view blastn_to_scaffold.xml @ 0:ad9a1c117ac6 draft default tip

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author drosofff
date Sun, 21 Jun 2015 14:41:10 -0400 (2015-06-21)
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<tool id="blastn2scaffold" name="blastn_to_scaffold" version="0.1.0">
<description>Generate DNA scaffold from blastn alignment of Contigs</description>
<command interpreter="python"> --sequences $sequences
                              --guideSequence $guideSequence
                              --blastn-tab $blastn_tab
                              --output $output
<param name="sequences" type="data" format="fasta" label="Select a fasta contigs file"/> 
<param name="guideSequence" type="data" format="fasta" label="Select the fasta guide sequence for scaffolding"/> 
<param name="blastn_tab"  type="data" format="tabular" label="Select a blastn output from your history" help="must have 13 columns with column 13 containing the subject lenght, other columns are standard"/> 

 <data format="fasta" name="output"/>

    <param name="sequences" value="contigs.fa" ftype="fasta"/>
    <param name="blastn_tab" value="" ftype="tabular"/>
    <param name="guideSequence" value="guideSequence.fa" ftype="tabular"/>
    <output name="output" file="assembly.fa" ftype="fasta"/>


**What it Does**
This tool start from DNA contigs that aligned to a subject DNA sequence through blastn.
The contigs must be provided in fasta format. The blastn output must be tabular, the 12 standard column plus column 13 with the length of the blastn subject.
The sequence used to blastn the contigs must be provided to serve as a guide to the final assembly
The final assembly is a DNA sequence.
Nucleotides of the guide sequence which were not covered by contigs are in small letters in the output assembly.

This Galaxy tool was created by on 9/06/2015
