changeset 4:117fc7414307 draft

planemo upload for repository commit 651fae48371f845578753052c6fe173e3bb35670
author earlhaminst
date Wed, 15 Mar 2017 20:20:58 -0400 (2017-03-16)
parents e17a3470c70a
children c388666f58e0
files GAFA.xml schema/gafa.mwb schema/gafa.png schema/gafa.svg test-data/gene.json test-data/gene.sqlite test-data/test.gafa.sqlite
diffstat 8 files changed, 685 insertions(+), 10248 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/	Fri Mar 03 07:20:23 2017 -0500
+++ b/	Wed Mar 15 20:20:58 2017 -0400
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
 from __future__ import print_function
 import collections
-import json
 import optparse
 import re
+import shutil
 import sqlite3
-version = "0.2.0"
+version = "0.3.0"
 Sequence = collections.namedtuple('Sequence', ['header', 'sequence'])
@@ -50,29 +50,19 @@
 def create_tables(conn):
     cur = conn.cursor()
-    cur.execute('PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON')
-    cur.execute('''CREATE TABLE meta (
-        version VARCHAR)''')
-    cur.execute('INSERT INTO meta (version) VALUES (?)',
+    # Check that the version of the input database is compatible
+    cur.execute('SELECT version FROM meta')
+    result = cur.fetchone()
+    input_meta_version = result[0]
+    if input_meta_version != '0.3.0':
+        raise Exception("Incompatible input meta version '%s'" % input_meta_version)
+    cur.execute('UPDATE meta SET version=?',
                 (version, ))
     cur.execute('''CREATE TABLE gene_family (
         gene_family_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
         gene_tree VARCHAR NOT NULL)''')
-    cur.execute('''CREATE TABLE gene (
-        gene_symbol VARCHAR,
-        gene_json VARCHAR NOT NULL)''')
-    cur.execute('CREATE INDEX gene_symbol_index ON gene (gene_symbol)')
-    cur.execute('''CREATE TABLE transcript (
-        transcript_id VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
-        protein_id VARCHAR UNIQUE,
-        protein_sequence VARCHAR,
-        gene_id VARCHAR NOT NULL REFERENCES gene(gene_id))''')
     cur.execute('''CREATE TABLE gene_family_member (
         gene_family_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES gene_family(gene_family_id),
         protein_id VARCHAR KEY NOT NULL REFERENCES transcript(protein_id),
@@ -117,44 +107,23 @@
-def gene_json_to_db(conn, fname):
-    with open(fname) as f:
-        all_genes_dict = json.load(f)
-    cur = conn.cursor()
-    for gene_dict in all_genes_dict.values():
-        gene_id = gene_dict['id']
-        gene_symbol = gene_dict.get('display_name', None)
-        cur.execute("INSERT INTO gene (gene_id, gene_symbol, gene_json) VALUES (?, ?, ?)",
-                    (gene_id, gene_symbol, json.dumps(gene_dict)))
-        if "Transcript" in gene_dict:
-            for transcript in gene_dict["Transcript"]:
-                transcript_id = transcript['id']
-                if 'Translation' in transcript and 'id' in transcript['Translation']:
-                    protein_id = transcript["Translation"]["id"]
-                else:
-                    protein_id = None
-                cur.execute("INSERT INTO transcript (transcript_id, protein_id, gene_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?)",
-                            (transcript_id, protein_id, gene_id))
-    conn.commit()
 def __main__():
     parser = optparse.OptionParser()
     parser.add_option('-t', '--tree', action='append', help='Gene tree files')
     parser.add_option('-a', '--align', action='append', help='Protein alignments in fasta_aln format')
-    parser.add_option('-g', '--gene', help='Gene features file in JSON format')
+    parser.add_option('-g', '--gene', help='Gene features file in SQLite format')
     parser.add_option('-o', '--output', help='Path of the output file')
     options, args = parser.parse_args()
     if args:
         raise Exception('Use options to provide inputs')
+    if options.gene != options.output:
+        shutil.copyfile(options.gene, options.output)
     conn = sqlite3.connect(options.output)
+    conn.execute('PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON')
-    gene_json_to_db(conn, options.gene)
     for i, (tree, align) in enumerate(zip(options.tree, options.align), start=1):
         newicktree_to_db(conn, i, tree)
         align_to_db(conn, i, align)
--- a/GAFA.xml	Fri Mar 03 07:20:23 2017 -0500
+++ b/GAFA.xml	Wed Mar 15 20:20:58 2017 -0400
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<tool id="gafa" name="Gene Align and Family Aggregator" version="0.2.0">
+<tool id="gafa" name="Gene Align and Family Aggregator" version="0.3.0">
     <description>generates an SQLite database that can be visualised with Aequatus</description>
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
         <param name="treeFile" type="data" format="nhx" multiple="true" label="Gene tree" help="Gene tree in Newick format, e.g. generated from 'TreeBeST best' or 'Get gene tree by Ensembl ID' tool" />
         <param name="alignmentFile" type="data" format="fasta" multiple="true" label="Protein alignments" help="Protein alignments in fasta_aln format generated by T-Coffee" />
-        <param name="genesFile" type="data" format="json" label="Gene features" help="Gene features in JSON format generated by 'GFF3 to JSON' or 'Get features by Ensembl ID' tool" />
+        <param name="genesFile" type="data" format="sqlite" label="Gene features" help="Gene features in SQLite format generated by 'GSTF preparation' tool" />
         <data name="outputFile" format="gafa.sqlite" label="${} on ${on_string}" />
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
             <param name="treeFile" ftype="nhx" value="tree1.nhx,tree2.nhx,tree3.nhx,tree4.nhx" />
             <param name="alignmentFile" ftype="fasta" value="align1.fasta,align2.fasta,align3.fasta,align4.fasta" />
-            <param name="genesFile" ftype="json" value="gene.json" />
+            <param name="genesFile" ftype="sqlite" value="gene.sqlite" />
             <output name="outputFile" file="test.gafa.sqlite" compare="sim_size" />
Binary file schema/gafa.mwb has changed
Binary file schema/gafa.png has changed
--- a/schema/gafa.svg	Fri Mar 03 07:20:23 2017 -0500
+++ b/schema/gafa.svg	Wed Mar 15 20:20:58 2017 -0400
@@ -3,811 +3,865 @@
 <symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-0">
-<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.558594 -1.027344 C 2.710938 -1.195312 2.785156 -1.460938 2.785156 -1.828125 C 2.785156 -2.171875 2.714844 -2.429688 2.570312 -2.609375 C 2.425781 -2.789062 2.230469 -2.878906 1.988281 -2.878906 C 1.65625 -2.878906 1.425781 -2.722656 1.300781 -2.410156 C 1.234375 -2.246094 1.199219 -2.039062 1.199219 -1.796875 C 1.199219 -1.585938 1.234375 -1.398438 1.304688 -1.234375 C 1.433594 -0.929688 1.664062 -0.777344 1.996094 -0.777344 C 2.21875 -0.777344 2.40625 -0.859375 2.558594 -1.027344 Z M 2.234375 -3.625 C 2.464844 -3.527344 2.652344 -3.355469 2.792969 -3.097656 L 2.792969 -3.621094 L 3.714844 -3.621094 L 3.714844 -0.1875 C 3.714844 0.28125 3.636719 0.632812 3.476562 0.871094 C 3.207031 1.277344 2.691406 1.480469 1.921875 1.480469 C 1.460938 1.480469 1.082031 1.390625 0.789062 1.210938 C 0.496094 1.027344 0.335938 0.757812 0.304688 0.394531 L 1.335938 0.394531 C 1.363281 0.503906 1.40625 0.585938 1.464844 0.632812 C 1.566406 0.71875 1.738281 0.765625 1.980469 0.765625 C 2.320312 0.765625 2.550781 0.648438 2.664062 0.421875 C 2.738281 0.277344 2.777344 0.03125 2.777344 -0.316406 L 2.777344 -0.546875 C 2.6875 -0.394531 2.589844 -0.277344 2.484375 -0.199219 C 2.296875 -0.0546875 2.050781 0.015625 1.75 0.015625 C 1.285156 0.015625 0.914062 -0.148438 0.636719 -0.472656 C 0.359375 -0.800781 0.21875 -1.242188 0.21875 -1.800781 C 0.21875 -2.339844 0.351562 -2.789062 0.621094 -3.15625 C 0.890625 -3.523438 1.269531 -3.707031 1.761719 -3.707031 C 1.941406 -3.707031 2.101562 -3.679688 2.234375 -3.625 Z M 2.234375 -3.625 "/>
+<path style="stroke:none;" d=""/>
 <symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-1">
-<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.359375 -2.730469 C 1.238281 -2.59375 1.164062 -2.40625 1.132812 -2.171875 L 2.605469 -2.171875 C 2.589844 -2.421875 2.511719 -2.613281 2.375 -2.742188 C 2.238281 -2.871094 2.070312 -2.9375 1.871094 -2.9375 C 1.652344 -2.9375 1.480469 -2.867188 1.359375 -2.730469 Z M 2.683594 -3.546875 C 2.925781 -3.433594 3.125 -3.257812 3.28125 -3.011719 C 3.421875 -2.796875 3.515625 -2.550781 3.558594 -2.265625 C 3.582031 -2.097656 3.59375 -1.859375 3.585938 -1.546875 L 1.109375 -1.546875 C 1.121094 -1.183594 1.238281 -0.929688 1.453125 -0.785156 C 1.582031 -0.695312 1.738281 -0.648438 1.921875 -0.648438 C 2.117188 -0.648438 2.277344 -0.703125 2.398438 -0.8125 C 2.464844 -0.875 2.523438 -0.957031 2.574219 -1.0625 L 3.542969 -1.0625 C 3.515625 -0.847656 3.40625 -0.628906 3.207031 -0.410156 C 2.894531 -0.0585938 2.460938 0.121094 1.902344 0.121094 C 1.441406 0.121094 1.035156 -0.0273438 0.683594 -0.324219 C 0.332031 -0.621094 0.15625 -1.105469 0.15625 -1.773438 C 0.15625 -2.402344 0.316406 -2.882812 0.632812 -3.214844 C 0.949219 -3.550781 1.363281 -3.71875 1.871094 -3.71875 C 2.171875 -3.71875 2.441406 -3.660156 2.683594 -3.546875 Z M 2.683594 -3.546875 "/>
+<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.8125 -0.03125 L 3.8125 -3.984375 L 2.640625 -3.984375 L 2.640625 -3.265625 L 2.875 -3.375 C 2.578125 -3.8125 2.171875 -4.046875 1.75 -4.046875 C 0.890625 -4.046875 0.09375 -3.078125 0.09375 -1.953125 C 0.09375 -0.8125 0.828125 0.0625 1.734375 0.0625 C 2.15625 0.0625 2.515625 -0.109375 2.640625 -0.234375 L 2.640625 -0.03125 C 2.640625 0.40625 2.4375 0.546875 1.96875 0.546875 C 1.609375 0.546875 1.5 0.5625 1.375 0.125 L 0.15625 0.125 C 0.1875 0.890625 0.921875 1.484375 1.9375 1.484375 C 3.03125 1.484375 3.8125 0.828125 3.8125 -0.03125 Z M 2.65625 -1.96875 C 2.65625 -1.296875 2.4375 -1.046875 1.9375 -1.046875 C 1.5 -1.046875 1.3125 -1.296875 1.3125 -1.96875 C 1.3125 -2.65625 1.5 -2.9375 1.953125 -2.9375 C 2.4375 -2.9375 2.65625 -2.640625 2.65625 -1.96875 Z M 2.65625 -1.96875 "/>
 <symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-2">
-<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.367188 -3.414062 C 3.605469 -3.21875 3.722656 -2.890625 3.722656 -2.4375 L 3.722656 0 L 2.753906 0 L 2.753906 -2.203125 C 2.753906 -2.394531 2.726562 -2.539062 2.675781 -2.640625 C 2.582031 -2.828125 2.40625 -2.917969 2.144531 -2.917969 C 1.824219 -2.917969 1.605469 -2.785156 1.484375 -2.511719 C 1.421875 -2.367188 1.390625 -2.183594 1.390625 -1.960938 L 1.390625 0 L 0.449219 0 L 0.449219 -3.613281 L 1.363281 -3.613281 L 1.363281 -3.085938 C 1.484375 -3.273438 1.597656 -3.40625 1.707031 -3.488281 C 1.902344 -3.632812 2.148438 -3.707031 2.449219 -3.707031 C 2.824219 -3.707031 3.128906 -3.609375 3.367188 -3.414062 Z M 3.367188 -3.414062 "/>
+<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.703125 -1.859375 C 3.703125 -3.125 2.921875 -4.046875 1.84375 -4.046875 C 0.796875 -4.046875 0.015625 -3.171875 0.015625 -1.9375 C 0.015625 -0.765625 0.78125 0.0625 1.828125 0.0625 C 2.65625 0.0625 3.453125 -0.46875 3.703125 -1.359375 L 2.515625 -1.359375 C 2.375 -0.90625 2.203125 -0.984375 1.859375 -0.984375 C 1.40625 -0.984375 1.265625 -1.03125 1.234375 -1.578125 L 3.6875 -1.578125 Z M 2.578125 -2.53125 L 1.265625 -2.53125 C 1.3125 -2.875 1.40625 -3 1.828125 -3 C 2.25 -3 2.390625 -2.890625 2.421875 -2.53125 Z M 2.578125 -2.53125 "/>
 <symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-3">
-<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.0703125 -2.914062 L 0.0703125 -3.585938 L 0.574219 -3.585938 L 0.574219 -4.597656 L 1.511719 -4.597656 L 1.511719 -3.585938 L 2.097656 -3.585938 L 2.097656 -2.914062 L 1.511719 -2.914062 L 1.511719 -1 C 1.511719 -0.851562 1.53125 -0.757812 1.566406 -0.722656 C 1.605469 -0.6875 1.722656 -0.667969 1.914062 -0.667969 C 1.941406 -0.667969 1.972656 -0.667969 2.003906 -0.667969 C 2.035156 -0.671875 2.070312 -0.671875 2.097656 -0.675781 L 2.097656 0.0351562 L 1.652344 0.0507812 C 1.203125 0.0664062 0.898438 -0.0117188 0.734375 -0.183594 C 0.628906 -0.292969 0.574219 -0.457031 0.574219 -0.683594 L 0.574219 -2.914062 Z M 0.0703125 -2.914062 "/>
+<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.84375 -0.15625 L 3.84375 -2.609375 C 3.84375 -3.421875 3.265625 -4.046875 2.484375 -4.046875 C 1.984375 -4.046875 1.5625 -3.8125 1.28125 -3.40625 L 1.515625 -3.296875 L 1.515625 -3.984375 L 0.296875 -3.984375 L 0.296875 0 L 1.515625 0 L 1.515625 -2.359375 C 1.515625 -2.796875 1.6875 -2.921875 2.140625 -2.921875 C 2.5625 -2.921875 2.625 -2.859375 2.625 -2.421875 L 2.625 0 L 3.84375 0 Z M 3.84375 -0.15625 "/>
 <symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-4">
-<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.453125 -3.707031 C 2.464844 -3.703125 2.492188 -3.703125 2.535156 -3.699219 L 2.535156 -2.730469 C 2.476562 -2.738281 2.421875 -2.742188 2.375 -2.742188 C 2.328125 -2.746094 2.289062 -2.746094 2.261719 -2.746094 C 1.882812 -2.746094 1.625 -2.625 1.496094 -2.375 C 1.421875 -2.234375 1.386719 -2.019531 1.386719 -1.730469 L 1.386719 0 L 0.433594 0 L 0.433594 -3.621094 L 1.335938 -3.621094 L 1.335938 -2.988281 C 1.480469 -3.230469 1.609375 -3.394531 1.71875 -3.484375 C 1.894531 -3.632812 2.125 -3.707031 2.410156 -3.707031 C 2.425781 -3.707031 2.441406 -3.707031 2.453125 -3.707031 Z M 2.453125 -3.707031 "/>
+<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.1875 -0.15625 L 2.1875 -1 C 1.953125 -0.96875 1.890625 -0.96875 1.828125 -0.96875 C 1.578125 -0.96875 1.65625 -0.875 1.65625 -1.203125 L 1.65625 -2.96875 L 2.1875 -2.96875 L 2.1875 -3.921875 L 1.65625 -3.921875 L 1.65625 -4.90625 L 0.421875 -4.90625 L 0.421875 -3.921875 L -0.046875 -3.921875 L -0.046875 -2.96875 L 0.421875 -2.96875 L 0.421875 -0.9375 C 0.421875 -0.359375 0.875 0.03125 1.5 0.03125 C 1.703125 0.03125 1.875 0 2.1875 0 Z M 2.1875 -0.15625 "/>
 <symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-5">
-<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.4375 -1.761719 C 2.378906 -1.722656 2.316406 -1.691406 2.257812 -1.667969 C 2.195312 -1.644531 2.113281 -1.625 2.007812 -1.605469 L 1.792969 -1.566406 C 1.59375 -1.53125 1.453125 -1.484375 1.367188 -1.433594 C 1.21875 -1.347656 1.144531 -1.214844 1.144531 -1.03125 C 1.144531 -0.871094 1.191406 -0.753906 1.28125 -0.683594 C 1.371094 -0.609375 1.480469 -0.574219 1.609375 -0.574219 C 1.8125 -0.574219 2 -0.632812 2.171875 -0.753906 C 2.34375 -0.875 2.429688 -1.089844 2.4375 -1.410156 Z M 1.863281 -2.203125 C 2.039062 -2.226562 2.164062 -2.253906 2.238281 -2.285156 C 2.375 -2.34375 2.441406 -2.433594 2.441406 -2.554688 C 2.441406 -2.703125 2.390625 -2.804688 2.285156 -2.863281 C 2.183594 -2.917969 2.03125 -2.945312 1.832031 -2.945312 C 1.609375 -2.945312 1.453125 -2.890625 1.359375 -2.78125 C 1.292969 -2.699219 1.246094 -2.585938 1.226562 -2.449219 L 0.3125 -2.449219 C 0.332031 -2.765625 0.421875 -3.023438 0.578125 -3.230469 C 0.828125 -3.546875 1.257812 -3.707031 1.867188 -3.707031 C 2.261719 -3.707031 2.617188 -3.628906 2.921875 -3.472656 C 3.230469 -3.316406 3.386719 -3.015625 3.386719 -2.582031 L 3.386719 -0.921875 C 3.386719 -0.804688 3.386719 -0.664062 3.390625 -0.5 C 3.398438 -0.378906 3.417969 -0.292969 3.449219 -0.25 C 3.480469 -0.207031 3.527344 -0.167969 3.585938 -0.140625 L 3.585938 0 L 2.558594 0 C 2.527344 -0.0742188 2.507812 -0.140625 2.496094 -0.207031 C 2.484375 -0.269531 2.476562 -0.34375 2.472656 -0.425781 C 2.339844 -0.285156 2.191406 -0.164062 2.019531 -0.0625 C 1.816406 0.0546875 1.585938 0.113281 1.328125 0.113281 C 1 0.113281 0.730469 0.0195312 0.515625 -0.167969 C 0.300781 -0.355469 0.195312 -0.621094 0.195312 -0.964844 C 0.195312 -1.410156 0.367188 -1.730469 0.710938 -1.929688 C 0.898438 -2.039062 1.175781 -2.117188 1.542969 -2.164062 Z M 1.863281 -2.203125 "/>
+<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.65625 -2.921875 L 2.65625 -4.03125 C 2.453125 -4.046875 2.421875 -4.046875 2.40625 -4.046875 C 1.96875 -4.046875 1.453125 -3.578125 1.25 -3.078125 L 1.515625 -3.109375 L 1.515625 -3.984375 L 0.296875 -3.984375 L 0.296875 0 L 1.515625 0 L 1.515625 -2.109375 C 1.515625 -2.671875 1.65625 -2.78125 2.21875 -2.78125 C 2.3125 -2.78125 2.390625 -2.78125 2.65625 -2.734375 Z M 2.65625 -2.921875 "/>
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-<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.179688 -1.15625 C 1.199219 -0.988281 1.242188 -0.867188 1.308594 -0.796875 C 1.425781 -0.671875 1.644531 -0.609375 1.960938 -0.609375 C 2.144531 -0.609375 2.292969 -0.636719 2.402344 -0.691406 C 2.511719 -0.746094 2.566406 -0.828125 2.566406 -0.941406 C 2.566406 -1.046875 2.523438 -1.128906 2.433594 -1.183594 C 2.347656 -1.238281 2.015625 -1.332031 1.449219 -1.46875 C 1.039062 -1.570312 0.75 -1.699219 0.582031 -1.851562 C 0.414062 -2 0.328125 -2.21875 0.328125 -2.5 C 0.328125 -2.835938 0.460938 -3.125 0.722656 -3.363281 C 0.984375 -3.605469 1.355469 -3.722656 1.832031 -3.722656 C 2.28125 -3.722656 2.648438 -3.632812 2.933594 -3.453125 C 3.21875 -3.273438 3.382812 -2.960938 3.425781 -2.519531 L 2.476562 -2.519531 C 2.464844 -2.640625 2.429688 -2.734375 2.375 -2.808594 C 2.269531 -2.9375 2.09375 -3 1.84375 -3 C 1.636719 -3 1.492188 -2.96875 1.402344 -2.902344 C 1.316406 -2.839844 1.273438 -2.765625 1.273438 -2.675781 C 1.273438 -2.566406 1.320312 -2.492188 1.410156 -2.441406 C 1.503906 -2.390625 1.832031 -2.304688 2.398438 -2.179688 C 2.773438 -2.089844 3.058594 -1.957031 3.246094 -1.777344 C 3.433594 -1.59375 3.523438 -1.367188 3.523438 -1.097656 C 3.523438 -0.738281 3.390625 -0.445312 3.125 -0.21875 C 2.859375 0.0078125 2.445312 0.121094 1.886719 0.121094 C 1.316406 0.121094 0.898438 0.00390625 0.625 -0.238281 C 0.355469 -0.476562 0.21875 -0.785156 0.21875 -1.15625 Z M 1.179688 -1.15625 "/>
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