diff cpt_gff_apollo_prep/gff3_prep_for_apollo.py @ 0:eb0c42719156 draft

author cpt
date Fri, 13 May 2022 04:55:55 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/cpt_gff_apollo_prep/gff3_prep_for_apollo.py	Fri May 13 04:55:55 2022 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import sys
+import logging
+import argparse
+import copy
+from CPT_GFFParser import gffParse, gffWrite, gffSeqFeature
+from gff3 import feature_lambda, feature_test_type
+from Bio.SeqFeature import FeatureLocation
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+        "mRNA",
+        "exon",
+        "transposable_element",
+        "tRNA",
+        "transcript",
+        "terminator",
+        "Shine_Dalgarno_Sequence",
+        "pseudogene",
+        "stop_codon_read_through",
+        "repeat_region",
+        "CDS",
+        "gene",
+        "rRNA",
+        "ncRNA",
+        "snRNA",
+        "snoRNA",
+        "miRNA",
+        ]
+SPECIAL_REMOVED_FEATURES = ["gene_component_region", "sequence_difference"]
+def add_exons(features):
+    for gene in feature_lambda(
+        features, feature_test_type, {"type": "gene"}, subfeatures=True
+    ):
+        clean_gene = copy.deepcopy(gene)
+        exon_start = None
+        exon_end = None
+        exon_strand = None
+        cds_list = []
+        #for mRNA in gene.sub_features:
+        #    for x in mRNA.sub_features:
+        #        x.qualifiers["Parent"] = [gene.id]
+        #        gene.sub_features.append(x)
+        for exon in feature_lambda(gene.sub_features, feature_test_type, {"type": "exon"}, subfeatures=False,recurse=False):
+            #if the gene contains an exon, skip.
+            continue
+        hasMRNA = False
+        for x in gene.sub_features:
+          if x.type == "mRNA":
+            hasMRNA = True
+            mRNA = x
+        """
+        if not hasMRNA:
+          mRNA = gffSeqFeature(
+                   location=FeatureLocation(gene.location.start, gene.location.end, gene.location.strand),
+                   type="mRNA",
+                   source = "cpt.prepApollo",
+                   qualifiers={
+                       "ID": ["%s.mRNA" % clean_gene.qualifiers["ID"][0]],
+                       "Parent": clean_gene.qualifiers["ID"],
+                   },
+                   sub_features=gene.sub_features,
+                   strand=exon_strand
+                 )
+          for x in mRNA.sub_features:
+            x.qualifiers["Parent"] = mRNA["ID"] 
+          clean_gene.sub_features = [mRNA]
+        else:
+          for x in clean_gene.sub_features:
+            if x.type != "mRNA":
+              x.qualifiers["Parent"] = [mRNA.id] """
+        # check for CDS child features of the gene, do not go a further step (this should skip any CDS children of exon child features)
+        for cds in feature_lambda(
+            gene.sub_features,
+            feature_test_type,
+            {"type": "CDS"},
+            subfeatures=False,
+            recurse=False,
+            ):
+            # check all CDS features for min/max boundaries
+            if exon_start is None:
+                exon_start = cds.location.start
+                exon_strand = cds.location.strand
+            if exon_end is None:
+                exon_end = cds.location.end
+            exon_start = min(exon_start, cds.location.start)
+            exon_end = max(exon_end, cds.location.end)
+            cds_list.append(cds)
+        if cds_list:
+            # we found a CDS to adopt
+            new_exon = gffSeqFeature(
+                location=FeatureLocation(exon_start, exon_end),
+                type="exon",
+                source = "cpt.prepApollo",
+                qualifiers={
+                    "ID": ["%s.exon" % clean_gene.qualifiers["ID"][0]],
+                    "Parent": [clean_gene.id],
+                    "ApolloExon": ["True"],
+                },
+                sub_features=[],
+                strand=exon_strand
+            )
+            for cds in cds_list:
+                cds.qualifiers["Parent"] = new_exon.qualifiers["ID"]
+                new_exon.sub_features.append(cds)
+            #gene.sub_features.append(new_exon)
+            # get all the other children of gene that AREN'T a CDS including the new exon
+            clean_gene.sub_features.append(copy.deepcopy(new_exon))
+            #clean_gene.sub_features.append(gffSeqFeature(location=FeatureLocation(exon_start, exon_end, exon_strand), type="exon", source = "cpt.prepApollo", qualifiers={"ID": ["%s.exon" % clean_gene.qualifiers["ID"][0]], "Parent": clean_gene.qualifiers["ID"]}, sub_features=[], strand=exon_strand))
+            """
+            for sf in feature_lambda(
+                gene.sub_features,
+                feature_test_type,
+                {"type": "CDS"},
+                subfeatures=True,
+                recurse=False,
+                invert=True,
+            ):
+                child = copy.deepcopy(sf)
+                child.qualifiers["Parent"] = new_exon.qualifiers["ID"]
+                clean_gene.sub_features.append(child)
+            """
+            # add them to the new Exon feature
+        # return the cleaned gene with new exon
+        yield clean_gene
+def process_features(features):
+    # change RBS to 'Shine_Dalgarno_sequence'
+    for rbs in feature_lambda(features, feature_test_type, {'type': "RBS"}):
+        rbs.type = "Shine_Dalgarno_sequence"
+    # Filter top level features
+    for feature in feature_lambda(features, feature_test_type, {"types": ALLOWED_FEATURES}, subfeatures=True):
+        cleaned_subfeatures = []
+        for sf in feature.sub_features:
+            if sf.type in SPECIAL_REMOVED_FEATURES:
+                # 'gene_component_region' is uncaught by feature_test_type as it contains `gene`
+                continue
+            else:
+                cleaned_subfeatures.append(sf)
+        feature.sub_features = copy.deepcopy(cleaned_subfeatures)  
+        yield feature
+def gff_filter(gff3):
+    for rec in gffParse(gff3):
+        cleaned_features = sorted(list(process_features(rec.features)), key=lambda x: x.location.start)
+        rec.features = sorted(list(add_exons(cleaned_features)), key=lambda x: x.location.start)
+        rec.annotations = {}
+        gffWrite([rec], sys.stdout)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+        description="add parent exon features to CDSs for Apollo"
+    )
+    parser.add_argument("gff3", type=argparse.FileType("r"), help="GFF3 annotations")
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    gff_filter(**vars(args))