view gomwu.functions.R @ 2:5acf9dfdfa27 draft default tip

planemo upload commit 66a856bcce69986d9a6f1a39820dd9b3f4f6b0db
author cristian
date Wed, 09 Nov 2022 08:57:54 +0000
parents f7287f82602f
line wrap: on
line source

clusteringGOs <- function(gen2go, div, cutHeight) {
    nn <- strsplit(gen2go, "[/.]")
    if (length(nn[[1]]) == 3) {
        dir <- nn[[1]][1]
        name <- nn[[1]][2]
        ext <- nn[[1]][3]
    } else if (length(nn[[1]]) == 2) {
        dir <- "."
        name <- nn[[1]][1]
        ext <- nn[[1]][2]
    inname <- paste(dir, "/", "dissim0_", div, "_", name, ".", ext, sep = "")

    outname <- paste(dir, "/", "cl_dissim0_", div, "_", name, ".", ext, sep = "")
    if (!file.exists(outname)) {
        diss <- read.table(inname, sep = "\t", header = T, check.names = F)
        row.names(diss) <- names(diss)
        hc <- hclust(as.dist(diss), method = "complete")
        cc <- cutree(hc, h = cutHeight)
        write.csv(cc, file = outname, quote = F)

gomwuStats <- function(input, goDatabase, goAnnotations, goDivision, scriptdir, Module = FALSE, Alternative = "t", adjust.multcomp = "BH", clusterCutHeight = 0.25, largest = 0.1, smallest = 5, perlPath = "perl", shuffle.reps = 20) {
    nn <- strsplit(input, "[/.]")
    if (length(nn[[1]]) == 3) {
        dir <- nn[[1]][1]
        name <- nn[[1]][2]
        ext <- nn[[1]][3]
    } else if (length(nn[[1]]) == 2) {
        dir <- "."
        name <- nn[[1]][1]
        ext <- nn[[1]][2]

    extraOptions <- paste("largest=", largest, " smallest=", smallest, " cutHeight=", clusterCutHeight, sep = "")
    if (Module == TRUE) {
        adjust.multcomp <- "shuffle"
    gomwu_a <- paste(scriptdir, "", sep = "/")
    gomwu_b <- paste(scriptdir, "", sep = "/")
    system(paste(perlPath, gomwu_a, goDatabase, goAnnotations, input, goDivision, extraOptions))
    clusteringGOs(goAnnotations, goDivision, clusterCutHeight)
    system(paste(perlPath, gomwu_b, goAnnotations, input, goDivision))

    inname <- paste(dir, "/", name, "_", goDivision, ".tsv", sep = "")
    rsq <- read.table(inname, sep = "\t", header = T)
    rsq$term <- as.factor(rsq$term)

    mwut.t <- TRUE
    if (length(levels(as.factor(rsq$value))) == 2) {
        cat("Binary classification detected; will perform Fisher's test\n")
        mwut.t <- F
        rr <- fisherTest(rsq)
    } else {
        if (Module == TRUE) {
            rsq.f <- rsq
            rsq.f$value <- as.numeric(rsq.f$value > 0)
            rf <- fisherTest(rsq.f)
            rsq.m <- rsq[rsq$value > 0, ]
            rsq.m$term <- factor(rsq.m$term, levels = unique(rsq.m$term))
            rrm <- mwuTest(rsq.m, "g")
            rr0 <- rf[rf$term %in% rrm$term, ]
            rr1 <- rf[!(rf$term %in% rrm$term), ]
            rr0 <- rr0[order(rr0$term), ]
            rrm <- rrm[order(rrm$term), ]
            rr0$pval <- rr0$pval * rrm$pval
            rr <- rbind(rr0, rr1)
        } else {
            cat("Continuous measure of interest: will perform MWU test\n")
            rr <- mwuTest(rsq, Alternative)

    if (adjust.multcomp == "shuffle") {
        message("shuffling values to calculate FDR, ", shuffle.reps, " reps")
        reps <- shuffle.reps
        spv <- c()
        for (i in 1:reps) {
            message("replicate ", i)
            rsqq <- rsq
            rsqq$value <- sample(rsq$value)
            if (Module == TRUE) {
                rsq.f <- rsqq
                rsq.f$value <- as.numeric(rsq.f$value > 0)
                rf <- fisherTest(rsq.f)
                rsq.m <- rsqq[rsqq$value > 0, ]
                rsq.m$term <- factor(rsq.m$term, levels = unique(rsq.m$term))
                rrm <- mwuTest(rsq.m, "g")
                rr0 <- rf[rf$term %in% rrm$term, ]
                rr1 <- rf[!(rf$term %in% rrm$term), ]
                rr0 <- rr0[order(rr0$term), ]
                rrm <- rrm[order(rrm$term), ]
                rr0$pval <- rr0$pval * rrm$pval
                rs <- rbind(rr0, rr1)
            } else {
                if (mwut.t == TRUE) {
                    rs <- mwuTest(rsqq, Alternative)
                } else {
                    rs <- fisherTest(rsqq)
            spv <- append(spv, rs$pval)
        fdr <- c()
        for (p in rr$pval) {
            fdr <- append(fdr, (sum(spv <= p) / reps) / sum(rr$pval <= p))
        fdr[fdr > 1] <- 1
    } else {
        fdr <- p.adjust(rr$pval, method = adjust.multcomp)

    message(sum(fdr < 0.1), " GO terms at 10% FDR")
    rr$p.adj <- fdr
    fname <- paste(dir, "/", "MWU_", goDivision, "_", name, ".", ext, sep = "")
    write.table(rr, fname, sep = "\t", row.names = F)

mwuTest <- function(gotable, Alternative) {
    gos <- gotable
    terms <- levels(gos$term)
    gos$seq <- as.character(gos$seq)
    nrg <- gos[!duplicated(gos$seq), 5]
    names(nrg) <- gos[!duplicated(gos$seq), 4]
    # 	nrg=nrg+rnorm(nrg,sd=0.01) # to be able to do exact wilcox test
    rnk <- rank(nrg)
    names(rnk) <- names(nrg)
    pvals <- c()
    drs <- c()
    nams <- c()
    levs <- c()
    nseqs <- c()
    for (t in terms) {
        got <- gos[gos$term == t, ]
        got <- got[!duplicated(got$seq), ]
        ngot <- gos[gos$term != t, ]
        ngot <- ngot[!duplicated(ngot$seq), ]
        ngot <- ngot[!(ngot$seq %in% got$seq), ]
        sgo.yes <- got$seq
        n1 <- length(sgo.yes) <- ngot$seq
        n2 <- length(
        # message(t," wilcox:",n1," ",n2)
        wi <- wilcox.test(nrg[sgo.yes], nrg[], alternative = Alternative) # removed correct=FALSE
        r1 <- sum(rnk[sgo.yes]) / n1
        r0 <- sum(rnk[]) / n2
        dr <- r1 - r0
        drs <- append(drs, round(dr, 0))
        levs <- append(levs, got$lev[1])
        nams <- append(nams, as.character(got$name[1]))
        pvals <- append(pvals, wi$p.value)
        nseqs <- append(nseqs, n1)
    res <- data.frame(cbind("delta.rank" = drs, "pval" = pvals, "level" = levs, nseqs))
    res <- cbind(res, "term" = as.character(terms), "name" = nams)
    res$pval <- as.numeric(as.character(res$pval))
    res$delta.rank <- as.numeric(as.character(res$delta.rank))
    res$level <- as.numeric(as.character(res$level))
    res$nseqs <- as.numeric(as.character(res$nseqs))
fisherTest <- function(gotable) {
    gos <- gotable
    terms <- levels(gos$term)
    gos$seq <- as.character(gos$seq)
    pft <- c()
    nam <- c()
    lev <- c()
    nseqs <- c()
    for (t in terms) {
        got <- gos[gos$term == t, ]
        got <- got[!duplicated(got$seq), ]
        ngot <- gos[gos$term != t, ]
        ngot <- ngot[!duplicated(ngot$seq), ]
        ngot <- ngot[!(ngot$seq %in% got$seq), ]
        go.sig <- sum(got$value)
        go.ns <- length(got[, 1]) - go.sig
        ngo.sig <- sum(ngot$value)
        ngo.ns <- length(ngot[, 1]) - ngo.sig
        sig <- c(go.sig, ngo.sig) # number of significant genes belonging and not belonging to the tested GO category
        ns <- c(go.ns, ngo.ns) # number of not-significant genes belonging and not belonging to the tested GO category
        mm <- matrix(c(sig, ns), nrow = 2, dimnames = list(ns = c("go", "notgo"), sig = c("go", "notgo")))
        ff <- fisher.test(mm, alternative = "greater")
        pft <- append(pft, ff$p.value)
        nam <- append(nam, as.character(got$name[1]))
        lev <- append(lev, got$lev[1])
        nseqs <- append(nseqs, length(got[, 1]))
    res <- data.frame(cbind("delta.rank" = rep(0), "pval" = pft, "level" = lev, nseqs, "term" = terms, "name" = nam))
    res[, 1] <- as.numeric(as.character(res[, 1]))
    res[, 2] <- as.numeric(as.character(res[, 2]))
    res[, 3] <- as.numeric(as.character(res[, 3]))
    res$nseqs <- as.numeric(as.character(res$nseqs))

gomwuPlot <- function(inFile, goAnnotations, goDivision, level1 = 0.1, level2 = 0.05, level3 = 0.01, absValue = -log(0.05, 10), adjusted = TRUE, txtsize = 1, = "sans", treeHeight = 0.5, colors = NULL) {

    nn <- strsplit(inFile, "[/.]")
    if (length(nn[[1]]) == 3) {
        dir <- nn[[1]][1]
        name <- nn[[1]][2]
        ext <- nn[[1]][3]
    } else if (length(nn[[1]]) == 2) {
        dir <- "."
        name <- nn[[1]][1]
        ext <- nn[[1]][2]
    aa <- strsplit(goAnnotations, "[/.]")
    if (length(aa[[1]]) == 3) {
        adir <- aa[[1]][1]
        aname <- aa[[1]][2]
        aext <- aa[[1]][3]
    } else if (length(aa[[1]]) == 2) {
        adir <- "."
        aname <- aa[[1]][1]
        aext <- aa[[1]][2]
    # input=inFile
    in.mwu <- paste(dir, "/", paste("MWU", goDivision, name, sep = "_"), ".", ext, sep = "")
    in.dissim <- paste(dir, "/", paste("dissim", goDivision, name, aname, sep = "_"), ".", aext, sep = "")

    cutoff <- -log(level1, 10)
    pv <- read.table(in.mwu, header = T)
    row.names(pv) <- pv$term
    in.raw <- paste(dir, "/", paste(name, goDivision, sep = "_"), ".tsv", sep = "")
    rsq <- read.table(in.raw, sep = "\t", header = T)
    rsq$term <- as.factor(rsq$term)

    if (adjusted == TRUE) {
        pvals <- pv$p.adj
    } else {
        pvals <- pv$pval
    heat <- data.frame(cbind("pval" = pvals))
    row.names(heat) <- pv$term
    heat$pval <- -log(heat$pval + 1e-15, 10)
    heat$direction <- 0
    heat$direction[pv$delta.rank > 0] <- 1
    if (cutoff > 0) {
        goods <- subset(heat, pval >= cutoff)
    } else {
        goods.names <- unique(rsq$term[abs(rsq$value) >= absValue])
        goods <- heat[row.names(heat) %in% goods.names, ]

    if (is.null(colors) | length(colors) < 4) {
        colors <- c("dodgerblue2", "firebrick1", "skyblue2", "lightcoral")
        if (sum(goods$direction) == nrow(goods) | sum(goods$direction) == 0) {
            colors <- c("black", "black", "grey50", "grey50")
    goods.names <- row.names(goods)

    # reading and subsetting dissimilarity matrix
    diss <- read.table(in.dissim, sep = "\t", header = T, check.names = F)
    row.names(diss) <- names(diss)
    diss.goods <- diss[goods.names, goods.names]

    # how many genes out of what we started with we account for with our best categories?
    good.len <- c()
    good.genes <- c()
    for (g in goods.names) {
        sel <- rsq[rsq$term == g, ]
        pass <- abs(sel$value) >= absValue
        sel <- sel[pass, ]
        good.genes <- append(good.genes, as.character(sel$seq))
        good.len <- append(good.len, nrow(sel))
    ngenes <- length(unique(good.genes))

    # hist(rsq$value)
    totSum <- length(unique(rsq$seq[abs(rsq$value) >= absValue]))
    row.names(goods) <- paste(good.len, "/", pv[pv$term %in% goods.names, ]$nseqs, " ", pv[pv$term %in% goods.names, ]$name, sep = "")
    row.names(heat) <- paste(good.len, "/", pv$nseqs, " ", pv$name, sep = "")
    row.names(diss.goods) <- paste(good.len, "/", pv[pv$term %in% goods.names, ]$nseqs, " ", pv[pv$term %in% goods.names, ]$name, sep = "")

    # clustering terms better than cutoff
    GO.categories <- as.dist(diss.goods)
    cl.goods <- hclust(GO.categories, method = "average")
    labs <- cl.goods$labels[cl.goods$order] # saving the labels to order the plot
    goods <- goods[labs, ]
    labs <- sub(" activity", "", labs)

    old.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)

    plots <- layout(matrix(c(1, 2, 3), 1, 3, byrow = T), c(treeHeight, 3, 1), TRUE)

    par(mar = c(2, 2, 0.85, 0))
    plot(as.phylo(cl.goods), show.tip.label = FALSE, cex = 0.0000001)

    par(mar = c(2, 0, 1, 0))
    step <- dev.size("px")[2] / (length(goods.names) - 1)
    left <- 1
    top <- step * (length(labs) - 1)
    # print(paste("Size:", dev.size("px")))
    # print(paste("Good:", length(goods.names), "Step:", step, "Top:", top))

    plot(c(1:top), c(1:top), type = "n", axes = F, xlab = "", ylab = "")
    ii <- 0
    goods$color <- 1
    goods$color[goods$direction == 1 & goods$pval > cutoff] <- colors[4]
    goods$color[goods$direction == 0 & goods$pval > cutoff] <- colors[3]
    goods$color[goods$direction == 1 & goods$pval > (-log(level2, 10))] <- colors[2]
    goods$color[goods$direction == 0 & goods$pval > (-log(level2, 10))] <- colors[1]
    goods$color[goods$direction == 1 & goods$pval > (-log(level3, 10))] <- colors[2]
    goods$color[goods$direction == 0 & goods$pval > (-log(level3, 10))] <- colors[1]
    for (i in length(labs):1) {
        ypos <- round(top - step * ii)
        # print(paste("Ypos:", ypos))
        ii <- ii + 1
        if (goods$pval[i] > -log(level3, 10)) {
            text(left, ypos, labs[i], font = 2, cex = 1 * txtsize, col = goods$color[i], adj = c(0, 0), family =
        } else {
            if (goods$pval[i] > -log(level2, 10)) {
                text(left, ypos, labs[i], font = 1, cex = 0.8 * txtsize, col = goods$color[i], adj = c(0, 0), family =
            } else {
                # 			if (goods$pval[i]>cutoff) {
                # 				text(left,ypos,labs[i],font=3,cex=0.8* txtsize,col=goods$color[i],adj=c(0,0),
                # 		} else {
                text(left, ypos, labs[i], font = 3, cex = 0.8 * txtsize, col = goods$color[i], adj = c(0, 0), family =
                # }

    par(mar = c(3, 1, 1, 0))

    plot(c(1:top), c(1:top), type = "n", axes = F, xlab = "", ylab = "")
    text(left, top - step * 2, paste("p < ", level3, sep = ""), font = 2, cex = 1 * txtsize, adj = c(0, 0), family =
    text(left, top - step * 3, paste("p < ", level2, sep = ""), font = 1, cex = 0.8 * txtsize, adj = c(0, 0), family =
    text(left, top - step * 4, paste("p < ", 10^(-cutoff), sep = ""), font = 3, col = "grey50", cex = 0.8 * txtsize, adj = c(0, 0), family =

    message("GO terms dispayed: ", length(goods.names))
    message("\"Good genes\" accounted for:  ", ngenes, " out of ", totSum, " ( ", round(100 * ngenes / totSum, 0), "% )")
    goods$pval <- 10^(-1 * goods$pval)
    return(list(goods, cl.goods))

# returns non-overlapping GO categories based on dissimilarity table
indepGO <- function(dissim.table, min.similarity = 1) {
    tt <- read.table(dissim.table, sep = "\t", header = TRUE)
    tt <- as.matrix(tt)
    diag(tt) <- 1
    for (i in 1:ncol(tt)) {
        mins <- apply(tt, 2, min)
        if (min(mins) >= min.similarity) {
        sums <- apply(tt, 2, sum)
        worst <- which(sums == min(sums))[1]
        # cat("\n",worsts,"\n")
        # gw=c()
        # for(w in worsts) { gw=append(gw,sum(tt[,w]==1)) }
        # cat(gw)
        # worst=worsts[gw==min(gw)]
        # 		cat("\n",i," removing",worst,"; sum =",sums[worst])
        tt <- tt[-worst, -worst]
        mins <- mins[-worst]
        # 		cat(" new min =",min(mins))
    goods <- colnames(tt)
    goods <- gsub("GO\\.", "GO:", goods)
    goods <- gsub("\\.GO", ";GO", goods)