view Roary/ @ 2:3f98630a0c20 draft

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author dereeper
date Fri, 12 Nov 2021 16:30:50 +0000
parents c47a5f61bc9f
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# Change Log

## [Unreleased](

[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- Feature Request: Clear error message for duplicated file names [\#363](

**Fixed bugs:**

- uninitialized value warning [\#297](
- Bio::Root::Exception thrown during core genome alignment, missing some sequence in core\_gene\_alignment.aln [\#224](

**Closed issues:**

- Interpretation accessory\_binary\_genes newick [\#429](
- No gene annotation in gene\_presence\_absence.csv output   [\#428](
- Compilation aborted at pan\_genome\_post\_analysis [\#427](
- Could not obtain pan\_genome\_sequences [\#426](
- Pan genome for fungal genomes [\#425](
- multifasta for all proteins [\#424](
- roary\ KeyError: "X" not in index [\#423](
- Confirm that use of BLAST's `-max\_target\_seqs` is intentional [\#422](
- query\_pan\_genome 'Cant access file' error \(Non-Working-Directory inputs\) [\#421](
- How many .gff files does Roary need? [\#419](
- Installation through Bioconda not working [\#418](
- Is it possible to run roary without prokka output files? [\#417](
- Exiting early because number of clusters is too high [\#415](
- MSG: Got a sequence without letters. Could not guess alphabet? [\#414](
- Which is the advantage to pre-use prokka to perform analysis using genbank \(.gbk and gbff\) files? [\#412](
- issues with running and empty files [\#411](
- MSG: Got a sequence without letters. Could not guess alphabet [\#410](
- issue [\#407](
- Tutorial data: extract\_proteome\_from\_gff  [\#406](
- Tutorial data: extract\_proteome\_from\_gff [\#403](
- gene\_presence\_absence.csv incomplete [\#402](
- Roary including non-protein coding features? [\#398](
- Question: what programs can be used to visualize embl and dot files? [\#394](
- Roary Does not terminated successfully  [\#388](
- python: can't open file 'roary\': \[Errno 2\] No such file or directory [\#385](
- Roary does not finish analysis even though cluster job queue returns successful completion [\#383](
- Genes \(well\) annotated in prokka end up all in different groups?? [\#355](
- could not determine version of cd-hit [\#322](
- Use of uninitialized value in require at \(eval 792\) line 1. [\#308](
- Error: unexpected input in "\_" [\#299](
- inconsistent referencing of $TMPDIR ? [\#287](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Include tests in README [\#430]( ([ssjunnebo](
- 621556 badges [\#420]( ([ssjunnebo](
- Update roary\_plots from .ix to .loc [\#416]( ([EvdH0](
- Use only CDS features from GFF [\#400]( ([embatty](
- also mention Devel::OverloadInfo and Digest::MD5::File as required Perl dependencies [\#397]( ([boegel](
- Avoid deprecation errors in roary\_plots [\#389]( ([mgalardini](

## [v3.12.0]( (2018-01-23)
[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Reduce min gene size [\#384]( ([ssjunnebo](

## [v3.11.4]( (2018-01-16)
[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Roary seemed to have stopped prematurely; any way to continue the run? [\#380](
- Getting prank version without the online check [\#377](
- Kraken version parsing error: [\#376](
- 3.11.1 failing 2/55 \(3/791\) tests  [\#375](
- Fix for prank version check [\#361](
- mafft version check still failing - bug in regexp found [\#360](
- roary -a  =\> Use of uninitialized value in concatenation \(.\) [\#270](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Fix dependancy checking option [\#382]( ([andrewjpage](

## [v3.11.3]( (2018-01-12)
[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Version fix [\#379]( ([andrewjpage](

## [v3.11.2]( (2018-01-12)
[Full Changelog](

**Fixed bugs:**

- ExtractProteomeFromGff.t failing tests 3.11.0 [\#373](

**Merged pull requests:**

- fix mafft and kraken version extraction [\#378]( ([andrewjpage](

## [v3.11.1]( (2018-01-10)
[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Sorting in version 3.11.0: uppercase letters first, lowercase second \(non-alphabetical\) [\#371](
- Genbank input [\#365](
- not all annotated features are allocated to the clusters [\#359](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Bedtools getfasta format fix [\#374]( ([andrewjpage](
- Update roary\ [\#372]( ([franz89](
- Issue \#363 add check for duplicate basenames [\#370]( ([nickp60](
- Update Guix install instructions. [\#362]( ([wwood](

## [v3.11.0]( (2017-10-10)
[Full Changelog](

**Fixed bugs:**

- Can't get version of kraken, kraken-report or mafft ? [\#312](

**Closed issues:**

- number\_of\_conserved\_genes.Rtab [\#354](
- \[question\] Should it take this long? [\#352](

**Merged pull requests:**

- change missing gene in core to be dashes rather than Ns [\#358]( ([andrewjpage](

## [v3.10.2]( (2017-09-08)
[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- \[version 3.8.0\] Roary crashes at end on perl error message [\#323](
-  Cant open file: \_accessory\_clusters.clstr [\#320](

**Merged pull requests:**

- get kraken version [\#351]( ([andrewjpage](

## [v3.10.1]( (2017-09-07)
[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- Auto-detect if input files are GFF or FASTA [\#348](
- Can "Fixing input GFF files" be parallelized? [\#342](

**Fixed bugs:**

- The GNU General Public License, Version not specified [\#344](

**Closed issues:**

- MSG: The sequence does not appear to be FASTA format \(lacks a descriptor line '\>'\) [\#346](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Improve input file handling [\#350]( ([andrewjpage](

## [v3.10.0]( (2017-09-07)
[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Use of uninitialized value \(Perl\) [\#345](
- identical .gff file names from different genome, and then issue with mcl groups [\#341](
- Cant open file: \_clustered.clstr [\#339](

## [v3.9.1]( (2017-08-22)
[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Optionally allow paralogs in core gene alignment [\#343]( ([andrewjpage](
- Script to find frequency of unique genes in samples [\#340]( ([andrewjpage](

## [v3.9.0]( (2017-08-09)
[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- roary\_plots: pangenome matrix tree does not look like input.newick tree [\#333](
- use Roary with RAST files [\#332](
- Roary  [\#329](
- sampling number is 10 in number of genes in pan and core genome [\#319](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Grammar edits [\#327]( ([cgreene](
- allow for inflation factor for MCL to be changed [\#326]( ([andrewjpage](

## [v3.8.2]( (2017-05-21)
[Full Changelog](

## [v3.8.1]( (2017-05-21)
[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- BLAST Database error [\#321](
- Results for same input differ always a bit \(summary\_statistics.txt\) [\#318](
- Error: Couldnt open GFF file [\#314](
- Help with query\_pan\_genome [\#313](

**Merged pull requests:**

- update email address [\#325]( ([ssjunnebo](
- New option to roary\ [\#317]( ([mgalardini](

## [v3.8.0]( (2017-01-25)
[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Old version in the master tarball? [\#300](
- prank is not installed \(Linuxbrew\) [\#294](
- roary\ problem [\#292](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Support latest version of blast [\#306]( ([andrewjpage](
- infgen [\#305]( ([andrewjpage](
- update from 108 to 118 [\#304]( ([andrewjpage](
- update usage text for iterative CD-hit [\#301]( ([andrewjpage](

## [v3.7.1]( (2016-11-01)
[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- core\_gene\_alignment.aln missing [\#284](
- Is these results fine to use? [\#282](

**Merged pull requests:**

- fix spelling [\#280]( ([satta](
- dont add POD to end of R scripts [\#279]( ([andrewjpage](

## [v3.7.0]( (2016-09-23)
[Full Changelog](

## [v3.6.9]( (2016-09-22)
[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- I have published a Roary homebrew formula [\#208](
- Getting Roary into Homebrew [\#152](

**Closed issues:**

- roary\ missing  [\#277](
- Errors when downloaded sequences from NCBI [\#274](
- Same dataset different results! [\#271](
- \_clustered.clstr file does not exist, cannot be read [\#250](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Fixed easy-init warnings - 529655 [\#278]( ([psweston](
- Add instructions for GNU Guix. [\#273]( ([wwood](

## [v3.6.8]( (2016-08-02)
[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Allow gene names from gb [\#266]( ([andrewjpage](
- Missing genes [\#265]( ([andrewjpage](

## [v3.6.7]( (2016-07-26)
[Full Changelog](

**Fixed bugs:**

- Roary 3.6.5 giving different \(erroneous\) results compared to 3.5.7 and 3.6.1/3.6.3/3.6.4 [\#263](
- roary R plots don't work on server --- lack of X11 [\#194](

**Closed issues:**

- empty accessory\_binary\_genes.fa file [\#262](
- a guix package [\#259](
- create\_pan\_genome\_plots.R - X11 font problem [\#230](
- Roary not generating pan\_genome\_reference.fa [\#223](
- Roary not using packaged executables [\#215](

## [v3.6.6]( (2016-07-25)
[Full Changelog](

**Fixed bugs:**

- GFF parsing doesn't match GFF3 specification [\#249](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Fix empty accessory binary [\#264]( ([andrewjpage](
- change to dist zilla starter bundle [\#261]( ([nds](

## [v3.6.5]( (2016-07-20)
[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- allow new format bedtools and dont look for FASTA in GFF [\#260]( ([andrewjpage](
- catch divide  by zero error [\#258]( ([andrewjpage](

## [v3.6.4]( (2016-07-06)
[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- drop testing for perl 5.10, add 5.24. dzil no longer works below 5.14 [\#257]( ([andrewjpage](

## [v3.6.3]( (2016-07-01)
[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Speed up alignments [\#256]( ([andrewjpage](

## [v3.6.2]( (2016-05-10)
[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- Prefix utility commands with roary- ? [\#226](

**Merged pull requests:**

- fix bug Can't exec /bin/sh: Argument list too long [\#247]( ([duytintruong](
- get rid of warning message [\#246]( ([satta](

## [v3.6.1]( (2016-04-18)
[Full Changelog](

**Fixed bugs:**

- roary\ generating flawed plots [\#221](

**Closed issues:**

- Core gene file missing error [\#241](

**Merged pull requests:**

- prefix commands with roary [\#244]( ([andrewjpage](
- More improvements to roary\_plots [\#240]( ([mgalardini](

## [v3.6.0]( (2016-02-23)
[Full Changelog](

**Fixed bugs:**

- MSG: Got a sequence without letters. Could not guess alphabet [\#229](

**Closed issues:**

- Roary 3.5.8 works with -i 80 switch, but not with -i 90 or higher with large datasets? [\#234](
- How to use multiple switches in commandline? [\#232](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Improvements to roary\_plots [\#236]( ([mgalardini](
- Rollback 3 5 8 [\#235]( ([andrewjpage](

## [v3.5.9]( (2016-02-17)
[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- What clusters end up in gene accessory\_binary\_genes.fa ? [\#225](

**Closed issues:**

- just prints HELLO [\#233](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Fix minor typo [\#231]( ([abremges](

## [v3.5.8]( (2016-01-20)
[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- Getting Roary into Debian Med [\#219](
- Add embl output file mapping location of each core gene in the core genome alignment [\#192](

**Closed issues:**

- Error message: Cannot find the mcxdeblast executable, please ensure its in your PATH [\#217](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Provide full accessory for building binary tree [\#227]( ([andrewjpage](
- roary\_plots: new fields in roary output must be parsed away [\#222]( ([mgalardini](
- Debian nitpicks [\#220]( ([satta](
- Core alignment header file [\#218]( ([andrewjpage](

## [v3.5.7]( (2015-12-17)
[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Roary not checking tools needed to run [\#214](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Core gene count [\#213]( ([andrewjpage](

## [v3.5.6]( (2015-12-01)
[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- Non-issue, FYI regarding my '' script [\#195](

**Merged pull requests:**

- add roary2svg script [\#212]( ([andrewjpage](

## [v3.5.5]( (2015-11-26)
[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- CD-hit threads limit [\#211]( ([andrewjpage](

## [v3.5.4]( (2015-11-26)
[Full Changelog](

**Fixed bugs:**

- Use of uninitialized value in require at \(eval ..\) line 1. [\#204](
- \[bug\] Newick files in 3.5.1 have branch lengths of 0.0 [\#202](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Accessory binary fasta contains all C's fix [\#210]( ([andrewjpage](

## [v3.5.3]( (2015-11-26)
[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- Enhancement:  roary -a to continue on if other parameters as well [\#207](
- Make summary\_statistics a TAB/TSV file? [\#193](

**Fixed bugs:**

- roary --version should return 0 not 255 exit code [\#206](
- Is the roary -a check complete? [\#205](

## [v3.5.2]( (2015-11-25)
[Full Changelog](

**Fixed bugs:**

- Use of uninitialized value in File::Slurper and  [\#196](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Improved dependancy checking [\#209]( ([andrewjpage](
- Lsf update gene alignments [\#201]( ([andrewjpage](

## [v3.5.1]( (2015-11-12)
[Full Changelog](

**Fixed bugs:**

- Accessory genes newick file contains full path of infividual files [\#200](
- add optional dependancy from File::Slurper to stop warnings being printed [\#199]( ([andrewjpage](

## [v3.5.0]( (2015-11-12)
[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- remove path from accessory tree [\#198]( ([andrewjpage](

## [v3.4.3]( (2015-11-11)
[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- consensus group name for pan reference [\#190]( ([andrewjpage](

## [v3.4.2]( (2015-10-12)
[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Gene presence and absence rtab [\#189]( ([andrewjpage](

## [v3.4.1]( (2015-10-08)
[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- Need protein lengths in the final spreadsheet [\#116](

**Fixed bugs:**

- Bio-RetrieveAssemblies-1.0.1 fails to install [\#151](

**Merged pull requests:**

- \* Proposed fix for CPANTS error. [\#187]( ([manwar](

## [v3.4.0]( (2015-10-07)
[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Extra columns in spreadsheet with gene lengths [\#186]( ([andrewjpage](

## [v3.3.4]( (2015-10-07)
[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- EXCEPTION: Bio::Root::Exception could not read ...faa.intermediate.extracted.fa [\#175](

**Merged pull requests:**

- increase dependancy RAM [\#185]( ([andrewjpage](
- Use lsf for gene alignment [\#184]( ([andrewjpage](

## [v3.3.3]( (2015-09-29)
[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- dont align if sequences same length and nearly the same [\#183]( ([andrewjpage](

## [v3.3.2]( (2015-09-28)
[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- Use of temporary folders and files [\#177](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Duplicate sequences in pan genome reference fasta [\#182]( ([andrewjpage](

## [v3.3.1]( (2015-09-25)
[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Fix usage text [\#181]( ([andrewjpage](

## [v3.3.0]( (2015-09-24)
[Full Changelog](

**Fixed bugs:**

- Check at least 2 gff files have been passed in [\#171](
- Pentuple memory for worst case sCenario [\#170](
- 00\_requires\_external.t missing "mafft" ? [\#168](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Check dependancies [\#180]( ([andrewjpage](

## [v3.2.9]( (2015-09-23)
[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- Add --outdir option to avoid blatting current directory [\#176](

**Fixed bugs:**

- CPAN install failure "unknown option mafft" [\#169](

**Closed issues:**

- Error "Cant open file: \_uninflated\_mcl\_groups" [\#179](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Add the option to specify an output directory [\#178]( ([andrewjpage](

## [v3.2.8]( (2015-09-23)
[Full Changelog](

## [v3.2.7]( (2015-09-02)
[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- count paralogs correctly when looking for differences in datasets [\#174]( ([andrewjpage](

## [v3.2.6]( (2015-09-02)
[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- revert core tree generation [\#173]( ([andrewjpage](

## [v3.2.5]( (2015-08-17)
[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Verbose stats [\#172]( ([andrewjpage](
- dont set bioperl version [\#167]( ([andrewjpage](

## [v3.2.4]( (2015-07-23)
[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- update readme citation [\#165]( ([andrewjpage](

## [v3.2.3]( (2015-07-22)
[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- update citation message [\#164]( ([andrewjpage](
- Pass mafft through to alignment [\#163]( ([andrewjpage](

## [v3.2.1]( (2015-07-21)
[Full Changelog](

## [v3.2.0]( (2015-07-20)
[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Use mafft [\#162]( ([andrewjpage](
- output summary file [\#161]( ([andrewjpage](
- Pass through dont delete flag [\#160]( ([andrewjpage](
- Assembly statistics [\#159]( ([andrewjpage](

## [v3.1.2]( (2015-07-13)
[Full Changelog](

## [3.1.2]( (2015-07-13)
[Full Changelog](

**Fixed bugs:**

- prank seg fault [\#157](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Core gene missing files [\#158]( ([andrewjpage](

## [v3.1.1]( (2015-06-26)
[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- sadaf [\#154](

## [v3.1.0]( (2015-06-22)
[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Accessory binary tree [\#155]( ([andrewjpage](

## [v3.0.3]( (2015-06-15)
[Full Changelog](

**Fixed bugs:**

- Annotation missing in set\_difference\_unique\_set\_one/two\_statistics.csv files [\#137](

**Merged pull requests:**

- when creating core gene alignment, lookup sample names to genes in sp… [\#153]( ([andrewjpage](
- Only align core files [\#150]( ([andrewjpage](

## [v3.0.2]( (2015-06-12)
[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- Print out the version number [\#119](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Mafft and exonerate dependancies [\#149]( ([andrewjpage](
- Add a version parameter and add in marcos plots code [\#148]( ([andrewjpage](

## [v3.0.1]( (2015-06-12)
[Full Changelog](

**Fixed bugs:**

- Use of -e switch gives multifasta file with N's only [\#132](

## [v3.0.0]( (2015-06-11)
[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Use prank for core genome alignments [\#147]( ([andrewjpage](
- Accessory graph [\#146]( ([andrewjpage](

## [v2.3.4]( (2015-06-10)
[Full Changelog](

## [v2.3.3]( (2015-06-08)
[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Simplify perl dependency installation [\#145]( ([bewt85](
- Pan genome reference [\#144]( ([andrewjpage](
- Fix input files with duplicate IDs [\#143]( ([andrewjpage](
- Test against different versions of GNU Parallel [\#142]( ([bewt85](

## [v2.3.2]( (2015-06-08)
[Full Changelog](

**Fixed bugs:**

- GFF files derived from Prokka genbank raise errors [\#130](
- MSG: Got a sequence without letters. Could not guess alphabet [\#127](

**Merged pull requests:**

- TravisCI only wants the major and minor version of perl [\#141]( ([bewt85](
- Add TravisCI support [\#140]( ([bewt85](
- Use locus tag when ID is missing from GFF [\#139]( ([andrewjpage](

## [v2.3.1]( (2015-06-02)
[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Extract IDs from GFF file using Bio::Perl [\#138]( ([andrewjpage](

## [v2.3.0]( (2015-06-01)
[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- "cpan" command reports Bio::Roary as version '\(undef\)' [\#134](

## [v2.2.6]( (2015-06-01)
[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- No tagged release for 2.2.3 [\#133](
- Syntax \(?\) errors on perl 5.10.1 [\#128](

**Merged pull requests:**

- include version numbers for cpan [\#136]( ([andrewjpage](
- New version number for contributed fix for issue \#128 [\#135]( ([andrewjpage](
- gnu parallel switch for ubuntu [\#131]( ([andrewjpage](
- Backward compatible deferencing of hashes [\#129]( ([mgalardini](

## [v2.2.4]( (2015-05-29)
[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- ERROR: cannot remove directory for split\_groups [\#115](
- cleanup outputfiles [\#114](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Cleanup files [\#126]( ([andrewjpage](

## [v2.2.3]( (2015-05-21)
[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Change QC so that it doesnt shred reads [\#117](
- QC doesnt work outside sanger [\#112](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Update Kraken QC [\#125]( ([andrewjpage](

## [v2.2.2]( (2015-05-21)
[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Hard-coded Sanger paths in some scripts [\#124](
- You're missing some Perl dependancies [\#123](
- Add support for GFF files from NCBI [\#120](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Fix usage text [\#122]( ([andrewjpage](

## [v2.2.0]( (2015-05-14)
[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Verbose output with -v [\#113](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Accept genbank files [\#121]( ([andrewjpage](

## [v2.1.2]( (2015-05-12)
[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Verbose output [\#118]( ([andrewjpage](

## [v2.1.1]( (2015-04-29)
[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- pass core definition into number of conserved genes plot [\#111]( ([andrewjpage](
- Vary core definition [\#110]( ([andrewjpage](
- Use block quotes in readme [\#109]( ([bewt85](

## [v2.0.9]( (2015-04-20)
[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Allow for multiple processors to be used [\#108]( ([andrewjpage](

## [v2.0.8]( (2015-04-09)
[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Speedup [\#107]( ([andrewjpage](
- new version 2.0.7 [\#106]( ([andrewjpage](

## [v2.0.7]( (2015-03-28)
[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- old splits [\#105]( ([andrewjpage](
- Speedup split [\#104]( ([andrewjpage](

## [v2.0.5]( (2015-03-26)
[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Stop deep recursion [\#103]( ([andrewjpage](
- check programs installed [\#102]( ([andrewjpage](

## [2.0.4]( (2015-03-23)
[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- File slurp tiny [\#101]( ([andrewjpage](
- version 2.0.3 [\#100]( ([andrewjpage](

## [2.0.3]( (2015-03-17)
[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Remove LSF support [\#99]( ([andrewjpage](
- Dont set LSF as the default runner [\#98]( ([andrewjpage](
- Rename directories to Roary [\#97]( ([andrewjpage](

## [v2.0.0]( (2015-03-16)
**Merged pull requests:**

- Ship binaries [\#96]( ([andrewjpage](
- Pad merged multifastas when data is missing [\#95]( ([carlacummins](
- Subsample reads [\#94]( ([andrewjpage](
- Merge Carlas CGN [\#93]( ([andrewjpage](
- rename spreadsheet [\#92]( ([andrewjpage](
- Refactor out fasta grep [\#91]( ([andrewjpage](
- remove fasta\_grep [\#90]( ([andrewjpage](
- Add gnu parallel support [\#89]( ([andrewjpage](
- Updated create\_pan\_genome help text to include -qc option [\#88]( ([carlacummins](
- QC report option added [\#87]( ([carlacummins](
- increase blastp min memory to 3gb from 100 [\#86]( ([andrewjpage](
- Remove fastatranslate dependancy [\#85]( ([andrewjpage](
- Queue set to basement if number of samples \> 600 \(previously 800\) [\#84]( ([carlacummins](
- Bug fix [\#83]( ([carlacummins](
- Added verbose stats option [\#82]( ([carlacummins](
- Group limit changed to 50,000 [\#81]( ([carlacummins](
- Multifastas not created when group limit \(default 8000\) exceeded [\#80]( ([carlacummins](
- allow for translation table to be passed in [\#79]( ([andrewjpage](
- increase memory [\#78]( ([andrewjpage](
- Allow user specify sorting when reordering spreadsheet against a tree [\#77]( ([andrewjpage](
- Bug fixing [\#76]( ([carlacummins](
- Added AUTHORS file [\#75]( ([aslett1](
- if theres more than 1k samples use basement for default analysis [\#74]( ([andrewjpage](
- use long queue for more than 200 samples [\#73]( ([andrewjpage](
- core alignment gets run with lsf [\#72]( ([andrewjpage](
- Job runner ids lsf [\#71]( ([andrewjpage](
- Core alignment missing file [\#70]( ([andrewjpage](
- Core alignment missing file [\#69]( ([andrewjpage](
- update error reporting [\#68]( ([andrewjpage](
- Create core alignment from spreadsheet and multifasta files [\#67]( ([andrewjpage](
- make script executable [\#66]( ([andrewjpage](
- script to merge multifasta files together [\#65]( ([andrewjpage](
- rename output gene multfastas and pass all sequences through [\#64]( ([andrewjpage](
- Align genes at protein level and back translate to nucleotides [\#63]( ([andrewjpage](
- Depth first search for reordering spreadsheet [\#62]( ([andrewjpage](
- make the iterative cdhit script useful for standalone use [\#61]( ([andrewjpage](
- query\_pan\_genome\_update\_text [\#60]( ([andrewjpage](
- fix failing tests [\#59]( ([andrewjpage](
- Create plot for % blast identity [\#58]( ([andrewjpage](
- add a flag to keep intermediate files [\#57]( ([andrewjpage](
- set the known gene names to black and rest to colours [\#56]( ([andrewjpage](
- print fragment blocks [\#55]( ([andrewjpage](
- Fix ordering of accessory [\#54]( ([andrewjpage](
- fix r plots [\#53]( ([andrewjpage](
- Overlapping proteins [\#52]( ([andrewjpage](
- Gene order [\#51]( ([andrewjpage](
- pass job runner to iterative cdhit [\#50]( ([andrewjpage](
- iterative cdhit in a job [\#49]( ([andrewjpage](
- Fix tests [\#48]( ([andrewjpage](
- Prefilter optimisation [\#47]( ([andrewjpage](
- dont split groups [\#46]( ([andrewjpage](
- rename create plots R script [\#45]( ([andrewjpage](
- cdhit should output full description of sequence name [\#44]( ([andrewjpage](
- Gene count plot [\#43]( ([andrewjpage](
- align gene multifasta files using muscle [\#42]( ([andrewjpage](
- Reorder spreadsheet [\#41]( ([andrewjpage](
- Reorder spreadsheet [\#40]( ([andrewjpage](
- Speedup post analysis [\#39]( ([andrewjpage](
- Presence and absence of genes [\#38]( ([andrewjpage](
- split big groups based on annotation [\#37]( ([andrewjpage](
- make multifasta files easier to sort [\#36]( ([andrewjpage](
- dont wait in lfs scheduler [\#35]( ([andrewjpage](
- run post analysis as a job [\#34]( ([andrewjpage](
- annotate the names of the groups files [\#33]( ([andrewjpage](
- Output all sequences making up pan genome in multifasta files [\#32]( ([andrewjpage](
- Run external applications through lsf [\#31]( ([andrewjpage](
- remove done dependancy job [\#30]( ([andrewjpage](
- blocking job [\#29]( ([andrewjpage](
- Filter unknowns in LSF jobs [\#28]( ([andrewjpage](
- Pass job runner through to extract gffs [\#27]( ([andrewjpage](
- Change case of GFF commandline class [\#26]( ([andrewjpage](
- use LSF to do the inital parsing of input files [\#25]( ([andrewjpage](
- renamed LICENSE [\#24]( ([CraigPorter](
- GPL [\#23]( ([andrewjpage](
- lsf memory in mb [\#22]( ([andrewjpage](
- low complexity filtering [\#21]( ([andrewjpage](
- inflate clusters where the representative gene is not the first [\#20]( ([andrewjpage](
- report more sequences from blastp [\#19]( ([andrewjpage](
- update tests for different input processing [\#18]( ([andrewjpage](
- speedup extracting proteins from gff [\#17]( ([andrewjpage](
- sort spreadsheet by number of isolates [\#16]( ([andrewjpage](
- create spreadsheets of differences between sets [\#15]( ([andrewjpage](
- Output statistics on groups [\#14]( ([andrewjpage](
- Find the difference between isolates [\#13]( ([andrewjpage](
- check if group is null [\#12]( ([andrewjpage](
- catch undef [\#11]( ([andrewjpage](
- tests for create pan genome script [\#10]( ([andrewjpage](
- label fasta sequences with annotation ID [\#9]( ([andrewjpage](
- extract proteomes from gffs and transfer anntotation as part of script [\#8]( ([andrewjpage](
- transfer annotation [\#7]( ([andrewjpage](
- speedup searching fastas [\#6]( ([andrewjpage](
- typo in memory estimation [\#5]( ([andrewjpage](
- run mcl and inflate results [\#4]( ([andrewjpage](
- vary memory usage according to input file size [\#3]( ([andrewjpage](
- working on real data [\#2]( ([andrewjpage](
- Initial functionality [\#1]( ([andrewjpage](