diff mosaics/inst/Perl/process_readfiles_PET.pl @ 10:d78c3c5e8ff8 draft

author dongjun
date Thu, 10 Jan 2013 16:01:28 -0500
parents b6d0c6ceda2c
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mosaics/inst/Perl/process_readfiles_PET.pl	Thu Jan 10 16:01:28 2013 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+#   Process read files into bin-level files (PET)
+#   Command arguments: 
+#   - infile: Input file (directory + file name)
+#   - outdir: Directory of output files
+#   - format: File format
+#   - binsize: Bin size
+#   - collapse: Maximum # of reads allowed at each position (skip if collapse=0)
+#   - bychr: Construct bin-level files by chromosome? (Y or N)
+#	- chrinfo: Is the file for chromosome info provided?
+#	- chrfile: File name for chromosome info (chr size)
+#	- @excludeChr: Chromosomes to be excluded (vector)
+#   Supported file format: 
+#   - eland_result, sam
+#   Note
+#   - chromosomes are extracted from read files, after excluding invalid lines
+#   - uni-reads are assumed
+#!/usr/bin/env perl;
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use Cwd;
+use File::Basename;
+my ($infile, $outdir, $format, $binsize, $collapse, $bychr, 
+	$chrinfo, $chrfile, @exclude_chr) = @ARGV;
+# extract only filename from $infile
+my @pr = fileparse( $infile );
+my $filename = $pr[0];
+# remember current working directory
+my $pwd = cwd();
+# construct bin-level data based on chromsome info, if provided
+my %bin_count = ();
+my $bin_start = 0;
+my $bin_stop = 0;
+if ( $chrinfo eq "Y" ) {
+	open CHR, "$chrfile" or die "Cannot open $chrfile\n";
+	while (<CHR>) {
+		chomp;
+		my ( $chrname, $chrsize ) = split /\s+/, $_;
+		$bin_start = 0;
+		$bin_stop = int($chrsize/$binsize);
+		for (my $i = $bin_start; $i <= $bin_stop; $i++) {
+			${$bin_count{$chrname}}[$i] = 0;
+		}
+	}
+	close CHR;
+# chromosomes to be excluded
+my $ecyn;
+my %ec_hash;
+if ( scalar(@exclude_chr) == 0 ) {
+	$ecyn = "N";
+} else {
+	$ecyn = "Y";
+	@ec_hash{ @exclude_chr } = 0;	
+# process PET read file
+open IN, "$infile" or die "Cannot open input file $infile\n";
+my %seen =();
+my %seen_pos =();		# position (leftmost position, starting from 1)
+my %seen_str = ();		# strand ('F' or 'R')
+my $start;
+my $end;
+	# parse
+	chomp;	
+	# procee read file, based on "format" option
+	my @parsed;
+	if ( $format eq "eland_result" ) {
+		@parsed = eland_result( $_ );
+	} elsif ( $format eq "sam" ) {
+		@parsed = sam( $_ );
+	} else {
+        	# Unsupported file format -> exit and return 1 to environment
+        	exit 1;
+	}
+	# skip if invalid line
+	next if ( $parsed[0] == 0 );
+	# otherwise, process it
+	my ($status, $id, $chrt, $pos, $str, $read_length, $prob ) = @parsed;
+	my ($id_only, $pair) = split /\//, $id;
+	# skip if chrt \in @exclude_chr
+	if ( $ecyn eq "Y" && exists $ec_hash{ $chrt } ) {
+		next;
+	}
+	# process coordinates
+	if ( exists $seen_pos{$id_only} ) {		
+		# if other pair was already observed (w.r.t. id), 
+		# then write the coordinates of both reads in the pair
+		if ( $seen_str{$id_only} ne $str ) {
+			# pos1 & pos2 should have different strands and pair numbers
+			my $pos1 = $seen_pos{$id_only};
+			my $pos2 = $pos;
+			# in the pair, write upstream pos first, 
+			# then downstream pos + read length - 1.
+			# [Note] eland_result: pos = leftmost position, starting from 1.
+			#if ( $pos1 < $pos2 && $str eq "R" ) {
+			#	$pos2 += $read_length - 1;
+			#	$start = $pos1;
+			#	$end = $pos2;
+			#} elsif ( $pos1 > $pos2 && $seen_str{$id_only} eq "R" ) {
+			#	$pos1 += $read_length - 1;
+			#	$start = $pos2;
+			#	$end = $pos1;
+			#} else {
+			#	print "check id $id!\n";
+			#}
+			if ( $str eq "R" ) {
+				$pos2 += $read_length - 1;
+				$start = $pos1;
+				$end = $pos2;
+			} elsif ( $seen_str{$id_only} eq "R" ) {
+				$pos1 += $read_length - 1;
+				$start = $pos2;
+				$end = $pos1;
+			} else {
+				print "check id $id!\n";
+			}
+		    # process to bin-level files if collapse condition is satisfied
+		    my $id_collapse = join("",$chrt,$start,$end);
+		    $seen{$id_collapse}++;
+		    if ( $collapse > 0 && $seen{$id_collapse} > $collapse ) {
+		        next;   
+		    }
+			# update bin count
+			if ( exists $bin_count{$chrt} ) {
+				# if there is already a matrix for chromosome, update it
+				$bin_start = int($start/$binsize) ;
+				$bin_stop = int($end/$binsize) ;
+				for (my $i = $bin_start; $i <= $bin_stop; $i++) {
+					${$bin_count{$chrt}}[$i] += $prob;
+				}
+			} else {
+				# if there is no matrix for chromosome yet, 
+				if ( $chrinfo eq "Y" ) {
+					# if chr info is provided, do not construct new one
+					next;
+				} else {
+					# if no chr info is provided, construct one
+					@{$bin_count{$chrt}} = ();
+					$bin_start = int($start/$binsize) ;
+					$bin_stop = int($end/$binsize) ;
+					for (my $i = $bin_start; $i <= $bin_stop; $i++) {
+						${$bin_count{$chrt}}[$i] += $prob;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			# delete the key to save memory
+			delete $seen_pos{$id_only};
+			delete $seen_str{$id_only};
+		} else {
+			print "inappropriate pair for id $id.\n";
+		}
+	} else {
+		# if other pair was not observed yet, record it
+		$seen_pos{$id_only} = $pos;
+		$seen_str{$id_only} = $str;
+	}
+close( IN );
+# move to output directory
+# write bin-level files
+if ( $bychr eq "N" ) {
+    # genome-wide version: all chromosome in one file
+    my $outfile = $filename."_bin".$binsize.".txt";
+    open OUT, ">$outfile" or die "Cannot open $outfile\n";
+    foreach my $chr_id (keys %bin_count) {      
+        my @bin_count_chr = @{$bin_count{$chr_id}};
+        for( my $i = 0; $i< scalar(@bin_count_chr); $i++ ){
+            my $coord = $i*$binsize;
+            if ( $bin_count_chr[$i] ) {
+                print OUT "$chr_id\t$coord\t$bin_count_chr[$i]\n";
+            } else {
+                print OUT "$chr_id\t$coord\t0\n";
+            }
+        }       
+    }
+    close OUT;
+} else {
+    # chromosome version: one chromosome in each file
+    foreach my $chr_id (keys %bin_count) {
+        #my $outfile = $chr_id."_".$filename."_bin".$binsize.".txt";
+        my $outfile = $filename."_bin".$binsize."_".$chr_id.".txt";
+        open OUT, ">$outfile" or die "Cannot open $outfile\n";
+        my @bin_count_chr = @{$bin_count{$chr_id}};
+        for( my $i = 0; $i< scalar(@bin_count_chr); $i++ ){
+            my $coord = $i*$binsize;
+            if ( $bin_count_chr[$i] ) {
+                print OUT "$chr_id\t$coord\t$bin_count_chr[$i]\n";
+            }
+            else {
+                print OUT "$chr_id\t$coord\t0\n";
+            }
+        }
+        close OUT;
+    }
+#                                                                              #
+#                              subroutines                                     #
+#                                                                              #
+# -------------------------- subroutine: eland result -------------------------- 
+sub eland_result {
+    my $line = shift;  
+    # parse line    
+    my ($id, $seq, $map, $t3, $t4, $t5, $chrt, $pos, $str, @rest) = split /\t/, $line;
+    my $read_length = length $seq;
+    # exclude invalid lines
+    if ( $map eq "QC" || $map eq "NM" ) {
+        my @status = 0;
+        return @status;
+    }
+    if ( $chrt eq "QC" || $chrt eq "NM" ) {
+        my @status = 0;
+        return @status;
+    }
+    # exclude multi-reads
+    if ( $map eq "R0" || $map eq "R1" || $map eq "R2" ) {
+        my @status = 0;
+        return @status;
+    }
+    if ( $chrt eq "R0" || $chrt eq "R1" || $chrt eq "R2" ) {
+        my @status = 0;
+        return @status;
+    }
+    my @pos_sets = split( /,/, $pos );
+    if ( scalar(@pos_sets) > 1 ) {
+        my @status = 0;
+        return @status;
+    }
+    # return
+    my $status = 1;
+    my $prob = 1;
+    my @parsed = ( $status, $id, $chrt, $pos, $str, $read_length, $prob );
+    return @parsed;
+# -------------------------- subroutine: SAM -----------------------------------
+sub sam {
+    my $line = shift;   
+    # parse line
+    if ( $line =~ /^[^@].+/ ) { 
+        # exclude lines starting with "@" (comments)
+        my ($id, $bwflag, $chrt, $pos, $t2, $t3, $t4, $t5, $t6, $seq, $t7 ) = split /\t/, $line;
+        $pos = int($pos);
+        my $read_length = length $seq;
+        # strand
+        my $str;
+        if ( $bwflag & 4 or $bwflag & 512 or $bwflag & 1024 ) {
+            # exclude invalid lines
+            my @status = 0;
+            return @status;
+        } elsif ( $bwflag & 16 ) {
+            # reverse strand
+            $str = "R";
+        } else {
+            $str = "F";
+        }   
+        # exclude multi-reads?
+        # return
+        my $status = 1;
+    	my $prob = 1;
+        my @parsed = ( $status, $id, $chrt, $pos, $str, $read_length, $prob );
+        return @parsed;         
+    } else {
+        my @status = 0;
+        return @status; 
+    }