diff blast_reporting.py @ 0:7db7ecc78ad6 draft

author damion
date Mon, 02 Mar 2015 20:46:00 -0500
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/blast_reporting.py	Mon Mar 02 20:46:00 2015 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,627 @@
+"""Convert a BLAST XML file to 12 column tabular output
+This tool can be used both via command line and via a local Galaxy install.  
+Galaxy uses .loc files as indicated by the tool_data_table_conf.xml.sample.
+The command line version uses .tab versions of the above files: 
+	blast_reporting_fields.loc
+	fasta_reference_dbs.loc
+So for command-line use, ensure the .tab files are updated to their .loc counterparts.
+Takes three command line options, input BLAST XML filename, output tabular
+BLAST filename, output format (std for standard 12 columns, or ext for the
+extended 24 columns offered in the BLAST+ wrappers).
+The 12 columns output are 'qseqid sseqid pident length mismatch gapopen qstart
+qend sstart send evalue bitscore' or 'std' at the BLAST+ command line, which
+====== ========= ============================================
+Column NCBI name Description
+------ --------- --------------------------------------------
+     1 qseqid    Query Seq-id (ID of your sequence)
+     2 sseqid    Subject Seq-id (ID of the database hit)
+     3 pident    Percentage of identical matches
+     4 length    Alignment length
+     5 mismatch  Number of mismatches
+     6 gapopen   Number of gap openings
+     7 qstart    Start of alignment in query
+     8 qend      End of alignment in query
+     9 sstart    Start of alignment in subject (database hit)
+    10 send      End of alignment in subject (database hit)
+    11 evalue    Expectation value (E-value)
+    12 bitscore  Bit score
+====== ========= ============================================
+The additional columns offered in the Galaxy BLAST+ wrappers are:
+====== ============= ===========================================
+Column NCBI name     Description
+------ ------------- -------------------------------------------
+    13 sallseqid     All subject Seq-id(s), separated by a ';'
+    14 score         Raw score
+    15 nident        Number of identical matches
+    16 positive      Number of positive-scoring matches
+    17 gaps          Total number of gaps
+    18 ppos          Percentage of positive-scoring matches
+    19 qframe        Query frame
+    20 sframe        Subject frame
+    21 qseq          Aligned part of query sequence
+    22 sseq          Aligned part of subject sequence
+    23 qlen          Query sequence length
+    24 slen          Subject sequence length
+====== ============= ===========================================
+Very slight modifications were made to the "BLAST XML to tabular" tool that
+ships with Galaxy to output two more column columns:
+====== ============= ===========================================
+Column NCBI name     Description
+------ ------------- -------------------------------------------
+    25 pcov          Percentage coverage
+    26 sallseqdescr  All subject Seq-descr(s), separated by a ','
+====== ============= ===========================================
+Most of these fields are given explicitly in the XML file, others some like
+the percentage identity and the number of gap openings must be calculated.
+In addition an option exists to select particular columns for the output 
+report.  Reference bin columns will be added if they have been included in
+A command line version can be used.  Type blast_reporting.py -h for help.
+Be aware that the sequence in the extended tabular output or XML direct from
+BLAST+ may or may not use XXXX masking on regions of low complexity. This
+can throw the off the calculation of percentage identity and gap openings.
+[In fact, both BLAST 2.2.24+ and 2.2.25+ have a subtle bug in this regard,
+with these numbers changing depending on whether or not the low complexity
+filter is used.]
+This script attempts to produce identical output to what BLAST+ would have done.
+However, check this with "diff -b ..." since BLAST+ sometimes includes an extra
+space character (probably a bug).
+python blast_reporting.py in_file out_tabular_file out_html_file out_format
+import sys
+import re
+import os.path
+import common
+import reference_bins
+#import templates.html_report
+if __name__ == '__main__' and __package__ is None:
+	from os import path
+	sys.path.append(path.dirname(path.dirname(path.abspath(__file__))))
+if sys.version_info[:2] >= ( 2, 5 ):
+    import xml.etree.cElementTree as ElementTree
+    from galaxy import eggs
+    import pkg_resources; pkg_resources.require( "elementtree" )
+    from elementtree import ElementTree
+class GenericRecord(object): pass
+class XMLRecordScan(object): 
+	"""
+	XML Input file usually looks like:
+		<BlastOutput>
+			<BlastOutput_program>blastn</BlastOutput_program>
+			<BlastOutput_param>
+				<Parameters>
+					<Parameters_expect>0.001</Parameters_expect>
+					<Parameters_sc-match>1</Parameters_sc-match>
+					<Parameters_sc-mismatch>-2</Parameters_sc-mismatch>
+					<Parameters_gap-open>0</Parameters_gap-open>
+					<Parameters_gap-extend>0</Parameters_gap-extend>
+					<Parameters_filter>L;m;</Parameters_filter>
+				</Parameters>
+			</BlastOutput_param>
+			<Iteration>
+				<Iteration_iter-num>1</Iteration_iter-num>
+				<Iteration_query-ID>Query_1</Iteration_query-ID>
+				<Iteration_query-def>ENA|EF604038|EF604038.1 Uncultured bacterium clone 16saw43-2g09.q1k 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence</Iteration_query-def>
+				<Iteration_query-len>1364</Iteration_query-len>
+				<Iteration_hits>
+				<Hit>
+					<Hit_num>1</Hit_num>
+					<Hit_id>gi|444439670|ref|NR_074985.1|</Hit_id>
+					<Hit_hsps>...
+						<Hsp>...
+	"""
+	def __init__(self, options, output_format):
+		""" Creates a record object that holds field data for each <hit> iteration in Blastn XML data
+		 .record object: holds values read in from <XML> <hit> record mainly.
+		 .tags dictionary: XML tags and the record.[x] fields/attributes that should be set to tag values.
+		 .column_format dictionary: Name to field count dictionary used for selecting # of output fields
+		 .fieldSpec dictionary: Specification of each possible field's type (for validation), full name, and suitability for sorting, filtering, etc.
+		 .custom_columns array takes list of custom columns to output. (If sorting by a column it must be in this list)
+		 .reference_bins dictionary
+		"""
+		self.record = GenericRecord() # Set up so we can use object attributes.
+		#This is a list of all incomming blast generated XML fields that we want to capture
+		# self.record gets all underscored variables values as well as new derived ones in process() below
+		self.tags = {
+			"BlastOutput_program":  '_blast_program', 
+			"Iteration_query-ID":   '_qseqid',
+			"Iteration_query-def":  '_qdef',
+			"Iteration_query-len":  '_qlen',	#extended+ calc
+			"Hit_id":               '_hit_id',
+			"Hit_def":              '_hit_def',	#extended+ calc
+			"Hit_accession":        '_hit_acc',
+			"Hit_len":              '_hit_len',
+			"Hsp_bit-score":        '_bitscore',	#basic
+			"Hsp_score":            '_score',	#extended
+			"Hsp_evalue":           '_evalue',	#basic
+			"Hsp_query-from":       '_qstart',	#basic, extended+ calc
+			"Hsp_query-to":         '_qend',	#basic, extended+ calc
+			"Hsp_hit-from":         '_sstart',	#basic
+			"Hsp_hit-to":           '_send',	#basic
+			"Hsp_query-frame":      '_qframe',	#extended only
+			"Hsp_hit-frame":        '_sframe',	#extended only
+			"Hsp_identity":         '_nident',	#extended
+			"Hsp_positive":         '_positive',	#extended
+			"Hsp_gaps":             '_gaps',	#extended
+			"Hsp_align-len":        '_length',	#basic
+			"Hsp_qseq":             '_qseq',	#extended
+			"Hsp_hseq":             '_sseq',	#extended
+			"Hsp_midline":          '_mseq'	#basic
+		}
+		self.column_format = {
+			'std':12,
+			'ext':24,
+			'std+seqs':12,
+			'ext+':26,
+			'custom':1
+		}
+		if not output_format in self.column_format:
+			common.stop_err("Format argument should be std (12 column) or ext (extended 24 columns) or ext+ (extended 26+ columns) or custom (you choose fields). Format argument x22 has been replaced with ext (extended 24 columns)")
+		# Array of columns destined for tab-delimited output - This defines default ORDER of fields too.
+		# Raw data fields that never get output: _bitscore, _evalue, _qframe, _sframe, 
+		# and this that has no m_frame equivalent: _mseq 
+		self.columns_in = 'qseqid sseqid pident _length mismatch gapopen _qstart _qend _sstart _send evalue bitscore \
+			sallseqid _score _nident _positive _gaps ppos qframe sframe _qseq _sseq qlen slen \
+			pcov sallseqdescr accessionid sseqdescr _mseq'.split()
+		fieldSpecFile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'blast_reporting_fields.tab')
+		self.field_spec = common.FieldSpec(fieldSpecFile, self.columns_in)
+		# Include first N fields from .columns according to format. 
+		# In all cases qseqid is included.
+		# Default everything to "column".
+		columns_out = self.columns_in[0:self.column_format[output_format]]
+		# This column list is designed for creating phylogeny reports.
+		if output_format == 'std+seqs': columns_out.extend(['_qseq','_sseq'])
+		self.columns = self.field_spec.initColumns(columns_out, options.custom_fields)
+		# We're making these columns hidden for this particular HTML report format 
+		# UNLESS they are mentioned in options.custom_fields
+		if output_format == 'std+seqs': 
+			for (ptr, target) in enumerate(self.columns):
+				if target['field'] in ['_qseq','_sseq'] and options.custom_fields and not target['field'] in options.custom_fields :
+					target['group'] = 'hidden' 
+		self.binManager = reference_bins.ReferenceBins()
+		self.binManager.build_bins(options.reference_bins, self.columns)
+	def setRecordAttr(self, tag, text):
+		#self.record is a class object (not a dictionary) so using setattr()
+		setattr(self.record, self.tags[tag], text) 
+	# Called after set() has processed a bunch of <hit> ...</hit> tags
+	def processRecord(self) :
+		bline = self.record
+		# NCBI notes: Expecting either this,
+		# <Hit_id>gi|3024260|sp|P56514.1|OPSD_BUFBU</Hit_id>
+		# <Hit_def>RecName: Full=Rhodopsin</Hit_def>
+		# <Hit_accession>P56514</Hit_accession>
+		#or,
+		# <Hit_id>Subject_1</Hit_id>
+		# <Hit_def>gi|57163783|ref|NP_001009242.1| rhodopsin [Felis catus]</Hit_def>
+		# <Hit_accession>Subject_1</Hit_accession>
+		#or,
+		# <Hit_id>Subject_1</Hit_id>
+		# <Hit_def>gi|57163783|ref|NP_001009242.1| rhodopsin [Felis catus]</Hit_def>
+		# <Hit_accession>Subject_1</Hit_accession>
+		#apparently depending on the parse_deflines switch            
+		sseqid = self.record._hit_id.split(None,1)[0]
+		# If Hit_id == Hit_accession AND it is a default "Subject_1" ...   
+		# OR Hit_accession IN Hit_id and BL_ORD_ID|XXXX contains hit_accession
+		if common.re_default_subject_id.match(sseqid) and sseqid.find(bline._hit_acc):
+		# and sseqid == bline._hit_acc:
+		#Place holder ID, take the first word of the subject definition
+			hit_def = bline._hit_def
+			sseqid = hit_def.split(None,1)[0]
+		else:
+			hit_def = sseqid + " " + bline._hit_def
+		self.record.sseqid = sseqid
+		if common.re_default_ncbi_id.match(sseqid):
+			self.record.accessionid = sseqid.split('|')[3] 
+		elif common.re_default_ref_id.match(sseqid):
+			self.record.accessionid = sseqid.split('|')[1] 
+		else: 
+			# Have to use the whole string.
+			self.record.accessionid = sseqid
+		# NCBI notes: Expecting either this, from BLAST 2.2.25+ using FASTA vs FASTA
+		# <Iteration_query-ID>sp|Q9BS26|ERP44_HUMAN</Iteration_query-ID>
+		# <Iteration_query-def>Endoplasmic reticulum resident protein 44 OS=Homo sapiens GN=ERP44 PE=1 SV=1</Iteration_query-def>
+		# <Iteration_query-len>406</Iteration_query-len>
+		# <Iteration_hits></Iteration_hits>
+		#
+		#Or, from BLAST 2.2.24+ run online
+		# <Iteration_query-ID>Query_1</Iteration_query-ID>
+		# <Iteration_query-def>Sample</Iteration_query-def>
+		# <Iteration_query-len>516</Iteration_query-len>
+		# <Iteration_hits>...
+		# Note BioPython's approach http://biopython.org/DIST/docs/api/Bio.SearchIO.BlastIO.blast_xml-pysrc.html
+		# ... if hit_id.startswith('gnl|BL_ORD_ID|'): ...
+		if common.re_default_query_id.match(bline._qseqid): 
+		#Place holder ID, take the first word of the query definition
+			qseqid = bline._qdef.split(None,1)[0]
+		else:
+			qseqid = bline._qseqid
+		self.record.qseqid = qseqid
+		self.record.evalue = "0.0" if bline._evalue == "0" else "%0.0e" % float(bline._evalue)
+		# NCBI notes:
+		#   if bline._bitscore < 100:
+		#       #Seems to show one decimal place for lower scores
+		#       bitscore = "%0.1f" % bline._bitscore
+		#   else:
+		#       #Note BLAST does not round to nearest int, it truncates
+		#       bitscore = "%i" % bline._bitscore
+		bitscore = float(bline._bitscore)
+		self.record.bitscore = "%0.1f" % bitscore if bitscore < 100 else "%i" % bitscore
+		self.record.pident = "%0.2f" % (100*float(bline._nident)/float(bline._length))
+		self.record.gapopen = str(len(bline._qseq.replace('-', ' ').split())-1 + \
+			len(bline._sseq.replace('-', ' ').split())-1)
+		mismatch = bline._mseq.count(' ') + bline._mseq.count('+') \
+		     - bline._qseq.count('-') - bline._sseq.count('-')
+		#assert len(bline._qseq) == len(bline._sseq) == len(bline._mseq) == int(bline._length)
+		self.record.mismatch = str(mismatch)
+		# Extended fields
+		#sallseqid gets ";" delimited list of first words in each hit_def "x>y>z" expression. 
+		#Nov 7 2013 fix: https://github.com/peterjc/galaxy_blast/blob/master/tools/ncbi_blast_plus/blastxml_to_tabular.py
+		hit_def_array = hit_def.split(" >") #Note: elem.text below converts escaped "&gt;" back to ">"
+		try: 
+			self.record.sallseqid = ";".join(name.split(None,1)[0] for name in hit_def_array)
+		except IndexError as e:
+			common.stop_err("Problem splitting multiple hit ids?\n%r\n--> %s" % (hit_def, e))
+		# Calculate accession ids, and check bin(s) for them, update record accordingly.
+		self.binManager.setStatus(self.record)
+		self.record.ppos = "%0.2f" % (100*float(bline._positive)/float(bline._length))
+		qframe = bline._qframe
+		sframe = bline._sframe 
+		if bline._blast_program == "blastp":
+			#Probably a bug in BLASTP that they use 0 or 1 depending on format
+			if qframe == "0": qframe = "1" 
+			if sframe == "0": sframe = "1" 
+		self.record.qframe = qframe
+		self.record.sframe = sframe
+		self.record.slen = str(int(bline._hit_len))
+		self.record.qlen = str(int(bline._qlen))
+		#extended+
+		self.record.pcov = "%0.2f" % (float(int(bline._qend) - int(bline._qstart) + 1)/int(bline._qlen) * 100)
+		sallseqdescr = []
+		try: 
+			for name in hit_def_array:
+				id_desc = name.split(None,1)
+				if len(id_desc) == 1: sallseqdescr.append('missing description - database issue') 
+				else: sallseqdescr.append(id_desc[1]) 
+		except IndexError as e:
+			common.stop_err("Problem splitting multiple hits?\n%r\n--> %s" % (hit_def, e))
+		# Example sallseqdescr is "Mus musculus ribosomal protein S8 (Rps8), mRNA ;Mus musculus ES cells cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:2410041L12 product:ribosomal protein S8, full insert sequence"
+		self.record.sallseqdescr = ";".join(sallseqdescr)
+		self.record.sseqdescr = sallseqdescr[0]
+		return True # One may return false anywhere above to filter out current <Hsp> record.
+	# Tab-delimited order is important, so we can't just cycle through (unordered) self.record attributes.
+	#
+	# @uses .record object with field attributes
+	# @uses .prelim_columns (used before final column selection)
+	def outputTabDelimited(self):
+		values = []
+		for col in self.columns:
+			values.append(getattr(self.record, col['field']))
+		return '\t'.join(values) + '\n'
+class ReportEngine(object):
+	def __init__(self): pass
+	def __main__(self):
+		## *************************** Parse Command Line *****************************
+		parser = common.MyParser(
+			description = 'Generates tab-delimited table report based on BLAST XML results.',
+			usage = 'python blast_reporting.py [blastxml_input_file] [out_format] [tabular_output_file] [option: html_output_file] [option: selection_output_file:id_1:id_2:id_3] [options]',
+			epilog="""Details:
+			This tool can be used both via command line and via a local Galaxy install.  
+			Galaxy uses .loc files (blast_reporting_fields.loc, fasta_reference_dbs.loc)
+			as indicated by the tool's tool_data_table_conf.xml.sample.  The command line script 
+			uses .tab versions (located in the script's folder) which need to reflect any changes
+			made in the .loc versions.
+			Note: the selection file option is used mainly by the galaxy blast reporting tool.
+		   [out_format] is one of:
+			 "std" : standard 12 column
+			 "std+seqs" : standard 12 column plus search and matched sequences
+			 "ext" : extended 24 column
+			 "ext+": 26+ column
+			 "custom": Use only given field selections.
+		   Use -i to see possible field (column) selections as defined by blast_reporting_fields.tab.
+		   REFERENCE_BINS: Selected bins have their columns shown in output table for clarity, even when custom fields are selected, unless selecting the bin "exclude" option.
+		   FILTERS: 
+			Format: ([field_name]:[comparator] [value];)*
+			e.g. "pident: gt 97; sallseqdescr: excludes bovine|clone|environmental|swine|uncultivated|uncultured|unidentified"
+			[comparator] =
+				==	numeric equal
+				!=	numeric not equal
+				gt	numeric greater than 
+				gte	numeric greater than or equal to 
+				lt	numeric less than
+				lte	numeric less than or equal to
+				includes (search text fields for included words/phrases)
+				excludes (same as above but exclude result if text found)
+			Textual comparisons may have a value consisting of phrases to search for separated by "|" (disjunction).
+		""")
+		parser.set_defaults(row_limit=0)
+		# Don't use "-h" , it is reserved for --help!
+		parser.add_option('-b', '--bins', type='string', dest='reference_bins', 
+			help='Provide a comma-delimited list of reference databases to check, along with their sort order, and a flag to exclude them if desired, e.g. "16Sncbi desc,euzby desc,16Srdp exclude".  See -i option for a list of available databases.')
+		parser.add_option('-c', '--columns', type='string', dest='custom_fields', 
+			help='To modify sorting and formatting, specify a comma-delimited list of field specifications of the form: "[field_name]:[column|table|section]:[asc|desc|none]:[new label text];..." .')
+		parser.add_option('-f', '--filter', type='string', dest='filters', 
+			help='Provide a semicolon-delimited list of fields and their criteria to filter by.')
+		parser.add_option('-i', '--info', dest='info', default=False, action='store_true', 
+			help='Provides list of columns and their descriptions, for use in filter, sort and custom column lists. Shows a list of available sequence type reference bins as well')
+		parser.add_option('-l', '--label', type='string', dest='column_labels', 
+			help='Include field labels in first row of tab-delimited result table as short names or data field names (or none)') 
+		parser.add_option('-n', '--number', type='int', dest='row_limit', 
+			help='Provide a limit to the number of rows of returned data. The default 0=unlimited.')
+		parser.add_option('-B', '--refbins', type='string', dest='refbins', 
+			help='Testing library_data form input.')
+		parser.add_option('-r', '--redundant', dest='drop_redundant_hits', default=False, action='store_true', 
+			help='Return only first match to a gene bank id result.')
+		parser.add_option('-t', '--tests', dest='test_ids', help='Enter "all" or comma-separated id(s) of tests to run.')
+		options, args = parser.parse_args()
+		if options.test_ids: 
+			# Future: read this spec from test-data folder itself?
+			tests = {
+				'1a': {'input':'blast_reporting_1.blastxml std','outputs':'blast_reporting_1a.tabular','options':''},
+				'1a1':{'input':'blast_reporting_1.blastxml std','outputs':'blast_reporting_1a1.tabular blast_reporting_1a1.html','options':'-r'},
+				'1b': {'input':'blast_reporting_1.blastxml std','outputs':'blast_reporting_1b.tabular','options':'-r -f "pident:gte 97"'},
+				'1c': {'input':'blast_reporting_1.blastxml std','outputs':'blast_reporting_1c.tabular','options':'-r -f "pident:gte 97" -c "pident:column:asc" -l label'},
+				'1d': {
+					'input':'blast_reporting_1.blastxml ext+',
+					'outputs':'blast_reporting_1d.tabular blast_reporting_1d.html blast_reporting_1d1.tabular',
+					'options':'-r -f "pident:gte 99" -l label -n 5'
+				}
+			}
+			common.testSuite(options.test_ids, tests, '/tmp/')
+		import time
+		time_start = time.time()
+		# "info" command provides a dump of all the fields that can be displayed from the Blast search.
+		if options.info:
+			print 'FIELDS:\n'
+			field_spec_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'blast_reporting_fields.tab')
+			fields = common.FieldSpec(field_spec_path)				
+			for field in sorted(fields.dict.keys()):
+				print field + "\t" + fields.getAttribute(field,'type') + "\t" + fields.getAttribute(field,'name')
+			print '\nREFERENCE BINS:\n'
+			field_spec_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'fasta_reference_dbs.tab')
+			fields = common.FieldSpec(field_spec_path)				
+			for field in sorted(fields.dict.keys()):
+				print field + "\t" + fields.getAttribute(field, 'path') + field + '/accession_ids.tab' + '\t' + fields.getAttribute(field, 'name')
+			sys.exit(1)	
+		try:
+			in_file, output_format, out_tabular_file = args[0:3]
+		except:
+			common.stop_err("Expecting 3 arguments: input BLAST XML file, out format (std | std+seqs | ext | ext+ | custom), and output tabular file")
+		try: 
+			# Get an iterable, see http://effbot.org/zone/element-iterparse.htm
+			context = ElementTree.iterparse(in_file, events=("start","end")) # By default only does end events. 
+			context = iter(context)
+			event, root = context.next() # Creates reference to root element on 'start' event, for housecleaning below.
+		except:
+			common.stop_err("Invalid data format. !!")
+		tagGroup = XMLRecordScan(options, output_format)
+		fieldFilter = common.FieldFilter(tagGroup, options) # .filter list field names are changed above.
+		if options.reference_bins: 		print 'Database bins: %s' % str([bin.name for (ptr, bin) in enumerate(tagGroup.binManager.reference_bins) ]).translate(None, "[']")
+		if options.custom_fields:		print 'Customized Fields: %s' % options.custom_fields
+		if options.filters:				print 'Filters: ' + options.filters
+		if options.drop_redundant_hits:	print 'Throwing out redundant hits...'
+		# ************************ FILE OUTPUT *****************************
+		# NOTE: GALAXY 2012 has bug in html data display - it will show duplicate records OCCASIONALLY (at least on some browsers).  You have to download data file to verify there are no duplicates
+		row_count = 0
+		row_count_filtered = 0
+		outfile = open(out_tabular_file, 'w')
+		query_stats = []
+		for event, elem in context:
+			# Alternative is to wipe Hit/Hsp fields on event == "start".		
+			tag = elem.tag
+			if event == 'end':
+				if tag in tagGroup.tags : #Content of these tags fills a tabular line with column info.
+					tagGroup.setRecordAttr(tag, elem.text)
+					if tag == 'Iteration_query-def':
+						row_count = 0
+						row_count_filtered = 0
+						query_stats.append({'id':elem.text, 'rows' : 0, 'filtered_rows' : 0})
+				# Process each </hsp> record
+				elif tag == 'Hsp':	
+					row_count += 1
+					query_stats[-1]['rows'] = row_count # real rows, not clipped
+					if options.row_limit == 0 or row_count_filtered < options.row_limit: 
+						# Transform <Hsp> record & add field info.
+						if tagGroup.processRecord(): 
+							#if tagGroup.processFilters():
+							if fieldFilter.process(tagGroup.record):
+								row_count_filtered +=1
+								query_stats[-1]['filtered_rows'] = row_count_filtered 
+								outfile.write(tagGroup.outputTabDelimited())
+						root.clear() # Clears references from root to (now unused) children to keep iterated datastructure small ???
+				elem.clear() # I think root.clear() cover this case.
+		root.clear() 
+		outfile.close()
+		# Use fast Linux "sort" after filtering & file write
+		common.fileSort(out_tabular_file, tagGroup.columns)
+		"""
+		The "Selection file" option is meant for galaxy UI use in conjunction 
+		with the "Select Subsets on data" tool.  If a selection_file is called 
+		for, then we need to extract its id as well.  For that we have to test 
+		for somewhat odd expression from xml-generated command line, the 
+		[$selection_file:$selection_file.hid:$selection_file.dataset_id:$selection_file.id]
+		Selection list doesn't necessarily need the HTML selectable report template, 
+		but that template was designed to feed the galaxy "Select subsets" tool with its data.
+		"""
+		if len(args) > 4 and args[4] != 'None:None:None:None': 
+			selection_file_data = args[4]
+			#print ('selection file data:' + selection_file_data)
+			sel_file_fields = selection_file_data.split(':')
+			selection_file = sel_file_fields[0]
+			# From galaxy, incoming format is $selection_file:$selection_file.hid:$selection_file.dataset_id:$selection_file.id
+			# From command line, user won't have specified any of this, so ignore.
+			if len(sel_file_fields) > 3:
+				options.dataset_selection_id = sel_file_fields[3]
+			else:
+				options.dataset_selection_id = 0
+			common.fileSelections(out_tabular_file, selection_file, tagGroup, options)
+		"""
+		We must have a template in order to write anything to above html output file.
+		All report templates need to be listed in the module's tabular data "blast_reporting_templates" folder.
+		# There are two possible HTML Report template locations: 
+		# 1) The stock reports included in the module in the "templates/" subfolder, e.g. html_report.py
+		# 2) User customized templates.  To set this up:
+			- add a custom template folder in a location of your choice.
+			- Copy this module's templates folder into it.  
+			- The new folder must be in python's sys.path, which is achieved by adding a .pth file to python's site-packages folder..  E.g. set up /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/galaxy-custom-modules.pth to contain "/usr/local/galaxy/shared/python2.6_galaxy_custom_modules" 
+		, and place 'templates_custom/html_report.py' in there.
+		"""
+		if len(args) > 3:
+			out_html_file = args[3] #Galaxy-generated	
+			# args[5] = html_template, default from galaxy xml is 'templates.html_report', but testing can receive 'None' value
+			if len(args) > 5 and len(args[5].strip()) > 0 and not args[5].strip() == 'None': 
+				html_template = args[5] #User-selected
+				if not html_template.translate(None, "._-" ).isalnum():
+					common.stop_err("The HTML Report template name is not correct.  It should be a python class path like templates.html_report)! : " + html_template)
+			else:
+				html_template = 'templates.html_report'
+			try:
+				# See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/769534/dynamic-loading-of-python-modules
+				HTMLReportModule = __import__(html_template, fromlist=['does not in fact matter what goes here!'])
+				# Now create final tabular, html (or future: xml) data
+				htmlManager = HTMLReportModule.HTMLReport(tagGroup, options, query_stats)	
+				# htmlManager might not be initialized if the caller couldn't provide all the data the particular template needed.
+				htmlManager.render(out_tabular_file, out_html_file)
+			except ImportError:
+				common.stop_err("Unable to locate HTML Report template! : " + html_template)
+		common.fileTabular(out_tabular_file, tagGroup, options)
+		print('Execution time (seconds): ' + str(int(time.time()-time_start)))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+	# Command line access
+    reportEngine = ReportEngine()
+    reportEngine.__main__()