in self.clusters[key]:
309 gene_names.append((gene["name"]).strip("CPT_phageK_"))
310 if ", ".join(gene_names) in condensed_report:
311 condensed_report[", ".join(gene_names)] += 1
312 else:
313 condensed_report[", ".join(gene_names)] = 1
314 return condensed_report
316 def cluster_report_3(self):
317 condensed_report = {}
318 for key in self.clusters:
319 gene_names = []
320 gi_nos = []
321 for i, gene in enumerate(self.clusters[key]):
322 if i == 0:
323 gi_nos = gene["gi_nos"]
324 gene_names.append((gene["name"]).strip(".p01").strip("CPT_phageK_gp"))
325 if ", ".join(gene_names) in condensed_report:
326 condensed_report[", ".join(gene_names)].append(gi_nos)
327 else:
328 condensed_report[", ".join(gene_names)] = [gi_nos]
329 return condensed_report
331 def output_gff3(self, clusters):
332 rec = copy.deepcopy(self.rec)
333 rec.features = []
334 for cluster_idx, cluster_id in enumerate(clusters):
335 # Get the list of genes in this cluster
336 associated_genes = set([x["name"] for x in clusters[cluster_id]])
337 # print(associated_genes)
338 # Get the gene locations
339 assoc_gene_info = {x: self.gff_info[x]["loc"] for x in associated_genes}
340 # Now we construct a gene from the children as a "standard gene model" gene.
341 # Get the minimum and maximum locations covered by all of the children genes
342 gene_min = min([min(x[1].start, x[1].end) for x in assoc_gene_info.items()])
343 gene_max = max([max(x[1].start, x[1].end) for x in assoc_gene_info.items()])
345 evidence_notes = []
346 for cluster_elem in clusters[cluster_id]:
347 note = "{name} had {ident}% identity to NCBI Protein ID {pretty_gi}".format(
348 pretty_gi=(cluster_elem["gi_nos"]),
349 ident=int(
350 100
351 * float(cluster_elem["identity"] - 1.00)
352 / abs(
353 cluster_elem["query_range"][1]
354 - cluster_elem["query_range"][0]
355 )
356 ),
357 **cluster_elem
358 )
359 evidence_notes.append(note)
360 if gene_max - gene_min > 0.8 * float(self.length):
361 evidence_notes.append(
362 "Intron is over 80% of the total length of the genome, possible wraparound scenario"
363 )
364 # With that we can create the top level gene
365 gene = gffSeqFeature(
366 location=FeatureLocation(gene_min, gene_max),
367 type="gene",
368 id=cluster_id,
369 qualifiers={
370 "ID": ["gp_%s" % cluster_idx],
371 "Percent_Identities": evidence_notes,
372 "Note": clusters[cluster_id][0]["match_id"],
373 },
374 )
376 # Below that we have an mRNA
377 mRNA = gffSeqFeature(
378 location=FeatureLocation(gene_min, gene_max),
379 type="mRNA",
380 id=cluster_id + ".mRNA",
381 qualifiers={"ID": ["gp_%s.mRNA" % cluster_idx], "note": evidence_notes},
382 )
384 # Now come the CDSs.
385 cdss = []
386 # We sort them just for kicks
387 for idx, gene_name in enumerate(
388 sorted(associated_genes, key=lambda x: int(self.gff_info[x]["start"]))
389 ):
390 # Copy the CDS so we don't muck up a good one
391 cds = copy.copy(self.gff_info[gene_name]["feat"])
392 # Get the associated cluster element (used in the Notes above)
393 cluster_elem = [
394 x for x in clusters[cluster_id] if x["name"] == gene_name
395 ][0]
397 # Calculate %identity which we'll use to score
398 score = int(
399 1000
400 * float(cluster_elem["identity"])
401 / abs(
402 cluster_elem["query_range"][1] - cluster_elem["query_range"][0]
403 )
404 )
406 tempLoc = FeatureLocation(
407 cds.location.start + (3 * (cluster_elem["query_range"][0] - 1)),
408 cds.location.start + (3 * (cluster_elem["query_range"][1])),
409 cds.location.strand,
410 )
411 cds.location = tempLoc
412 # Set the qualifiers appropriately
413 cds.qualifiers = {
414 "ID": ["gp_%s.CDS.%s" % (cluster_idx, idx)],
415 "score": score,
416 "Name": self.gff_info[gene_name]["name"],
417 "evalue": cluster_elem["evalue"],
418 "Identity": cluster_elem["identity_percent"] * 100,
419 #'|'.join(cluster_elem['gi_nos']) + "| title goes here."
420 }
421 # cds.location.start = cds.location.start +
422 cdss.append(cds)
424 # And we attach the things properly.
425 mRNA.sub_features = cdss
426 mRNA.location = FeatureLocation(mRNA.location.start, mRNA.location.end, cds.location.strand)
427 gene.sub_features = [mRNA]
428 gene.location = FeatureLocation(gene.location.start, gene.location.end, cds.location.strand)
430 # And append to our record
431 rec.features.append(gene)
432 return rec
434 def output_xml(self, clusters):
435 threeLevel = {}
436 # print((clusters.viewkeys()))
437 # print(type(enumerate(clusters)))
438 # print(type(clusters))
439 for cluster_idx, cluster_id in enumerate(clusters):
440 # print(type(cluster_id))
441 # print(type(cluster_idx))
442 # print(type(clusters[cluster_id][0]['hit_num']))
443 if not (clusters[cluster_id][0]["iter_num"] in threeLevel.keys):
444 threeLevel[clusters[cluster_id][0]["iter_num"]] = {}
445 # for cluster_idx, cluster_id in enumerate(clusters):
446 # print(type(clusters[cluster_id]))
447 # b = {clusters[cluster_id][i]: clusters[cluster_id][i+1] for i in range(0, len(clusters[cluster_id]), 2)}
448 # print(type(b))#['name']))
449 # for hspList in clusters:
450 # for x, idx in (enumerate(clusters)):#for hsp in hspList:
451 # print("In X")
454 if __name__ == "__main__":
455 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Intron detection")
456 parser.add_argument("gff3", type=argparse.FileType("r"), help="GFF3 gene calls")
457 parser.add_argument(
458 "blastp", type=argparse.FileType("r"), help="blast XML protein results"
459 )
460 parser.add_argument(
461 "--minimum",
462 help="Gap minimum (Default -1, set to a negative number to allow overlap)",
463 default=-1,
464 type=int,
465 )
466 parser.add_argument(
467 "--maximum",
468 help="Gap maximum in genome (Default 10000)",
469 default=10000,
470 type=int,
471 )
472 parser.add_argument(
473 "--idThresh", help="ID Percent Threshold", default=0.4, type=float
474 )
476 args = parser.parse_args()
478 threshCap = args.idThresh
479 if threshCap > 1.00:
480 threshCap = 1.00
481 if threshCap < 0:
482 threshCap = 0
484 # create new IntronFinder object based on user input
485 ifinder = IntronFinder(args.gff3, args.blastp, threshCap)
486 ifinder.create_clusters()
487 ifinder.clusters = ifinder.check_strand()
488 ifinder.clusters = ifinder.check_gene_gap(maximum=args.maximum)
489 ifinder.clusters = ifinder.check_seq_overlap(minimum=args.minimum)
490 # ifinder.output_xml(ifinder.clusters)
491 # for x, idx in (enumerate(ifinder.clusters)):
492 # print(ifinder.blast)
494 condensed_report = ifinder.cluster_report()
495 rec = ifinder.output_gff3(ifinder.clusters)
496 gffWrite([rec], sys.stdout)
498 # import pprint; pprint.pprint(ifinder.clusters)