Mercurial > repos > cpt > cpt_psm_recombine
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planemo upload commit f33bdf952d796c5d7a240b132af3c4cbd102decc
author | cpt |
date | Fri, 05 Jan 2024 05:56:18 +0000 (14 months ago) |
parents | 97ef96676b48 |
children |
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package CPT::GBK2GFF3; use strict; use warnings; use CPT; use Data::Dumper; use autodie; use Bio::SeqIO; use Moose; has data => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'ArrayRef', default => sub { [] }, ); has header => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'ArrayRef', ); has sequence => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', ); has seqid => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', ); has genbank => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', ); has is_circular => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', ); has id_prefix => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Str' ); has global_feat_idx => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Int', default => sub { 0 } ); has source => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'ArrayRef'); my %feat_type_count; my %reserved_keys = map { $_ => 1 } qw/ID Name Alias Parent Target Gap Derives_from Note Dbxref Ontology_term/; use CPT::Bio; my $bio = CPT::Bio->new(); my %key_mapping = ( "-" => [ "located_sequence_feature", "SO:0000110" ], "-10_signal" => [ "minus_10_signal", "SO:0000175" ], "-35_signal" => [ "minus_35_signal", "SO:0000176" ], "3'UTR" => [ "three_prime_UTR", "SO:0000205" ], "3'clip" => [ "three_prime_clip", "SO:0000557" ], "5'UTR" => [ "five_prime_UTR", "SO:0000204" ], "5'clip" => [ "five_prime_clip", "SO:0000555" ], "CAAT_signal" => [ "CAAT_signal", "SO:0000172" ], "CDS" => [ "CDS", "SO:0000316" ], "D-loop" => [ "D_loop", "SO:0000297" ], "D_segment" => [ "D_gene", "SO:0000458" ], "GC_signal" => [ "GC_rich_region", "SO:0000173" ], "LTR" => [ "long_terminal_repeat", "SO:0000286" ], "RBS" => [ "ribosome_entry_site", "SO:0000139" ], "STS" => [ "STS", "SO:0000331" ], "TATA_signal" => [ "TATA_box", "SO:0000174" ], "attenuator" => [ "attenuator", "SO:0000140" ], "enhancer" => [ "enhancer", "SO:0000165" ], "exon" => [ "exon", "SO:0000147" ], "gap" => [ "gap", "SO:0000730" ], "gene" => [ "gene", "SO:0000704" ], "iDNA" => [ "iDNA", "SO:0000723" ], "intron" => [ "intron", "SO:0000188" ], "mRNA" => [ "mRNA", "SO:0000234" ], "mat_peptide" => [ "mature_protein_region", "SO:0000419" ], "misc_RNA" => [ "transcript", "SO:0000673" ], "misc_binding" => [ "binding_site", "SO:0000409" ], "misc_difference" => [ "sequence_difference", "SO:0000413" ], "misc_feature" => [ "region", "SO:0000001" ], "misc_recomb" => [ "recombination_feature", "SO:0000298" ], "misc_signal" => [ "regulatory_region", "SO:0005836" ], "misc_structure" => [ "sequence_secondary_structure", "SO:0000002" ], "modified_base" => [ "modified_DNA_base", "SO:0000305" ], "operon" => [ "operon", "SO:0000178" ], "oriT" => [ "origin_of_transfer", "SO:0000724" ], "polyA_signal" => [ "polyA_signal_sequence", "SO:0000551" ], "polyA_site" => [ "polyA_site", "SO:0000553" ], "precursor_RNA" => [ "primary_transcript", "SO:0000185" ], "prim_transcript" => [ "primary_transcript", "SO:0000185" ], "primer_bind" => [ "primer_binding_site", "SO:0005850" ], "promoter" => [ "promoter", "SO:0000167" ], "protein_bind" => [ "protein_binding_site", "SO:0000410" ], "rRNA" => [ "rRNA", "SO:0000252" ], "repeat_region" => [ "repeat_region", "SO:0000657" ], "repeat_unit" => [ "repeat_unit", "SO:0000726" ], "satellite" => [ "satellite_DNA", "SO:0000005" ], "scRNA" => [ "scRNA", "SO:0000013" ], "sig_peptide" => [ "signal_peptide", "SO:0000418" ], "snRNA" => [ "snRNA", "SO:0000274" ], "snoRNA" => [ "snoRNA", "SO:0000275" ], "source" => [ "contig", "SO:0000149" ], # manually modified "stem_loop" => [ "stem_loop", "SO:0000313" ], "tRNA" => [ "tRNA", "SO:0000253" ], "terminator" => [ "terminator", "SO:0000141" ], "transit_peptide" => [ "transit_peptide", "SO:0000725" ], "variation" => [ "sequence_variant", "SO:0000109" ], ); sub get_gff3_file { my ($self) = @_; my @output; for my $header_line ( @{ $self->header() } ) { push( @output, $header_line ); } push( @output, join( "\t", @{ $self->get_source } ) ); for my $data_line ( @{ $self->data() }) { push( @output, join( "\t", @{$data_line} ) ); } push( @output, '##FASTA' ); push( @output, '>' . $self->seqid() ); my $seq = $self->sequence(); $seq =~ s/(.{80})/$1\n/g; push( @output, $seq ); return join( "\n", @output ); } sub escape { my ($self, $str) = @_; $str =~ s/,/%2C/g; $str =~ s/=/%3D/g; $str =~ s/;/%3B/g; $str =~ s/\t/%09/g; return $str; } sub FT_SO_map { my ( $self, $key ) = @_; if ( $key_mapping{$key} ) { my @result = @{ $key_mapping{$key} }; return $result[0]; } else { return 'region'; } } sub source_map { my ( $self, $type ) = @_; if ( $self->{'override_source'} ) { return $self->{'override_source'}; } if ( $self->{'annotation_software'}{$type} ) { return $self->{'annotation_software'}{$type}; } else { return '.'; } } sub get_attrs { my ( $self, %data ) = @_; my $feature = $data{'feat'}; my $parents_ref = $data{'parents'}; my %attrs = (); $attrs{'ID'} = $self->id_prefix() . '.' . ($self->global_feat_idx()); $self->global_feat_idx($self->global_feat_idx()+1); # Handle Identifier my $identifier = $bio->_getIdentifier($feature); if ( $identifier ne 'ERROR' ) { $attrs{'Name'} = $identifier . '.' . $feature->primary_tag; } # Handle parents, if there are any if ($parents_ref) { if ( ref($parents_ref) eq 'ARRAY' ) { $attrs{'Parent'} = $parents_ref; } else { $attrs{'Parent'} = [$parents_ref]; } } # These are otherwise "Special" keys that need to be handled differently. if ( $feature->has_tag('note') ) { my @notes = $feature->get_tag_values('note'); $attrs{'Note'} = \@notes; } if ( $feature->has_tag('db_xref') ) { my @dbxref = $feature->get_tag_values('db_xref'); $attrs{'Dbxref'} = \@dbxref; } # Do the rest for my $tag ( $feature->get_all_tags() ) { # If not one of the specially handled ones if ( $tag ne 'name' && $tag ne 'note' && $tag ne 'db_xref' ) { # If not a reserved_key if ( !$reserved_keys{$tag} ) { my @vals = $feature->get_tag_values($tag); $attrs{lc($tag)} = \@vals; } else { warn "Trying to set a reserved key $tag with value $attrs{$tag}"; } } } my %response = ( id => $attrs{'ID'}, attr_str => $self->post_process_attribute_string(%attrs), ); return %response; } sub post_process_attribute_string { my ($self,%attrs) = @_; my @parts = (); for my $k ( keys %attrs ) { # IGNORED TAGS if ( $k ne 'translation' && $k ne 'product' ) { my $joined = $self->escape_and_join_attribute_subpart( $attrs{$k} ); push @parts, "$k=$joined"; } } #print STDERR join("\t",@parts),"\n"; return join( ";", @parts ); } sub escape_and_join_attribute_subpart { my ($self,$ref) = @_; if ( ref($ref) eq 'ARRAY' ) { my @attrs = @{$ref}; return join( ",", map { $self->escape($_) } @attrs ); } else { #scalar return $self->escape($ref); } } sub get_source { my ($self) = @_; if ( !$self->source() ) { $self->auto_source(); } return $self->source(); } sub auto_source { # Auto generate a source feature, in case there isn't one. my ($self) = @_; my @region = ( $self->seqid(), ( $self->genbank() ? 'Genbank' : 'Assembly' ), 'contig', 1, $self->get_length, '.', '.', '.', sprintf( "ID=%s;Name=%s", $self->seqid(), $self->seqid() ) . ( $self->is_circular() ? ";Is_circular=True" : "" ) ); $self->source(\@region); } sub add_feature { my ( $self, $feat ) = @_; my $primary_tag = $feat->primary_tag; if ( $primary_tag eq 'CDS' ) { my ( $id, $data_0 ) = $self->_add_gene( feat => $feat, ); my ($data_1) = $self->_add_feature( feat => $feat, parent => $id, ); $self->_low_level_add_feature($data_0); $self->_low_level_add_feature($data_1); } elsif ( $primary_tag eq 'source' ) { my ($data) = $self->_add_feature( feat => $feat, ); # YUCK. my @z = @{$data}; my $seqid = $self->seqid(); $z[8] =~ s/ID=[^;]*;/ID=$seqid;/g; $self->source( \@z ); } elsif ( $primary_tag ne 'gene' ) { my ($data) = $self->_add_feature( feat => $feat, ); $self->_low_level_add_feature($data); } } sub _low_level_add_feature { my ( $self, $data ) = @_; push( @{ $self->data() }, $data ); } sub _add_feature { my ( $self, %data ) = @_; my %attrs = $self->get_attrs( feat => $data{feat}, parents => $data{parent} ); my @data = ( $self->seqid(), $self->source_map( $data{feat}->primary_tag ), $self->FT_SO_map( $data{feat}->primary_tag ), $data{feat}->start, $data{feat}->end, '.', ( $data{feat}->strand == 1 ? '+' : '-' ), '.', $attrs{attr_str} ); #$self->_low_level_add_feature(\@data); return \@data; } sub _add_gene { my ( $self, %data ) = @_; my $id = $self->id_prefix() . '.' . ( $self->global_feat_idx()); $self->global_feat_idx($self->global_feat_idx()+1); my $gene_count = ++$feat_type_count{'gene'}; my @data = ( $self->seqid(), $self->source_map( $data{feat}->primary_tag ), $self->FT_SO_map('gene'), $data{feat}->start, $data{feat}->end, '.', ( $data{feat}->strand == 1 ? '+' : '-' ), '.', "ID=$id;Name=Gene$gene_count" ); #$self->_low_level_add_feature(\@data); return ( $id, \@data ); } no Moose; 1; __END__ =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME CPT::GBK2GFF3 =head1 VERSION version 1.99.4 =head1 AUTHOR Eric Rasche <> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is Copyright (c) 2014 by Eric Rasche. This is free software, licensed under: The GNU General Public License, Version 3, June 2007 =cut