# HG changeset patch
# User cpt
# Date 1652419111 0
# Node ID adde21b6bdb3695021b917181c80d9f580fac26b
diff -r 000000000000 -r adde21b6bdb3 cpt_lipop_conv/cpt-macros.xml
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/cpt_lipop_conv/cpt-macros.xml Fri May 13 05:18:31 2022 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+ python
+ biopython
+ requests
+ 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1008214
+ @unpublished{galaxyTools,
+ author = {E. Mijalis, H. Rasche},
+ title = {CPT Galaxy Tools},
+ year = {2013-2017},
+ note = {https://github.com/tamu-cpt/galaxy-tools/}
+ }
+ 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1008214
+ @unpublished{galaxyTools,
+ author = {E. Mijalis, H. Rasche},
+ title = {CPT Galaxy Tools},
+ year = {2013-2017},
+ note = {https://github.com/tamu-cpt/galaxy-tools/}
+ }
+ 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1008214
+ @unpublished{galaxyTools,
+ author = {C. Ross},
+ title = {CPT Galaxy Tools},
+ year = {2020-},
+ note = {https://github.com/tamu-cpt/galaxy-tools/}
+ }
+ 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1008214
+ @unpublished{galaxyTools,
+ author = {E. Mijalis, H. Rasche},
+ title = {CPT Galaxy Tools},
+ year = {2013-2017},
+ note = {https://github.com/tamu-cpt/galaxy-tools/}
+ }
+ @unpublished{galaxyTools,
+ author = {A. Criscione},
+ title = {CPT Galaxy Tools},
+ year = {2019-2021},
+ note = {https://github.com/tamu-cpt/galaxy-tools/}
+ }
+ 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1008214
+ @unpublished{galaxyTools,
+ author = {A. Criscione},
+ title = {CPT Galaxy Tools},
+ year = {2019-2021},
+ note = {https://github.com/tamu-cpt/galaxy-tools/}
+ }
+ 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1008214
+ @unpublished{galaxyTools,
+ author = {C. Maughmer},
+ title = {CPT Galaxy Tools},
+ year = {2017-2020},
+ note = {https://github.com/tamu-cpt/galaxy-tools/}
+ }
+ @unpublished{galaxyTools,
+ author = {C. Maughmer},
+ title = {CPT Galaxy Tools},
+ year = {2017-2020},
+ note = {https://github.com/tamu-cpt/galaxy-tools/}
+ }
diff -r 000000000000 -r adde21b6bdb3 cpt_lipop_conv/gff3.py
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/cpt_lipop_conv/gff3.py Fri May 13 05:18:31 2022 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+import copy
+import logging
+log = logging.getLogger()
+def feature_lambda(
+ feature_list,
+ test,
+ test_kwargs,
+ subfeatures=True,
+ parent=None,
+ invert=False,
+ recurse=True,
+ """Recursively search through features, testing each with a test function, yielding matches.
+ GFF3 is a hierachical data structure, so we need to be able to recursively
+ search through features. E.g. if you're looking for a feature with
+ ID='bob.42', you can't just do a simple list comprehension with a test
+ case. You don't know how deeply burried bob.42 will be in the feature tree. This is where feature_lambda steps in.
+ :type feature_list: list
+ :param feature_list: an iterable of features
+ :type test: function reference
+ :param test: a closure with the method signature (feature, **kwargs) where
+ the kwargs are those passed in the next argument. This
+ function should return True or False, True if the feature is
+ to be yielded as part of the main feature_lambda function, or
+ False if it is to be ignored. This function CAN mutate the
+ features passed to it (think "apply").
+ :type test_kwargs: dictionary
+ :param test_kwargs: kwargs to pass to your closure when it is called.
+ :type subfeatures: boolean
+ :param subfeatures: when a feature is matched, should just that feature be
+ yielded to the caller, or should the entire sub_feature
+ tree for that feature be included? subfeatures=True is
+ useful in cases such as searching for a gene feature,
+ and wanting to know what RBS/Shine_Dalgarno_sequences
+ are in the sub_feature tree (which can be accomplished
+ with two feature_lambda calls). subfeatures=False is
+ useful in cases when you want to process (and possibly
+ return) the entire feature tree, such as applying a
+ qualifier to every single feature.
+ :type invert: boolean
+ :param invert: Negate/invert the result of the filter.
+ :rtype: yielded list
+ :return: Yields a list of matching features.
+ """
+ # Either the top level set of [features] or the subfeature attribute
+ for feature in feature_list:
+ feature._parent = parent
+ if not parent:
+ # Set to self so we cannot go above root.
+ feature._parent = feature
+ test_result = test(feature, **test_kwargs)
+ # if (not invert and test_result) or (invert and not test_result):
+ if invert ^ test_result:
+ if not subfeatures:
+ feature_copy = copy.deepcopy(feature)
+ feature_copy.sub_features = list()
+ yield feature_copy
+ else:
+ yield feature
+ if recurse and hasattr(feature, "sub_features"):
+ for x in feature_lambda(
+ feature.sub_features,
+ test,
+ test_kwargs,
+ subfeatures=subfeatures,
+ parent=feature,
+ invert=invert,
+ recurse=recurse,
+ ):
+ yield x
+def fetchParent(feature):
+ if not hasattr(feature, "_parent") or feature._parent is None:
+ return feature
+ else:
+ return fetchParent(feature._parent)
+def feature_test_true(feature, **kwargs):
+ return True
+def feature_test_type(feature, **kwargs):
+ if "type" in kwargs:
+ return str(feature.type).upper() == str(kwargs["type"]).upper()
+ elif "types" in kwargs:
+ for x in kwargs["types"]:
+ if str(feature.type).upper() == str(x).upper():
+ return True
+ return False
+ raise Exception("Incorrect feature_test_type call, need type or types")
+def feature_test_qual_value(feature, **kwargs):
+ """Test qualifier values.
+ For every feature, check that at least one value in
+ feature.quailfiers(kwargs['qualifier']) is in kwargs['attribute_list']
+ """
+ if isinstance(kwargs["qualifier"], list):
+ for qualifier in kwargs["qualifier"]:
+ for attribute_value in feature.qualifiers.get(qualifier, []):
+ if attribute_value in kwargs["attribute_list"]:
+ return True
+ else:
+ for attribute_value in feature.qualifiers.get(kwargs["qualifier"], []):
+ if attribute_value in kwargs["attribute_list"]:
+ return True
+ return False
+def feature_test_location(feature, **kwargs):
+ if "strand" in kwargs:
+ if feature.location.strand != kwargs["strand"]:
+ return False
+ return feature.location.start <= kwargs["loc"] <= feature.location.end
+def feature_test_quals(feature, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Example::
+ a = Feature(qualifiers={'Note': ['Some notes', 'Aasdf']})
+ # Check if a contains a Note
+ feature_test_quals(a, {'Note': None}) # Returns True
+ feature_test_quals(a, {'Product': None}) # Returns False
+ # Check if a contains a note with specific value
+ feature_test_quals(a, {'Note': ['ome']}) # Returns True
+ # Check if a contains a note with specific value
+ feature_test_quals(a, {'Note': ['other']}) # Returns False
+ """
+ for key in kwargs:
+ if key not in feature.qualifiers:
+ return False
+ # Key is present, no value specified
+ if kwargs[key] is None:
+ return True
+ # Otherwise there is a key value we're looking for.
+ # so we make a list of matches
+ matches = []
+ # And check all of the feature qualifier valuse
+ for value in feature.qualifiers[key]:
+ # For that kwargs[key] value
+ for x in kwargs[key]:
+ matches.append(x in value)
+ # If none matched, then we return false.
+ if not any(matches):
+ return False
+ return True
+def feature_test_contains(feature, **kwargs):
+ if "index" in kwargs:
+ return feature.location.start < kwargs["index"] < feature.location.end
+ elif "range" in kwargs:
+ return (
+ feature.location.start < kwargs["range"]["start"] < feature.location.end
+ and feature.location.start < kwargs["range"]["end"] < feature.location.end
+ )
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError("Must use index or range keyword")
+def get_id(feature=None, parent_prefix=None):
+ result = ""
+ if parent_prefix is not None:
+ result += parent_prefix + "|"
+ if "locus_tag" in feature.qualifiers:
+ result += feature.qualifiers["locus_tag"][0]
+ elif "gene" in feature.qualifiers:
+ result += feature.qualifiers["gene"][0]
+ elif "Gene" in feature.qualifiers:
+ result += feature.qualifiers["Gene"][0]
+ elif "product" in feature.qualifiers:
+ result += feature.qualifiers["product"][0]
+ elif "Product" in feature.qualifiers:
+ result += feature.qualifiers["Product"][0]
+ elif "Name" in feature.qualifiers:
+ result += feature.qualifiers["Name"][0]
+ else:
+ return feature.id
+ # Leaving in case bad things happen.
+ # result += '%s_%s_%s_%s' % (
+ # feature.id,
+ # feature.location.start,
+ # feature.location.end,
+ # feature.location.strand
+ # )
+ return result
+def get_gff3_id(gene):
+ return gene.qualifiers.get("Name", [gene.id])[0]
+def ensure_location_in_bounds(start=0, end=0, parent_length=0):
+ # This prevents frameshift errors
+ while start < 0:
+ start += 3
+ while end < 0:
+ end += 3
+ while start > parent_length:
+ start -= 3
+ while end > parent_length:
+ end -= 3
+ return (start, end)
+def coding_genes(feature_list):
+ for x in genes(feature_list):
+ if (
+ len(
+ list(
+ feature_lambda(
+ x.sub_features,
+ feature_test_type,
+ {"type": "CDS"},
+ subfeatures=False,
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ > 0
+ ):
+ yield x
+def genes(feature_list, feature_type="gene", sort=False):
+ """
+ Simple filter to extract gene features from the feature set.
+ """
+ if not sort:
+ for x in feature_lambda(
+ feature_list, feature_test_type, {"type": feature_type}, subfeatures=True
+ ):
+ yield x
+ else:
+ data = list(genes(feature_list, feature_type=feature_type, sort=False))
+ data = sorted(data, key=lambda feature: feature.location.start)
+ for x in data:
+ yield x
+def wa_unified_product_name(feature):
+ """
+ Try and figure out a name. We gave conflicting instructions, so
+ this isn't as trivial as it should be. Sometimes it will be in
+ 'product' or 'Product', othertimes in 'Name'
+ """
+ # Manually applied tags.
+ protein_product = feature.qualifiers.get(
+ "product", feature.qualifiers.get("Product", [None])
+ )[0]
+ # If neither of those are available ...
+ if protein_product is None:
+ # And there's a name...
+ if "Name" in feature.qualifiers:
+ if not is_uuid(feature.qualifiers["Name"][0]):
+ protein_product = feature.qualifiers["Name"][0]
+ return protein_product
+def is_uuid(name):
+ return name.count("-") == 4 and len(name) == 36
+def get_rbs_from(gene):
+ # Normal RBS annotation types
+ rbs_rbs = list(
+ feature_lambda(
+ gene.sub_features, feature_test_type, {"type": "RBS"}, subfeatures=False
+ )
+ )
+ rbs_sds = list(
+ feature_lambda(
+ gene.sub_features,
+ feature_test_type,
+ {"type": "Shine_Dalgarno_sequence"},
+ subfeatures=False,
+ )
+ )
+ # Fraking apollo
+ apollo_exons = list(
+ feature_lambda(
+ gene.sub_features, feature_test_type, {"type": "exon"}, subfeatures=False
+ )
+ )
+ apollo_exons = [x for x in apollo_exons if len(x) < 10]
+ # These are more NCBI's style
+ regulatory_elements = list(
+ feature_lambda(
+ gene.sub_features,
+ feature_test_type,
+ {"type": "regulatory"},
+ subfeatures=False,
+ )
+ )
+ rbs_regulatory = list(
+ feature_lambda(
+ regulatory_elements,
+ feature_test_quals,
+ {"regulatory_class": ["ribosome_binding_site"]},
+ subfeatures=False,
+ )
+ )
+ # Here's hoping you find just one ;)
+ return rbs_rbs + rbs_sds + rbs_regulatory + apollo_exons
+def nice_name(record):
+ """
+ get the real name rather than NCBI IDs and so on. If fails, will return record.id
+ """
+ name = record.id
+ likely_parental_contig = list(genes(record.features, feature_type="contig"))
+ if len(likely_parental_contig) == 1:
+ name = likely_parental_contig[0].qualifiers.get("organism", [name])[0]
+ return name
+def fsort(it):
+ for i in sorted(it, key=lambda x: int(x.location.start)):
+ yield i
diff -r 000000000000 -r adde21b6bdb3 cpt_lipop_conv/lipoP_to_gff3.py
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/cpt_lipop_conv/lipoP_to_gff3.py Fri May 13 05:18:31 2022 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import sys
+import copy
+import argparse
+from CPT_GFFParser import gffParse, gffWrite, gffSeqFeature
+from Bio.Seq import Seq
+from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord
+from Bio.SeqFeature import FeatureLocation
+from gff3 import feature_lambda, feature_test_type, get_id
+def lipoP_gff(lipoIn, gff3In, jBrowseOut, filterSP2):
+ orgIDs = {}
+ orgID = ""
+ # Take and parse the txt output into a sequence of records
+ # Dict of X records, with the ID as key and an array Y of each cleavage site as the value,
+ for row in lipoIn:
+ if row.startswith("#"):
+ orgID = ""
+ continue
+ rowElem = row.split("\t")
+ orgID = rowElem[0]
+ if filterSP2:
+ if rowElem[2] == "CleavII":
+ if not (orgID in orgIDs.keys()):
+ orgIDs[orgID] = []
+ orgIDs[orgID].append(int(rowElem[3])) # , int(rowElem[4])))
+ else:
+ if rowElem[2] in "CleavII":
+ if not (orgID in orgIDs.keys()):
+ orgIDs[orgID] = []
+ orgIDs[orgID].append(int(rowElem[3])) # , int(rowElem[4])))
+ # Rebase
+ for gff in gffParse(gff3In):
+ keepSeq = []
+ for xRec in gff.features:
+ cdss = list(
+ feature_lambda(
+ xRec.sub_features,
+ feature_test_type,
+ {"type": "CDS"},
+ subfeatures=False,
+ )
+ )
+ findCleave = ""
+ cdsOff = 0
+ for cds in cdss:
+ if cds.id in orgIDs:
+ findCleave = cds.id
+ break
+ cdsOff += 1
+ if findCleave == "":
+ if not jBrowseOut:
+ keepSeq.append(xRec)
+ continue
+ #if jBrowseOut:
+ # xRec.sub_features = []
+ i = 0
+ for cleaveBase in orgIDs[findCleave]:
+ tempQuals = xRec.qualifiers.copy()
+ i += 1
+ tempQuals["ID"] = xRec.id + "_cleavage_" + str(i)
+ xRec.sub_features.append(
+ gffSeqFeature(
+ FeatureLocation(
+ cdss[cdsOff].location.start + (cleaveBase * 3) - 1,
+ cdss[cdsOff].location.start + (cleaveBase * 3) + 1,
+ ),
+ type="cleavage_site",
+ strand=xRec.location.strand,
+ qualifiers=tempQuals,
+ )
+ )
+ keepSeq.append(xRec)
+ gff.features = keepSeq
+ gffWrite([gff], sys.stdout)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="add parent gene features to CDSs")
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "lipoIn", type=argparse.FileType("r"), help="LipoP tool's .txt output"
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "gff3In", type=argparse.FileType("r"), help="GFF3 to rebase LipoP results"
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--jBrowseOut",
+ type=bool,
+ default=False,
+ help="Prepare Output for jBrowse instance",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--filterSP2",
+ action='store_true',
+ help="Filter for only SPII sites",
+ )
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ lipoP_gff(**vars(args))
diff -r 000000000000 -r adde21b6bdb3 cpt_lipop_conv/lipoP_to_gff3.xml
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/cpt_lipop_conv/lipoP_to_gff3.xml Fri May 13 05:18:31 2022 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+ Adds LipoP results to GFF3
+ macros.xml
+ cpt-macros.xml
+ $stdout
diff -r 000000000000 -r adde21b6bdb3 cpt_lipop_conv/macros.xml
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/cpt_lipop_conv/macros.xml Fri May 13 05:18:31 2022 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ python
+ biopython
+ cpt_gffparser
+ "$blast_tsv"
+ "$blast_xml"
+ "$gff3_data"
+#if str($reference_genome.reference_genome_source) == 'cached':
+ "${reference_genome.fasta_indexes.fields.path}"
+#else if str($reference_genome.reference_genome_source) == 'history':
+ genomeref.fa
+#end if
+#if $reference_genome.reference_genome_source == 'history':
+ ln -s $reference_genome.genome_fasta genomeref.fa;
+#end if
+#if str($reference_genome.reference_genome_source) == 'cached':
+ "${reference_genome.fasta_indexes.fields.path}"
+#else if str($reference_genome.reference_genome_source) == 'history':
+ genomeref.fa
+#end if
+ "$sequences"
diff -r 000000000000 -r adde21b6bdb3 cpt_lipop_conv/test-data/LipoToGFF_In.gff3
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/cpt_lipop_conv/test-data/LipoToGFF_In.gff3 Fri May 13 05:18:31 2022 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+##gff-version 3
+##sequence-region testseq_2018-03-08 1 9216
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 52 147 . - . ID=ORF.0.472_0.8077298255
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 52 147 . - . ID=ORF.0.472_0.8077298255.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.472_0.8077298255
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 52 147 . - 0 ID=ORF.0.472_0.8077298255.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.472_0.8077298255.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 160 162 . - . ID=ORF.0.472_0.8077298255.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.472_0.8077298255
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 154 339 . - . ID=ORF.0.465_0.466377183402
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 154 339 . - . ID=ORF.0.465_0.466377183402.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.465_0.466377183402
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 154 339 . - 0 ID=ORF.0.465_0.466377183402.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.465_0.466377183402.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 347 349 . - . ID=ORF.0.465_0.466377183402.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.465_0.466377183402
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 154 324 . - . ID=ORF.0.466_0.685859290271
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 154 324 . - . ID=ORF.0.466_0.685859290271.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.466_0.685859290271
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 154 324 . - 0 ID=ORF.0.466_0.685859290271.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.466_0.685859290271.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 335 337 . - . ID=ORF.0.466_0.685859290271.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.466_0.685859290271
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 154 297 . - . ID=ORF.0.468_0.803001272192
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 154 297 . - . ID=ORF.0.468_0.803001272192.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.468_0.803001272192
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 154 297 . - 0 ID=ORF.0.468_0.803001272192.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.468_0.803001272192.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 306 311 . - . ID=ORF.0.468_0.803001272192.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.468_0.803001272192
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 314 490 . - . ID=ORF.0.708_0.889453606077
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 314 490 . - . ID=ORF.0.708_0.889453606077.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.708_0.889453606077
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 314 490 . - 0 ID=ORF.0.708_0.889453606077.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.708_0.889453606077.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 500 502 . - . ID=ORF.0.708_0.889453606077.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.708_0.889453606077
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 487 672 . - . ID=ORF.0.458_0.61399204562
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 487 672 . - . ID=ORF.0.458_0.61399204562.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.458_0.61399204562
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 487 672 . - 0 ID=ORF.0.458_0.61399204562.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.458_0.61399204562.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 678 681 . - . ID=ORF.0.458_0.61399204562.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.458_0.61399204562
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 487 666 . - . ID=ORF.0.459_0.323250347541
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 487 666 . - . ID=ORF.0.459_0.323250347541.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.459_0.323250347541
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 487 666 . - 0 ID=ORF.0.459_0.323250347541.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.459_0.323250347541.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 678 681 . - . ID=ORF.0.459_0.323250347541.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.459_0.323250347541
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 487 657 . - . ID=ORF.0.460_0.509039455004
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 487 657 . - . ID=ORF.0.460_0.509039455004.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.460_0.509039455004
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 487 657 . - 0 ID=ORF.0.460_0.509039455004.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.460_0.509039455004.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 665 670 . - . ID=ORF.0.460_0.509039455004.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.460_0.509039455004
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 487 654 . - . ID=ORF.0.461_0.392081904542
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 487 654 . - . ID=ORF.0.461_0.392081904542.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.461_0.392081904542
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 487 654 . - 0 ID=ORF.0.461_0.392081904542.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.461_0.392081904542.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 665 669 . - . ID=ORF.0.461_0.392081904542.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.461_0.392081904542
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 644 904 . - . ID=ORF.0.699_0.764949625216
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 644 904 . - . ID=ORF.0.699_0.764949625216.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.699_0.764949625216
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 644 904 . - 0 ID=ORF.0.699_0.764949625216.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.699_0.764949625216.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 914 918 . - . ID=ORF.0.699_0.764949625216.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.699_0.764949625216
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 644 802 . - . ID=ORF.0.703_0.981371874022
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 644 802 . - . ID=ORF.0.703_0.981371874022.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.703_0.981371874022
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 644 802 . - 0 ID=ORF.0.703_0.981371874022.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.703_0.981371874022.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 811 814 . - . ID=ORF.0.703_0.981371874022.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.703_0.981371874022
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 644 775 . - . ID=ORF.0.705_0.438813830323
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 644 775 . - . ID=ORF.0.705_0.438813830323.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.705_0.438813830323
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 644 775 . - 0 ID=ORF.0.705_0.438813830323.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.705_0.438813830323.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 788 790 . - . ID=ORF.0.705_0.438813830323.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.705_0.438813830323
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 932 2659 . - . ID=ORF.0.622_0.865794102081
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 932 2659 . - . ID=ORF.0.622_0.865794102081.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.622_0.865794102081
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 932 2659 . - 0 ID=ORF.0.622_0.865794102081.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.622_0.865794102081.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 2672 2674 . - . ID=ORF.0.622_0.865794102081.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.622_0.865794102081
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 932 2650 . - . ID=ORF.0.623_0.846988205141
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 932 2650 . - . ID=ORF.0.623_0.846988205141.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.623_0.846988205141
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 932 2650 . - 0 ID=ORF.0.623_0.846988205141.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.623_0.846988205141.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 2659 2662 . - . ID=ORF.0.623_0.846988205141.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.623_0.846988205141
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 932 2605 . - . ID=ORF.0.625_0.0578111846669
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 932 2605 . - . ID=ORF.0.625_0.0578111846669.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.625_0.0578111846669
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 932 2605 . - 0 ID=ORF.0.625_0.0578111846669.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.625_0.0578111846669.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 2618 2620 . - . ID=ORF.0.625_0.0578111846669.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.625_0.0578111846669
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 932 2572 . - . ID=ORF.0.626_0.303786861772
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 932 2572 . - . ID=ORF.0.626_0.303786861772.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.626_0.303786861772
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 932 2572 . - 0 ID=ORF.0.626_0.303786861772.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.626_0.303786861772.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 2584 2586 . - . ID=ORF.0.626_0.303786861772.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.626_0.303786861772
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 932 2518 . - . ID=ORF.0.630_0.467112600707
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 932 2518 . - . ID=ORF.0.630_0.467112600707.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.630_0.467112600707
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 932 2518 . - 0 ID=ORF.0.630_0.467112600707.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.630_0.467112600707.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 2526 2528 . - . ID=ORF.0.630_0.467112600707.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.630_0.467112600707
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 932 2509 . - . ID=ORF.0.631_0.2883116125
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 932 2509 . - . ID=ORF.0.631_0.2883116125.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.631_0.2883116125
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 932 2509 . - 0 ID=ORF.0.631_0.2883116125.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.631_0.2883116125.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 2522 2524 . - . ID=ORF.0.631_0.2883116125.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.631_0.2883116125
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 932 2404 . - . ID=ORF.0.636_0.876600016398
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 932 2404 . - . ID=ORF.0.636_0.876600016398.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.636_0.876600016398
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 932 2404 . - 0 ID=ORF.0.636_0.876600016398.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.636_0.876600016398.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 2416 2418 . - . ID=ORF.0.636_0.876600016398.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.636_0.876600016398
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 932 2356 . - . ID=ORF.0.640_0.0888066128056
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 932 2356 . - . ID=ORF.0.640_0.0888066128056.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.640_0.0888066128056
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 932 2356 . - 0 ID=ORF.0.640_0.0888066128056.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.640_0.0888066128056.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 2366 2368 . - . ID=ORF.0.640_0.0888066128056.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.640_0.0888066128056
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 932 2098 . - . ID=ORF.0.655_0.212962186525
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 932 2098 . - . ID=ORF.0.655_0.212962186525.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.655_0.212962186525
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 932 2098 . - 0 ID=ORF.0.655_0.212962186525.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.655_0.212962186525.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 2108 2111 . - . ID=ORF.0.655_0.212962186525.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.655_0.212962186525
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 932 2020 . - . ID=ORF.0.659_0.370352364369
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 932 2020 . - . ID=ORF.0.659_0.370352364369.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.659_0.370352364369
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 932 2020 . - 0 ID=ORF.0.659_0.370352364369.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.659_0.370352364369.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 2031 2034 . - . ID=ORF.0.659_0.370352364369.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.659_0.370352364369
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 932 1996 . - . ID=ORF.0.660_0.561664408596
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 932 1996 . - . ID=ORF.0.660_0.561664408596.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.660_0.561664408596
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 932 1996 . - 0 ID=ORF.0.660_0.561664408596.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.660_0.561664408596.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 2009 2011 . - . ID=ORF.0.660_0.561664408596.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.660_0.561664408596
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 932 1924 . - . ID=ORF.0.662_0.547739243117
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 932 1924 . - . ID=ORF.0.662_0.547739243117.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.662_0.547739243117
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 932 1924 . - 0 ID=ORF.0.662_0.547739243117.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.662_0.547739243117.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 1930 1933 . - . ID=ORF.0.662_0.547739243117.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.662_0.547739243117
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 932 1780 . - . ID=ORF.0.667_0.381504311163
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 932 1780 . - . ID=ORF.0.667_0.381504311163.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.667_0.381504311163
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 932 1780 . - 0 ID=ORF.0.667_0.381504311163.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.667_0.381504311163.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 1787 1789 . - . ID=ORF.0.667_0.381504311163.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.667_0.381504311163
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 1303 1413 . - . ID=ORF.0.457_0.112605087319
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 1303 1413 . - . ID=ORF.0.457_0.112605087319.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.457_0.112605087319
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 1303 1413 . - 0 ID=ORF.0.457_0.112605087319.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.457_0.112605087319.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 1421 1424 . - . ID=ORF.0.457_0.112605087319.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.457_0.112605087319
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 2673 3473 . - . ID=ORF.0.518_0.704496503167
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 2673 3473 . - . ID=ORF.0.518_0.704496503167.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.518_0.704496503167
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 2673 3473 . - 0 ID=ORF.0.518_0.704496503167.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.518_0.704496503167.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 3484 3488 . - . ID=ORF.0.518_0.704496503167.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.518_0.704496503167
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 2673 3140 . - . ID=ORF.0.531_0.284124356131
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 2673 3140 . - . ID=ORF.0.531_0.284124356131.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.531_0.284124356131
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 2673 3140 . - 0 ID=ORF.0.531_0.284124356131.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.531_0.284124356131.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 3153 3155 . - . ID=ORF.0.531_0.284124356131.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.531_0.284124356131
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 2673 3077 . - . ID=ORF.0.534_0.230486359187
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 2673 3077 . - . ID=ORF.0.534_0.230486359187.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.534_0.230486359187
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 2673 3077 . - 0 ID=ORF.0.534_0.230486359187.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.534_0.230486359187.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 3083 3085 . - . ID=ORF.0.534_0.230486359187.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.534_0.230486359187
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 2673 2765 . - . ID=ORF.0.549_0.435747482069
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 2673 2765 . - . ID=ORF.0.549_0.435747482069.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.549_0.435747482069
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 2673 2765 . - 0 ID=ORF.0.549_0.435747482069.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.549_0.435747482069.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 2774 2777 . - . ID=ORF.0.549_0.435747482069.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.549_0.435747482069
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 3362 3739 . - . ID=ORF.0.603_0.488926379773
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 3362 3739 . - . ID=ORF.0.603_0.488926379773.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.603_0.488926379773
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 3362 3739 . - 0 ID=ORF.0.603_0.488926379773.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.603_0.488926379773.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 3749 3754 . - . ID=ORF.0.603_0.488926379773.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.603_0.488926379773
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 3362 3706 . - . ID=ORF.0.605_0.950422684088
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 3362 3706 . - . ID=ORF.0.605_0.950422684088.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.605_0.950422684088
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 3362 3706 . - 0 ID=ORF.0.605_0.950422684088.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.605_0.950422684088.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 3719 3721 . - . ID=ORF.0.605_0.950422684088.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.605_0.950422684088
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 3362 3688 . - . ID=ORF.0.606_0.329949811104
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 3362 3688 . - . ID=ORF.0.606_0.329949811104.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.606_0.329949811104
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 3362 3688 . - 0 ID=ORF.0.606_0.329949811104.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.606_0.329949811104.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 3699 3702 . - . ID=ORF.0.606_0.329949811104.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.606_0.329949811104
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 3362 3550 . - . ID=ORF.0.611_0.815705221168
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 3362 3550 . - . ID=ORF.0.611_0.815705221168.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.611_0.815705221168
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 3362 3550 . - 0 ID=ORF.0.611_0.815705221168.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.611_0.815705221168.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 3559 3561 . - . ID=ORF.0.611_0.815705221168.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.611_0.815705221168
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 3362 3493 . - . ID=ORF.0.613_0.104890641676
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 3362 3493 . - . ID=ORF.0.613_0.104890641676.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.613_0.104890641676
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 3362 3493 . - 0 ID=ORF.0.613_0.104890641676.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.613_0.104890641676.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 3506 3508 . - . ID=ORF.0.613_0.104890641676.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.613_0.104890641676
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 3433 3537 . + . ID=ORF.0.17_0.711047642618
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 3433 3537 . + . ID=ORF.0.17_0.711047642618.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.17_0.711047642618
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 3433 3537 . + 0 ID=ORF.0.17_0.711047642618.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.17_0.711047642618.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 3419 3421 . + . ID=ORF.0.17_0.711047642618.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.17_0.711047642618
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 3986 4114 . + . ID=ORF.0.139_0.904626958426
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 3986 4114 . + . ID=ORF.0.139_0.904626958426.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.139_0.904626958426
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 3986 4114 . + 0 ID=ORF.0.139_0.904626958426.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.139_0.904626958426.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 3971 3973 . + . ID=ORF.0.139_0.904626958426.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.139_0.904626958426
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 4006 4101 . - . ID=ORF.0.445_0.286571403109
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 4006 4101 . - . ID=ORF.0.445_0.286571403109.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.445_0.286571403109
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 4006 4101 . - 0 ID=ORF.0.445_0.286571403109.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.445_0.286571403109.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 4108 4110 . - . ID=ORF.0.445_0.286571403109.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.445_0.286571403109
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 4071 4190 . + . ID=ORF.0.345_0.971616620883
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 4071 4190 . + . ID=ORF.0.345_0.971616620883.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.345_0.971616620883
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 4071 4190 . + 0 ID=ORF.0.345_0.971616620883.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.345_0.971616620883.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 4057 4059 . + . ID=ORF.0.345_0.971616620883.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.345_0.971616620883
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 4095 4190 . + . ID=ORF.0.347_0.0208968983552
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 4095 4190 . + . ID=ORF.0.347_0.0208968983552.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.347_0.0208968983552
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 4095 4190 . + 0 ID=ORF.0.347_0.0208968983552.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.347_0.0208968983552.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 4087 4089 . + . ID=ORF.0.347_0.0208968983552.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.347_0.0208968983552
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 4134 4229 . - . ID=ORF.0.517_0.929120702544
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 4134 4229 . - . ID=ORF.0.517_0.929120702544.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.517_0.929120702544
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 4134 4229 . - 0 ID=ORF.0.517_0.929120702544.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.517_0.929120702544.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 4241 4243 . - . ID=ORF.0.517_0.929120702544.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.517_0.929120702544
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 4574 5500 . + . ID=ORF.0.146_0.351389104617
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 4574 5500 . + . ID=ORF.0.146_0.351389104617.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.146_0.351389104617
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 4574 5500 . + 0 ID=ORF.0.146_0.351389104617.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.146_0.351389104617.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 4560 4563 . + . ID=ORF.0.146_0.351389104617.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.146_0.351389104617
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 5029 5181 . - . ID=ORF.0.439_0.445866101899
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 5029 5181 . - . ID=ORF.0.439_0.445866101899.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.439_0.445866101899
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 5029 5181 . - 0 ID=ORF.0.439_0.445866101899.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.439_0.445866101899.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 5188 5192 . - . ID=ORF.0.439_0.445866101899.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.439_0.445866101899
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 5029 5160 . - . ID=ORF.0.440_0.915263915342
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 5029 5160 . - . ID=ORF.0.440_0.915263915342.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.440_0.915263915342
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 5029 5160 . - 0 ID=ORF.0.440_0.915263915342.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.440_0.915263915342.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 5170 5172 . - . ID=ORF.0.440_0.915263915342.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.440_0.915263915342
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 5393 5500 . + . ID=ORF.0.183_0.0663532791257
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 5393 5500 . + . ID=ORF.0.183_0.0663532791257.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.183_0.0663532791257
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 5393 5500 . + 0 ID=ORF.0.183_0.0663532791257.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.183_0.0663532791257.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 5381 5383 . + . ID=ORF.0.183_0.0663532791257.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.183_0.0663532791257
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 5570 5689 . + . ID=ORF.0.185_0.343675913625
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 5570 5689 . + . ID=ORF.0.185_0.343675913625.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.185_0.343675913625
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 5570 5689 . + 0 ID=ORF.0.185_0.343675913625.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.185_0.343675913625.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 5562 5564 . + . ID=ORF.0.185_0.343675913625.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.185_0.343675913625
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 6095 6205 . - . ID=ORF.0.580_0.42130451371
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 6095 6205 . - . ID=ORF.0.580_0.42130451371.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.580_0.42130451371
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 6095 6205 . - 0 ID=ORF.0.580_0.42130451371.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.580_0.42130451371.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 6218 6220 . - . ID=ORF.0.580_0.42130451371.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.580_0.42130451371
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 6166 6282 . - . ID=ORF.0.429_0.211525337226
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 6166 6282 . - . ID=ORF.0.429_0.211525337226.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.429_0.211525337226
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 6166 6282 . - 0 ID=ORF.0.429_0.211525337226.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.429_0.211525337226.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 6288 6290 . - . ID=ORF.0.429_0.211525337226.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.429_0.211525337226
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 6206 6973 . + . ID=ORF.0.202_0.502577350308
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 6206 6973 . + . ID=ORF.0.202_0.502577350308.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.202_0.502577350308
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 6206 6973 . + 0 ID=ORF.0.202_0.502577350308.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.202_0.502577350308.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 6196 6198 . + . ID=ORF.0.202_0.502577350308.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.202_0.502577350308
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 6545 6973 . + . ID=ORF.0.217_0.854168148494
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 6545 6973 . + . ID=ORF.0.217_0.854168148494.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.217_0.854168148494
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 6545 6973 . + 0 ID=ORF.0.217_0.854168148494.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.217_0.854168148494.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 6530 6532 . + . ID=ORF.0.217_0.854168148494.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.217_0.854168148494
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 6704 6973 . + . ID=ORF.0.224_0.295192659405
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 6704 6973 . + . ID=ORF.0.224_0.295192659405.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.224_0.295192659405
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 6704 6973 . + 0 ID=ORF.0.224_0.295192659405.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.224_0.295192659405.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 6692 6695 . + . ID=ORF.0.224_0.295192659405.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.224_0.295192659405
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 6978 7094 . + . ID=ORF.0.355_0.773691408662
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 6978 7094 . + . ID=ORF.0.355_0.773691408662.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.355_0.773691408662
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 6978 7094 . + 0 ID=ORF.0.355_0.773691408662.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.355_0.773691408662.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 6967 6971 . + . ID=ORF.0.355_0.773691408662.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.355_0.773691408662
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 7016 7156 . - . ID=ORF.0.571_0.245647554641
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 7016 7156 . - . ID=ORF.0.571_0.245647554641.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.571_0.245647554641
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 7016 7156 . - 0 ID=ORF.0.571_0.245647554641.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.571_0.245647554641.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 7163 7166 . - . ID=ORF.0.571_0.245647554641.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.571_0.245647554641
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 7056 7244 . - . ID=ORF.0.492_0.914947831416
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 7056 7244 . - . ID=ORF.0.492_0.914947831416.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.492_0.914947831416
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 7056 7244 . - 0 ID=ORF.0.492_0.914947831416.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.492_0.914947831416.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 7250 7253 . - . ID=ORF.0.492_0.914947831416.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.492_0.914947831416
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 7056 7229 . - . ID=ORF.0.494_0.190486747638
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 7056 7229 . - . ID=ORF.0.494_0.190486747638.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.494_0.190486747638
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 7056 7229 . - 0 ID=ORF.0.494_0.190486747638.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.494_0.190486747638.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 7235 7237 . - . ID=ORF.0.494_0.190486747638.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.494_0.190486747638
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 7072 7395 . + . ID=ORF.0.33_0.821816667683
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 7072 7395 . + . ID=ORF.0.33_0.821816667683.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.33_0.821816667683
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 7072 7395 . + 0 ID=ORF.0.33_0.821816667683.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.33_0.821816667683.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 7061 7065 . + . ID=ORF.0.33_0.821816667683.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.33_0.821816667683
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 7078 7395 . + . ID=ORF.0.34_0.707053863467
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 7078 7395 . + . ID=ORF.0.34_0.707053863467.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.34_0.707053863467
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 7078 7395 . + 0 ID=ORF.0.34_0.707053863467.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.34_0.707053863467.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 7063 7066 . + . ID=ORF.0.34_0.707053863467.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.34_0.707053863467
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 7379 7855 . + . ID=ORF.0.231_0.000923123852602
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 7379 7855 . + . ID=ORF.0.231_0.000923123852602.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.231_0.000923123852602
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 7379 7855 . + 0 ID=ORF.0.231_0.000923123852602.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.231_0.000923123852602.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 7369 7372 . + . ID=ORF.0.231_0.000923123852602.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.231_0.000923123852602
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 7418 7855 . + . ID=ORF.0.233_0.405974692709
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 7418 7855 . + . ID=ORF.0.233_0.405974692709.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.233_0.405974692709
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 7418 7855 . + 0 ID=ORF.0.233_0.405974692709.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.233_0.405974692709.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 7404 7406 . + . ID=ORF.0.233_0.405974692709.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.233_0.405974692709
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 7658 7855 . + . ID=ORF.0.237_0.755472071473
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 7658 7855 . + . ID=ORF.0.237_0.755472071473.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.237_0.755472071473
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 7658 7855 . + 0 ID=ORF.0.237_0.755472071473.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.237_0.755472071473.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 7650 7652 . + . ID=ORF.0.237_0.755472071473.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.237_0.755472071473
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 7664 7855 . + . ID=ORF.0.238_0.914046339376
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 7664 7855 . + . ID=ORF.0.238_0.914046339376.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.238_0.914046339376
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 7664 7855 . + 0 ID=ORF.0.238_0.914046339376.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.238_0.914046339376.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 7650 7653 . + . ID=ORF.0.238_0.914046339376.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.238_0.914046339376
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 7806 7922 . + . ID=ORF.0.365_0.2945108684
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 7806 7922 . + . ID=ORF.0.365_0.2945108684.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.365_0.2945108684
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 7806 7922 . + 0 ID=ORF.0.365_0.2945108684.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.365_0.2945108684.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 7791 7793 . + . ID=ORF.0.365_0.2945108684.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.365_0.2945108684
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 7852 8313 . + . ID=ORF.0.50_0.415010657017
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 7852 8313 . + . ID=ORF.0.50_0.415010657017.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.50_0.415010657017
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 7852 8313 . + 0 ID=ORF.0.50_0.415010657017.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.50_0.415010657017.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 7839 7841 . + . ID=ORF.0.50_0.415010657017.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.50_0.415010657017
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 8072 8254 . + . ID=ORF.0.247_0.938715889806
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 8072 8254 . + . ID=ORF.0.247_0.938715889806.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.247_0.938715889806
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 8072 8254 . + 0 ID=ORF.0.247_0.938715889806.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.247_0.938715889806.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 8060 8064 . + . ID=ORF.0.247_0.938715889806.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.247_0.938715889806
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 8128 8313 . + . ID=ORF.0.65_0.403948729686
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 8128 8313 . + . ID=ORF.0.65_0.403948729686.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.65_0.403948729686
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 8128 8313 . + 0 ID=ORF.0.65_0.403948729686.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.65_0.403948729686.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 8116 8118 . + . ID=ORF.0.65_0.403948729686.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.65_0.403948729686
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 8152 8640 . - . ID=ORF.0.380_0.771335496557
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 8152 8640 . - . ID=ORF.0.380_0.771335496557.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.380_0.771335496557
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 8152 8640 . - 0 ID=ORF.0.380_0.771335496557.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.380_0.771335496557.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 8652 8654 . - . ID=ORF.0.380_0.771335496557.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.380_0.771335496557
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 8152 8436 . - . ID=ORF.0.391_0.169373954797
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 8152 8436 . - . ID=ORF.0.391_0.169373954797.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.391_0.169373954797
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 8152 8436 . - 0 ID=ORF.0.391_0.169373954797.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.391_0.169373954797.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 8444 8446 . - . ID=ORF.0.391_0.169373954797.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.391_0.169373954797
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 8152 8271 . - . ID=ORF.0.400_0.811321232506
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 8152 8271 . - . ID=ORF.0.400_0.811321232506.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.400_0.811321232506
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 8152 8271 . - 0 ID=ORF.0.400_0.811321232506.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.400_0.811321232506.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 8281 8284 . - . ID=ORF.0.400_0.811321232506.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.400_0.811321232506
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 8339 8782 . + . ID=ORF.0.260_0.577298671452
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 8339 8782 . + . ID=ORF.0.260_0.577298671452.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.260_0.577298671452
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 8339 8782 . + 0 ID=ORF.0.260_0.577298671452.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.260_0.577298671452.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 8330 8332 . + . ID=ORF.0.260_0.577298671452.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.260_0.577298671452
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 8360 8782 . + . ID=ORF.0.261_0.357298653378
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 8360 8782 . + . ID=ORF.0.261_0.357298653378.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.261_0.357298653378
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 8360 8782 . + 0 ID=ORF.0.261_0.357298653378.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.261_0.357298653378.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 8348 8351 . + . ID=ORF.0.261_0.357298653378.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.261_0.357298653378
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 8453 8782 . + . ID=ORF.0.268_0.501011908227
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 8453 8782 . + . ID=ORF.0.268_0.501011908227.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.268_0.501011908227
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 8453 8782 . + 0 ID=ORF.0.268_0.501011908227.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.268_0.501011908227.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 8438 8440 . + . ID=ORF.0.268_0.501011908227.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.268_0.501011908227
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 8504 8782 . + . ID=ORF.0.269_0.219984821414
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 8504 8782 . + . ID=ORF.0.269_0.219984821414.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.269_0.219984821414
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 8504 8782 . + 0 ID=ORF.0.269_0.219984821414.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.269_0.219984821414.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 8493 8495 . + . ID=ORF.0.269_0.219984821414.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.269_0.219984821414
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 8621 8782 . + . ID=ORF.0.278_0.44001518346
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 8621 8782 . + . ID=ORF.0.278_0.44001518346.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.278_0.44001518346
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 8621 8782 . + 0 ID=ORF.0.278_0.44001518346.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.278_0.44001518346.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 8612 8614 . + . ID=ORF.0.278_0.44001518346.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.278_0.44001518346
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 8944 9198 . + . ID=ORF.0.81_0.839099082128
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 8944 9198 . + . ID=ORF.0.81_0.839099082128.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.81_0.839099082128
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 8944 9198 . + 0 ID=ORF.0.81_0.839099082128.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.81_0.839099082128.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 8929 8931 . + . ID=ORF.0.81_0.839099082128.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.81_0.839099082128
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 9037 9198 . + . ID=ORF.0.87_0.518549362319
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 9037 9198 . + . ID=ORF.0.87_0.518549362319.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.87_0.518549362319
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 9037 9198 . + 0 ID=ORF.0.87_0.518549362319.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.87_0.518549362319.mRNA
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 9022 9024 . + . ID=ORF.0.87_0.518549362319.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.87_0.518549362319
diff -r 000000000000 -r adde21b6bdb3 cpt_lipop_conv/test-data/LipoToGFF_In.txt
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/cpt_lipop_conv/test-data/LipoToGFF_In.txt Fri May 13 05:18:31 2022 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+# ORF.0.472_0.8077298255.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.472_0.8077298255.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.465_0.466377183402.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.465_0.466377183402.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.466_0.685859290271.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.466_0.685859290271.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.468_0.803001272192.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.468_0.803001272192.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.708_0.889453606077.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.708_0.889453606077.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.458_0.61399204562.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.458_0.61399204562.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.459_0.323250347541.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.459_0.323250347541.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.460_0.509039455004.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.460_0.509039455004.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.461_0.392081904542.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.461_0.392081904542.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.699_0.764949625216.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.699_0.764949625216.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.703_0.981371874022.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.703_0.981371874022.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.705_0.438813830323.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.705_0.438813830323.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.622_0.865794102081.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.622_0.865794102081.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.623_0.846988205141.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.623_0.846988205141.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.625_0.0578111846669.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.625_0.0578111846669.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.626_0.303786861772.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.626_0.303786861772.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.630_0.467112600707.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.630_0.467112600707.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.631_0.2883116125.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.631_0.2883116125.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.636_0.876600016398.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.636_0.876600016398.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.640_0.0888066128056.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.640_0.0888066128056.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.655_0.212962186525.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.655_0.212962186525.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.659_0.370352364369.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.659_0.370352364369.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.660_0.561664408596.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.660_0.561664408596.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.662_0.547739243117.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.662_0.547739243117.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.667_0.381504311163.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.667_0.381504311163.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.457_0.112605087319.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.457_0.112605087319.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.518_0.704496503167.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.518_0.704496503167.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.531_0.284124356131.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.531_0.284124356131.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.534_0.230486359187.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.534_0.230486359187.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.549_0.435747482069.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.549_0.435747482069.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.603_0.488926379773.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.603_0.488926379773.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.605_0.950422684088.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.605_0.950422684088.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.606_0.329949811104.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.606_0.329949811104.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.611_0.815705221168.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.611_0.815705221168.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.613_0.104890641676.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.613_0.104890641676.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.17_0.711047642618.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.17_0.711047642618.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.139_0.904626958426.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.139_0.904626958426.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.445_0.286571403109.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.445_0.286571403109.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.345_0.971616620883.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.345_0.971616620883.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.347_0.0208968983552.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.347_0.0208968983552.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.517_0.929120702544.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.517_0.929120702544.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.146_0.351389104617.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.146_0.351389104617.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.439_0.445866101899.CDS TMH score=6.51858 margin=6.713639
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.439_0.445866101899.CDS LipoP1.0:Best TMH 1 1 6.51858
+ORF.0.439_0.445866101899.CDS LipoP1.0:Margin TMH 1 1 6.713639
+ORF.0.439_0.445866101899.CDS LipoP1.0:Class SpI 1 1 -0.195059
+ORF.0.439_0.445866101899.CDS LipoP1.0:Class CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+ORF.0.439_0.445866101899.CDS LipoP1.0:Signal CleavI 20 21 -0.295218 # SPGVP|CIMLL
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.440_0.915263915342.CDS TMH score=0.241158 margin=0.442071
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.440_0.915263915342.CDS LipoP1.0:Best TMH 1 1 0.241158
+ORF.0.440_0.915263915342.CDS LipoP1.0:Margin TMH 1 1 0.442071
+ORF.0.440_0.915263915342.CDS LipoP1.0:Class CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.183_0.0663532791257.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.183_0.0663532791257.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.185_0.343675913625.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.185_0.343675913625.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.580_0.42130451371.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.580_0.42130451371.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.429_0.211525337226.CDS CYT score=-0.200913 margin=0.370359
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.429_0.211525337226.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+ORF.0.429_0.211525337226.CDS LipoP1.0:Margin CYT 1 1 0.370359
+ORF.0.429_0.211525337226.CDS LipoP1.0:Class TMH 1 1 -0.571272
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.202_0.502577350308.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.202_0.502577350308.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.217_0.854168148494.CDS CYT score=-0.200913 margin=1.810677
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.217_0.854168148494.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+ORF.0.217_0.854168148494.CDS LipoP1.0:Margin CYT 1 1 1.810677
+ORF.0.217_0.854168148494.CDS LipoP1.0:Class SpI 1 1 -2.01159
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.224_0.295192659405.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.224_0.295192659405.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.355_0.773691408662.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.355_0.773691408662.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.571_0.245647554641.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.571_0.245647554641.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.492_0.914947831416.CDS CYT score=-0.200913 margin=0.188252
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.492_0.914947831416.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+ORF.0.492_0.914947831416.CDS LipoP1.0:Margin CYT 1 1 0.188252
+ORF.0.492_0.914947831416.CDS LipoP1.0:Class TMH 1 1 -0.389165
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.494_0.190486747638.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.494_0.190486747638.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.33_0.821816667683.CDS CYT score=-0.200913 margin=1.151907
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.33_0.821816667683.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+ORF.0.33_0.821816667683.CDS LipoP1.0:Margin CYT 1 1 1.151907
+ORF.0.33_0.821816667683.CDS LipoP1.0:Class TMH 1 1 -1.35282
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.34_0.707053863467.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.34_0.707053863467.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.231_0.000923123852602.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.231_0.000923123852602.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.233_0.405974692709.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.233_0.405974692709.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.237_0.755472071473.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.237_0.755472071473.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.238_0.914046339376.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.238_0.914046339376.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.365_0.2945108684.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.365_0.2945108684.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.50_0.415010657017.CDS SpII score=5.92551 margin=3.72509 cleavage=17-18 Pos+2=L
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.50_0.415010657017.CDS LipoP1.0:Best SpII 1 1 5.92551
+ORF.0.50_0.415010657017.CDS LipoP1.0:Margin SpII 1 1 3.72509
+ORF.0.50_0.415010657017.CDS LipoP1.0:Class SpI 1 1 2.20042
+ORF.0.50_0.415010657017.CDS LipoP1.0:Class CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+ORF.0.50_0.415010657017.CDS LipoP1.0:Signal CleavII 17 18 5.9255 # ICIIV|CLSWA Pos+2=L
+ORF.0.50_0.415010657017.CDS LipoP1.0:Signal CleavI 22 23 2.16267 # CLSWA|VNHYR
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.247_0.938715889806.CDS SpII score=19.8902 margin=11.77152 cleavage=19-20 Pos+2=T
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.247_0.938715889806.CDS LipoP1.0:Best SpII 1 1 19.8902
+ORF.0.247_0.938715889806.CDS LipoP1.0:Margin SpII 1 1 11.77152
+ORF.0.247_0.938715889806.CDS LipoP1.0:Class SpI 1 1 8.11868
+ORF.0.247_0.938715889806.CDS LipoP1.0:Class CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+ORF.0.247_0.938715889806.CDS LipoP1.0:Class TMH 1 1 -1.32568
+ORF.0.247_0.938715889806.CDS LipoP1.0:Signal CleavII 19 20 19.8902 # LVVVG|CTSKQ Pos+2=T
+ORF.0.247_0.938715889806.CDS LipoP1.0:Signal CleavI 25 26 6.80431 # TSKQS|VSQCV
+ORF.0.247_0.938715889806.CDS LipoP1.0:Signal CleavI 19 20 6.49651 # LVVVG|CTSKQ
+ORF.0.247_0.938715889806.CDS LipoP1.0:Signal CleavI 22 23 5.34572 # VGCTS|KQSVS
+ORF.0.247_0.938715889806.CDS LipoP1.0:Signal CleavI 23 24 3.96804 # GCTSK|QSVSQ
+ORF.0.247_0.938715889806.CDS LipoP1.0:Signal CleavI 26 27 2.72646 # SKQSV|SQCVK
+ORF.0.247_0.938715889806.CDS LipoP1.0:Signal CleavI 27 28 2.57107 # KQSVS|QCVKP
+ORF.0.247_0.938715889806.CDS LipoP1.0:Signal CleavI 24 25 1.65562 # CTSKQ|SVSQC
+ORF.0.247_0.938715889806.CDS LipoP1.0:Signal CleavI 17 18 1.37856 # LPLVV|VGCTS
+ORF.0.247_0.938715889806.CDS LipoP1.0:Signal CleavI 21 22 -0.782641 # VVGCT|SKQSV
+ORF.0.247_0.938715889806.CDS LipoP1.0:Signal CleavI 28 29 -1.09651 # QSVSQ|CVKPP
+ORF.0.247_0.938715889806.CDS LipoP1.0:Signal CleavI 20 21 -2.99138 # VVVGC|TSKQS
+# ORF.0.65_0.403948729686.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.65_0.403948729686.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.380_0.771335496557.CDS CYT score=-0.200913 margin=1.869487
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.380_0.771335496557.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+ORF.0.380_0.771335496557.CDS LipoP1.0:Margin CYT 1 1 1.869487
+ORF.0.380_0.771335496557.CDS LipoP1.0:Class TMH 1 1 -2.0704
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.391_0.169373954797.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.391_0.169373954797.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.400_0.811321232506.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.400_0.811321232506.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.260_0.577298671452.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.260_0.577298671452.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.261_0.357298653378.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.261_0.357298653378.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.268_0.501011908227.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.268_0.501011908227.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.269_0.219984821414.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.269_0.219984821414.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.278_0.44001518346.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.278_0.44001518346.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.81_0.839099082128.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.81_0.839099082128.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
+# ORF.0.87_0.518549362319.CDS CYT score=-0.200913
+# Cut-off=-3
+ORF.0.87_0.518549362319.CDS LipoP1.0:Best CYT 1 1 -0.200913
+# NO PLOT made - less than 4 putative cleavage sites predicted
diff -r 000000000000 -r adde21b6bdb3 cpt_lipop_conv/test-data/LipoToGFF_Out.gff3
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/cpt_lipop_conv/test-data/LipoToGFF_Out.gff3 Fri May 13 05:18:31 2022 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+##gff-version 3
+##sequence-region testseq_2018-03-08 1 9216
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 7852 8313 . + . ID=ORF.0.50_0.415010657017;
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 7852 8313 . + . ID=ORF.0.50_0.415010657017.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.50_0.415010657017;
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 7852 8313 . + 0 ID=ORF.0.50_0.415010657017.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.50_0.415010657017.mRNA;
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 7839 7841 . + . ID=ORF.0.50_0.415010657017.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.50_0.415010657017;
+testseq_2018-03-08 feature cleavage_site 7902 7903 . + . ID=ORF.0.50_0.415010657017_cleavage_1;Parent=ORF.0.50_0.415010657017;
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel gene 8072 8254 . + . ID=ORF.0.247_0.938715889806;
+testseq_2018-03-08 cpt.fixModel mRNA 8072 8254 . + . ID=ORF.0.247_0.938715889806.mRNA;Parent=ORF.0.247_0.938715889806;
+testseq_2018-03-08 getOrfsOrCds CDS 8072 8254 . + 0 ID=ORF.0.247_0.938715889806.CDS;Parent=ORF.0.247_0.938715889806.mRNA;
+testseq_2018-03-08 CPT_ShineFind Shine_Dalgarno_sequence 8060 8064 . + . ID=ORF.0.247_0.938715889806.rbs-0;Parent=ORF.0.247_0.938715889806;
+testseq_2018-03-08 feature cleavage_site 8128 8129 . + . ID=ORF.0.247_0.938715889806_cleavage_1;Parent=ORF.0.247_0.938715889806;