diff egglib/egglib-2.1.5/include/egglib-cpp/NucleotideDiversity.hpp @ 9:98c37a5d67f4 draft

author dereeper
date Wed, 07 Feb 2018 22:08:47 -0500
parents 420b57c3c185
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/egglib/egglib-2.1.5/include/egglib-cpp/NucleotideDiversity.hpp	Wed Feb 07 22:08:47 2018 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
+    Copyright 2008-2009 Stéphane De Mita, Mathieu Siol
+    This file is part of the EggLib library.
+    EggLib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    EggLib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with EggLib.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include "BaseDiversity.hpp"
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+namespace egglib {
+   /** \brief Performs analyzes of population genetics
+    *
+    * \ingroup polymorphism
+    * 
+    * This class computes several summary statistics based on
+    * nucleotide analysis. Note that it is possible to use the same
+    * object to analyze different data set. Calling the load() method
+    * erases all data preivously computed (if any). Calling the load()
+    * method is absolutely required to compute any statistics. Some
+    * statistics are not computed by default, but are if the
+    * corresponding accessor is used (only load() is required).
+    * 
+    * Note that "unsecure" accessors don't perform out-of-bound checks.
+    * 
+    * S is the number of varying sites (only in sites that were not
+    * rejected).
+    * 
+    * eta is the minimum number of mutations, that is the sum of the
+    * number of alleles minus 1 for each varying site. eta = S if all
+    * sites have no variant or 2 alleles. eta is computed independently
+    * of the option multiple and IS NOT computed over lseff sites.
+    *
+    * Pi is the average number of pairwise differences between sequences
+    * (expressed here per site) or (as computed here) the mean per site
+    * (unbiased) heterozygosity. Pi is zero if no polymorphic sites.
+    *
+    * D is the Tajima's test of neutrality
+    * Ref. Tajima F.: Statistical method for testing the neutral
+    * mutation hypothesis by DNA polymorphism. Genetics 1989, 123:585-595.
+    * It is arbitrary set to 0 if no polymorphic sites.
+    *
+    * tW: thetaW: estimator of theta based on polymorphic sites (ref.
+    * e.g. Watterson 1975 Theor. Pop. Biol.).
+    * Both D and thetaW are computed assuming that rounded nseff samples
+    * have been sampled.
+    * The variance of D is computed using rounded nseff instead of ns.
+    *
+    * H is the Fay and Wu's test of neutrality.
+    * Z is the standardized version and E a similar test.
+    * Ref. Fay J. C., Wu C.-I.: Hitchhiking under positive Darwinian
+    * selection. Genetics 2000, 155:1405-1413. and Zeng K., Fu Y. X.,
+    * Shi S., Wu C.-I.: Statistical tests for detecting positive
+    * selection by utilizing high-frequency variants. Genetics 2006,
+    * 174:1431-9. Both are arbitrary set to 0 if no polymorphic or
+    * orientable sites.
+    *
+    * tH and tL: theta H: estimators of theta based on derived
+    * polymorphic sites (ref in Fay and Wu and Zeng al.). The variance
+    * of H/Z are computed assuming that rounded nseff samples have
+    * been sampled.
+    * 
+    */
+    class NucleotideDiversity : public BaseDiversity {
+        public:
+           /** \brief Builds an object
+            * 
+            */
+            NucleotideDiversity();
+           /** \brief Destroys an object
+            * 
+            */
+            virtual ~NucleotideDiversity();
+           /** \brief Identifies polymorphic sites and computes basis
+            * statistics
+            * 
+            * \param data an alignment object (subclass of CharMatrix).
+            * The presence of outgroup or of different populations will
+            * be detected based on the populationLabel members of the
+            * passed object. The populationLabel 999 will be interpreted
+            * as outgroups. If several outgroups are passed, sites were
+            * the outgroups are not consistent will be treated as "non-
+            * orientable".
+            * 
+            * \param allowMultipleMutations if true, sites with more
+            * than two alleles will not be ignored. The sum of the
+            * frequencies of all alleles not matching the outgroup will
+            * treated as the derived allele frequency (for orientable
+            * sites).
+            * 
+            * \param minimumExploitableData sites where the non-missing
+            * data (as defined by characterMapping) are at a frequency
+            * larger than this value will be removed from the analysis.
+            * Use 1. to take only 'complete' sites into account and 0.
+            * to use all sites. (The outgroup is not considered in this
+            * computation.)
+            * 
+            * \param ignoreFrequency removes sites that are polymorph
+            * because of an allele at absolute frequency smaller than or
+            * equal to this value. If ignoreFrequency=1, no sites are
+            * removed, if ignoreFrequency=0, singleton sites are
+            * ignored. Such sites are completely removed from the
+            * analysis (not counted in lseff). Note that if more than
+            * one mutation is allowed, the site is removed only if all
+            * the alleles but one are smaller than or equal to this
+            * value. For example, an alignment column AAAAAAGAAT is
+            * ignored with an ignoreFrequency of 1, but AAAAAAGGAT is
+            * conserved (including the third allele T which is a
+            * singleton).
+            * 
+            * \param characterMapping a string giving the list of
+            * characters that should be considered as valid data. If a
+            * space is present in the string, the characters left of the
+            * space will be treated as valid data and the characters
+            * right of the space will be treated as missing data, that
+            * is tolerated but ignored. All characters not in the string
+            * will cause an EggInvalidCharacterError to be raised.
+            * 
+            * \param useZeroAsAncestral if true, all outgroups (if
+            * present) will be ignored and the character "0" will be
+            * considered as ancestral for all sites, whatever the
+            * character mapping.
+            * 
+            */
+            virtual void load(
+                CharMatrix& data,
+                bool allowMultipleMutations=false,
+                double minimumExploitableData=1.,
+                unsigned int ignoreFrequency=0,
+                std::string characterMapping=dnaMapping,
+                bool useZeroAsAncestral=false
+            );
+        // accessors for the "site analysis" section
+            /// Number of polymorphic sites
+            unsigned int S() const;
+            /// Number of polymorphic orientable sites
+            unsigned int So() const;
+            /// Minimum number of mutations
+            unsigned int eta() const;
+            /// Average of per-site number of sequences effectively used
+            double nseff() const;
+            /// Number of sites effectively used
+            unsigned int lseff() const;
+            /// Average of number of sequences effectively used at orientable sites
+            double nseffo() const;
+            /// Number of orientable sites
+            unsigned int lseffo() const;
+            /// Number of detected populations
+            unsigned int  npop() const;
+            /// Label of the population with given index (unsecure)
+            unsigned int popLabel(unsigned int popIndex) const; // no check!
+        // accessors for the "diversity" section
+            /// Nucleotide diversity
+            double Pi();
+            /// Watterson estimator of theta
+            double thetaW();
+            /// Average of Pi over populations
+            double average_Pi();
+            /// Pi of a given population (unsecure)
+            double pop_Pi(unsigned int popIndex);  // no check!
+            /// Tajima's D
+            double D();
+        // accessors for the "outgroup diversity" section
+            /// Fay and Wu estimator of theta
+            double thetaH();
+            /// Zeng et al. estimator of theta
+            double thetaL();
+            /// Fay and Wu's H
+            double H();
+            /// Standardized H
+            double Z();
+            /// Zeng et al.'s E
+            double E();
+         // accessors for the "differentiation" section
+            /// Number of sites with at least one fixed difference
+            unsigned int FixedDifferences();
+            /// Number of sites with at least one allele shared among at least two populations
+            unsigned int CommonAlleles();
+            /// Number of sites with at least one non-fixed allele shared among at least two populations
+            unsigned int SharedAlleles();
+            /// Number of sites with at least one allele specific to one population
+            unsigned int SpecificAlleles();
+            /// Number of sites with at least one derived allele specific to one population
+            unsigned int SpecificDerivedAlleles();
+            /// Number of polymorphisms in a given population (unsecure)
+            unsigned int Polymorphisms(unsigned int pop);
+            /// Number of specific alleles for a given population (unsecure)
+            unsigned int SpecificAlleles(unsigned int pop);
+            /// Number of specific derived allele for a given population (unsecure)
+            unsigned int SpecificDerivedAlleles(unsigned int pop);
+            /// Number of fixed differences between a given pair of populations (unsecure; pop2 must be larger than pop1)
+            unsigned int FixedDifferences(unsigned int pop1, unsigned int pop2);
+            /// Number of common alleles between a given pair of populations (unsecure; pop2 must be larger than pop1)
+            unsigned int CommonAlleles(unsigned int pop1, unsigned int pop2);
+            /// Number of shared non-fixed alleles between a given pair of populations (unsecure; pop2 must be larger than pop1)
+            unsigned int SharedAlleles(unsigned int pop1, unsigned int pop2);
+        // accessor for the "triConfigurations" section
+           /** \brief Number falling into one of the possible site configurations
+            *
+            * The statistics are limited to three populations.
+            * Assuming an unrooted A/G polymorphism (A and G can be
+            * substitued), the site configurations are:
+            *     -  0: A&G  A   A  specific 1
+            *     -  1: A&G  A   G  specific 1 + fixed 2-3
+            *     -  2:  A  A&G  A  specific 2
+            *     -  3:  A  A&G  G  specific 2 + fixed 1-3
+            *     -  4:  A   A  A&G specific 3
+            *     -  5:  A   G  A&G specific 3 + fixed 1-2
+            *     -  6: A&G A&G  A  shared 1-2
+            *     -  7: A&G  A  A&G shared 1-3
+            *     -  8:  A  A&G A&G shared 2-3
+            *     -  9: A&G A&G A&G shared 1-2-3
+            *     - 10:  A   G   G  fixed 1
+            *     - 11:  A   G   A  fixed 2
+            *     - 12:  A   A   G  fixed 3
+            *
+            * \param index must be an index from 0 to 12.
+            * 
+            */
+            unsigned int triConfiguration(unsigned int index);
+        /// Builds and returns the vector of positions of all polymorphic sites
+        std::vector<unsigned int> polymorphic_positions() const;
+        /** \brief Builds and returns the vector of positions of all singleton sites
+         * 
+         * A site singleton when it is polymorphic according to
+         * parameter of the diversity analysis, when it has exactly two
+         * alleles and one of them is at absolute frequency 1 (one
+         * copy) disregarding the outgroup.
+         * 
+         */
+        std::vector<unsigned int> singleton_positions() const;
+        protected:
+           /** \brief This class cannot be copied
+            * 
+            */
+            NucleotideDiversity(const NucleotideDiversity& source) { }
+           /** \brief This class cannot be copied
+            * 
+            */
+            NucleotideDiversity& operator=(const NucleotideDiversity& source) { return *this; }
+            void init();  // initializes values
+            void clear();  // free memory but doesn't initializes
+            // diversity (without outgroup)
+            void diversity();
+            // diversity with outgroup
+            void outgroupDiversity();
+            // site patterns
+            void differentiation();
+            // triconfigurations
+            void triConfigurations();
+            // holders for statistics, with booleans flagging groups of stats
+            bool b_analysisSites;
+            bool b_diversity;
+            double  v_Pi;             // nucleotide diversity
+            double  v_thetaW;         // theta (Watterson estimator)
+            double  v_average_Pi;     // average diversity across populations
+            double *v_pop_Pi;         // diversity per population
+            double  v_D;              // Tajima's D
+            bool b_outgroupDiversity;
+            double v_thetaH;        // theta (Fay and Wu estimator)
+            double v_thetaL;        // theta (Zeng estimator)
+            double v_H;             // Fay and Wu's H
+            double v_Z;             // normalized Fay and Wu's H
+            double v_E;             // Zeng et al.'s E
+            bool b_differentiation;
+            unsigned int  *v_pairwiseFixedDifferences;
+            unsigned int  *v_pairwiseCommonAlleles;
+            unsigned int  *v_pairwiseSharedAlleles;
+            unsigned int  *v_popPolymorphic;
+            unsigned int  *v_popSpecific;
+            unsigned int  *v_popSpecificDerived;
+            unsigned int   v_countFixedDifferences;
+            unsigned int   v_countCommonAlleles;
+            unsigned int   v_countSharedAlleles;
+            unsigned int   v_countSpecificAlleles;
+            unsigned int   v_countSpecificDerivedAlleles;
+            bool b_triConfigurations;
+            unsigned int  *v_triConfigurations;
+    };