comparison cpt_intron_detect/test-data/T7_CLEAN.gff3 @ 0:1a19092729be draft

author cpt
date Fri, 13 May 2022 05:08:54 +0000
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:1a19092729be
1 ##gff-version 3
2 ##sequence-region NC_001604 1 39937
3 NC_001604 GenBank contig 1 39937 . + 1 Dbxref=BioProject:PRJNA485481,taxon:10760;ID=NC_001604;Name=NC_001604;Note=Enterobacteria phage T7%2C complete genome.,VALIDATED REFSEQ: This record has undergone validation or preliminary review. The reference sequence was derived from V01146. The sequence was submitted by the authors %5B1%5D on magnetic tape and revised according to %5B3%5D,%5B4%5D,and %5B5%5D. %5B3%5D made changes at 8 positions in gene 1 without affecting the size of the total sequence but changing gene 1 amino acids 443,474,and 388 to 424. %5B4%5D inserted a T at nucleotide 17511,increasing the total sequence to 39937 bp. This change,originally found in T3 DNA %5B8%5D,revealed gene 5.9 and shortened gene 6. %5B5%5D changed the nucleotides at 11061 and 11062 from GT to TG,changing amino acid 119 of T7 lysozyme %28gene 3.5%29 from glycine to valine. Features have been extracted from %5B1%5D unless otherwise noted. The sequence shown is that of the l strand,which corresponds to the sequence of all mRNAs of known functional significance. Early mRNAs are produced by three major promoters for E. coli RNA polymerase A1,A2,and A3,located near the left end of the DNA. A fourth major E. coli promoter,A0 %28also called D%29,that would direct transcription leftward,and several minor E. coli promoters %28see Table 6 in %5B1%5D%29 function in vitro but have no known in vivo function. Late mRNAs are produced by 15 promoters for T7 RNA polymerase distributed across the right-most 85%25 of the DNA,and named e.g. phi10,for the first gene downstream of the promoter. There are also two T7 promoters,phiOL and phiOR,associated with possible origins of replication at the left and right ends of T7 DNA. The 23 base-pair consensus sequence for T7 promoters stretches from -17 to %2B6,where the initiating nucleotide is at %2B1. T7 DNA also contains a 160 base-pair terminal repetition. The beginning and end of RNAs are determined by the promoters,by a terminator for E. coli RNA polymerase,TE,located at the end of the early region,a terminator for T7 RNA polymerase,Tphi,located just downstream of gene 10,and a series of RNase III cleavage sites. Early mRNAs made by E. coli RNA polymerase are listed in Features. The many RNAs predicted to be made by T7 RNA polymerase are not listed but can be deduced from the position of the transcription signals %28see Tables 8 and 9 in %5B1%5D%29. Promoters are listed in Features by the known or predicted first nucleotide of the RNA,terminators by the last nucleotide of the RNA,and RNase III sites by the nucleotide 5%27 of the position of cleavage. Genes are numbered 0.3 to 19.5 in order of their left-to-right position on the genome. Proteins are named by the gene number,e.g.,the gene 1 protein,or by a functional name,T7 RNA polymerase. There is now genetic or biochemical evidence that proteins are produced from at least 52 of the 56 T7 genes. Gene 4 produces two proteins,4A and 4B,by initiating translation at two different sites in the same reading frame. Gene 10 produces two proteins,10A and 10B,by frameshifting during translation. Genes 0.6 and 5.5 probably also make two proteins by translational frameshifting,the gene 5.5 frameshift producing a gene 5.5-5.7 fusion protein. COMPLETENESS: full length.;comment1=VALIDATED REFSEQ: This record has undergone validation or preliminary review. The reference sequence was derived from V01146. The sequence was submitted by the authors %5B1%5D on magnetic tape and revised according to %5B3%5D%2C %5B4%5D%2C and %5B5%5D. %5B3%5D made changes at 8 positions in gene 1 without affecting the size of the total sequence but changing gene 1 amino acids 443%2C 474%2C and 388 to 424. %5B4%5D inserted a T at nucleotide 17511%2C increasing the total sequence to 39937 bp. This change%2C originally found in T3 DNA %5B8%5D%2C revealed gene 5.9 and shortened gene 6. %5B5%5D changed the nucleotides at 11061 and 11062 from GT to TG%2C changing amino acid 119 of T7 lysozyme %28gene 3.5%29 from glycine to valine. Features have been extracted from %5B1%5D unless otherwise noted. The sequence shown is that of the l strand%2C which corresponds to the sequence of all mRNAs of known functional significance. Early mRNAs are produced by three major promoters for E. coli RNA polymerase A1%2C A2%2C and A3%2C located near the left end of the DNA. A fourth major E. coli promoter%2C A0 %28also called D%29%2C that would direct transcription leftward%2C and several minor E. coli promoters %28see Table 6 in %5B1%5D%29 function in vitro but have no known in vivo function. Late mRNAs are produced by 15 promoters for T7 RNA polymerase distributed across the right-most 85%25 of the DNA%2C and named e.g. phi10%2C for the first gene downstream of the promoter. There are also two T7 promoters%2C phiOL and phiOR%2C associated with possible origins of replication at the left and right ends of T7 DNA. The 23 base-pair consensus sequence for T7 promoters stretches from -17 to %2B6%2C where the initiating nucleotide is at %2B1. T7 DNA also contains a 160 base-pair terminal repetition. The beginning and end of RNAs are determined by the promoters%3B by a terminator for E. coli RNA polymerase%2C TE%2C located at the end of the early region%3B a terminator for T7 RNA polymerase%2C Tphi%2C located just downstream of gene 10%3B and a series of RNase III cleavage sites. Early mRNAs made by E. coli RNA polymerase are listed in Features. The many RNAs predicted to be made by T7 RNA polymerase are not listed but can be deduced from the position of the transcription signals %28see Tables 8 and 9 in %5B1%5D%29. Promoters are listed in Features by the known or predicted first nucleotide of the RNA%2C terminators by the last nucleotide of the RNA%2C and RNase III sites by the nucleotide 5%27 of the position of cleavage. Genes are numbered 0.3 to 19.5 in order of their left-to-right position on the genome. Proteins are named by the gene number%2C e.g.%2C the gene 1 protein%2C or by a functional name%2C e.g.%2C T7 RNA polymerase. There is now genetic or biochemical evidence that proteins are produced from at least 52 of the 56 T7 genes. Gene 4 produces two proteins%2C 4A and 4B%2C by initiating translation at two different sites in the same reading frame. Gene 10 produces two proteins%2C 10A and 10B%2C by frameshifting during translation. Genes 0.6 and 5.5 probably also make two proteins by translational frameshifting%2C the gene 5.5 frameshift producing a gene 5.5-5.7 fusion protein. COMPLETENESS: full length.;date=13-AUG-2018;host=Escherichia coli;mol_type=genomic DNA;organism=Escherichia phage T7
4 NC_001604 GenBank regulatory 224 224 . + 1 ID=GenBank:regulatory:NC_001604:224:224;Note=E. coli promoter A0 %28leftward%29;regulatory_class=promoter
5 NC_001604 GenBank regulatory 405 405 . + 1 ID=GenBank:regulatory:NC_001604:405:405;Note=T7 promoter phiOL;regulatory_class=promoter
6 NC_001604 GenBank regulatory 498 498 . + 1 ID=GenBank:regulatory:NC_001604:498:498;Note=E. coli promoter A1;regulatory_class=promoter
7 NC_001604 GenBank regulatory 626 626 . + 1 ID=GenBank:regulatory:NC_001604:626:626;Note=E. coli promoter A2;regulatory_class=promoter
8 NC_001604 GenBank regulatory 750 750 . + 1 ID=GenBank:regulatory:NC_001604:750:750;Note=E. coli promoter A3;regulatory_class=promoter
9 NC_001604 GenBank sequence_secondary_structure 890 890 . + 1 ID=GenBank:sequence_secondary_structure:NC_001604:890:890;Note=RNase III site R0.3
10 NC_001604 GenBank gene 891 1468 . + 1 Dbxref=GeneID:1261063;ID=T7p01;Name=T7p01;Note=gene 0.3
11 NC_001604 GenBank mRNA 891 1468 . + 1 Dbxref=GeneID:1261063;ID=T7p01.t01;Name=T7p01;Parent=T7p01;product=0.3 mRNA
12 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 925 1278 . + 1 Dbxref=UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P03775,GeneID:1261063;ID=T7p01.p01;Name=T7p01;Note=gene 0.3%2C inhibits EcoB and EcoK host restriction;Parent=T7p01.t01;codon_start=1;product=hypothetical protein;protein_id=NP_041954.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.117
13 NC_001604 GenBank exon 891 1468 . + 1 Name=T7p01;Parent=T7p01.t01
14 NC_001604 GenBank sequence_secondary_structure 1468 1468 . + 1 Name=T7p01;Note=RNase III site R0.5;Parent=T7p01
15 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 1278 1433 . + 1 Dbxref=UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P03776,GeneID:1261053;ID=T7p02;Name=T7p02;Note=gene 0.4;codon_start=1;product=hypothetical protein;protein_id=NP_041955.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.51
16 NC_001604 GenBank gene 1278 1433 . + 1 Alias=T7p02;Dbxref=GeneID:1261053;ID=T7p02.gene;Name=T7p02;Note=gene 0.4
17 NC_001604 GenBank gene 1469 3138 . + 1 Dbxref=GeneID:1261070;ID=T7p03;Name=T7p03;Note=gene 0.7
18 NC_001604 GenBank mRNA 1469 3138 . + 1 Dbxref=GeneID:1261070;ID=T7p03.t01;Name=T7p03;Parent=T7p03;product=0.7 mRNA
19 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 2021 3100 . + 1 Dbxref=GOA:P00513,UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P00513,GeneID:1261070;ID=T7p03.p01;Name=T7p03;Note=The T7 seryl-threonyl protein kinase gp0.7 is involved in host transcription shutoff and Col Ib exclusion. Phosphorylates E. coli RNA polymerase. Other names: gp0.7.;Parent=T7p03.t01;codon_start=1;product=protein kinase;protein_id=NP_041959.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.359
20 NC_001604 GenBank exon 1469 3138 . + 1 Name=T7p03;Parent=T7p03.t01
21 NC_001604 GenBank regulatory 3113 3113 . + 1 Name=T7p03;Note=E. coli C promoter;Parent=T7p03;regulatory_class=promoter
22 NC_001604 GenBank sequence_secondary_structure 3138 3138 . + 1 Name=T7p03;Note=RNase III site R1;Parent=T7p03
23 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 1496 1639 . + 1 Dbxref=UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P03777,GeneID:1261051;ID=T7p04;Name=T7p04;Note=gene 0.5;codon_start=1;product=hypothetical protein;protein_id=NP_041956.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.47
24 NC_001604 GenBank regulatory 1514 1514 . + 1 Name=T7p04;Note=E. coli B promoter;Parent=T7p04;regulatory_class=promoter
25 NC_001604 GenBank gene 1496 1639 . + 1 Alias=T7p04;Dbxref=GeneID:1261051;ID=T7p04.gene;Name=T7p04;Note=gene 0.5
26 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 1636 1794 . + 1 Dbxref=UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P03778,GeneID:1261061;ID=T7p05.cds1;Name=T7p05;Note=possible gene 0.6B;codon_start=1;product=hypothetical protein;protein_id=NP_041957.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.111
27 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 1796 1972 . + 1 Dbxref=UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P03778,GeneID:1261061;ID=T7p05.cds2;Name=T7p05;Note=possible gene 0.6B;codon_start=1;product=hypothetical protein;protein_id=NP_041957.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.111
28 NC_001604 GenBank gene 1636 1972 . + 1 Alias=T7p05;Dbxref=GeneID:1261061;ID=T7p05.gene;Name=T7p05;Note=possible gene 0.6B
29 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 1636 1797 . + 1 Dbxref=UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P03778,GeneID:1261071;ID=T7p06;Name=T7p06;Note=gene 0.6A;codon_start=1;product=hypothetical protein;protein_id=NP_041958.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.53
30 NC_001604 GenBank gene 1636 1797 . + 1 Alias=T7p06;Dbxref=GeneID:1261071;ID=T7p06.gene;Name=T7p06;Note=gene 0.6A
31 NC_001604 GenBank gene 3139 5887 . + 1 Dbxref=GeneID:1261050;ID=T7p07;Name=T7p07;Note=gene 1
32 NC_001604 GenBank mRNA 3139 5887 . + 1 Dbxref=GeneID:1261050;ID=T7p07.t01;Name=T7p07;Parent=T7p07;product=1 mRNA
33 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 3171 5822 . + 1 Dbxref=GOA:P00573,UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P00573,GeneID:1261050;ID=T7p07.p01;Name=T7p07;Note=A family of single subunit RNA polymerases.;Parent=T7p07.t01;codon_start=1;product=T3/T7-like RNA polymerase;protein_id=NP_041960.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.883
34 NC_001604 GenBank exon 3139 5887 . + 1 Name=T7p07;Parent=T7p07.t01
35 NC_001604 GenBank regulatory 5848 5848 . + 1 Name=T7p07;Note=T7 promoter phi1.1A;Parent=T7p07;regulatory_class=promoter
36 NC_001604 GenBank sequence_secondary_structure 5887 5887 . + 1 Name=T7p07;Note=RNase III site R1.1;Parent=T7p07
37 NC_001604 GenBank gene 5888 6448 . + 1 Dbxref=GeneID:1261049;ID=T7p08;Name=T7p08;Note=gene 1.2
38 NC_001604 GenBank mRNA 5888 6448 . + 1 Dbxref=GeneID:1261049;ID=T7p08.t01;Name=T7p08;Parent=T7p08;product=1.1 mRNA
39 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 6137 6394 . + 1 Dbxref=GOA:P03780,UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P03780,GeneID:1261049;ID=T7p08.p01;Name=T7p08;Note=inhibits activity of the host dGTPase %5Bdgt%5D. Essential only in strains that overexpress dGTPase %5BoptA1 mutation%5D. In T7%2C gp1.2 also causes F plasmid exclusion. In T3%2C however%2C gp1.2 overcomes the exclusion system. Other names: dGTP triphosphohydrolase inhibitor%3B gp1.2.;Parent=T7p08.t01;codon_start=1;product=host dGTPase inhibitor;protein_id=NP_041962.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.85
40 NC_001604 GenBank exon 5888 6448 . + 1 Name=T7p08;Parent=T7p08.t01
41 NC_001604 GenBank regulatory 5923 5923 . + 1 Name=T7p08;Note=T7 promoter phi1.1B;Parent=T7p08;regulatory_class=promoter
42 NC_001604 GenBank regulatory 6409 6409 . + 1 Name=T7p08;Note=T7 promoter phi1.3;Parent=T7p08;regulatory_class=promoter
43 NC_001604 GenBank sequence_secondary_structure 6448 6448 . + 1 Name=T7p08;Note=RNase III site R1.3;Parent=T7p08
44 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 6007 6135 . + 1 Dbxref=UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P03779,GeneID:1261072;ID=T7p09;Name=T7p09;Note=other names: gp1.1;codon_start=1;product=hypothetical protein;protein_id=NP_041961.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.42
45 NC_001604 GenBank gene 6007 6135 . + 1 Alias=T7p09;Dbxref=GeneID:1261072;ID=T7p09.gene;Name=T7p09;Note=gene 1.1
46 NC_001604 GenBank gene 6449 7588 . + 1 Dbxref=GeneID:1261055;ID=T7p10;Name=T7p10;Note=gene 1.3
47 NC_001604 GenBank mRNA 6449 7588 . + 1 Dbxref=GeneID:1261055;ID=T7p10.t01;Name=T7p10;Parent=T7p10;product=1.3 mRNA
48 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 6475 7554 . + 1 Dbxref=GOA:P00969,UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P00969,GeneID:1261055;ID=T7p10.p01;Name=T7p10;Note=Catalyzes the ATP-dependent formation of a phosphodiester bond at the site of single-stranded breaks in double-stranded DNA. T7 ligase is essential in ligase-deficient hosts only.;Parent=T7p10.t01;codon_start=1;product=ATP-dependent DNA ligase;protein_id=NP_041963.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.359
49 NC_001604 GenBank exon 6449 7588 . + 1 Name=T7p10;Parent=T7p10.t01
50 NC_001604 GenBank regulatory 7588 7588 . + 1 Name=T7p10;Note=E. coli transcription terminator TE;Parent=T7p10;regulatory_class=terminator
51 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 7608 7763 . + 1 Dbxref=UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P03791,GeneID:1261075;ID=T7p11;Name=T7p11;Note=gene 1.4;codon_start=1;product=hypothetical protein;protein_id=NP_041964.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.51
52 NC_001604 GenBank regulatory 7778 7778 . + 1 ID=GenBank:regulatory:NC_001604:7778:7778;Note=T7 promoter phi1.5;regulatory_class=promoter
53 NC_001604 GenBank gene 7608 7763 . + 1 Alias=T7p11;Dbxref=GeneID:1261075;ID=T7p11.gene;Name=T7p11;Note=gene 1.4
54 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 7791 7880 . + 1 Dbxref=UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P03792,GeneID:1261074;ID=T7p12;Name=T7p12;Note=gene 1.5;codon_start=1;product=hypothetical protein;protein_id=NP_041965.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.29
55 NC_001604 GenBank regulatory 7895 7895 . + 1 ID=GenBank:regulatory:NC_001604:7895:7895;Note=T7 promoter phi1.6;regulatory_class=promoter
56 NC_001604 GenBank gene 7791 7880 . + 1 Alias=T7p12;Dbxref=GeneID:1261074;ID=T7p12.gene;Name=T7p12;Note=gene 1.5
57 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 7906 8166 . + 1 Dbxref=UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P03793,GeneID:1261076;ID=T7p13;Name=T7p13;Note=gene 1.6;codon_start=1;product=hypothetical protein;protein_id=NP_041966.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.86
58 NC_001604 GenBank gene 7906 8166 . + 1 Alias=T7p13;Dbxref=GeneID:1261076;ID=T7p13.gene;Name=T7p13;Note=gene 1.6
59 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 8166 8756 . + 1 Dbxref=UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P03781,GeneID:1261060;ID=T7p14;Name=T7p14;Note=gene 1.7;codon_start=1;product=hypothetical protein;protein_id=NP_041967.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.196
60 NC_001604 GenBank gene 8166 8756 . + 1 Alias=T7p14;Dbxref=GeneID:1261060;ID=T7p14.gene;Name=T7p14;Note=gene 1.7
61 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 8749 8895 . + 1 Dbxref=UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P03794,GeneID:1261054;ID=T7p15;Name=T7p15;Note=not essential in T7. Other names: gp1.8;codon_start=1;product=hypothetical protein;protein_id=NP_041968.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.48
62 NC_001604 GenBank gene 8749 8895 . + 1 Alias=T7p15;Dbxref=GeneID:1261054;ID=T7p15.gene;Name=T7p15;Note=gene 1.8
63 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 8898 9092 . + 1 Dbxref=UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P03704,GeneID:1261073;ID=T7p16;Name=T7p16;Note=T7 RNA polymerase inhibitor binds to host RNA pol and suppresses its activity on a subset of promoters. gp2 deficient T7 display reduced DNA replication and premature breakdown of replicating DNA%2C specifically at the left end of the genome%2C along with the presence of empty proheads. Rifampin can compensate for the missing gp2 function. Other names: gp2.;codon_start=1;product=inhibitor of host bacterial RNA polymerase;protein_id=NP_041969.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.64
64 NC_001604 GenBank regulatory 9107 9107 . + 1 ID=GenBank:regulatory:NC_001604:9107:9107;Note=T7 promoter phi2.5;regulatory_class=promoter
65 NC_001604 GenBank gene 8898 9092 . + 1 Alias=T7p16;Dbxref=GeneID:1261073;ID=T7p16.gene;Name=T7p16;Note=gene 2
66 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 9158 9856 . + 1 Dbxref=GOA:P03696,UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P03696,GeneID:1261080;ID=T7p17;Name=T7p17;Note=binds single-stranded DNA. In phage T7 gp2.5 is essential for DNA replication and recombination. Other names: gp2.5%3B SSB.;codon_start=1;product=single-stranded DNA-binding protein;protein_id=NP_041970.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.232
67 NC_001604 GenBank gene 9158 9856 . + 1 Alias=T7p17;Dbxref=GeneID:1261080;ID=T7p17.gene;Name=T7p17;Note=gene 2.5
68 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 9857 10276 . + 1 Dbxref=GOA:P03795,UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P03795,GeneID:1261078;ID=T7p18;Name=T7p18;Note=gene 2.8;codon_start=1;product=hypothetical protein;protein_id=NP_041971.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.139
69 NC_001604 GenBank gene 9857 10276 . + 1 Alias=T7p18;Dbxref=GeneID:1261078;ID=T7p18.gene;Name=T7p18;Note=gene 2.8
70 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 10257 10706 . + 1 Dbxref=GOA:P00641,UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P00641,GeneID:1261079;ID=T7p19;Name=T7p19;Note=T7 endonuclease I is a Holliday junction resolvase encoded by T7 gene 3. Mutants in gene 3 are defective in recombination and accumulate branched DNA. Endonuclease I may also play a role in the degradation of the host genome following infection with T7.;codon_start=1;product=endonuclease I;protein_id=NP_041972.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.149
71 NC_001604 GenBank gene 10257 10706 . + 1 Alias=T7p19;Dbxref=GeneID:1261079;ID=T7p19.gene;Name=T7p19;Note=gene 3
72 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 10706 11161 . + 1 Dbxref=GOA:P00806,UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P00806,GeneID:1261077;ID=T7p20;Name=T7p20;Note=T7 lysozyme hydrolyzes an amide bond in the host cell wall following its release from the cytoplasm. In addition%2C T7 lysozyme inhibits T7 RNA polymerase initiation. This inhibition is greater for class II promoters than class III promoters and therefore may aid in temporal regulation of transcription and the switch to particle assembly. In T7%2C lysozyme%2C unlike the T7 holin%2C is expressed with and lies in the same region as the replication genes. Lack of gp3.5 reduces replication and burst size and delays%2C but does not completely prevent lysis. Mutations in the muralytic domain of gene 16%2C an inner capsid protein%2C can partially compensate for a deletion of gp3.5. Other names: gp3.5%3B amidase%3B N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidase;codon_start=1;product=lysozyme;protein_id=NP_041973.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.151
73 NC_001604 GenBank regulatory 11180 11180 . + 1 ID=GenBank:regulatory:NC_001604:11180:11180;Note=T7 promoter phi3.8;regulatory_class=promoter
74 NC_001604 GenBank sequence_secondary_structure 11203 11203 . + 1 ID=GenBank:sequence_secondary_structure:NC_001604:11203:11203;Note=possible RNase III site R3.8
75 NC_001604 GenBank gene 10706 11161 . + 1 Alias=T7p20;Dbxref=GeneID:1261077;ID=T7p20.gene;Name=T7p20;Note=gene 3.5
76 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 11225 11590 . + 1 Dbxref=GOA:P03797,UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P03797,GeneID:1261065;ID=T7p21;Name=T7p21;Note=gene 3.8;codon_start=1;product=putative NHN endonuclease;protein_id=NP_041974.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.121
77 NC_001604 GenBank gene 11225 11590 . + 1 Alias=T7p21;Dbxref=GeneID:1261065;ID=T7p21.gene;Name=T7p21;Note=gene 3.8
78 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 11565 13265 . + 1 Dbxref=GOA:P03692,UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P03692,GeneID:1261046;ID=T7p22;Name=T7p22;Note=gene 4A%2C primase/helicase %5B14%2C15%5D;codon_start=1;product=DNA primase/helicase;protein_id=NP_041975.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.566
79 NC_001604 GenBank gene 11565 13265 . + 1 Alias=T7p22;Dbxref=GeneID:1261046;ID=T7p22.gene;Name=T7p22;Note=gene 4A
80 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 11635 11757 . + 1 Dbxref=UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P03782,GeneID:1261047;ID=T7p23;Name=T7p23;Note=gene 4.1;codon_start=1;product=hypothetical protein;protein_id=NP_041976.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.40
81 NC_001604 GenBank gene 11635 11757 . + 1 Alias=T7p23;Dbxref=GeneID:1261047;ID=T7p23.gene;Name=T7p23;Note=gene 4.1
82 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 11754 13265 . + 1 Dbxref=GOA:P03692,UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P03692,GeneID:1261048;ID=T7p24;Name=T7p24;Note=gene 4B/helicase %5B14%2C15%5D;codon_start=1;product=helicase;protein_id=NP_041977.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.503
83 NC_001604 GenBank regulatory 12671 12671 . + 1 Name=T7p24;Note=T7 promoter phi4c;Parent=T7p24;regulatory_class=promoter
84 NC_001604 GenBank gene 11754 13265 . + 1 Alias=T7p24;Dbxref=GeneID:1261048;ID=T7p24.gene;Name=T7p24;Note=gene 4B
85 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 12988 13326 . + 1 Dbxref=UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P03783,GeneID:1261021;ID=T7p25;Name=T7p25;Note=gene 4.2;codon_start=1;product=hypothetical protein;protein_id=NP_041978.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.112
86 NC_001604 GenBank regulatory 13341 13341 . + 1 ID=GenBank:regulatory:NC_001604:13341:13341;Note=T7 promoter phi4.3;regulatory_class=promoter
87 NC_001604 GenBank gene 12988 13326 . + 1 Alias=T7p25;Dbxref=GeneID:1261021;ID=T7p25.gene;Name=T7p25;Note=gene 4.2
88 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 13352 13564 . + 1 Dbxref=UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P03784,GeneID:1261069;ID=T7p26;Name=T7p26;Note=not essential in T7%3B Other names: gp4.3.;codon_start=1;product=hypothetical protein;protein_id=NP_041979.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.70
89 NC_001604 GenBank gene 13352 13564 . + 1 Alias=T7p26;Dbxref=GeneID:1261069;ID=T7p26.gene;Name=T7p26;Note=gene 4.3
90 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 13584 13853 . + 1 Dbxref=UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P03785,GeneID:1261059;ID=T7p27;Name=T7p27;Note=not essential in T7. Other names: gp4.5.;codon_start=1;product=hypothetical protein;protein_id=NP_041980.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.89
91 NC_001604 GenBank sequence_secondary_structure 13892 13892 . + 1 ID=GenBank:sequence_secondary_structure:NC_001604:13892:13892;Note=RNase III site R4.7
92 NC_001604 GenBank regulatory 13915 13915 . + 1 ID=GenBank:regulatory:NC_001604:13915:13915;Note=T7 promoter phi4.7;regulatory_class=promoter
93 NC_001604 GenBank gene 13584 13853 . + 1 Alias=T7p27;Dbxref=GeneID:1261059;ID=T7p27.gene;Name=T7p27;Note=gene 4.5
94 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 13927 14334 . + 1 Dbxref=UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P03786,GeneID:1261043;ID=T7p28;Name=T7p28;Note=gene 4.7;codon_start=1;product=hypothetical protein;protein_id=NP_041981.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.135
95 NC_001604 GenBank gene 13927 14334 . + 1 Alias=T7p28;Dbxref=GeneID:1261043;ID=T7p28.gene;Name=T7p28;Note=gene 4.7
96 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 14353 16467 . + 1 Dbxref=GOA:P00581,UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P00581,GeneID:1261044;ID=T7p29;Name=T7p29;Note=gene 5;codon_start=1;product=DNA polymerase;protein_id=NP_041982.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.704
97 NC_001604 GenBank gene 14353 16467 . + 1 Alias=T7p29;Dbxref=GeneID:1261044;ID=T7p29.gene;Name=T7p29;Note=gene 5
98 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 16483 16839 . + 1 Dbxref=UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P03798,GeneID:1261045;ID=T7p30;Name=T7p30;Note=gene 5.3;codon_start=1;product=hypothetical protein;protein_id=NP_041983.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.118
99 NC_001604 GenBank gene 16483 16839 . + 1 Alias=T7p30;Dbxref=GeneID:1261045;ID=T7p30.gene;Name=T7p30;Note=gene 5.3
100 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 16851 17147 . + 1 Dbxref=GOA:P03787,UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P03787,GeneID:1261041;ID=T7p31.cds1;Name=T7p31;Note=possible gene 5.5-5.7;codon_start=1;product=hypothetical protein;protein_id=NP_041984.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.169
101 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 17147 17359 . + 1 Dbxref=GOA:P03787,UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P03787,GeneID:1261041;ID=T7p31.cds2;Name=T7p31;Note=possible gene 5.5-5.7;codon_start=1;product=hypothetical protein;protein_id=NP_041984.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.169
102 NC_001604 GenBank gene 16851 17359 . + 1 Alias=T7p31;Dbxref=GeneID:1261041;ID=T7p31.gene;Name=T7p31;Note=possible gene 5.5-5.7
103 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 16851 17150 . + 1 Dbxref=GOA:P03787,UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P03787,GeneID:1261038;ID=T7p32;Name=T7p32;Note=in Enterobacteria phage T7%2C gp5.5 abolishes E. coli nucleoid protein H-NS-mediated inhibition of transcription by T7 RNA polymerases in vitro. Not essential%2C but mutants have lower burst size. Mutants in this gene are not capable of replicating in phage lambda lysogens. Other names: gp5.5;codon_start=1;product=host protein H-NS-interacting protein;protein_id=NP_041985.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.99
104 NC_001604 GenBank gene 16851 17150 . + 1 Alias=T7p32;Dbxref=GeneID:1261038;ID=T7p32.gene;Name=T7p32;Note=gene 5.5
105 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 17150 17359 . + 1 Dbxref=GOA:P03787,UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P03787,GeneID:1261040;ID=T7p33;Name=T7p33;Note=gene 5.7;codon_start=1;product=hypothetical protein;protein_id=NP_041986.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.69
106 NC_001604 GenBank gene 17150 17359 . + 1 Alias=T7p33;Dbxref=GeneID:1261040;ID=T7p33.gene;Name=T7p33;Note=gene 5.7
107 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 17359 17517 . + 1 Dbxref=UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P20406,GeneID:1261037;ID=T7p34;Name=T7p34;Note=not essential. Other names: gp5.9%3B exonuclease V inhibitor;codon_start=1;product=host recBCD nuclease inhibitor;protein_id=NP_041987.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.52
108 NC_001604 GenBank gene 17359 17517 . + 1 Alias=T7p34;Dbxref=GeneID:1261037;ID=T7p34.gene;Name=T7p34;Note=gene 5.9
109 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 17504 18406 . + 1 Dbxref=GOA:P00638,UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P00638,GeneID:1261052;ID=T7p35;Name=T7p35;Note=The T7 exonuclease encoded by gene 6 is required for %28a%29 recombination and %28b%29 for the degradation of host chromosomal DNA. The latter process provides nucleotides for phage DNA replication. Both processes are carried out together with the T7 gene 3-encoded endonuclease/Holliday junction resolvase. In addition%2C the exonuclease also functions as an RNase H that removes RNA primers during DNA replication and promotes concatemer formation.;codon_start=1;product=exonuclease;protein_id=NP_041988.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.300
110 NC_001604 GenBank gene 17504 18406 . + 1 Alias=T7p35;Dbxref=GeneID:1261052;ID=T7p35.gene;Name=T7p35;Note=gene 6
111 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 18394 18507 . + 1 Dbxref=UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P03799,GeneID:1261058;ID=T7p36;Name=T7p36;Note=gene 6.3;codon_start=1;product=hypothetical protein;protein_id=NP_041989.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.37
112 NC_001604 GenBank regulatory 18545 18545 . + 1 ID=GenBank:regulatory:NC_001604:18545:18545;Note=T7 promoter phi6.5;regulatory_class=promoter
113 NC_001604 GenBank sequence_secondary_structure 18563 18563 . + 1 ID=GenBank:sequence_secondary_structure:NC_001604:18563:18563;Note=RNase III site R6.5
114 NC_001604 GenBank gene 18394 18507 . + 1 Alias=T7p36;Dbxref=GeneID:1261058;ID=T7p36.gene;Name=T7p36;Note=gene 6.3
115 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 18605 18859 . + 1 Dbxref=UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P03800,GeneID:1261036;ID=T7p37;Name=T7p37;Note=gene 6.5;codon_start=1;product=hypothetical protein;protein_id=NP_041990.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.84
116 NC_001604 GenBank gene 18605 18859 . + 1 Alias=T7p37;Dbxref=GeneID:1261036;ID=T7p37.gene;Name=T7p37;Note=gene 6.5
117 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 18864 19130 . + 1 Dbxref=UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P03801,GeneID:1261039;ID=T7p38;Name=T7p38;Note=may be involved in virion morphogenesis and is injected from virion into host cell. Other names: gp6.7;codon_start=1;product=hypothetical protein;protein_id=NP_041991.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.88
118 NC_001604 GenBank gene 18864 19130 . + 1 Alias=T7p38;Dbxref=GeneID:1261039;ID=T7p38.gene;Name=T7p38;Note=gene 6.7
119 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 19130 19531 . + 1 Dbxref=UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P03750,GeneID:1261056;ID=T7p39;Name=T7p39;Note=gene 7%2C host range;codon_start=1;product=hypothetical protein;protein_id=NP_041992.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.133
120 NC_001604 GenBank gene 19130 19531 . + 1 Alias=T7p39;Dbxref=GeneID:1261056;ID=T7p39.gene;Name=T7p39;Note=gene 7
121 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 19535 19834 . + 1 Dbxref=UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P03751,GeneID:1261035;ID=T7p40;Name=T7p40;Note=required for virion infectivity but not morphogenesis. In T7%2C gp 7.3 appears to be required for the assembly of tail fibers on capsids. Other names: gp7.3;codon_start=1;product=tail assembly protein;protein_id=NP_041993.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.99
122 NC_001604 GenBank gene 19535 19834 . + 1 Alias=T7p40;Dbxref=GeneID:1261035;ID=T7p40.gene;Name=T7p40;Note=gene 7.3
123 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 19848 20240 . + 1 Dbxref=GOA:P03796,UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P03796,GeneID:1261028;ID=T7p41;Name=T7p41;Note=gene 7.7;codon_start=1;product=hypothetical protein;protein_id=NP_041994.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.130
124 NC_001604 GenBank gene 19848 20240 . + 1 Alias=T7p41;Dbxref=GeneID:1261028;ID=T7p41.gene;Name=T7p41;Note=gene 7.7
125 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 20240 21850 . + 1 Dbxref=GOA:P03728,UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P03728,GeneID:1261033;ID=T7p42;Name=T7p42;Note=gene 8;codon_start=1;product=head-tail connector protein;protein_id=NP_041995.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.536
126 NC_001604 GenBank regulatory 21865 21865 . + 1 ID=GenBank:regulatory:NC_001604:21865:21865;Note=T7 promoter phi9;regulatory_class=promoter
127 NC_001604 GenBank gene 20240 21850 . + 1 Alias=T7p42;Dbxref=GeneID:1261033;ID=T7p42.gene;Name=T7p42;Note=gene 8
128 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 21950 22873 . + 1 Dbxref=GOA:P03716,UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P03716,GeneID:1261027;ID=T7p43;Name=T7p43;Note=Phage T7-like scaffolding protein. The protein is encoded by gene 9 in T7 %28gp9%29 and is required for the formation of pro-capsids.;codon_start=1;product=capsid assembly protein;protein_id=NP_041996.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.307
129 NC_001604 GenBank regulatory 22904 22904 . + 1 ID=GenBank:regulatory:NC_001604:22904:22904;Note=T7 promoter phi10;regulatory_class=promoter
130 NC_001604 GenBank gene 21950 22873 . + 1 Alias=T7p43;Dbxref=GeneID:1261027;ID=T7p43.gene;Name=T7p43;Note=gene 9
131 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 22967 23989 . + 1 Dbxref=GOA:P19727,UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P19727,GeneID:1261029;ID=T7p44.cds1;Name=T7p44;Note=major capsid protein. Involved in F-exclusion of wt T7 phage. A minor capsid protein %28gp10B%29 is produced from gene 10 by a -1 frameshift towards the end of 10A%2C resulting in a slightly larger protein. Other names: gp10A.;codon_start=1;product=major capsid protein;protein_id=NP_041997.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.398
132 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 23989 24162 . + 1 Dbxref=GOA:P19727,UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P19727,GeneID:1261029;ID=T7p44.cds2;Name=T7p44;Note=major capsid protein. Involved in F-exclusion of wt T7 phage. A minor capsid protein %28gp10B%29 is produced from gene 10 by a -1 frameshift towards the end of 10A%2C resulting in a slightly larger protein. Other names: gp10A.;codon_start=1;product=major capsid protein;protein_id=NP_041997.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.398
133 NC_001604 GenBank gene 22967 24162 . + 1 Alias=T7p44;Dbxref=GeneID:1261029;ID=T7p44.gene;Name=T7p44;Note=gene 10B
134 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 22967 24004 . + 1 Dbxref=GOA:P19726,UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P19726,GeneID:1261026;ID=T7p45;Name=T7p45;Note=major capsid protein. Involved in F-exclusion of wt T7 phage. A minor capsid protein %28gp10B%29 is produced from gene 10 by a -1 frameshift towards the end of 10A%2C resulting in a slightly larger protein. Other names: gp10A.;codon_start=1;product=major capsid protein;protein_id=NP_041998.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.345
135 NC_001604 GenBank regulatory 24210 24210 . + 1 ID=GenBank:regulatory:NC_001604:24210:24210;Note=T7 transcription terminator Tphi;regulatory_class=terminator
136 NC_001604 GenBank gene 22967 24004 . + 1 Alias=T7p45;Dbxref=GeneID:1261026;ID=T7p45.gene;Name=T7p45;Note=gene 10A
137 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 24228 24818 . + 1 Dbxref=UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P03746,GeneID:1261030;ID=T7p46;Name=T7p46;Note=Tail tubular proteins A and B are required for assembly of tails of T7-like phages.;codon_start=1;product=tail tubular protein A;protein_id=NP_041999.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.196
138 NC_001604 GenBank gene 24228 24818 . + 1 Alias=T7p46;Dbxref=GeneID:1261030;ID=T7p46.gene;Name=T7p46;Note=gene 11
139 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 24842 27226 . + 1 Dbxref=UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P03747,GeneID:1261024;ID=T7p47;Name=T7p47;Note=gene 12;codon_start=1;product=tail tubular protein B;protein_id=NP_042000.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.794
140 NC_001604 GenBank regulatory 27274 27274 . + 1 ID=GenBank:regulatory:NC_001604:27274:27274;Note=T7 promoter phi13;regulatory_class=promoter
141 NC_001604 GenBank sequence_secondary_structure 27281 27281 . + 1 ID=GenBank:sequence_secondary_structure:NC_001604:27281:27281;Note=possible RNase III site R13
142 NC_001604 GenBank gene 24842 27226 . + 1 Alias=T7p47;Dbxref=GeneID:1261024;ID=T7p47.gene;Name=T7p47;Note=gene 12
143 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 27307 27723 . + 1 Dbxref=UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P03723,GeneID:1261025;ID=T7p48;Name=T7p48;Note=gene 13;codon_start=1;product=internal virion protein A;protein_id=NP_042001.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.138
144 NC_001604 GenBank gene 27307 27723 . + 1 Alias=T7p48;Dbxref=GeneID:1261025;ID=T7p48.gene;Name=T7p48;Note=gene 13
145 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 27728 28318 . + 1 Dbxref=UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P03724,GeneID:1261032;ID=T7p49;Name=T7p49;Note=Approximately 12 copies of the internal virion protein B encoded in phage T7 by gene 14 are part of the internal core of the T7 virion. Along with gp16 and gp15%2C the other internal core proteins%2C gp14 is ejected from the phage head and forms part of a putative channel that spans the entire host cell envelope and allows entry of DNA. gp14 appears to localize to the outer host membrane after ejection. Other names: gp14;codon_start=1;product=internal virion protein B;protein_id=NP_042002.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.196
146 NC_001604 GenBank gene 27728 28318 . + 1 Alias=T7p49;Dbxref=GeneID:1261032;ID=T7p49.gene;Name=T7p49;Note=gene 14
147 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 28325 30568 . + 1 Dbxref=UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P03725,GeneID:1261034;ID=T7p50;Name=T7p50;Note=Approximately 12 copies of the internal virion protein C encoded by phage T7 gene 15 %28gp15%29 are part of the internal core of the T7 virion. Along with gp14 and gp16%2C the other internal core proteins%2C gp15 is ejected from the phage head and forms part of a putative channel that spans the entire host cell envelope and allows entry of DNA.;codon_start=1;product=internal virion protein C;protein_id=NP_042003.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.747
148 NC_001604 GenBank gene 28325 30568 . + 1 Alias=T7p50;Dbxref=GeneID:1261034;ID=T7p50.gene;Name=T7p50;Note=gene 15
149 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 30595 34551 . + 1 Dbxref=GOA:P03726,UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P03726,GeneID:1261031;ID=T7p51;Name=T7p51;Note=Approximately 3 copies of the internal virion protein D encoded by phage T7 gene 16 %28gp16%29 are part of the internal core of the T7 virion. Along with gp14 and gp15%2C the other internal core proteins%2C gp16 is ejected from the phage head and forms part of a putative channel that spans the entire host cell envelope and allows entry of DNA. The N-terminus has similarity to a lytic transglycosylase and may help form a channel for phage DNA translocation through the crosslinked peptidoglycan layer of the host envelope.;codon_start=1;product=internal virion protein D;protein_id=NP_042004.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.1318
150 NC_001604 GenBank regulatory 34566 34566 . + 1 ID=GenBank:regulatory:NC_001604:34566:34566;Note=T7 promoter phi17;regulatory_class=promoter
151 NC_001604 GenBank gene 30595 34551 . + 1 Alias=T7p51;Dbxref=GeneID:1261031;ID=T7p51.gene;Name=T7p51;Note=gene 16
152 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 34624 36285 . + 1 Dbxref=UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P03748,GeneID:1261023;ID=T7p52;Name=T7p52;Note=in phages T7 and T3 trimers of gp17 form each of the 6 kinked tail fibers. Other names: gp17.;codon_start=1;product=tail fiber protein;protein_id=NP_042005.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.553
153 NC_001604 GenBank gene 34624 36285 . + 1 Alias=T7p52;Dbxref=GeneID:1261023;ID=T7p52.gene;Name=T7p52;Note=gene 17
154 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 36344 36547 . + 1 Dbxref=GOA:P03802,UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P03802,GeneID:1261022;ID=T7p53;Name=T7p53;Note=Type II holins have two putative transmembrane domains and are thought to allow endolysins access to the cell wall at the optimal lysis time. However%2C in phage T7 the holin protein gp17.5 does not appear to be essential and gp17.5 mutants only show a minor delay in lysis. Other names: gp17.5%3B lysis protein;codon_start=1;product=type II holin;protein_id=NP_042006.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.67
155 NC_001604 GenBank gene 36344 36547 . + 1 Alias=T7p53;Dbxref=GeneID:1261022;ID=T7p53.gene;Name=T7p53;Note=gene 17.5
156 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 36553 36822 . + 1 Dbxref=GOA:P03693,UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P03693,GeneID:1261042;ID=T7p54;Name=T7p54;Note=involved in the packaging of genome monomers into a procapsid using head-to-tail concatemers of genomes. other names: DNA packaging protein A%3B DNA maturation protein A%3B terminase%2C small subunit;codon_start=1;product=DNA packaging protein%2C small subunit;protein_id=NP_042007.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.89
157 NC_001604 GenBank regulatory 36836 36836 . + 1 ID=GenBank:regulatory:NC_001604:36836:36836;Note=E. coli promoter E%5B6%5D;regulatory_class=promoter
158 NC_001604 GenBank sequence_secondary_structure 36856 36856 . + 1 ID=GenBank:sequence_secondary_structure:NC_001604:36856:36856;Note=RNase III site R18.5
159 NC_001604 GenBank gene 36553 36822 . + 1 Alias=T7p54;Dbxref=GeneID:1261042;ID=T7p54.gene;Name=T7p54;Note=gene 18
160 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 36917 37348 . + 1 Dbxref=GOA:P03803,UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P03803,GeneID:1261067;ID=T7p55;Name=T7p55;Note=analog of phage lambda protein Rz%2C a cell lysis protein. Rz and gp18.5 share distant sequence similarity%2C similar function%2C and a similar genome neighborhood. In T7%2C gp18.5 interacts with gp18.7%2C a lambda RZ1-like lysis protein. Other names: gp18.5;codon_start=1;product=phage lambda Rz-like lysis protein;protein_id=NP_042008.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.143
161 NC_001604 GenBank gene 36917 37348 . + 1 Alias=T7p55;Dbxref=GeneID:1261067;ID=T7p55.gene;Name=T7p55;Note=gene 18.5
162 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 37032 37283 . + 1 Dbxref=UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P03788,GeneID:1261057;ID=T7p56;Name=T7p56;Note=in Enterobacteria phage T7%2C this protein interacts with gp18.5 and is expressed from the -1 frame of a gene completely overlapping gene 18.5. This suggests that it may be an analog of lambda lysis protein Rz1. Other names: gp18.7.;codon_start=1;product=phage lambda Rz1-like protein;protein_id=NP_042009.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.83
163 NC_001604 GenBank gene 37032 37283 . + 1 Alias=T7p56;Dbxref=GeneID:1261057;ID=T7p56.gene;Name=T7p56;Note=gene 18.7
164 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 37370 39130 . + 1 Dbxref=GOA:P03694,UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P03694,GeneID:1261062;ID=T7p57;Name=T7p57;Note=gene 19;codon_start=1;product=DNA maturation protein;protein_id=NP_042010.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.586
165 NC_001604 GenBank gene 37370 39130 . + 1 Alias=T7p57;Dbxref=GeneID:1261062;ID=T7p57.gene;Name=T7p57;Note=gene 19
166 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 38016 38273 . + 1 Dbxref=UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P03789,GeneID:1261064;ID=T7p58;Name=T7p58;Note=gene 19.2;codon_start=1;product=hypothetical protein;protein_id=NP_042011.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.85
167 NC_001604 GenBank gene 38016 38273 . + 1 Alias=T7p58;Dbxref=GeneID:1261064;ID=T7p58.gene;Name=T7p58;Note=gene 19.2
168 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 38553 38726 . + 1 Dbxref=UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P03790,GeneID:1261066;ID=T7p59;Name=T7p59;Note=gene 19.3;codon_start=1;product=hypothetical protein;protein_id=NP_042012.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.57
169 NC_001604 GenBank regulatory 39229 39229 . + 1 ID=GenBank:regulatory:NC_001604:39229:39229;Note=T7 promoter phiOR;regulatory_class=promoter
170 NC_001604 GenBank gene 38553 38726 . + 1 Alias=T7p59;Dbxref=GeneID:1261066;ID=T7p59.gene;Name=T7p59;Note=gene 19.3
171 NC_001604 GenBank CDS 39389 39538 . + 1 Dbxref=UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P03804,GeneID:1261068;ID=T7p60;Name=T7p60;Note=gene 19.5;codon_start=1;product=hypothetical protein;protein_id=NP_042013.1;transl_table=11;translation=length.49
172 NC_001604 GenBank gene 39389 39538 . + 1 Alias=T7p60;Dbxref=GeneID:1261068;ID=T7p60.gene;Name=T7p60;Note=gene 19.5