Mercurial > repos > drosofff > fetch_fasta_from_ncbi
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planemo upload for repository commit ca132a4b5d5d7175e6e8bd62cc518397d14dad17
author | drosofff |
date | Mon, 15 May 2017 03:10:11 -0400 (2017-05-15) |
parents | a9d8f69d59fb |
children | c6de5c7b4ae3 |
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#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ From a taxonomy ID retrieves all the nucleotide sequences It returns a multiFASTA nuc/prot file Entrez Database UID common name E-utility Database Name Nucleotide GI number nuccore Protein GI number protein Retrieve strategy: esearch to get total number of UIDs (count) esearch to get UIDs in batches loop untile end of UIDs list: epost to put a batch of UIDs in the history server efetch to retrieve info from previous post retmax of efetch is 1/10 of declared value from NCBI queries are 1 sec delayed, to satisfy NCBI guidelines (more than what they request) """ import sys import logging import optparse import time import urllib import urllib2 import httplib import re class Eutils: def __init__(self, options, logger): """ Initialize retrieval parameters """ self.logger = logger self.base = "" self.query_string = options.query_string self.dbname = options.dbname if options.outname: self.outname = options.outname else: self.outname = 'NCBI_download' + '.' + self.dbname + '.fasta' self.ids = [] self.retmax_esearch = 100000 self.retmax_efetch = 500 self.count = 0 self.webenv = "" self.query_key = "" def retrieve(self): """ Retrieve the fasta sequences corresponding to the query """ self.get_count_value() # If no UIDs are found exit script if self.count > 0: self.get_uids_list() self.get_sequences() else:"No UIDs were found. Exiting script.") def get_count_value(self): """ just to retrieve Count (number of UIDs) Total number of UIDs from the retrieved set to be shown in the XML output (default=20). By default, ESearch only includes the first 20 UIDs retrieved in the XML output. If usehistory is set to 'y', the remainder of the retrieved set will be stored on the History server; """"retrieving data from %s" % self.base)"for Query: %s and database: %s" % (self.query_string, self.dbname)) querylog = self.esearch(self.dbname, self.query_string, '', '', "count") self.logger.debug("Query response:") for line in querylog: self.logger.debug(line.rstrip()) if '</Count>' in line: self.count = int(line[line.find('<Count>')+len('<Count>') : line.find('</Count>')])"Found %d UIDs" % self.count) def get_uids_list(self): """ Increasing retmax allows more of the retrieved UIDs to be included in the XML output, up to a maximum of 100,000 records. from """ retmax = self.retmax_esearch if (self.count > retmax): num_batches = (self.count / retmax) + 1 else: num_batches = 1"Batch size for esearch action: %d UIDs" % retmax)"Number of batches for esearch action: %d " % num_batches) for n in range(num_batches): querylog = self.esearch(self.dbname, self.query_string, n*retmax, retmax, '') for line in querylog: if '<Id>' in line and '</Id>' in line: uid = (line[line.find('<Id>')+len('<Id>') : line.find('</Id>')]) self.ids.append(uid)"Retrieved %d UIDs" % len(self.ids)) def esearch(self, db, term, retstart, retmax, rettype): url = self.base + "esearch.fcgi" self.logger.debug("url: %s" % url) values = {'db': db, 'term': term, 'rettype': rettype, 'retstart': retstart, 'retmax': retmax} data = urllib.urlencode(values) self.logger.debug("data: %s" % str(data)) req = urllib2.Request(url, data) response = urllib2.urlopen(req) querylog = response.readlines() response.close() time.sleep(1) return querylog def epost(self, db, ids): url = self.base + "epost.fcgi" self.logger.debug("url_epost: %s" % url) values = {'db': db, 'id': ids} data = urllib.urlencode(values) req = urllib2.Request(url, data) serverResponse = False nb_trials = 0 while not serverResponse: nb_trials += 1 try: self.logger.debug("Try number %s for opening and readin URL %s" % ( nb_trials, url+data )) response = urllib2.urlopen(req) querylog = response.readlines() response.close() serverResponse = True except urllib2.HTTPError as e:"urlopen error:%s, %s" % (e.code, ) )"Retrying in 1 sec") serverResponse = False time.sleep(1) except urllib2.URLError as e:"urlopen error: Failed to reach a server")"Reason :%s" % ( e.reason ) )"Retrying in 1 sec") serverResponse = False time.sleep(1) except httplib.IncompleteRead as e:"IncompleteRead error: %s" % ( e.partial ) )"Retrying in 1 sec") serverResponse = False time.sleep(1) self.logger.debug("query response:") for line in querylog: self.logger.debug(line.rstrip()) if '</QueryKey>' in line: self.query_key = str(line[line.find('<QueryKey>')+len('<QueryKey>'):line.find('</QueryKey>')]) if '</WebEnv>' in line: self.webenv = str(line[line.find('<WebEnv>')+len('<WebEnv>'):line.find('</WebEnv>')]) self.logger.debug("*** epost action ***") self.logger.debug("query_key: %s" % self.query_key) self.logger.debug("webenv: %s" % self.webenv) time.sleep(1) def efetch(self, db, query_key, webenv): url = self.base + "efetch.fcgi" self.logger.debug("url_efetch: %s" % url) values = {'db': db, 'query_key': query_key, 'webenv': webenv, 'rettype': "fasta", 'retmode': "text"} data = urllib.urlencode(values) req = urllib2.Request(url, data) self.logger.debug("data: %s" % str(data)) serverTransaction = False counter = 0 response_code = 0 while not serverTransaction: counter += 1"Server Transaction Trial: %s" % ( counter ) ) try: response = urllib2.urlopen(req) response_code = response.getcode() fasta = response.close() if ( (response_code != 200) or ("Resource temporarily unavailable" in fasta) or ("Error" in fasta) or (not fasta.startswith(">") ) ): serverTransaction = False else: serverTransaction = True except urllib2.HTTPError as e: serverTransaction = False"urlopen error:%s, %s" % (e.code, ) ) except urllib2.URLError as e: serverTransaction = False"urlopen error: Failed to reach a server")"Reason :%s" % ( e.reason ) ) except httplib.IncompleteRead as e: serverTransaction = False"IncompleteRead error: %s" % ( e.partial ) ) fasta = self.sanitiser(self.dbname, fasta) time.sleep(0.1) return fasta def sanitiser(self, db, fastaseq): if db not in "nuccore protein" : return fastaseq regex = re.compile(r"[ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWYBZ]{49,}") sane_seqlist = [] seqlist = fastaseq.split("\n\n") for seq in seqlist[:-1]: fastalines = seq.split("\n") if len(fastalines) < 2:"Empty sequence for %s" % ("|".join(fastalines[0].split("|")[:4]) ) )"%s download is skipped" % ("|".join(fastalines[0].split("|")[:4]) ) ) continue if db == "nuccore": badnuc = 0 for nucleotide in fastalines[1]: if nucleotide not in "ATGC": badnuc += 1 if float(badnuc)/len(fastalines[1]) > 0.4:"%s ambiguous nucleotides in %s or download interrupted at this offset | %s" % ( float(badnuc)/len(fastalines[1]), "|".join(fastalines[0].split("|")[:4]), fastalines[1]) )"%s download is skipped" % (fastalines[0].split("|")[:4]) ) continue fastalines[0] = fastalines[0].replace(" ","_")[:100] # remove spaces and trim the header to 100 chars cleanseq = "\n".join(fastalines) sane_seqlist.append(cleanseq) elif db == "protein": fastalines[0] = fastalines[0][0:100] fastalines[0] = fastalines[0].replace(" ", "_") fastalines[0] = fastalines[0].replace("[", "_") fastalines[0] = fastalines[0].replace("]", "_") fastalines[0] = fastalines[0].replace("=", "_") fastalines[0] = fastalines[0].rstrip("_") # because blast makedb doesn't like it fastalines[0] = re.sub(regex, "_", fastalines[0]) cleanseq = "\n".join(fastalines) sane_seqlist.append(cleanseq)"clean sequences appended: %d" % (len(sane_seqlist) ) ) return "\n".join(sane_seqlist) def get_sequences(self): """ Total number of records from the input set to be retrieved, up to a maximum of 10,000. Optionally, for a large set the value of retstart can be iterated while holding retmax constant, thereby downloading the entire set in batches of size retmax. """ batch_size = self.retmax_efetch count = self.count uids_list = self.ids"Batch size for efetch action: %d" % batch_size)"Number of batches for efetch action: %d" % ((count / batch_size) + 1)) with open(self.outname, 'w') as out: for start in range(0, count, batch_size): end = min(count, start+batch_size) batch = uids_list[start:end] if, ",".join(batch)) != -1: mfasta = '' while not mfasta:"retrieving batch %d" % ((start / batch_size) + 1)) mfasta = self.efetch(self.dbname, self.query_key, self.webenv) out.write(mfasta + '\n') LOG_FORMAT = '%(asctime)s|%(levelname)-8s|%(message)s' LOG_DATEFMT = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' LOG_LEVELS = ['DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL'] def __main__(): """ main function """ parser = optparse.OptionParser(description='Retrieve data from NCBI') parser.add_option('-i', dest='query_string', help='NCBI Query String') parser.add_option('-o', dest='outname', help='output file name') parser.add_option('-l', '--logfile', help='log file (default=stderr)') parser.add_option('--loglevel', choices=LOG_LEVELS, default='INFO', help='logging level (default: INFO)') parser.add_option('-d', dest='dbname', help='database type') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) > 0: parser.error('Wrong number of arguments') log_level = getattr(logging, options.loglevel) kwargs = {'format': LOG_FORMAT, 'datefmt': LOG_DATEFMT, 'level': log_level} if options.logfile: kwargs['filename'] = options.logfile logging.basicConfig(**kwargs) logger = logging.getLogger('data_from_NCBI') E = Eutils(options, logger) E.retrieve() if __name__ == "__main__": __main__()