view tools/ncbi_blast_plus/blastdb.loc.sample @ 2:45ba7c750bc8 draft

This update should have no functional effect. Renamed files (since will be inaccurate once BLAST databases are added in future update).
author peterjc
date Thu, 20 Sep 2012 10:12:43 -0400
line wrap: on
line source

#This is a sample file distributed with Galaxy that is used to define a
#list of nucleotide BLAST databases, using three columns tab separated
#(longer whitespace are TAB characters):
#<unique_id>	<database_caption>	<base_name_path>
#The captions typically contain spaces and might end with the build date.
#It is important that the actual database name does not have a space in it,
#and that the first tab that appears in the line is right before the path.
#So, for example, if your database is nt and the path to your base name 
#is /depot/data2/galaxy/blastdb/nt/nt.chunk, then the blastdb.loc entry 
#would look like this:
#nt_02_Dec_2009      nt 02 Dec 2009      /depot/data2/galaxy/blastdb/nt/nt.chunk
#and your /depot/data2/galaxy/blastdb/nt directory would contain all of 
#your "base names" (e.g.):
#-rw-r--r--  1 wychung galaxy  23437408 2008-04-09 11:26 nt.chunk.00.nhr
#-rw-r--r--  1 wychung galaxy   3689920 2008-04-09 11:26 nt.chunk.00.nin
#-rw-r--r--  1 wychung galaxy 251215198 2008-04-09 11:26 nt.chunk.00.nsq
#Your blastdb.loc file should include an entry per line for each "base name" 
#you have stored.  For example:
#nt_02_Dec_2009		nt 02 Dec 2009		/depot/data2/galaxy/blastdb/nt/nt.chunk
#wgs_30_Nov_2009	wgs 30 Nov 2009	/depot/data2/galaxy/blastdb/wgs/wgs.chunk
#test_20_Sep_2008	test 20 Sep 2008	/depot/data2/galaxy/blastdb/test/test
#See also blastdb_p.loc which is for any protein BLAST database.
#Note that for backwards compatibility with workflows, the unique ID of
#an entry must be the path that was in the original loc file, because that
#is the value stored in the workflow for that parameter.