diff ParseDb.py @ 0:183edf446dcf draft default tip

author davidvanzessen
date Mon, 17 Jul 2017 07:44:27 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ParseDb.py	Mon Jul 17 07:44:27 2017 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,1119 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+Parses tab delimited database files
+# Info
+__author__ = 'Jason Anthony Vander Heiden'
+from changeo import __version__, __date__
+# Imports
+import csv
+import os
+import re
+from argparse import ArgumentParser
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from textwrap import dedent
+from time import time
+from Bio import SeqIO
+from Bio.Seq import Seq
+from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord
+from Bio.Alphabet import IUPAC
+# Presto and changeo imports
+from presto.Defaults import default_delimiter, default_out_args
+from presto.Annotation import flattenAnnotation
+from presto.IO import getOutputHandle, printLog, printProgress, printMessage
+from changeo.Defaults import default_csv_size
+from changeo.Commandline import CommonHelpFormatter, checkArgs, getCommonArgParser, parseCommonArgs
+from changeo.IO import getDbWriter, readDbFile, countDbFile
+# System settings
+# Defaults
+default_id_field = 'SEQUENCE_ID'
+default_seq_field = 'SEQUENCE_IMGT'
+default_germ_field = 'GERMLINE_IMGT_D_MASK'
+default_index_field = 'INDEX'
+# TODO:  convert SQL-ish operations to modify_func() as per ParseHeaders
+def getDbSeqRecord(db_record, id_field, seq_field, meta_fields=None, 
+                   delimiter=default_delimiter):
+    """
+    Parses a database record into a SeqRecord
+    Arguments: 
+    db_record = a dictionary containing a database record
+    id_field = the field containing identifiers
+    seq_field = the field containing sequences
+    meta_fields = a list of fields to add to sequence annotations
+    delimiter = a tuple of delimiters for (fields, values, value lists) 
+    Returns: 
+    a SeqRecord
+    """
+    # Return None if ID or sequence fields are empty
+    if not db_record[id_field] or not db_record[seq_field]:
+        return None
+    # Create description string
+    desc_dict = OrderedDict([('ID', db_record[id_field])])
+    if meta_fields is not None:
+        desc_dict.update([(f, db_record[f]) for f in meta_fields if f in db_record]) 
+    desc_str = flattenAnnotation(desc_dict, delimiter=delimiter)
+    # Create SeqRecord
+    seq_record = SeqRecord(Seq(db_record[seq_field], IUPAC.ambiguous_dna),
+                           id=desc_str, name=desc_str, description='')
+    return seq_record
+def splitDbFile(db_file, field, num_split=None, out_args=default_out_args):
+    """
+    Divides a tab-delimited database file into segments by description tags
+    Arguments:
+    db_file = filename of the tab-delimited database file to split
+    field = the field name by which to split db_file
+    num_split = the numerical threshold by which to group sequences;
+                if None treat field as textual
+    out_args = common output argument dictionary from parseCommonArgs
+    Returns:
+    a list of output file names
+    """
+    log = OrderedDict()
+    log['START'] = 'ParseDb'
+    log['COMMAND'] = 'split'
+    log['FILE'] = os.path.basename(db_file)
+    log['FIELD'] = field
+    log['NUM_SPLIT'] = num_split
+    printLog(log)
+    # Open IgRecord reader iter object
+    reader = readDbFile(db_file, ig=False)
+    # Determine total numbers of records
+    rec_count = countDbFile(db_file)
+    start_time = time()
+    count = 0
+    # Sort records into files based on textual field
+    if num_split is None:
+        # Create set of unique field tags
+        tmp_iter = readDbFile(db_file, ig=False)
+        tag_list = list(set([row[field] for row in tmp_iter]))
+        # Forbidden characters in filename and replacements
+        noGood = {'\/':'f','\\':'b','?':'q','\%':'p','*':'s',':':'c',
+                  '\|':'pi','\"':'dq','\'':'sq','<':'gt','>':'lt',' ':'_'}
+        # Replace forbidden characters in tag_list
+        tag_dict = {}
+        for tag in tag_list:
+            for c,r in noGood.items():
+                tag_dict[tag] = (tag_dict.get(tag, tag).replace(c,r) \
+                                     if c in tag else tag_dict.get(tag, tag))
+        # Create output handles
+        handles_dict = {tag:getOutputHandle(db_file,
+                                            '%s-%s' % (field, label),
+                                            out_type = out_args['out_type'],
+                                            out_name = out_args['out_name'],
+                                            out_dir = out_args['out_dir'])
+                        for tag, label in tag_dict.items()}
+        # Create Db writer instances
+        writers_dict = {tag:getDbWriter(handles_dict[tag], db_file)
+                        for tag in tag_dict}
+        # Iterate over IgRecords
+        for row in reader:
+            printProgress(count, rec_count, 0.05, start_time)
+            count += 1
+            # Write row to appropriate file
+            tag = row[field]
+            writers_dict[tag].writerow(row)
+    # Sort records into files based on numeric num_split
+    else:
+        num_split = float(num_split)
+        # Create output handles
+        handles_dict = {'under':getOutputHandle(db_file,
+                                                'under-%.1f' % num_split,
+                                                out_type = out_args['out_type'],
+                                                out_name = out_args['out_name'],
+                                                out_dir = out_args['out_dir']),
+                        'atleast':getOutputHandle(db_file,
+                                                  'atleast-%.1f' % num_split,
+                                                out_type = out_args['out_type'],
+                                                out_name = out_args['out_name'],
+                                                out_dir = out_args['out_dir'])}
+        # Create Db writer instances
+        writers_dict = {'under':getDbWriter(handles_dict['under'], db_file),
+                        'atleast':getDbWriter(handles_dict['atleast'], db_file)}
+        # Iterate over IgRecords
+        for row in reader:
+            printProgress(count, rec_count, 0.05, start_time)
+            count += 1
+            tag = row[field]
+            tag = 'under' if float(tag) < num_split else 'atleast'
+            writers_dict[tag].writerow(row)
+    # Write log
+    printProgress(count, rec_count, 0.05, start_time)
+    log = OrderedDict()
+    for i, k in enumerate(handles_dict):
+        log['OUTPUT%i' % (i + 1)] = os.path.basename(handles_dict[k].name)
+    log['RECORDS'] = rec_count
+    log['PARTS'] = len(handles_dict)
+    log['END'] = 'ParseDb'
+    printLog(log)
+    # Close output file handles
+    for t in handles_dict: handles_dict[t].close()
+    return [handles_dict[t].name for t in handles_dict]
+def convertDbBaseline(db_file, id_field=default_id_field, seq_field=default_seq_field,
+                      germ_field=default_germ_field, cluster_field=None,
+                      meta_fields=None, out_args=default_out_args):
+    """
+    Builds fasta files from database records
+    Arguments: 
+    db_file = the database file name
+    id_field = the field containing identifiers
+    seq_field = the field containing sample sequences
+    germ_field = the field containing germline sequences
+    cluster_field = the field containing clonal groupings
+                    if None write the germline for each record
+    meta_fields = a list of fields to add to sequence annotations
+    out_args = common output argument dictionary from parseCommonArgs
+    Returns: 
+    the output file name
+    """
+    log = OrderedDict()
+    log['START'] = 'ParseDb'
+    log['COMMAND'] = 'fasta'
+    log['FILE'] = os.path.basename(db_file)
+    log['ID_FIELD'] = id_field
+    log['SEQ_FIELD'] = seq_field
+    log['GERM_FIELD'] = germ_field
+    log['CLUSTER_FIELD'] = cluster_field
+    if meta_fields is not None:  log['META_FIELDS'] = ','.join(meta_fields)
+    printLog(log)
+    # Open file handles
+    db_iter = readDbFile(db_file, ig=False)
+    pass_handle = getOutputHandle(db_file, out_label='sequences', out_dir=out_args['out_dir'], 
+                                  out_name=out_args['out_name'], out_type='clip')
+    # Count records
+    result_count = countDbFile(db_file)
+    # Iterate over records
+    start_time = time()
+    rec_count = germ_count = pass_count = fail_count = 0
+    cluster_last = None
+    for rec in db_iter:
+        # Print progress for previous iteration
+        printProgress(rec_count, result_count, 0.05, start_time)
+        rec_count += 1
+        # Update cluster ID
+        cluster = rec.get(cluster_field, None)
+        # Get germline SeqRecord when needed
+        if cluster_field is None:
+            germ = getDbSeqRecord(rec, id_field, germ_field, meta_fields, 
+                                  delimiter=out_args['delimiter'])
+            germ.id = '>' + germ.id
+        elif cluster != cluster_last:
+            germ = getDbSeqRecord(rec, cluster_field, germ_field, 
+                                  delimiter=out_args['delimiter'])
+            germ.id = '>' + germ.id            
+        else:
+            germ = None
+        # Get read SeqRecord
+        seq = getDbSeqRecord(rec, id_field, seq_field, meta_fields, 
+                             delimiter=out_args['delimiter'])
+        # Write germline
+        if germ is not None:
+            germ_count += 1
+            SeqIO.write(germ, pass_handle, 'fasta')
+        # Write sequences
+        if seq is not None:
+            pass_count += 1
+            SeqIO.write(seq, pass_handle, 'fasta')
+        else:
+            fail_count += 1
+        # Set last cluster ID
+        cluster_last = cluster
+    # Print counts
+    printProgress(rec_count, result_count, 0.05, start_time)
+    log = OrderedDict()
+    log['OUTPUT'] = os.path.basename(pass_handle.name)
+    log['RECORDS'] = rec_count
+    log['GERMLINES'] = germ_count
+    log['PASS'] = pass_count
+    log['FAIL'] = fail_count
+    log['END'] = 'ParseDb'
+    printLog(log)
+    # Close file handles
+    pass_handle.close()
+    return pass_handle.name
+def convertDbFasta(db_file, id_field=default_id_field, seq_field=default_seq_field,
+                 meta_fields=None, out_args=default_out_args):
+    """
+    Builds fasta files from database records
+    Arguments: 
+    db_file = the database file name
+    id_field = the field containing identifiers
+    seq_field = the field containing sequences
+    meta_fields = a list of fields to add to sequence annotations
+    out_args = common output argument dictionary from parseCommonArgs
+    Returns: 
+    the output file name
+    """
+    log = OrderedDict()
+    log['START'] = 'ParseDb'
+    log['COMMAND'] = 'fasta'
+    log['FILE'] = os.path.basename(db_file)
+    log['ID_FIELD'] = id_field
+    log['SEQ_FIELD'] = seq_field
+    if meta_fields is not None:  log['META_FIELDS'] = ','.join(meta_fields)
+    printLog(log)
+    # Open file handles
+    out_type = 'fasta'
+    db_iter = readDbFile(db_file, ig=False)
+    pass_handle = getOutputHandle(db_file, out_label='sequences', out_dir=out_args['out_dir'], 
+                                  out_name=out_args['out_name'], out_type=out_type)
+    # Count records
+    result_count = countDbFile(db_file)
+    # Iterate over records
+    start_time = time()
+    rec_count = pass_count = fail_count = 0
+    for rec in db_iter:
+        # Print progress for previous iteration
+        printProgress(rec_count, result_count, 0.05, start_time)
+        rec_count += 1
+        # Get SeqRecord
+        seq = getDbSeqRecord(rec, id_field, seq_field, meta_fields, out_args['delimiter'])
+        # Write sequences
+        if seq is not None:
+            pass_count += 1
+            SeqIO.write(seq, pass_handle, out_type)
+        else:
+            fail_count += 1
+    # Print counts
+    printProgress(rec_count, result_count, 0.05, start_time)
+    log = OrderedDict()
+    log['OUTPUT'] = os.path.basename(pass_handle.name)
+    log['RECORDS'] = rec_count
+    log['PASS'] = pass_count
+    log['FAIL'] = fail_count
+    log['END'] = 'ParseDb'
+    printLog(log)
+    # Close file handles
+    pass_handle.close()
+    return pass_handle.name
+def addDbFile(db_file, fields, values, out_args=default_out_args):
+    """
+    Adds field and value pairs to a database file
+    Arguments:
+    db_file = the database file name
+    fields = a list of fields to add
+    values = a list of values to assign to all rows of each field
+    out_args = common output argument dictionary from parseCommonArgs
+    Returns:
+    the output file name
+    """
+    log = OrderedDict()
+    log['START'] = 'ParseDb'
+    log['COMMAND'] = 'add'
+    log['FILE'] = os.path.basename(db_file)
+    log['FIELDS'] = ','.join(fields)
+    log['VALUES'] = ','.join(values)
+    printLog(log)
+    # Open file handles
+    db_iter = readDbFile(db_file, ig=False)
+    pass_handle = getOutputHandle(db_file, out_label='parse-add', out_dir=out_args['out_dir'],
+                                  out_name=out_args['out_name'], out_type='tab')
+    pass_writer = getDbWriter(pass_handle, db_file, add_fields=fields)
+    # Count records
+    result_count = countDbFile(db_file)
+    # Define fields and values to append
+    add_dict = {k:v for k,v in zip(fields, values) if k not in db_iter.fieldnames}
+    # Iterate over records
+    start_time = time()
+    rec_count = 0
+    for rec in db_iter:
+        # Print progress for previous iteration
+        printProgress(rec_count, result_count, 0.05, start_time)
+        rec_count += 1
+        # Write updated row
+        rec.update(add_dict)
+        pass_writer.writerow(rec)
+    # Print counts
+    printProgress(rec_count, result_count, 0.05, start_time)
+    log = OrderedDict()
+    log['OUTPUT'] = os.path.basename(pass_handle.name)
+    log['RECORDS'] = rec_count
+    log['END'] = 'ParseDb'
+    printLog(log)
+    # Close file handles
+    pass_handle.close()
+    return pass_handle.name
+def indexDbFile(db_file, field=default_index_field, out_args=default_out_args):
+    """
+    Adds an index column to a database file
+    Arguments:
+    db_file = the database file name
+    field = the name of the index field to add
+    out_args = common output argument dictionary from parseCommonArgs
+    Returns:
+    the output file name
+    """
+    log = OrderedDict()
+    log['START'] = 'ParseDb'
+    log['COMMAND'] = 'index'
+    log['FILE'] = os.path.basename(db_file)
+    log['FIELD'] = field
+    printLog(log)
+    # Open file handles
+    db_iter = readDbFile(db_file, ig=False)
+    pass_handle = getOutputHandle(db_file, out_label='parse-index', out_dir=out_args['out_dir'],
+                                  out_name=out_args['out_name'], out_type='tab')
+    pass_writer = getDbWriter(pass_handle, db_file, add_fields=field)
+    # Count records
+    result_count = countDbFile(db_file)
+    # Iterate over records
+    start_time = time()
+    rec_count = 0
+    for rec in db_iter:
+        # Print progress for previous iteration
+        printProgress(rec_count, result_count, 0.05, start_time)
+        rec_count += 1
+        # Add count and write updated row
+        rec.update({field:rec_count})
+        pass_writer.writerow(rec)
+    # Print counts
+    printProgress(rec_count, result_count, 0.05, start_time)
+    log = OrderedDict()
+    log['OUTPUT'] = os.path.basename(pass_handle.name)
+    log['RECORDS'] = rec_count
+    log['END'] = 'ParseDb'
+    printLog(log)
+    # Close file handles
+    pass_handle.close()
+    return pass_handle.name
+def dropDbFile(db_file, fields, out_args=default_out_args):
+    """
+    Deletes entire fields from a database file
+    Arguments:
+    db_file = the database file name
+    fields = a list of fields to drop
+    out_args = common output argument dictionary from parseCommonArgs
+    Returns:
+    the output file name
+    """
+    log = OrderedDict()
+    log['START'] = 'ParseDb'
+    log['COMMAND'] = 'add'
+    log['FILE'] = os.path.basename(db_file)
+    log['FIELDS'] = ','.join(fields)
+    printLog(log)
+    # Open file handles
+    db_iter = readDbFile(db_file, ig=False)
+    pass_handle = getOutputHandle(db_file, out_label='parse-drop', out_dir=out_args['out_dir'],
+                                  out_name=out_args['out_name'], out_type='tab')
+    pass_writer = getDbWriter(pass_handle, db_file, exclude_fields=fields)
+    # Count records
+    result_count = countDbFile(db_file)
+    # Iterate over records
+    start_time = time()
+    rec_count = 0
+    for rec in db_iter:
+        # Print progress for previous iteration
+        printProgress(rec_count, result_count, 0.05, start_time)
+        rec_count += 1
+        # Write row
+        pass_writer.writerow(rec)
+    # Print counts
+    printProgress(rec_count, result_count, 0.05, start_time)
+    log = OrderedDict()
+    log['OUTPUT'] = os.path.basename(pass_handle.name)
+    log['RECORDS'] = rec_count
+    log['END'] = 'ParseDb'
+    printLog(log)
+    # Close file handles
+    pass_handle.close()
+    return pass_handle.name
+def deleteDbFile(db_file, fields, values, logic='any', regex=False,
+                 out_args=default_out_args):
+    """
+    Deletes records from a database file
+    Arguments: 
+    db_file = the database file name
+    fields = a list of fields to check for deletion criteria
+    values = a list of values defining deletion targets
+    logic = one of 'any' or 'all' defining whether one or all fields must have a match.
+    regex = if False do exact full string matches; if True allow partial regex matches.
+    out_args = common output argument dictionary from parseCommonArgs
+    Returns: 
+    the output file name
+    """
+    # Define string match function
+    if regex:
+        def _match_func(x, patterns):  return any([re.search(p, x) for p in patterns])
+    else:
+        def _match_func(x, patterns):  return x in patterns
+    # Define logic function
+    if logic == 'any':
+        _logic_func = any
+    elif logic == 'all':
+        _logic_func = all
+    log = OrderedDict()
+    log['START'] = 'ParseDb'
+    log['COMMAND'] = 'delete'
+    log['FILE'] = os.path.basename(db_file)
+    log['FIELDS'] = ','.join(fields)
+    log['VALUES'] = ','.join(values)
+    printLog(log)
+    # Open file handles
+    db_iter = readDbFile(db_file, ig=False)
+    pass_handle = getOutputHandle(db_file, out_label='parse-delete', out_dir=out_args['out_dir'], 
+                                  out_name=out_args['out_name'], out_type='tab')
+    pass_writer = getDbWriter(pass_handle, db_file)
+    # Count records
+    result_count = countDbFile(db_file)
+    # Iterate over records
+    start_time = time()
+    rec_count = pass_count = fail_count = 0
+    for rec in db_iter:
+        # Print progress for previous iteration
+        printProgress(rec_count, result_count, 0.05, start_time)
+        rec_count += 1
+        # Check for deletion values in all fields
+        delete = _logic_func([_match_func(rec.get(f, False), values) for f in fields])
+        # Write sequences
+        if not delete:
+            pass_count += 1
+            pass_writer.writerow(rec)
+        else:
+            fail_count += 1
+    # Print counts
+    printProgress(rec_count, result_count, 0.05, start_time)
+    log = OrderedDict()
+    log['OUTPUT'] = os.path.basename(pass_handle.name)
+    log['RECORDS'] = rec_count
+    log['KEPT'] = pass_count
+    log['DELETED'] = fail_count
+    log['END'] = 'ParseDb'
+    printLog(log)
+    # Close file handles
+    pass_handle.close()
+    return pass_handle.name
+def renameDbFile(db_file, fields, names, out_args=default_out_args):
+    """
+    Renames fields in a database file
+    Arguments:
+    db_file = the database file name
+    fields = a list of fields to rename
+    values = a list of new names for fields
+    out_args = common output argument dictionary from parseCommonArgs
+    Returns:
+    the output file name
+    """
+    log = OrderedDict()
+    log['START'] = 'ParseDb'
+    log['COMMAND'] = 'rename'
+    log['FILE'] = os.path.basename(db_file)
+    log['FIELDS'] = ','.join(fields)
+    log['NAMES'] = ','.join(names)
+    printLog(log)
+    # Open file handles
+    db_iter = readDbFile(db_file, ig=False)
+    pass_handle = getOutputHandle(db_file, out_label='parse-rename', out_dir=out_args['out_dir'],
+                                  out_name=out_args['out_name'], out_type='tab')
+    # Get header and rename fields
+    header = (readDbFile(db_file, ig=False)).fieldnames
+    for f, n in zip(fields, names):
+        i = header.index(f)
+        header[i] = n
+    # Open writer and write new header
+    # TODO:  should modify getDbWriter to take a list of fields
+    pass_writer = csv.DictWriter(pass_handle, fieldnames=header, dialect='excel-tab')
+    pass_writer.writeheader()
+    # Count records
+    result_count = countDbFile(db_file)
+    # Iterate over records
+    start_time = time()
+    rec_count = 0
+    for rec in db_iter:
+        # Print progress for previous iteration
+        printProgress(rec_count, result_count, 0.05, start_time)
+        rec_count += 1
+        # TODO:  repeating renaming is unnecessary.  should had a non-dict reader/writer to DbCore
+        # Rename fields
+        for f, n in zip(fields, names):
+            rec[n] = rec.pop(f)
+        # Write
+        pass_writer.writerow(rec)
+    # Print counts
+    printProgress(rec_count, result_count, 0.05, start_time)
+    log = OrderedDict()
+    log['OUTPUT'] = os.path.basename(pass_handle.name)
+    log['RECORDS'] = rec_count
+    log['END'] = 'ParseDb'
+    printLog(log)
+    # Close file handles
+    pass_handle.close()
+    return pass_handle.name
+def selectDbFile(db_file, fields, values, logic='any', regex=False,
+                 out_args=default_out_args):
+    """
+    Selects records from a database file
+    Arguments:
+    db_file = the database file name
+    fields = a list of fields to check for selection criteria
+    values = a list of values defining selection targets
+    logic = one of 'any' or 'all' defining whether one or all fields must have a match.
+    regex = if False do exact full string matches; if True allow partial regex matches.
+    out_args = common output argument dictionary from parseCommonArgs
+    Returns:
+    the output file name
+    """
+    # Define string match function
+    if regex:
+        def _match_func(x, patterns):  return any([re.search(p, x) for p in patterns])
+    else:
+        def _match_func(x, patterns):  return x in patterns
+    # Define logic function
+    if logic == 'any':
+        _logic_func = any
+    elif logic == 'all':
+        _logic_func = all
+    # Print console log
+    log = OrderedDict()
+    log['START'] = 'ParseDb'
+    log['COMMAND'] = 'select'
+    log['FILE'] = os.path.basename(db_file)
+    log['FIELDS'] = ','.join(fields)
+    log['VALUES'] = ','.join(values)
+    log['REGEX'] =regex
+    printLog(log)
+    # Open file handles
+    db_iter = readDbFile(db_file, ig=False)
+    pass_handle = getOutputHandle(db_file, out_label='parse-select', out_dir=out_args['out_dir'],
+                                  out_name=out_args['out_name'], out_type='tab')
+    pass_writer = getDbWriter(pass_handle, db_file)
+    # Count records
+    result_count = countDbFile(db_file)
+    # Iterate over records
+    start_time = time()
+    rec_count = pass_count = fail_count = 0
+    for rec in db_iter:
+        # Print progress for previous iteration
+        printProgress(rec_count, result_count, 0.05, start_time)
+        rec_count += 1
+        # Check for selection values in all fields
+        select = _logic_func([_match_func(rec.get(f, False), values) for f in fields])
+        # Write sequences
+        if select:
+            pass_count += 1
+            pass_writer.writerow(rec)
+        else:
+            fail_count += 1
+    # Print counts
+    printProgress(rec_count, result_count, 0.05, start_time)
+    log = OrderedDict()
+    log['OUTPUT'] = os.path.basename(pass_handle.name)
+    log['RECORDS'] = rec_count
+    log['SELECTED'] = pass_count
+    log['DISCARDED'] = fail_count
+    log['END'] = 'ParseDb'
+    printLog(log)
+    # Close file handles
+    pass_handle.close()
+    return pass_handle.name
+def sortDbFile(db_file, field, numeric=False, descend=False,
+               out_args=default_out_args):
+    """
+    Sorts records by values in an annotation field
+    Arguments:
+    db_file = the database filename
+    field = the field name to sort by
+    numeric = if True sort field numerically;
+              if False sort field alphabetically
+    descend = if True sort in descending order;
+              if False sort in ascending order
+    out_args = common output argument dictionary from parseCommonArgs
+    Returns:
+    the output file name
+    """
+    log = OrderedDict()
+    log['START'] = 'ParseDb'
+    log['COMMAND'] = 'sort'
+    log['FILE'] = os.path.basename(db_file)
+    log['FIELD'] = field
+    log['NUMERIC'] = numeric
+    printLog(log)
+    # Open file handles
+    db_iter = readDbFile(db_file, ig=False)
+    pass_handle = getOutputHandle(db_file, out_label='parse-sort', out_dir=out_args['out_dir'],
+                                  out_name=out_args['out_name'], out_type='tab')
+    pass_writer = getDbWriter(pass_handle, db_file)
+    # Store all records in a dictionary
+    start_time = time()
+    printMessage("Indexing: Running", start_time=start_time)
+    db_dict = {i:r for i, r in enumerate(db_iter)}
+    result_count = len(db_dict)
+    # Sort db_dict by field values
+    tag_dict = {k:v[field] for k, v in db_dict.items()}
+    if numeric:  tag_dict = {k:float(v or 0) for k, v in tag_dict.items()}
+    sorted_keys = sorted(tag_dict, key=tag_dict.get, reverse=descend)
+    printMessage("Indexing: Done", start_time=start_time, end=True)
+    # Iterate over records
+    start_time = time()
+    rec_count = 0
+    for key in sorted_keys:
+        # Print progress for previous iteration
+        printProgress(rec_count, result_count, 0.05, start_time)
+        rec_count += 1
+        # Write records
+        pass_writer.writerow(db_dict[key])
+    # Print counts
+    printProgress(rec_count, result_count, 0.05, start_time)
+    log = OrderedDict()
+    log['OUTPUT'] = os.path.basename(pass_handle.name)
+    log['RECORDS'] = rec_count
+    log['END'] = 'ParseDb'
+    printLog(log)
+    # Close file handles
+    pass_handle.close()
+    return pass_handle.name
+def updateDbFile(db_file, field, values, updates, out_args=default_out_args):
+    """
+    Updates field and value pairs to a database file
+    Arguments:
+    db_file = the database file name
+    field = the field to update
+    values = a list of values to specifying which rows to update
+    updates = a list of values to update each value with
+    out_args = common output argument dictionary from parseCommonArgs
+    Returns:
+    the output file name
+    """
+    log = OrderedDict()
+    log['START'] = 'ParseDb'
+    log['COMMAND'] = 'update'
+    log['FILE'] = os.path.basename(db_file)
+    log['FIELD'] = field
+    log['VALUES'] = ','.join(values)
+    log['UPDATES'] = ','.join(updates)
+    printLog(log)
+    # Open file handles
+    db_iter = readDbFile(db_file, ig=False)
+    pass_handle = getOutputHandle(db_file, out_label='parse-update', out_dir=out_args['out_dir'],
+                                  out_name=out_args['out_name'], out_type='tab')
+    pass_writer = getDbWriter(pass_handle, db_file)
+    # Count records
+    result_count = countDbFile(db_file)
+    # Iterate over records
+    start_time = time()
+    rec_count = pass_count = 0
+    for rec in db_iter:
+        # Print progress for previous iteration
+        printProgress(rec_count, result_count, 0.05, start_time)
+        rec_count += 1
+        # Updated values if found
+        for x, y in zip(values, updates):
+            if rec[field] == x:
+                rec[field] = y
+                pass_count += 1
+        # Write records
+        pass_writer.writerow(rec)
+    # Print counts
+    printProgress(rec_count, result_count, 0.05, start_time)
+    log = OrderedDict()
+    log['OUTPUT'] = os.path.basename(pass_handle.name)
+    log['RECORDS'] = rec_count
+    log['UPDATED'] = pass_count
+    log['END'] = 'ParseDb'
+    printLog(log)
+    # Close file handles
+    pass_handle.close()
+    return pass_handle.name
+def getArgParser():
+    """
+    Defines the ArgumentParser
+    Arguments: 
+    None
+    Returns: 
+    an ArgumentParser object
+    """
+    # Define input and output field help message
+    fields = dedent(
+             '''
+             output files:
+                 sequences
+                     FASTA formatted sequences output from the subcommands fasta and clip.
+                 <field>-<value>
+                     database files partitioned by annotation <field> and <value>.
+                 parse-<command>
+                     output of the database modification functions where <command> is one of
+                     the subcommands add, index, drop, delete, rename, select, sort or update.
+             required fields:
+                 SEQUENCE_ID
+             optional fields:
+             output fields:
+                 None
+             ''')
+    # Define ArgumentParser
+    parser = ArgumentParser(description=__doc__, epilog=fields,
+                            formatter_class=CommonHelpFormatter)
+    parser.add_argument('--version', action='version',
+                        version='%(prog)s:' + ' %s-%s' %(__version__, __date__))
+    subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title='subcommands', dest='command', metavar='',
+                                       help='Database operation')
+    # TODO:  This is a temporary fix for Python issue 9253
+    subparsers.required = True
+    # Define parent parser
+    parser_parent = getCommonArgParser(seq_in=False, seq_out=False, db_in=True,
+                                       failed=False, log=False)
+    # Subparser to convert database entries to sequence file
+    parser_seq = subparsers.add_parser('fasta', parents=[parser_parent],
+                                       formatter_class=CommonHelpFormatter,
+                                       help='Creates a fasta file from database records.',
+                                       description='Creates a fasta file from database records.')
+    parser_seq.add_argument('--if', action='store', dest='id_field', 
+                            default=default_id_field,
+                            help='The name of the field containing identifiers')
+    parser_seq.add_argument('--sf', action='store', dest='seq_field', 
+                            default=default_seq_field,
+                            help='The name of the field containing sequences')
+    parser_seq.add_argument('--mf', nargs='+', action='store', dest='meta_fields',
+                            help='List of annotation fields to add to the sequence description')
+    parser_seq.set_defaults(func=convertDbFasta)
+    # Subparser to convert database entries to clip-fasta file
+    parser_baseln = subparsers.add_parser('baseline', parents=[parser_parent],
+                                          formatter_class=CommonHelpFormatter,
+                                          description='Creates a BASELINe fasta file from database records.',
+                                          help='''Creates a specially formatted fasta file
+                                               from database records for input into the BASELINe
+                                               website. The format groups clonally related sequences
+                                               sequentially, with the germline sequence preceding
+                                               each clone and denoted by headers starting with ">>".''')
+    parser_baseln.add_argument('--if', action='store', dest='id_field',
+                               default=default_id_field,
+                               help='The name of the field containing identifiers')
+    parser_baseln.add_argument('--sf', action='store', dest='seq_field',
+                               default=default_seq_field,
+                               help='The name of the field containing reads')
+    parser_baseln.add_argument('--gf', action='store', dest='germ_field',
+                               default=default_germ_field,
+                               help='The name of the field containing germline sequences')
+    parser_baseln.add_argument('--cf', action='store', dest='cluster_field', default=None,
+                               help='The name of the field containing containing sorted clone IDs')
+    parser_baseln.add_argument('--mf', nargs='+', action='store', dest='meta_fields',
+                               help='List of annotation fields to add to the sequence description')
+    parser_baseln.set_defaults(func=convertDbBaseline)
+    # Subparser to partition files by annotation values
+    parser_split = subparsers.add_parser('split', parents=[parser_parent],
+                                         formatter_class=CommonHelpFormatter,
+                                         help='Splits database files by field values.',
+                                         description='Splits database files by field values')
+    parser_split.add_argument('-f', action='store', dest='field', type=str, required=True,
+                              help='Annotation field by which to split database files.')
+    parser_split.add_argument('--num', action='store', dest='num_split', type=float, default=None,
+                              help='''Specify to define the field as numeric and group
+                                   records by whether they are less than or at least
+                                   (greater than or equal to) the specified value.''')
+    parser_split.set_defaults(func=splitDbFile)
+    # Subparser to add records
+    parser_add = subparsers.add_parser('add', parents=[parser_parent],
+                                       formatter_class=CommonHelpFormatter,
+                                       help='Adds field and value pairs.',
+                                       description='Adds field and value pairs.')
+    parser_add.add_argument('-f', nargs='+', action='store', dest='fields', required=True,
+                               help='The name of the fields to add.')
+    parser_add.add_argument('-u', nargs='+', action='store', dest='values', required=True,
+                               help='The value to assign to all rows for each field.')
+    parser_add.set_defaults(func=addDbFile)
+    # Subparser to delete records
+    parser_delete = subparsers.add_parser('delete', parents=[parser_parent], 
+                                          formatter_class=CommonHelpFormatter,
+                                          help='Deletes specific records.',
+                                          description='Deletes specific records.')
+    parser_delete.add_argument('-f', nargs='+', action='store', dest='fields', required=True,
+                               help='The name of the fields to check for deletion criteria.')
+    parser_delete.add_argument('-u', nargs='+', action='store', dest='values', default=['', 'NA'],
+                               help='''The values defining which records to delete. A value
+                                    may appear in any of the fields specified with -f.''')
+    parser_delete.add_argument('--logic', action='store', dest='logic',
+                               choices=('any', 'all'), default='any',
+                               help='''Defines whether a value may appear in any field (any)
+                                    or whether it must appear in all fields (all).''')
+    parser_delete.add_argument('--regex', action='store_true', dest='regex',
+                               help='''If specified, treat values as regular expressions
+                                    and allow partial string matches.''')
+    parser_delete.set_defaults(func=deleteDbFile)
+    # Subparser to drop fields
+    parser_drop = subparsers.add_parser('drop', parents=[parser_parent],
+                                        formatter_class=CommonHelpFormatter,
+                                        help='Deletes entire fields.',
+                                        description='Deletes specific records.')
+    parser_drop.add_argument('-f', nargs='+', action='store', dest='fields', required=True,
+                               help='The name of the fields to delete from the database.')
+    parser_drop.set_defaults(func=dropDbFile)
+    # Subparser to index fields
+    parser_index = subparsers.add_parser('index', parents=[parser_parent],
+                                         formatter_class=CommonHelpFormatter,
+                                         help='Adds a numeric index field.',
+                                         description='Adds a numeric index field.')
+    parser_index.add_argument('-f', action='store', dest='field',
+                              default=default_index_field,
+                              help='The name of the index field to add to the database.')
+    parser_index.set_defaults(func=indexDbFile)
+    # Subparser to rename fields
+    parser_rename = subparsers.add_parser('rename', parents=[parser_parent],
+                                          formatter_class=CommonHelpFormatter,
+                                          help='Renames fields.',
+                                          description='Renames fields.')
+    parser_rename.add_argument('-f', nargs='+', action='store', dest='fields', required=True,
+                               help='List of fields to rename.')
+    parser_rename.add_argument('-k', nargs='+', action='store', dest='names', required=True,
+                               help='List of new names for each field.')
+    parser_rename.set_defaults(func=renameDbFile)
+    # Subparser to select records
+    parser_select = subparsers.add_parser('select', parents=[parser_parent],
+                                          formatter_class=CommonHelpFormatter,
+                                          help='Selects specific records.',
+                                          description='Selects specific records.')
+    parser_select.add_argument('-f', nargs='+', action='store', dest='fields', required=True,
+                               help='The name of the fields to check for selection criteria.')
+    parser_select.add_argument('-u', nargs='+', action='store', dest='values', required=True,
+                               help='''The values defining with records to select. A value
+                                    may appear in any of the fields specified with -f.''')
+    parser_select.add_argument('--logic', action='store', dest='logic',
+                               choices=('any', 'all'), default='any',
+                               help='''Defines whether a value may appear in any field (any)
+                                    or whether it must appear in all fields (all).''')
+    parser_select.add_argument('--regex', action='store_true', dest='regex',
+                               help='''If specified, treat values as regular expressions
+                                    and allow partial string matches.''')
+    parser_select.set_defaults(func=selectDbFile)
+    # Subparser to sort file by records
+    parser_sort = subparsers.add_parser('sort', parents=[parser_parent],
+                                        formatter_class=CommonHelpFormatter,
+                                        help='Sorts records by field values.',
+                                        description='Sorts records by field values.')
+    parser_sort.add_argument('-f', action='store', dest='field', type=str, required=True,
+                             help='The annotation field by which to sort records.')
+    parser_sort.add_argument('--num', action='store_true', dest='numeric', default=False,
+                             help='''Specify to define the sort column as numeric rather
+                                  than textual.''')
+    parser_sort.add_argument('--descend', action='store_true', dest='descend',
+                             help='''If specified, sort records in descending, rather
+                             than ascending, order by values in the target field.''')
+    parser_sort.set_defaults(func=sortDbFile)
+    # Subparser to update records
+    parser_update = subparsers.add_parser('update', parents=[parser_parent],
+                                          formatter_class=CommonHelpFormatter,
+                                          help='Updates field and value pairs.',
+                                          description='Updates field and value pairs.')
+    parser_update.add_argument('-f', action='store', dest='field', required=True,
+                               help='The name of the field to update.')
+    parser_update.add_argument('-u', nargs='+', action='store', dest='values', required=True,
+                               help='The values that will be replaced.')
+    parser_update.add_argument('-t', nargs='+', action='store', dest='updates', required=True,
+                               help='''The new value to assign to each selected row.''')
+    parser_update.set_defaults(func=updateDbFile)
+    return parser
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    """
+    Parses command line arguments and calls main function
+    """
+    # Parse arguments
+    parser = getArgParser()
+    checkArgs(parser)
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    args_dict = parseCommonArgs(args)
+    # Convert case of fields
+    if 'id_field' in args_dict:
+        args_dict['id_field'] = args_dict['id_field'].upper()
+    if 'seq_field' in args_dict:
+        args_dict['seq_field'] = args_dict['seq_field'].upper()
+    if 'germ_field' in args_dict:
+        args_dict['germ_field'] = args_dict['germ_field'].upper()
+    if 'field' in args_dict:
+        args_dict['field'] = args_dict['field'].upper()
+    if 'cluster_field' in args_dict and args_dict['cluster_field'] is not None:
+        args_dict['cluster_field'] = args_dict['cluster_field'].upper()
+    if 'meta_fields' in args_dict and args_dict['meta_fields'] is not None:
+        args_dict['meta_fields'] = [f.upper() for f in args_dict['meta_fields']]
+    if 'fields' in args_dict:
+        args_dict['fields'] = [f.upper() for f in args_dict['fields']]
+    # Check modify_args arguments
+    if args.command == 'add' and len(args_dict['fields']) != len(args_dict['values']):
+        parser.error('You must specify exactly one value (-u) per field (-f)')
+    elif args.command == 'rename' and len(args_dict['fields']) != len(args_dict['names']):
+        parser.error('You must specify exactly one new name (-k) per field (-f)')
+    elif args.command == 'update' and len(args_dict['values']) != len(args_dict['updates']):
+        parser.error('You must specify exactly one value (-u) per replacement (-t)')
+    # Call parser function for each database file
+    del args_dict['command']
+    del args_dict['func']
+    del args_dict['db_files']
+    for f in args.__dict__['db_files']:
+        args_dict['db_file'] = f
+        args.func(**args_dict)