diff Roary/lib/Bio/Roary/External/CheckTools.pm @ 0:c47a5f61bc9f draft

author dereeper
date Fri, 14 May 2021 20:27:06 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Roary/lib/Bio/Roary/External/CheckTools.pm	Fri May 14 20:27:06 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+package Bio::Roary::External::CheckTools;
+# ABSTRACT: Check external executables are available and are the correct version
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+Functionality borrowed from PROKKA by Torsten Seemann.
+Check external executables are available and are the correct version
+   use Bio::Roary::External::CheckTools;
+   my $obj = Bio::Roary::External::CheckTools->new();
+   $obj->check_all_tools;
+use Moose;
+use File::Spec;
+use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
+has 'logger' => ( is => 'ro', lazy => 1, builder => '_build_logger' );
+sub _build_logger {
+    my ($self) = @_;
+    Log::Log4perl->easy_init($DEBUG);
+    my $logger = get_logger();
+    return $logger;
+my $BIDEC = '(\d+\.\d+)';    # pattern of NN.NN for versions that can be compared
+my %tools = (
+    'parallel' => {
+        GETVER => "parallel --version | grep '^GNU parallel 2'",
+        REGEXP => qr/GNU parallel (\d+)/,
+        MINVER => "20130422",
+        NEEDED => 1,
+    },
+    'blastp' => {
+        GETVER => "blastp -version",
+        REGEXP => qr/blastp:\s+(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/,
+        NEEDED => 1,
+    },
+    'makeblastdb' => {
+        GETVER => "makeblastdb -version",
+        REGEXP => qr/makeblastdb:\s+(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/,
+        NEEDED => 1,
+    },
+    'mcl' => {
+        GETVER => "mcl --version | head -n 1",
+        REGEXP => qr/(\d+\-\d+)/,
+        NEEDED => 1,
+    },
+    'bedtools' => {
+        GETVER => "bedtools --version",
+        REGEXP => qr/bedtools v($BIDEC)/,
+        MINVER => "2.1",
+        NEEDED => 1,
+    },
+    'mafft' => {
+        GETVER => "mafft --version < /dev/null 2>&1",
+        REGEXP => qr/(\d+\.\d+)/,
+        NEEDED => 1,
+    },
+    'kraken' => {
+        GETVER => "kraken -v | head -n 1",
+        REGEXP => qr/(\d+\.\d+\.*\d*.*)/,
+        NEEDED => 0,
+    },
+    'kraken-report' => {
+        GETVER => "kraken-report -v | head -n 1",
+        REGEXP => qr/(\d+\.\d+\.*\d*.*)/,
+        NEEDED => 0,
+    },	
+	'Rscript'  => {
+        GETVER => "Rscript --version 2>&1 | head -n 1",
+        REGEXP => qr/R scripting front-end version ($BIDEC)/,
+		MINVER => "3",
+        NEEDED => 0,
+    },
+    'prank' => {
+        GETVER => "prank | grep -m 1 ^prank",
+        REGEXP => qr/prank v.(\d+)/,
+        NEEDED => 0,
+    },
+    # now just the standard unix tools we need
+    'grep' => { NEEDED => 1 },
+    'sed'  => { NEEDED => 1 },
+    'awk'  => { NEEDED => 1 },
+my %cdhit_tools = (
+    'cdhit' => {
+        GETVER => "cdhit -h | grep 'CD-HIT version'",
+        REGEXP => qr/version\s+($BIDEC)/i,
+        MINVER => "4.6",
+    },
+    'cd-hit' => {
+        GETVER => "cd-hit -h | grep 'CD-HIT version'",
+        REGEXP => qr/version\s+($BIDEC)/i,
+        MINVER => "4.6",
+    }
+my %fasttree_tools = (
+    'fasttree' => {
+        GETVER => "fasttree 2>&1 | head -n 1",
+        REGEXP => qr/Usage for FastTree version ($BIDEC)/,
+    },
+    'FastTree' => {
+        GETVER => "FastTree 2>&1 | head -n 1",
+        REGEXP => qr/Usage for FastTree version ($BIDEC)/,
+    }
+sub which_tool_exec {
+    my ( $self, $alt_tools ) = @_;
+    for my $toolname ( sort keys %{$alt_tools} ) {
+        my $fp = $self->find_exe($toolname);
+        return $toolname if $fp;
+    }
+    $self->logger->error( "Required tool missing. Can't find one of " . join( '/', keys %{$alt_tools} ) . " in your \$PATH." );
+    return undef;
+sub check_tool {
+    my ( $self, $toolname ) = @_;
+    my $t  = $tools{$toolname};
+    my $fp = $self->find_exe($toolname);
+    $self->logger->error("ERROR: Can't find required '$toolname' in your \$PATH")     if !$fp and $t->{NEEDED};
+    $self->logger->error("Optional tool '$toolname' not found in your \$PATH") if !$fp and !$t->{NEEDED};
+    if ($fp) {
+        $t->{HAVE} = $fp;
+        $self->logger->warn("Looking for '$toolname' - found $fp");
+        if ( $t->{GETVER} ) {
+            my ($s) = qx($t->{GETVER});
+            if ( defined $s ) {
+                $s =~ $t->{REGEXP};
+                $t->{VERSION} = $1 if defined $1;
+                $self->logger->warn("Determined $toolname version is $t->{VERSION}");
+                if ( defined $t->{MINVER} and $t->{VERSION} < $t->{MINVER} ) {
+                    $self->logger->error("Roary needs $toolname $t->{MINVER} or higher. Please upgrade and try again.");
+                }
+                if ( defined $t->{MAXVER} and $t->{VERSION} > $t->{MAXVER} ) {
+                    $self->logger->error(
+                        "Roary needs a version of $toolname between $t->{MINVER} and $t->{MAXVER}. Please downgrade and try again.");
+                }
+            }
+            else {
+                $self->logger->error( "Could not determine version of $toolname - please install version ", $t->{MINVER}, " or higher" )
+                  ;    # FIXME: or less <= MAXVER if given
+            }
+        }
+    }
+sub check_all_tools {
+    my ($self) = @_;
+    $ENV{"GREP_OPTIONS"} = '';    # --colour => version grep fails (Issue #117)
+    for my $toolname ( sort keys %tools ) {
+        $self->check_tool($toolname);
+    }
+    my $cdhit = $self->which_tool_exec( \%cdhit_tools );
+    if ($cdhit) {
+        $tools{$cdhit} = $cdhit_tools{$cdhit};
+        $self->check_tool($cdhit);
+    }
+    my $fasttree = $self->which_tool_exec( \%fasttree_tools );
+    if ($fasttree) {
+        $tools{$fasttree} = $fasttree_tools{$fasttree};
+        $self->check_tool($fasttree);
+    }
+    return $self;
+sub find_exe {
+    my ( $self, $bin ) = @_;
+    for my $dir ( File::Spec->path ) {
+        my $exe = File::Spec->catfile( $dir, $bin );
+        return $exe if -x $exe;
+    }
+    return;
+no Moose;