diff cpt_dnaplotter.pl @ 1:d724f34e671d draft default tip

planemo upload commit 94b0cd1fff0826c6db3e7dc0c91c0c5a8be8bb0c
author cpt
date Mon, 05 Jun 2023 02:50:07 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/cpt_dnaplotter.pl	Mon Jun 05 02:50:07 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,465 @@
+#       Code written by Eric Rasche
+#               mailto:rasche.eric@yandex.ru
+#               tel:   404.692.2048
+#               http://eric.rasche.co.uk
+#       for
+#               Center for Phage Technology
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use CPT::GalaxyGetOpt;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use CPT::Bio;
+use CPT::Circos::Conf;
+my $bio = CPT::Bio->new();
+my @argv_copy;
+foreach(@ARGV){push(@argv_copy, "$_");}
+my $ggo  = CPT::GalaxyGetOpt->new();
+my $options = $ggo->getOptions(
+	'options' => [
+		[ 'file|f', 'Input file', { validate => 'File/Input',
+				file_format => ['genbank', 'embl', 'txt'],
+			} ],
+		[],
+		['Track Configuration'],
+		['track_key', 'Key to select from genbank data', { validate => 'Genomic/Tag', required => 1, multiple => 1 } ],
+		['track_feature_filter_invert', 'Should the qualifier search be inverted?', { validate => 'Option', options => { 'yes', 'Yes', 'no', 'No' } , multiple => 1 } ],
+		['track_feature_filter_hastag', 'Select a tag which should be present in that qualifier (e.g., signal/tmhelix/pseudo)', { validate => 'String' , multiple => 1 } ],
+		['track_feature_filter_textquery', 'Specify text which MUST be in that tag', { validate => 'String' , multiple => 1 } ],
+		['track_feature_filter_strand', 'Which strand should the feature appear on?', { validate => 'Option', options => { 'f', 'Forward', 'r', 'Reverse', 'a', 'Any' } , multiple => 1 } ],
+		[],
+		['enable_gc_skew_plot', 'Enable/Disable calculation of GC Skew Plot', { validate => 'Flag' } ],
+		['gc_skew_plot_window_size', 'Window size for calculation of GC Skew', { validate => 'Int', min => 1000, default => 10000} ],
+		['gc_skew_plot_step_size', 'Step size for calculation of GC Skew', { validate => 'Int', min => 200, default => 200 } ],
+	],
+	'outputs' => [
+		[
+			'output_circos_confs',
+			'Circos Configuration Files',
+			{
+				validate       => 'File/Output',
+				required       => 1,
+				default        => 'out',
+				data_format    => 'archive',
+				default_format => 'zip',
+			}
+		],
+	],
+	'defaults' => [
+		'appid'   => 'CircularDNAPlotter',
+		'appname' => 'Circos based DNAPlotter',
+		'appdesc' => 'plots genomes similar to Artemis\'s DNAPlotter',
+		'appvers' => '1.94.1',
+	],
+#perl cpt_dnaplotter.pl \
+	#-f ../t/test-files/moon.gbk \
+	#--track_key CDS --track_feature_filter_invert yes --track_feature_filter_hastag pseudo --track_feature_filter_strand f \
+	#--track_key CDS --track_feature_filter_invert yes --track_feature_filter_hastag pseudo  --track_feature_filter_strand r \
+	#--track_key CDS --track_feature_filter_hastag pseudo  --track_feature_filter_strand a \
+	#--track_key tRNA  --track_feature_filter_strand a \
+	#--track_key CDS  --track_feature_filter_hastag signal --track_feature_filter_strand a \
+	#--track_key CDS  --track_feature_filter_hastag tmhelix --track_feature_filter_strand a
+my @reorg_args = ();
+my $cum_gc_ske_mean = 0;
+my %latest = ();
+for(my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@argv_copy); $i++){
+	my $c = $argv_copy[$i];
+	# We have entered a new one block
+	if($c eq '--track_key'){
+		# If we have loaded data
+		if(scalar(keys(%latest)) > 0){
+			my %copy;
+			foreach(keys(%latest)){
+				$copy{$_} = "" . $latest{$_};
+			}
+			push(@reorg_args, \%copy);
+		}
+		# Clean out latest to prep for new data
+		foreach(keys(%latest)){
+			delete $latest{$_};
+		}
+	}
+	if($c =~ /^--track_(.*)/){
+		$latest{$1} = $argv_copy[$i+1];
+		# Artificially bump so we don't bother looking at the answer to
+		# this question. We can "get away" with this because none of
+		# the options are flags. However, I've disabled it in the event
+		# that flags ARE introduced
+		#$i++;
+	}
+push(@reorg_args, \%latest);
+#$VAR1 = [
+          #{
+            #'feature_filter_invert' => 'yes',
+            #'feature_plot_color' => '005500',
+            #'feature_filter_strand' => 'f',
+            #'feature_filter_hastag' => 'pseudo',
+            #'key' => 'CDS'
+          #},
+          #{
+            #'feature_filter_strand' => 'a',
+            #'key' => 'RBS'
+          #}
+        #];
+my @files = ();
+my $number_of_tracks = 0;
+sub register_track {
+	#my $r0 = ( 90 - (10 * $number_of_tracks - 1)/2) / 100;
+	#my $r1 = ( 90 - (10 * $number_of_tracks - 9)/2) / 100;
+	my $r0 = ( 90 - (10 * $number_of_tracks - 1)/1) / 100;
+	my $r1 = ( 90 - (10 * $number_of_tracks - 9)/1) / 100;
+	$number_of_tracks++;
+	return ($r0, $r1);
+sub circosconf {
+	my $cc = CPT::Circos::Conf->new();
+	$cc->include('etc/colors_fonts_patterns.conf');
+	# Features to plot along the genome
+	$cc->include('ideogram.conf');
+	# markings indicating position along genome
+	$cc->include('ticks.conf');
+	# Genome data
+	$cc->set('karyotype', 'karyotype.conf');
+	# Default image params are fine
+	$cc->start_block('image');
+	$cc->include('etc/image.conf');
+	$cc->end_block();
+	# ???
+	$cc->set('chromosome_units', '1000');
+	$cc->set('chromosome_display_default', 'yes');
+	#$cc->include('highlights.conf');
+	$cc->include('plots.conf');
+	$cc->include('etc/housekeeping.conf');
+	my $result = $cc->finalize();
+	$cc = CPT::Circos::Conf->new();
+	return $result;
+sub ideogramconf{
+	my $cc = CPT::Circos::Conf->new();
+	$cc->start_block('ideogram');
+	$cc->start_block('spacing');
+	$cc->set('default','0u');
+	$cc->set('break','0u');
+	$cc->end_block();
+	$cc->set('thickness', '20p');
+	$cc->set('stroke_thickness', '2');
+	$cc->set('stroke_color', 'black');
+	$cc->set('fill','no');
+	$cc->set('fill_color','black');
+	$cc->set('radius','0.85r');
+	$cc->set('show_label','yes');
+	$cc->set('label_font','default');
+	$cc->set('label_radius','dims(ideogram,radius) + 0.05');
+	$cc->set('label_size','36');
+	$cc->set('label_parallel','yes');
+	$cc->set('label_case','upper');
+	$cc->set('band_stroke_thickness','2');
+	$cc->set('show_bands','yes');
+	$cc->set('fill_bands','yes');
+	$cc->end_block();
+	return $cc->finalize();
+sub generate_feature_table {
+	my ($filename, %filter) = @_;
+	print "Filtering on features\n";
+	print Dumper \%filter;
+	my $seqio_object = Bio::SeqIO->new(-file => $options->{file}, -format=>'genbank');
+	# Only handing first sequence.
+	my $seq_object = $seqio_object->next_seq;
+	my $parent = $seq_object->display_id();
+	# Feature data
+	my @features;
+	foreach my $feat($seq_object->get_SeqFeatures()){
+		if($feat->primary_tag() eq $filter{key}){
+			# If they've said "hastag" AND we do indeed have that tag AND we haven't inverted this filter.
+			if(
+				($filter{feature_filter_hastag} && $feat->has_tag($filter{feature_filter_hastag}) && !$filter{feature_filter_invert})
+				||
+				($filter{feature_filter_hastag} && $filter{feature_filter_invert} && !$feat->has_tag($filter{feature_filter_hastag}))
+				||
+				(! $filter{feature_filter_hastag})
+			){
+				if(
+					!$filter{feature_filter_strand}
+					||
+					($feat->strand() == 1 && ( $filter{feature_filter_strand} eq 'f' ||  $filter{feature_filter_strand} eq 'a' ))
+					||
+					($feat->strand() == -1 && ( $filter{feature_filter_strand} eq 'r' ||  $filter{feature_filter_strand} eq 'a' ))
+					||
+					($feat->strand() == 0 && ( $filter{feature_filter_strand} eq 'a' ))
+				){
+					push(@features, join(' ', $parent, $feat->start, $feat->end));
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	print "Found " . scalar @features . " features \n";
+	push(@files, [ 'data/' . $filename, join("\n", @features) ] );
+sub plotsconf{
+	my $cc = CPT::Circos::Conf->new();
+	$cc->start_block('plots');
+	my $idx = 0;
+	foreach(@reorg_args){
+		my %filter = %{$_};
+          #{
+            #'feature_filter_invert' => 'yes',
+            #'feature_plot_color' => '005500',
+            #'feature_filter_strand' => 'f',
+            #'feature_filter_hastag' => 'pseudo',
+            #'key' => 'CDS'
+          #},
+		$idx++;
+		my $filename = sprintf('org.features.%s.txt', $idx);
+		generate_feature_table($filename, %filter);
+		my ($r0,$r1) = register_track();
+		$cc->start_block('plot');
+		$cc->set('type','tile');
+		$cc->set('file',$filename);
+		$cc->set('orientation', 'center');
+		$cc->set('thickness', '30');
+		$cc->set('r1', $r1 . 'r');# '0.78r');
+		$cc->set('r0', $r0 . 'r');# '0.72r');
+		$cc->set('layers','3');
+		$cc->set('layers_overflow','collapse');
+		$cc->set('color','paired-6-qual-' . $idx);
+		$cc->end_block();
+	}
+	if($options->{enable_gc_skew_plot}){
+		my ($r0,$r1) = register_track();
+		$cc->start_block('plot');
+		$cc->set('type','histogram');
+		$cc->set('file','gc.txt');
+		$cc->set('r1',$r1 . 'r');
+		$cc->set('r0',$r0 . 'r');
+		$cc->set('fill_color','purple');
+		$cc->set('orientation','in');
+		$cc->start_block('rules');
+		$cc->start_block('rule');
+		$cc->set('condition','var(value) < 0');
+		$cc->set('fill_color', 'green');
+		$cc->end_block();
+		$cc->end_block();
+		$cc->end_block();
+	}
+	#$cc->start_block('plot');
+	#$cc->set('type','histogram');
+	#$cc->set('file','gc_cumulative.txt');
+	#$cc->set('r1','0.6r');
+	#$cc->set('r0','0.55r');
+	#$cc->set('fill_color','purple');
+	#$cc->set('orientation','out');
+	#$cc->start_block('rules');
+	#$cc->start_block('rule');
+	#$cc->set('condition','var(value) < ' . $cum_gc_ske_mean);
+	#$cc->set('fill_color', 'green');
+	#$cc->end_block();
+	#$cc->end_block();
+	#$cc->end_block();
+	$cc->end_block();
+	return $cc->finalize();
+sub ticksconf{
+	my $cc = CPT::Circos::Conf->new();
+	$cc->set('show_ticks','yes');
+	$cc->set('show_tick_labels','yes');
+	$cc->start_block('ticks');
+	$cc->set('radius','1r');
+	$cc->set('color','black');
+	$cc->set('thickness','2p');
+	$cc->set('multiplier','1e-3');
+	$cc->set('format','%d');
+	$cc->start_block('tick');
+	$cc->set('spacing','1000u');
+	$cc->set('size','10p');
+	$cc->end_block();
+	$cc->start_block('tick');
+	$cc->set('spacing','10000u');
+	$cc->set('size','15p');
+	$cc->set('show_label','yes');
+	$cc->set('label_size','20p');
+	$cc->set('label_offset','10p');
+	$cc->set('format','%d');
+	$cc->end_block();
+	$cc->end_block();
+	return $cc->finalize();
+sub karyotype {
+	my @karyotype_data = ();
+	my $seqio_object = Bio::SeqIO->new(-file => $options->{file}, -format=>'genbank');
+	# Only handing first sequence.
+	my $seq_object = $seqio_object->next_seq;
+	# Main 'chromosome' data
+	push(@karyotype_data, join(' ', 'chr', '-',$seq_object->display_id(),$seq_object->display_id(),0, $seq_object->length(),'black'));
+	return join("\n", @karyotype_data);
+sub gcgraph_cumulative {
+	my @gcdata = ();
+	my $seqio_object = Bio::SeqIO->new(-file => $options->{file}, -format=>'genbank');
+	# Only handing first sequence.
+	my $seq_object = $seqio_object->next_seq;
+	my $parent = $seq_object->display_id();
+	my $seq = $seq_object->seq();
+	my $sep = int($options->{gc_skew_plot_window_size}/2);
+	my $stepsep = int($options->{gc_skew_plot_step_size}/2);
+	my $cumulative_gc_skew = 0;
+	my @cumgc_vals;
+	my $count = 0;
+	foreach(my $i = $sep; $i < $seq_object->length() - $sep - $options->{gc_skew_plot_step_size}; $i += $options->{gc_skew_plot_step_size}){
+		$count++;
+		$cumulative_gc_skew += _calculate_gc_skew_for_seq(substr($seq,$i-$sep,$options->{gc_skew_plot_window_size})),
+		push(@cumgc_vals, $cumulative_gc_skew);
+		push(@gcdata, join(" ",
+			$parent,
+			$i - $stepsep,
+			$i + $stepsep,
+			$cumulative_gc_skew
+		));
+	}
+	my $sum = 0;
+	foreach(@cumgc_vals){$sum += $_;}
+	$cum_gc_ske_mean = $sum / $count;
+	return join("\n", @gcdata);
+	# Main 'chromosome' data
+sub gcgraph {
+	my @gcdata = ();
+	my $seqio_object = Bio::SeqIO->new(-file => $options->{file}, -format=>'genbank');
+	# Only handing first sequence.
+	my $seq_object = $seqio_object->next_seq;
+	my $parent = $seq_object->display_id();
+	my $seq = $seq_object->seq();
+	my $sep = int($options->{gc_skew_plot_window_size}/2);
+	my $stepsep = int($options->{gc_skew_plot_step_size}/2);
+	foreach(my $i = $sep; $i < $seq_object->length() - $sep - $options->{gc_skew_plot_step_size}; $i += $options->{gc_skew_plot_step_size}){
+		push(@gcdata, join(" ",
+			$parent,
+			$i - $stepsep,
+			$i + $stepsep,
+			_calculate_gc_skew_for_seq(substr($seq,$i-$sep,$options->{gc_skew_plot_window_size})),
+		));
+	}
+	return join("\n", @gcdata);
+	# Main 'chromosome' data
+sub _calculate_gc_skew_for_seq {
+	my ($seq) = @_;
+	$seq = uc($seq);
+	my %counts;
+	foreach(split //,$seq){
+		$counts{$_}++;
+	}
+	if($counts{G} + $counts{C} > 0){
+		return ($counts{G} - $counts{C}) / ($counts{G} + $counts{C});
+	}
+	return 0;
+push(@files, [ 'etc/karyotype.conf', karyotype() ]);
+push(@files, [ 'etc/circos.conf', circosconf() ]);
+push(@files, [ 'etc/ideogram.conf', ideogramconf() ]);
+	push(@files, [ 'data/gc.txt', gcgraph() ]);
+	push(@files, [ 'data/gc_cumulative.txt', gcgraph_cumulative() ]);
+push(@files, [ 'etc/plots.conf', plotsconf() ]);
+push(@files, [ 'etc/ticks.conf', ticksconf() ]);
+use Archive::Any::Create;
+my $archive = Archive::Any::Create->new();
+	my ($location, $content) = @{$_};
+	$archive->add_file($location, $content);
+use CPT::OutputFiles;
+my $crr_output = CPT::OutputFiles->new(
+	name => 'output_circos_confs',
+	GGO => $ggo,
+$crr_output->CRR(data => $archive);
+=head1 NAME
+Much like artemis's DNAPlotter, this tool plots genomes in a ciruclar fashion, and can plot gc-deviation tracks as well. The options are somewhat reduced compared to artemis, so if you need something that isn't available in this version please file a bug report.
+=head1 USE
+Each track has several parameters:
+=over 4
+=item track_key
+This selects a set of features from a genbank file, e.g., CDSs or tRNAs
+=item track_feature_filter_invert
+This parameter will invert (negate) the results of whatever query parameters you specify after it.
+=item track_feature_filter_hastag
+Require that a feature has a specific tag....
+=item track_feature_filter_textquery
+...with this specific text in it
+=item track_feature_filter_strand
+Which strand should the feature be on (not inverted)
+Additionally, users are able to enable/disable GC skew plots. it's suggested that these are generally left alone, as they can quickly increase runtime.