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view weblogolib/ @ 11:4b38580a8b97
author | davidmurphy |
date | Thu, 16 Feb 2012 21:15:10 -0500 |
parents | c55bdc2fb9fa |
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# Copyright (c) 2005 Gavin E. Crooks # # This software is distributed under the MIT Open Source License. # <> # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), # to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation # the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, # and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the # Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. """ Color specifications using CSS2 (Cascading Style Sheet) syntax.""" class Color: """ Color specifications using CSS2 (Cascading Style Sheet) syntax. Usage: red = Color(255,0,0) red = Color(1., 0., 0.) red = Color.by_name("red") red = Color.from_rgb(1.,0.,0.) red = Color.from_rgb(255,0,0) red = Color.from_hsl(0.,1., 0.5) red = Color.from_string("red") red = Color.from_string("RED") red = Color.from_string("#F00") red = Color.from_string("#FF0000") red = Color.from_string("rgb(255, 0, 0)") red = Color.from_string("rgb(100%, 0%, 0%)") red = Color.from_string("hsl(0, 100%, 50%)") """ def __init__(self, red, green, blue) : if ( type(red) is not type(green) ) or (type(red) is not type(blue)): raise TypeError("Mixed floats and integers?") if type(red) is type(1) : red = float(red)/255. if type(green) is type(1) : green = float(green)/255. if type(blue) is type(1) : blue = float(blue)/255. = max(0., min(float(red), 1.0)) = max(0., min(float(green), 1.0)) = max(0., min(float(blue), 1.0)) #@staticmethod def names(): "Return a list of standard color names." return _std_colors.keys() names = staticmethod(names) #@classmethod def from_rgb(cls, r, g, b): return cls(r,g,b) from_rgb = classmethod(from_rgb) #@classmethod def from_hsl(cls, hue_angle, saturation, lightness ): def hue_to_rgb( v1, v2, vH) : if vH < 0.0 : vH += 1.0 if vH > 1.0 : vH -= 1.0 if vH*6.0 < 1.0 : return (v1 + (v2 - v1) * 6.0 * vH) if vH*2.0 < 1.0 : return v2 if vH*3.0 < 2.0 : return (v1 + (v2 - v1) * ((2.0/3.0) - vH) * 6.0) return v1 hue = (((hue_angle % 360.) + 360.) % 360.)/360. if not (saturation >= 0.0 and saturation <=1.0) : raise ValueError("Out-of-range saturation %f"% saturation) if not (lightness >= 0.0 and lightness <=1.0) : raise ValueError("Out-of-range lightness %f"% lightness) if saturation == 0 : # greyscale return cls.from_rgb( lightness, lightness, lightness) if lightness < 0.5 : v2 = lightness * (1.0+ saturation) else : v2 = (lightness + saturation) - (saturation* lightness) v1 = 2.0 * lightness - v2 r = hue_to_rgb( v1, v2, hue + (1./3.) ) g = hue_to_rgb( v1, v2, hue ) b = hue_to_rgb( v1, v2, hue - (1./3.) ) return cls(r,g,b) from_hsl = classmethod(from_hsl) #@staticmethod def by_name(string): s = string.strip().lower().replace(' ', '') try: return _std_colors[s] except KeyError: raise ValueError("Unknown color name: %s"% s) by_name = staticmethod(by_name) #@classmethod def from_string(cls, string): def to_frac(string) : # string can be "255" or "100%" if string[-1]=='%': return float(string[0:-1])/100. else: return float(string)/255. s = string.strip().lower().replace(' ', '').replace('_', '') if s in _std_colors : # "red" return _std_colors[s] if s[0] == "#" : # "#fef" if len(s) == 4 : r = int(s[1]+s[1],16) g = int(s[2]+s[2],16) b = int(s[3]+s[3],16) return cls(r,g,b) elif len(s) ==7 : # "#ff00aa" r = int(s[1:3],16) g = int(s[3:5],16) b = int(s[5:7],16) return cls(r,g,b) else : raise ValueError("Cannot parse string: %s" % s) if s[0:4] == 'rgb(' and s[-1] == ')' : rgb = s[4:-1].split(",") if len(rgb) != 3 : raise ValueError("Cannot parse string a: %s" % s) return cls( to_frac(rgb[0]), to_frac(rgb[1]), to_frac(rgb[2])) if s[0:4] == 'hsl(' and s[-1] == ')' : hsl = s[4:-1].split(",") if len(hsl) != 3 : raise ValueError("Cannot parse string a: %s" % s) return cls.from_hsl( int(hsl[0]), to_frac(hsl[1]), to_frac(hsl[2])) raise ValueError("Cannot parse string: %s" % s) from_string = classmethod(from_string) def __eq__(self, other) : req = int(0.5+255.* == int(0.5+255.* beq = int(0.5+255.* == int(0.5+255.* geq = int(0.5+255.* == int(0.5+255.* return req and beq and geq def __repr__(self): return "Color(%f,%f,%f)" % (,, _std_colors = dict( aliceblue = Color(240,248,255), #f0f8ff antiquewhite = Color(250,235,215), #faebd7 aqua = Color(0,255,255), #00ffff aquamarine = Color(127,255,212), #7fffd4 azure = Color(240,255,255), #f0ffff beige = Color(245,245,220), #f5f5dc bisque = Color(255,228,196), #ffe4c4 black = Color(0,0,0), #000000 blanchedalmond = Color(255,235,205), #ffebcd blue = Color(0,0,255), #0000ff blueviolet = Color(138,43,226), #8a2be2 brown = Color(165,42,42), #a52a2a burlywood = Color(222,184,135), #deb887 cadetblue = Color(95,158,160), #5f9ea0 chartreuse = Color(127,255,0), #7fff00 chocolate = Color(210,105,30), #d2691e coral = Color(255,127,80), #ff7f50 cornflowerblue = Color(100,149,237), #6495ed cornsilk = Color(255,248,220), #fff8dc crimson = Color(220,20,60), #dc143c cyan = Color(0,255,255), #00ffff darkblue = Color(0,0,139), #00008b darkcyan = Color(0,139,139), #008b8b darkgoldenrod = Color(184,134,11), #b8860b darkgray = Color(169,169,169), #a9a9a9 darkgreen = Color(0,100,0), #006400 darkgrey = Color(169,169,169), #a9a9a9 darkkhaki = Color(189,183,107), #bdb76b darkmagenta = Color(139,0,139), #8b008b darkolivegreen = Color(85,107,47), #556b2f darkorange = Color(255,140,0), #ff8c00 darkorchid = Color(153,50,204), #9932cc darkred = Color(139,0,0), #8b0000 darksalmon = Color(233,150,122), #e9967a darkseagreen = Color(143,188,143), #8fbc8f darkslateblue = Color(72,61,139), #483d8b darkslategray = Color(47,79,79), #2f4f4f darkslategrey = Color(47,79,79), #2f4f4f darkturquoise = Color(0,206,209), #00ced1 darkviolet = Color(148,0,211), #9400d3 deeppink = Color(255,20,147), #ff1493 deepskyblue = Color(0,191,255), #00bfff dimgray = Color(105,105,105), #696969 dimgrey = Color(105,105,105), #696969 dodgerblue = Color(30,144,255), #1e90ff firebrick = Color(178,34,34), #b22222 floralwhite = Color(255,250,240), #fffaf0 forestgreen = Color(34,139,34), #228b22 fuchsia = Color(255,0,255), #ff00ff gainsboro = Color(220,220,220), #dcdcdc ghostwhite = Color(248,248,255), #f8f8ff gold = Color(255,215,0), #ffd700 goldenrod = Color(218,165,32), #daa520 gray = Color(128,128,128), #808080 green = Color(0,128,0), #008000 greenyellow = Color(173,255,47), #adff2f grey = Color(128,128,128), #808080 honeydew = Color(240,255,240), #f0fff0 hotpink = Color(255,105,180), #ff69b4 indianred = Color(205,92,92), #cd5c5c indigo = Color(75,0,130), #4b0082 ivory = Color(255,255,240), #fffff0 khaki = Color(240,230,140), #f0e68c lavender = Color(230,230,250), #e6e6fa lavenderblush = Color(255,240,245), #fff0f5 lawngreen = Color(124,252,0), #7cfc00 lemonchiffon = Color(255,250,205), #fffacd lightblue = Color(173,216,230), #add8e6 lightcoral = Color(240,128,128), #f08080 lightcyan = Color(224,255,255), #e0ffff lightgoldenrodyellow = Color(250,250,210), #fafad2 lightgray = Color(211,211,211), #d3d3d3 lightgreen = Color(144,238,144), #90ee90 lightgrey = Color(211,211,211), #d3d3d3 lightpink = Color(255,182,193), #ffb6c1 lightsalmon = Color(255,160,122), #ffa07a lightseagreen = Color(32,178,170), #20b2aa lightskyblue = Color(135,206,250), #87cefa lightslategray = Color(119,136,153), #778899 lightslategrey = Color(119,136,153), #778899 lightsteelblue = Color(176,196,222), #b0c4de lightyellow = Color(255,255,224), #ffffe0 lime = Color(0,255,0), #00ff00 limegreen = Color(50,205,50), #32cd32 linen = Color(250,240,230), #faf0e6 magenta = Color(255,0,255), #ff00ff maroon = Color(128,0,0), #800000 mediumaquamarine = Color(102,205,170), #66cdaa mediumblue = Color(0,0,205), #0000cd mediumorchid = Color(186,85,211), #ba55d3 mediumpurple = Color(147,112,219), #9370db mediumseagreen = Color(60,179,113), #3cb371 mediumslateblue = Color(123,104,238), #7b68ee mediumspringgreen = Color(0,250,154), #00fa9a mediumturquoise = Color(72,209,204), #48d1cc mediumvioletred = Color(199,21,133), #c71585 midnightblue = Color(25,25,112), #191970 mintcream = Color(245,255,250), #f5fffa mistyrose = Color(255,228,225), #ffe4e1 moccasin = Color(255,228,181), #ffe4b5 navajowhite = Color(255,222,173), #ffdead navy = Color(0,0,128), #000080 oldlace = Color(253,245,230), #fdf5e6 olive = Color(128,128,0), #808000 olivedrab = Color(107,142,35), #6b8e23 orange = Color(255,165,0), #ffa500 orangered = Color(255,69,0), #ff4500 orchid = Color(218,112,214), #da70d6 palegoldenrod = Color(238,232,170), #eee8aa palegreen = Color(152,251,152), #98fb98 paleturquoise = Color(175,238,238), #afeeee palevioletred = Color(219,112,147), #db7093 papayawhip = Color(255,239,213), #ffefd5 peachpuff = Color(255,218,185), #ffdab9 peru = Color(205,133,63), #cd853f pink = Color(255,192,203), #ffc0cb plum = Color(221,160,221), #dda0dd powderblue = Color(176,224,230), #b0e0e6 purple = Color(128,0,128), #800080 red = Color(255,0,0), #ff0000 rosybrown = Color(188,143,143), #bc8f8f royalblue = Color(65,105,225), #4169e1 saddlebrown = Color(139,69,19), #8b4513 salmon = Color(250,128,114), #fa8072 sandybrown = Color(244,164,96), #f4a460 seagreen = Color(46,139,87), #2e8b57 seashell = Color(255,245,238), #fff5ee sienna = Color(160,82,45), #a0522d silver = Color(192,192,192), #c0c0c0 skyblue = Color(135,206,235), #87ceeb slateblue = Color(106,90,205), #6a5acd slategray = Color(112,128,144), #708090 slategrey = Color(112,128,144), #708090 snow = Color(255,250,250), #fffafa springgreen = Color(0,255,127), #00ff7f steelblue = Color(70,130,180), #4682b4 tan = Color(210,180,140), #d2b48c teal = Color(0,128,128), #008080 thistle = Color(216,191,216), #d8bfd8 tomato = Color(255,99,71), #ff6347 turquoise = Color(64,224,208), #40e0d0 violet = Color(238,130,238), #ee82ee wheat = Color(245,222,179), #f5deb3 white = Color(255,255,255), #ffffff whitesmoke = Color(245,245,245), #f5f5f5 yellow = Color(255,255,0), #ffff00 yellowgreen = Color(154,205,50) #9acd32 )