diff lib/CPT/Analysis/PAUSE/SVG.pm @ 1:97ef96676b48 draft

planemo upload commit 94b0cd1fff0826c6db3e7dc0c91c0c5a8be8bb0c
author cpt
date Mon, 05 Jun 2023 02:51:26 +0000 (21 months ago)
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/CPT/Analysis/PAUSE/SVG.pm	Mon Jun 05 02:51:26 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,445 @@
+package CPT::Analysis::PAUSE::SVG;
+# ABSTRACT: Library for use in PAUSE analysis
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Moose;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use List::MoreUtils qw(each_array);
+use SVG;
+has 'svg'                => ( is => 'rw' );
+has 'width'              => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Int' );
+has 'height'             => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Int' );
+has 'vertical_offset'    => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Int' );
+has 'start_end_max_num'  => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Int' );
+has 'num_rows'           => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Int' );
+has 'row_size'           => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Int' );
+has 'row_width'          => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Int' );
+has 'x_border'           => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Int' );
+has 'y_border'           => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Int' );
+has 'line_height'        => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Int' );
+has 'inter_line_spacing' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Int' );
+has 'max'                => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Int' );
+has 'fasta_id'           => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Any' );
+sub setup {
+	my ($self) = @_;
+	$self->svg(
+		SVG->new(
+			width  => $self->width(),
+			height => $self->height(),
+		)
+	);
+sub add_header {
+	my ( $self, @refs ) = @_;
+	$self->plot_title( 'Plot of ' . $self->fasta_id() );
+	my $i = 0;
+	foreach (@refs) {
+		my @subrefs = @{$_};
+		foreach (@subrefs) {
+			$i++;
+			my %d = %{$_};
+			$self->plot_key( $d{name}, $d{line}, $d{fill}, $i );
+		}
+	}
+	$self->vertical_offset( $self->vertical_offset() - ( $i - 1 ) * 20 );
+my $global_pline_idx = 0;
+sub plot_track {
+	my ( $self, $points_ref, $stroke, $fill, $id ) = @_;
+	$global_pline_idx++;
+	$self->svg()->polyline(
+		%{$points_ref},
+		id    => 'pline_' . $id . '-' . $global_pline_idx,
+		style => {
+			'fill-opacity' => .5,
+			'stroke'       => $stroke,
+			'fill'         => $fill,
+		}
+	  )
+sub make_scale {
+	my ( $self, $i, $start, $stop ) = @_;
+	# Left axis label, must be rotated
+	my $tmp_x = $self->fix_x_value(-30);       #$self->x_border()-30;
+	my $tmp_y = $self->fix_y_value($i) + 50;
+	$self->svg()->text(
+		id            => 'left_side_label_row_' . $i,
+		x             => $tmp_x - 20,
+		y             => $tmp_y - 20,
+		'font-family' => 'Helvetica, sans-serif',
+		'transform'   => sprintf( 'rotate(-90 %s %s)', $tmp_x, $tmp_y ),
+	)->cdata('Start/End Hit Count Scale');
+	# Right axis label, must be rotated
+	$tmp_x = $self->fix_x_value( $self->row_width() + 60 );
+	$tmp_y = $self->fix_y_value($i);
+	$self->svg()->text(
+		id            => 'right_side_label_row_' . $i,
+		x             => $tmp_x - 20,
+		y             => $tmp_y,
+		'font-family' => 'Helvetica, sans-serif',
+		'transform'   => sprintf( 'rotate(-90 %s %s)', $tmp_x, $tmp_y ),
+	)->cdata('Coverage Density');
+	# Horizontal increments
+	for ( my $k = -4 ; $k <= 4 ; $k++ ) {
+		# Left side label
+		my $y_position = $k / 4 * $self->line_height();
+		$self->svg()->text(
+			id => sprintf( 'label_left_side_row_%s_%s', $i, $k ),
+			x  => $self->fix_x_value(-30),
+			y             => $self->fix_y_value( $i, $y_position ),
+			'font-family' => 'Helvetica, sans-serif',
+		)->cdata( int( $self->start_end_max_num() * abs( $k / 4 ) ) );
+		# Right side label
+		$self->svg()->text(
+			id => sprintf( 'label_right_side_row_%s_%s', $i, $k ),
+			x => $self->fix_x_value( $self->row_width() + 10 ),
+			y => $self->fix_y_value( $i, $y_position ),
+			'font-family' => 'Helvetica, sans-serif',
+		)->cdata( int( $self->max() * abs( $k / 4 ) ) );
+		# Vertical lines
+		$self->svg()->line(
+			x1 => $self->fix_x_value( $self->row_width() ),
+			x2 => $self->fix_x_value(0),
+			y1 => $self->fix_y_value( $i, $y_position ),
+			y2 => $self->fix_y_value( $i, $y_position ),
+			id => sprintf( 'vertical_increment_row_%s_%s', $i, $k ),
+			opacity        => .25,
+			stroke         => 'rgb(0,0,0)',
+			'stroke-width' => '2',
+		);
+	}
+	# Vertical Increments
+	my $number_of_increments = 10;
+	for (
+		my $k = 0 ;
+		$k <= $self->row_width() ;
+		$k += ( $self->row_width() / $number_of_increments )
+	  )
+	{
+# We get % of way across (k/num_inc) and we multiply by the width value, to get % of width which we adjust with start to get correct value
+		my $b =
+		  ( $k / $self->row_width() ) * ( $stop - $start ) + $start;
+		my $kb = $b / 1000;
+		$self->svg()->text(
+			id =>
+			  sprintf( 'vertical_line_label_row_%s_%s', $i, $k ),
+			x => $self->fix_x_value($k),
+			y =>
+			  $self->fix_y_value( $i, $self->line_height() + 20 ),
+			'font-family' => 'Helvetica, sans-serif',
+		)->cdata( ($kb) . ' kb' );
+		$self->svg()->line(
+			x1 => $self->fix_x_value($k),
+			x2 => $self->fix_x_value($k),
+			y1 => $self->fix_y_value( $i, -$self->line_height() ),
+			y2 => $self->fix_y_value( $i, $self->line_height() ),
+			id => sprintf( 'vertical_line_row_%s_%s', $i, $k ),
+			opacity        => .5,
+			stroke         => 'rgb(0,0,0)',
+			'stroke-width' => '1',
+		);
+	}
+sub plot_title {
+	my ( $self, $string ) = @_;
+	$self->svg()->text(
+		id            => 'label_plot_title',
+		x             => $self->x_border(),
+		y             => 50 + $self->vertical_offset(),
+		'font-family' => 'Helvetica, sans-serif',
+		'font-size'   => '150%',
+	)->cdata($string);
+	$self->vertical_offset( $self->vertical_offset() + 25 );
+sub plot_key {
+	my ( $self, $text, $stroke, $colour, $i ) = @_;
+	$self->svg()->rectangle(
+		x              => $self->x_border(),
+		y              => 50 + $self->vertical_offset() - 15,
+		width          => 15,
+		height         => 15,
+		id             => 'label_key_example' . $i,
+		'fill-opacity' => .5,
+		'stroke'       => $stroke,
+		'fill'         => $colour,
+	);
+	$self->svg()->text(
+		id            => 'label_key_string' . $i,
+		x             => $self->x_border() + 20,
+		y             => 50 + $self->vertical_offset(),
+		'font-family' => 'Helvetica, sans-serif',
+	)->cdata($text);
+	$self->vertical_offset( $self->vertical_offset + 20 );
+sub xmlify {
+	my ($self) = @_;
+	return $self->svg()->xmlify();
+sub x_values_for_range_scaled {
+	my ( $self, $start, $end, $pieces ) = @_;
+	my @vals = ($start);
+	my $by   = ( $end - $start ) / $pieces;
+	## For all values from the x_border to xborder+row_width, add a value of row_width split/row_size (i.e., how far for EACH INDIVIDUAL value)
+	for ( my $i = $start ; $i < $end ; $i += $by ) {
+		push( @vals, $i );
+	}
+	push( @vals, $end );
+	return @vals;
+sub fix_x_values {
+	my ( $self, @values ) = @_;
+	return map { $self->fix_x_value($_) } @values;
+sub fix_x_value {
+	my ( $self, $val ) = @_;
+	return $val + $self->x_border();
+sub fix_y_value {
+	my ( $self, $i, $val ) = @_;
+	return (
+		$self->vertical_offset() + $val - $self->line_height() + (
+			( ( 2 + $i ) * $self->line_height() ) +
+			  ( $i * $self->inter_line_spacing() ) +
+			  $self->y_border()
+		)
+	);
+sub fix_all_y_values {
+	my ( $self, $i, @arrays_to_fix, ) = @_;
+	for ( my $j = 0 ; $j < scalar @arrays_to_fix ; $j++ ) {
+		# For each array in postive_y (AoA)
+		#
+		# we cast to array, then we map this, then we have this
+		# in an anonymous array which means we can just
+		# replace. This is probably not as efficient as looking
+		# at every value directly and doing "in place"
+		# replacement, but I don't know how that would be
+		# written here...
+		$arrays_to_fix[$j] =
+		  [ map { $self->fix_y_value( $i, $_ ) }
+			  @{ $arrays_to_fix[$j] } ];
+	}
+	return @arrays_to_fix;
+sub copy_data {
+	my ( $self, $start, $stop, $data_to_ref, $data_from_ref, $max ) = @_;
+	# Copy data from the original array to the new one, transforming out
+	# the subset of interest. This is done across an AoA
+	my @data_to   = @{$data_to_ref};
+	my @data_from = @{$data_from_ref};
+	for ( my $k = 0 ; $k < scalar @data_from ; $k++ ) {
+		foreach ( my $j = $start ; $j < $stop ; $j++ )
+		{    #1 to 10_000 in the genome
+			if ( defined ${ $data_from[$k] }[$j] ) {
+				push(
+					@{ $data_to[$k] },
+					-(
+						$self->line_height() *
+						  ${ $data_from[$k] }[$j] /
+						  $max
+					)
+				);
+			}
+			else {
+				push( @{ $data_to[$k] }, 0 );
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return @data_to;
+sub plot_individual_row {
+	my ( $self, $start, $stop, $i, $regular_ref, $rescale_ref ) = @_;
+	my @regular = map { ${$_}{data} } @{$regular_ref};
+	my @rescale = map { ${$_}{data} } @{$rescale_ref};
+	my @regular_y;
+	my @rescale_y;
+	## Ensure we duplicate the number of arrays.
+	foreach (@regular) {
+		push( @regular_y, [] );
+	}
+	foreach (@rescale) {
+		push( @rescale_y, [] );
+	}
+	# Determine bounds of row
+	$self->push_all( \@regular_y, 0 );
+	$self->push_all( \@rescale_y, 0 );
+	@regular_y =
+	  $self->copy_data( $start, $stop, \@regular_y, \@regular,
+		$self->start_end_max_num() );
+	@rescale_y =
+	  $self->copy_data( $start, $stop, \@rescale_y, \@rescale,
+		$self->max() );
+	#print @rescale_y;
+	# Set up our X values
+	my @x_values = $self->fix_x_values(
+		$self->x_values_for_range_scaled(
+			0, $self->row_width(), ( $stop - $start )
+		)
+	);
+#my @x_values_rescale = $self->fix_x_values( $self->x_values_for_range_scaled(0, $self->row_width(), ( $stop - $start )));
+	$self->push_all( \@regular_y, 0 );
+	$self->push_all( \@rescale_y, 0 );
+	# Fix the ys
+	@regular_y = $self->fix_all_y_values( $i, @regular_y );
+	@rescale_y = $self->fix_all_y_values( $i, @rescale_y );
+	# Prepare our styling
+	my @regular_line = map { ${$_}{line} } @{$regular_ref};
+	my @rescale_line = map { ${$_}{line} } @{$rescale_ref};
+	my @regular_fill = map { ${$_}{fill} } @{$regular_ref};
+	my @rescale_fill = map { ${$_}{fill} } @{$rescale_ref};
+	# Add data to plot
+	$self->svg_add_track(
+		\@x_values,     \@regular_y, \@regular_line,
+		\@regular_fill, "$i-$start-$stop"
+	);
+	$self->svg_add_track(
+		\@x_values,     \@rescale_y, \@rescale_line,
+		\@rescale_fill, "$i-$start-$stop"
+	);
+	# scale
+	$self->make_scale( $i, $start, $stop );
+sub debug {
+	my ( $self, $title, @arrs ) = @_;
+	print "=" x 16 . "\n";
+	foreach (@arrs) {
+		my @arr = @{$_};
+		printf "Array %s : %s\n", $title, scalar @arr;
+		print "\t"
+		  . join( ',',
+			map { sprintf( '%-10d', int($_) ) } @arr[ 0 .. 10 ] )
+		  . "\n";
+		my $a = scalar(@arr) - 11;
+		my $b = scalar(@arr) - 1;
+		print "\t"
+		  . join( ',',
+			map { sprintf( '%-10d', int($_) ) } @arr[ $a .. $b ] )
+		  . "\n";
+	}
+sub svg_add_track {
+	my (
+		$self,     $x_values_ref, $data_ref,
+		$line_ref, $fill_ref,     $base_track_id
+	) = @_;
+	my @x_values = @{$x_values_ref};
+	my @data     = @{$data_ref};
+	my @lines    = @{$line_ref};
+	my @fills    = @{$fill_ref};
+	my $it = each_array( @data, @lines, @fills );
+	while ( my ( $pry, $prl, $prf ) = $it->() ) {
+		my $plot_data = $self->svg()->get_path(
+			x     => \@x_values,
+			y     => $pry,
+			-type => 'polyline',
+			-closed => 'false' #specify that the polyline is closed.
+		);
+		$self->plot_track( $plot_data, $prl, $prf, "$base_track_id" );
+	}
+sub plot_data {
+	my ( $self, %d ) = @_;
+	$self->add_header( $d{regular}, $d{rescale} );
+	##loop through rows
+	foreach ( my $i = 0 ; $i < $self->num_rows() ; $i++ ) {
+		my ( $start, $stop ) =
+		  ( $i * $self->row_size(), ( $i + 1 ) * $self->row_size() );
+		$self->plot_individual_row( $start, $stop, $i, $d{regular},
+			$d{rescale}, );
+	}
+sub plot_data_subset {
+	my ( $self, %d ) = @_;
+	$self->add_header( $d{regular}, $d{rescale} );
+	##loop through rows
+	$self->plot_individual_row( $d{from}, $d{to}, 0, $d{regular},
+		$d{rescale}, );
+sub push_all {
+	my ( $self, $array_ref, @values ) = @_;
+	foreach ( @{$array_ref} ) {
+		push( @{$_}, @values );
+	}
+no Moose;
+=encoding UTF-8
+=head1 NAME
+CPT::Analysis::PAUSE::SVG - Library for use in PAUSE analysis
+=head1 VERSION
+version 1.96
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Eric Rasche <rasche.eric@yandex.ru>
+This software is Copyright (c) 2014 by Eric Rasche.
+This is free software, licensed under:
+  The GNU General Public License, Version 3, June 2007