diff ete_lineage_generator.py @ 2:03c10736e497 draft

planemo upload for repository https://github.com/TGAC/earlham-galaxytools/tree/master/tools/ete commit 91b634b8f9b131045bbbbf43cc8edbea59ac686b-dirty
author earlhaminst
date Tue, 07 Nov 2017 11:45:13 -0500
children 87b6de3ef63e
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ete_lineage_generator.py	Tue Nov 07 11:45:13 2017 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+import optparse
+import sys
+from ete3 import NCBITaxa
+# - compared to gi2taxonomy the root is excluded, since
+#   the value is always "root", i.e. useless information
+# - additional levels that appear in the ncbi taxdb have
+#   been added
+#   (order from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taxonomic_rank#All_ranks)
+# TODO the full list of ranks could be derived from the input DB
+LONG_RANKS = [u"superkingdom", u"kingdom", u"subkingdom",
+              u"superphylum", u"phylum", u"subphylum",
+              u"superclass", u"class", u"subclass", "infraclass",
+              u"cohort",
+              u"superorder", u"order", u"suborder", u"infraorder", u"parvorder",
+              u"superfamily", u"family", u"subfamily",
+              u"tribe", u"subtribe",
+              u"genus", u"subgenus",
+              u"species group", u"species subgroup", u"species", u"subspecies",
+              u"varietas", "forma"]
+SHORT_RANKS = [u"kingdom",
+               u"phylum",
+               u"class",
+               u"order",
+               u"family",
+               u"genus",
+               u"species"]
+def process_taxid(ncbi, taxid, ranks, RANK_IDX, lower=False):
+    """
+    process one taxid:
+        - get lineage (as list of taxids, ranks, and names)
+        - reverse the lineage if lower ranks are to be used for filling
+        - fill the ranks with the data from the lineage
+    ncbi: ete NCBITaxa object
+    taxid: a taxid (int)
+    ranks: list of ranks (should be initialized with "NA" x number of levels of interest)
+    RANK_IDX: mapping from rank names to indices (distance to root/leaf?)
+    lower: use lower taxa for filling "NA"s
+    """
+    lineage = ncbi.get_lineage(taxid)
+    lineage_ranks = ncbi.get_rank(lineage)
+    lineage_names = ncbi.get_taxid_translator(lineage, try_synonyms=True)
+    if lower:
+        lineage.reverse()
+    for l in lineage:
+        if not lineage_ranks[l] in RANK_IDX:
+            continue
+        if ranks[RANK_IDX[lineage_ranks[l]]] != "NA":
+            continue
+        ranks[RANK_IDX[lineage_ranks[l]]] = lineage_names[l]
+# get command line options
+parser = optparse.OptionParser()
+parser.add_option('-s', '--species', dest="input_species_filename",
+                  help='Species/taxid list in text format one species in each line')
+parser.add_option('-d', '--database', dest="database", default=None,
+                  help='ETE sqlite data base to use (default: ~/.etetoolkit/taxa.sqlite)')
+parser.add_option('-o', '--output', dest="output", help='output file name (default: stdout)')
+parser.add_option('-f', dest="full", action="store_true", default=False,
+                  help='Show all available (named) taxonomic ranks (default: only primary levels)')
+parser.add_option('-c', dest="compress", action="store_true", default=False,
+                  help='Fill unnamed ranks with super/sub ranks (see -l)')
+parser.add_option('-l', dest="lower", action="store_true", default=False,
+                  help='Prefer lower levels when compressed')
+parser.add_option('-r', '--rank', dest='ranks', action="append",
+                  help='include rank - multiple ones can be specified')
+options, args = parser.parse_args()
+# check command line options
+if options.input_species_filename is None:
+    parser.error("-s option must be specified, Species list in text format one species in each line")
+if options.full and options.ranks:
+    parser.error("-f and -r can not be used at the same time")
+if options.ranks:
+    for r in options.ranks:
+        if r not in LONG_RANKS:
+            parser.error("unknown rank %s" % r)
+# setup output
+if not options.output:   # if filename is not given
+    of = sys.stdout
+    of = open(options.output, "w")
+# load NCBI taxonomy DB
+ncbi = NCBITaxa(dbfile=options.database)
+# get list of ranks that are of interest
+if options.ranks:
+    RANKS = []
+    for r in LONG_RANKS:
+        if r in options.ranks:
+            RANKS.append(r)
+    if options.full:
+    else:
+RANK_IDX = {item: index for index, item in enumerate(RANKS)}
+if options.compress:
+    for ir in range(len(RANKS)):
+        for ilr in range(len(LONG_RANKS)):
+            if RANKS[ir] in LONG_RANKS[ilr]:
+                COMP_RANK_IDX[LONG_RANKS[ilr]] = ir
+with open(options.input_species_filename) as f:
+    for line in f.readlines():
+        line = line.strip().replace('_', ' ')
+        try:
+            taxid = int(line)
+        except ValueError:
+            # TODO: one could use fuzzy name lookup (i.e. accept typos in the species names),
+            # but then a pysqlite version that supports this is needed (needs to be enabled
+            # during compilation)
+            name2tax = ncbi.get_name_translator([line])
+            if line in name2tax:
+                taxid = name2tax[line][0]
+            else:
+                sys.stderr.write("[%s] could not be translated into a taxid!\n" % line)
+                continue
+        ranks = ["NA"] * len(RANKS)
+        process_taxid(ncbi, taxid, ranks, RANK_IDX)
+        if options.compress:
+            process_taxid(ncbi, taxid, ranks, COMP_RANK_IDX, options.lower)
+        of.write("%s\t%s\n" % (line, "\t".join(ranks)))