view @ 97:fbc6307dd83b draft

planemo upload commit 91fd26f19cb20fc2ee4d87d7edbc9ce6099752b0
author rhpvorderman
date Mon, 08 Jan 2024 08:50:07 +0000
parents 385dea3c6cb5
line wrap: on
line source


"""Create a HTML sequence overview"""

import argparse
import os
import typing
from collections import defaultdict
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, Iterable, List

class SequenceTableRow(typing.NamedTuple):
    sequence_id: str
    sequence: str
    best_match: str
    functionality: str

class SequenceStats:
    __slots__ = ("counts", "table_rows")

    def __init__(self):
        self.counts: Dict[str, int] = {
            "IGA1": 0,
            "IGA2": 0,
            "IGE": 0,
            "IGA": 0,  # IGA and IGG without subclasses only exist when the
            "IGG": 0,  # everything is IGA or IGG option is chosen.
            "IGG1": 0,
            "IGG2": 0,
            "IGG3": 0,
            "IGG4": 0,
            "IGM": 0,
            "unmatched": 0,
            "all": 0,
        self.table_rows: List[SequenceTableRow] = []

def get_sequence_stats(before_unique: str,
                       sequence_columns: List[str]):
    sequence_statistics = defaultdict(SequenceStats)
    with open(before_unique, "rt") as table:
        header = next(table)
        header_columns = header.strip("\n").split("\t")
        for line in table:
            values = line.strip("\n").split("\t")
            row_dict = dict(zip(header_columns, values))
            sequence = " ".join(row_dict[column] for column in sequence_columns)
            best_match = row_dict["best_match"]
            original_match = best_match
            if best_match.startswith("unmatched"):
                best_match = "unmatched"
            sequence_statistics[sequence].counts[best_match] += 1
            functionality = row_dict["Functionality"]
                SequenceTableRow(row_dict["Sequence.ID"], sequence,
                                 original_match, functionality))
    return sequence_statistics

def get_background_color(value: str):
    if value in ("TRUE", "T"):
        return "#eafaf1"
    elif value in ("FALSE", "F"):
        return "#f9ebea"
        flt = float(value)
    except ValueError:
        return "white"
    if flt > 0:
        return "#eaecee"
    return "white"

def td(val):
    return f"<td bgcolor='{get_background_color(val)}'>{val}</td>"

def tr(val: Iterable[str]):
    return f"<tr>{''.join(td(v) for v in val)}</tr>\n"

def make_link(link, val):
    return f"<a href='{link}'>{val}</a>"

def tbl(df: Iterable[Iterable[str]]):
    return f"<table border='1'>{''.join(tr(v) for v in df)}</table>\n"

def to_bool_str(cond):
    return "TRUE" if cond else "FALSE"

def sequence_overview(before_unique: str,
                      outdir: str,
                      empty_region_filter: str):
    os.makedirs(outdir, exist_ok=True)
    sequence_columns = [
        "FR1.IMGT.seq", "CDR1.IMGT.seq", "FR2.IMGT.seq", "CDR2.IMGT.seq",
        "FR3.IMGT.seq", "CDR3.IMGT.seq"]
    if empty_region_filter == "leader" or empty_region_filter == "None":
        sequence_columns = sequence_columns
    elif empty_region_filter == "FR1":
        sequence_columns = sequence_columns[1:]
    elif empty_region_filter == "CDR1":
        sequence_columns = sequence_columns[2:]
    elif empty_region_filter == "FR2":
        sequence_columns = sequence_columns[3:]
        raise ValueError(f"Unknown region filter: {empty_region_filter}")
    main_html_file = os.path.join(outdir, "index.html")
    by_id_file = os.path.join(outdir, "by_id.html")
    with open(main_html_file, "wt") as main_html, open(by_id_file, "wt") as by_id:
        main_html.write("<center><img src='data:image/png;base64,"
                        "> Please note that this tab is based on all "
                        "sequences before filter unique sequences and the "
                        "remove duplicates based on filters are applied. In "
                        "this table only sequences occuring more than once "
                        "are included. </center>")
        main_html.write("<table border='1' class='pure-table pure-table-striped'>")
                        f"{'+'.join(column.split('.')[0] for column in sequence_columns)} sequences "
                        f"that show up more than once</caption>")
        main_html.write("<th>total IGA</th><th>total IGG</th><th>total IGM</th>"
                        "<th>total IGE</th><th>number of subclasses</th>"
                        "<th>present in both IGA and IGG</th>"
                        "<th>present in IGA, IGG and IGM</th>"
                        "<th>present in IGA, IGG and IGE</th>"
                        "<th>present in IGA, IGG, IGM and IGE</th>"
        sequence_stats = get_sequence_stats(before_unique, sequence_columns)
        sorted_sequences = sorted(sequence_stats.keys())

        single_sequences = 0  # sequence only found once, skipped
        in_multiple = 0  # same sequence across multiple subclasses
        multiple_in_one = 0  # same sequence multiple times in one subclass
        unmatched = 0  # all the sequences are unmatched
        some_unmatched = 0  # one or more sequences in a clone are unmatched
        matched = 0  # should be the same als matched sequences

        for i, sequence in enumerate(sorted_sequences, start=1):
            sequence_stat: SequenceStats = sequence_stats[sequence]
            count_dict = sequence_stat.counts
            class_sum = sum(count_dict.values())
            if class_sum == 1:
                single_sequences += 1
            if count_dict["unmatched"] == class_sum:
                unmatched += 1
            in_classes = sum(1 for key, value in count_dict.items()
                             if value > 0 and key != "unmatched")
            matched += in_classes
            if any(value == class_sum for value in count_dict.values()):
                multiple_in_one += 1
            elif count_dict["unmatched"] > 0:
                some_unmatched += 1
                in_multiple += 1
            # Use a dict so we can preserve the order and get all the unique
            # items. With a set the order is not preserved.
            functionality_dict = {row.functionality: None
                                  for row in sequence_stat.table_rows}
            functionality = ",".join(functionality_dict.keys())
            links: Dict[str, str] = {}
            for key, value in count_dict.items():
                name_key = "un" if key == "unmatched" else key
                html_file = f"{name_key}_{i}.html"
                links[key] = html_file
                if value > 0:
                    rows = [row for row in sequence_stat.table_rows
                            # Startswith to also get unmatched columns
                            if row.best_match.startswith(key)]
                    Path(outdir, html_file).write_text(tbl(rows))
                    for row in rows:
                        by_id.write(make_link(html_file, row.sequence_id) + "<br />\n")
            iga_count = count_dict["IGA1"] + count_dict["IGA2"]
            igg_count =  count_dict["IGG1"] + count_dict["IGG2"] + \
                count_dict["IGG3"] + count_dict["IGG4"]

            contained_classes = set(key for key, value
                                    in count_dict.items() if value > 0)
            if iga_count:
            if igg_count:
            main_row = [
                sequence, functionality,
                make_link(links["IGA1"], count_dict["IGA1"]),
                make_link(links["IGA2"], count_dict["IGA2"]),
                make_link(links["IGG1"], count_dict["IGG1"]),
                make_link(links["IGG2"], count_dict["IGG2"]),
                make_link(links["IGG3"], count_dict["IGG3"]),
                make_link(links["IGG4"], count_dict["IGG4"]),
                make_link(links["IGM"], count_dict["IGM"]),
                make_link(links["IGE"], count_dict["IGE"]),
                make_link(links["unmatched"], count_dict["unmatched"]),
                to_bool_str({"IGA", "IGG"}.issubset(contained_classes)),
                to_bool_str({"IGA", "IGG", "IGM"}.issubset(contained_classes)),
                to_bool_str({"IGA", "IGG", "IGE"}.issubset(contained_classes)),
                to_bool_str({"IGA", "IGG", "IGM", "IGE"}.issubset(contained_classes)),
                to_bool_str({"IGA1", "IGA2"}.issubset(contained_classes)),
                to_bool_str({"IGG1", "IGG2"}.issubset(contained_classes)),
                to_bool_str({"IGG1", "IGG3"}.issubset(contained_classes)),
                to_bool_str({"IGG1", "IGG4"}.issubset(contained_classes)),
                to_bool_str({"IGG2", "IGG3"}.issubset(contained_classes)),
                to_bool_str({"IGG2", "IGG4"}.issubset(contained_classes)),
                to_bool_str({"IGG3", "IGG4"}.issubset(contained_classes)),
                to_bool_str({"IGG1", "IGG2", "IGG3"}.issubset(contained_classes)),
                to_bool_str({"IGG2", "IGG3", "IGG4"}.issubset(contained_classes)),
                to_bool_str({"IGG1", "IGG2", "IGG4"}.issubset(contained_classes)),
                to_bool_str({"IGG1", "IGG3", "IGG4"}.issubset(contained_classes)),
                to_bool_str({"IGG1", "IGG2", "IGG3", "IGG4"}.issubset(contained_classes)),

def argument_parser() -> argparse.ArgumentParser:
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("--before-unique", help="File with the overview before unique filters")
    parser.add_argument("--outdir", help="Output directory")
    return parser

def main():
    args = argument_parser().parse_args()

if __name__ == "__main__":