diff fastq_paired_end_joiner.py @ 1:270a8ed8a300 draft

Uploaded tool version 2.0.0 by Simone Leo.
author devteam
date Mon, 07 Jul 2014 15:37:28 -0400
parents 2793d1d765b9
children 6a7f5da7c76d
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/fastq_paired_end_joiner.py	Mon Jan 27 09:25:44 2014 -0500
+++ b/fastq_paired_end_joiner.py	Mon Jul 07 15:37:28 2014 -0400
@@ -1,6 +1,114 @@
-#Dan Blankenberg
-import sys, os, shutil
-from galaxy_utils.sequence.fastq import fastqReader, fastqNamedReader, fastqWriter, fastqJoiner
+Extended version of Dan Blankenberg's fastq joiner ( adds support for
+recent Illumina headers ).
+import sys, re
+import galaxy_utils.sequence.fastq as fq
+class IDManager( object ):
+    def __init__( self, sep="\t" ):
+        """
+        Recent Illumina FASTQ header format::
+          @<COORDS> <FLAGS>
+          COORDS = <Instrument>:<Run #>:<Flowcell ID>:<Lane>:<Tile>:<X>:<Y>
+          FLAGS = <Read>:<Is Filtered>:<Control Number>:<Index Sequence>
+        where the whitespace character between <COORDS> and <FLAGS> can be
+        either a space or a tab.
+        """
+        self.sep = sep
+    def parse_id( self, identifier ):
+        try:
+            coords, flags = identifier.strip()[1:].split( self.sep, 1 )
+        except ValueError:
+            raise RuntimeError( "bad identifier: %r" % ( identifier, ))
+        return coords.split( ":" ), flags.split( ":" )
+    def join_id( self, parsed_id ):
+        coords, flags = parsed_id
+        return "@%s%s%s" % ( ":".join( coords ), self.sep, ":".join( flags ))
+    def get_read_number( self, parsed_id ):
+        return int( parsed_id[1][0] )
+    def set_read_number( self, parsed_id, n ):
+        parsed_id[1][0] = "%d" % n
+    def get_paired_identifier( self, read ):
+        t = self.parse_id( read.identifier )
+        n = self.get_read_number( t )
+        if n == 1:
+            pn = 2
+        elif n == 2:
+            pn = 1
+        else:
+            raise RuntimeError( "Unknown read number '%d'" % n )
+        self.set_read_number( t, pn )
+        return self.join_id( t )
+class FastqJoiner( fq.fastqJoiner ):
+    def __init__( self, format, force_quality_encoding=None, sep="\t" ):
+        super( FastqJoiner, self ).__init__( format, force_quality_encoding )
+        self.id_manager = IDManager( sep )
+    def join( self, read1, read2 ):
+        force_quality_encoding = self.force_quality_encoding
+        if not force_quality_encoding:
+            if read1.is_ascii_encoded():
+                force_quality_encoding = 'ascii'
+            else:
+                force_quality_encoding = 'decimal'
+        read1 = read1.convert_read_to_format( self.format, force_quality_encoding=force_quality_encoding )
+        read2 = read2.convert_read_to_format( self.format, force_quality_encoding=force_quality_encoding )
+        #--
+        t1, t2 = [ self.id_manager.parse_id( r.identifier ) for r in ( read1, read2 ) ]
+        if self.id_manager.get_read_number( t1 ) == 2:
+            if not self.id_manager.get_read_number( t2 ) == 1:
+                raise RuntimeError( "input files are not from mated pairs" )
+            read1, read2 = read2, read1
+            t1, t2 = t2, t1
+        #--
+        rval = fq.FASTQ_FORMATS[self.format]()
+        rval.identifier = read1.identifier
+        rval.description = "+"
+        if len( read1.description ) > 1:
+            rval.description += rval.identifier[1:]
+        if rval.sequence_space == 'color':
+            # convert to nuc space, join, then convert back
+            rval.sequence = rval.convert_base_to_color_space( 
+                read1.convert_color_to_base_space( read1.sequence ) +
+                read2.convert_color_to_base_space( read2.sequence )
+                )
+        else:
+            rval.sequence = read1.sequence + read2.sequence
+        if force_quality_encoding == 'ascii':
+            rval.quality = read1.quality + read2.quality
+        else:
+            rval.quality = "%s %s" % ( 
+                read1.quality.strip(), read2.quality.strip()
+                )
+        return rval
+    def get_paired_identifier( self, read ):
+        return self.id_manager.get_paired_identifier( read )
+def sniff_sep( fastq_fn ):
+    header = ""
+    with open( fastq_fn ) as f:
+        while header == "":
+            try:
+                header = f.next().strip()
+            except StopIteration:
+                raise RuntimeError( "%r: empty file" % ( fastq_fn, ) )
+    return re.search( r"\s", header ).group()
 def main():
     #Read command line arguments
@@ -10,16 +118,22 @@
     input2_type = sys.argv[4] or 'sanger'
     output_filename = sys.argv[5]
+    fastq_style = sys.argv[6] or 'old'
+    #--
     if input1_type != input2_type:
         print "WARNING: You are trying to join files of two different types: %s and %s." % ( input1_type, input2_type )
-    input2 = fastqNamedReader( open( input2_filename, 'rb' ), input2_type )
-    joiner = fastqJoiner( input1_type )
-    out = fastqWriter( open( output_filename, 'wb' ), format = input1_type )
+    if fastq_style == 'new':
+        sep = sniff_sep( input1_filename )
+        joiner = FastqJoiner( input1_type, sep=sep )
+    else:
+        joiner = fq.fastqJoiner( input1_type )
+    #--
+    input2 = fq.fastqNamedReader( open( input2_filename, 'rb' ), input2_type )
+    out = fq.fastqWriter( open( output_filename, 'wb' ), format=input1_type )
     i = None
     skip_count = 0
-    for i, fastq_read in enumerate( fastqReader( open( input1_filename, 'rb' ), format = input1_type ) ):
+    for i, fastq_read in enumerate( fq.fastqReader( open( input1_filename, 'rb' ), format=input1_type ) ):
         identifier = joiner.get_paired_identifier( fastq_read )
         fastq_paired = input2.get( identifier )
         if fastq_paired is None:
@@ -32,7 +146,7 @@
         print "Your file contains no valid FASTQ reads."
         print input2.has_data()
-        print 'Joined %s of %s read pairs (%.2f%%).' % ( i - skip_count + 1, i + 1, float( i - skip_count + 1 ) / float( i + 1 ) * 100.0 )
+        print 'Joined %s of %s read pairs (%.2f%%).' % ( i - skip_count + 1, i + 1, ( i - skip_count + 1 ) / ( i + 1 ) * 100.0 )
 if __name__ == "__main__":