diff gff3_to_json.py @ 1:befe6021e476 draft default tip

planemo upload for repository https://github.com/TGAC/earlham-galaxytools/tree/master/tools/gff3_to_json commit 5e5fbe362ed5a4714debda0f2c0834cbbfd34147
author earlhaminst
date Tue, 28 Feb 2017 12:06:04 -0500 (2017-02-28)
parents be6cec883b02
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/gff3_to_json.py	Wed Dec 21 10:02:59 2016 -0500
+++ b/gff3_to_json.py	Tue Feb 28 12:06:04 2017 -0500
@@ -4,16 +4,22 @@
 import optparse
 import sys
-cds_parent_dict = dict()
-exon_parent_dict = dict()
-five_prime_utr_parent_dict = dict()
 gene_count = 0
-gene_dict = dict()
-transcript_dict = dict()
-three_prime_utr_parent_dict = dict()
+def remove_type_from_list_of_ids(l):
+    return ','.join(remove_type_from_id(_) for _ in l.split(','))
-def feature_to_json(cols):
+def remove_type_from_id(id_):
+    colon_index = id_.find(':')
+    if colon_index >= 0:
+        return id_[colon_index + 1:]
+    else:
+        return id_
+def feature_to_dict(cols, parent_dict=None):
     d = {
         'end': int(cols[4]),
         'start': int(cols[3]),
@@ -22,21 +28,32 @@
         if '=' in attr:
             (tag, value) = attr.split('=')
             if tag == 'ID':
-                d['id'] = value
-            else:
-                d[tag] = value
+                tag = 'id'
+                value = remove_type_from_id(value)
+            elif tag == 'Parent':
+                value = remove_type_from_list_of_ids(value)
+            d[tag] = value
     if cols[6] == '+':
         d['strand'] = 1
     elif cols[6] == '-':
         d['strand'] = -1
         raise Exception("Unrecognized strand '%s'" % cols[6])
+    if parent_dict is not None and 'Parent' in d:
+        # a 3' UTR can be split among multiple exons
+        # a 5' UTR can be split among multiple exons
+        # a CDS can be part of multiple transcripts
+        for parent in d['Parent'].split(','):
+            if parent not in parent_dict:
+                parent_dict[parent] = [d]
+            else:
+                parent_dict[parent].append(d)
     return d
-def gene_to_json(cols, species):
+def add_gene_to_dict(cols, species, gene_dict):
     global gene_count
-    gene = feature_to_json(cols)
+    gene = feature_to_dict(cols)
         'member_id': gene_count,
         'object_type': 'Gene',
@@ -48,8 +65,8 @@
     gene_count = gene_count + 1
-def transcript_to_json(cols, species):
-    transcript = feature_to_json(cols)
+def add_transcript_to_dict(cols, species, transcript_dict):
+    transcript = feature_to_dict(cols)
         'object_type': 'Transcript',
         'seq_region_name': cols[0],
@@ -58,8 +75,8 @@
     transcript_dict[transcript['id']] = transcript
-def exon_to_json(cols, species):
-    exon = feature_to_json(cols)
+def add_exon_to_dict(cols, species, exon_parent_dict):
+    exon = feature_to_dict(cols, exon_parent_dict)
         'length': int(cols[4]) - int(cols[3]) + 1,
         'object_type': 'Exon',
@@ -69,56 +86,20 @@
     if 'id' not in exon and 'Name' in exon:
         exon['id'] = exon['Name']
-    if 'Parent' in exon:
-        for parent in exon['Parent'].split(','):
-            if parent not in exon_parent_dict:
-                exon_parent_dict[parent] = [exon]
-            else:
-                exon_parent_dict[parent].append(exon)
-def five_prime_utr_to_json(cols):
-    five_prime_utr = feature_to_json(cols)
-    if 'Parent' in five_prime_utr:
-        for parent in five_prime_utr['Parent'].split(','):
-            # the 5' UTR can be split among multiple exons
-            if parent not in five_prime_utr_parent_dict:
-                five_prime_utr_parent_dict[parent] = [five_prime_utr]
-            else:
-                five_prime_utr_parent_dict[parent].append(five_prime_utr)
-def three_prime_utr_to_json(cols):
-    three_prime_utr = feature_to_json(cols)
-    if 'Parent' in three_prime_utr:
-        for parent in three_prime_utr['Parent'].split(','):
-            # the 3' UTR can be split among multiple exons
-            if parent not in three_prime_utr_parent_dict:
-                three_prime_utr_parent_dict[parent] = [three_prime_utr]
-            else:
-                three_prime_utr_parent_dict[parent].append(three_prime_utr)
-def cds_to_json(cols):
-    cds = feature_to_json(cols)
+def add_cds_to_dict(cols, cds_parent_dict):
+    cds = feature_to_dict(cols, cds_parent_dict)
     if 'id' not in cds:
         if 'Name' in cds:
             cds['id'] = cds['Name']
-        elif 'Parent' in cds:
+        elif 'Parent' in cds and ',' not in cds['Parent']:
             cds['id'] = cds['Parent']
-    if 'Parent' in cds:
-        # At this point we are sure than 'id' is in cds
-        for parent in cds['Parent'].split(','):
-            if parent not in cds_parent_dict:
-                cds_parent_dict[parent] = [cds]
-            else:
-                cds_parent_dict[parent].append(cds)
-def join_dicts():
+def join_dicts(gene_dict, transcript_dict, exon_parent_dict, cds_parent_dict, five_prime_utr_parent_dict, three_prime_utr_parent_dict):
     for parent, exon_list in exon_parent_dict.items():
-        exon_list.sort(key=lambda _: _['start'])
         if parent in transcript_dict:
+            exon_list.sort(key=lambda _: _['start'])
             transcript_dict[parent]['Exon'] = exon_list
     for transcript_id, transcript in transcript_dict.items():
@@ -181,21 +162,19 @@
-def merge_dicts(json_arg):
-    with open(json_arg) as f:
-        dict_from_json = json.load(f)
-    gene_intersection = set(gene_dict.keys()) & set(dict_from_json.keys())
+def update_full_gene_dict_no_overwrite(full_gene_dict, gene_dict):
+    gene_intersection = set(full_gene_dict.keys()) & set(gene_dict.keys())
     if gene_intersection:
-        raise Exception("JSON file '%s' contains information for genes '%s', which are also present in other files" % (json_arg, ', '.join(gene_intersection)))
-    gene_dict.update(dict_from_json)
+        raise Exception("Information for genes '%s' are present in multiple files" % ', '.join(gene_intersection))
+    full_gene_dict.update(gene_dict)
-def write_json(outfile=None, sort_keys=False):
+def write_json(full_gene_dict, outfile=None, sort_keys=False):
     if outfile:
         with open(outfile, 'w') as f:
-            json.dump(gene_dict, f, sort_keys=sort_keys)
+            json.dump(full_gene_dict, f, sort_keys=sort_keys)
-        print(json.dumps(gene_dict, indent=3, sort_keys=sort_keys))
+        json.dump(full_gene_dict, sys.stdout, sort_keys=sort_keys)
 def __main__():
@@ -205,16 +184,23 @@
     parser.add_option('-s', '--sort', action='store_true', help='Sort the keys in the JSON output')
     parser.add_option('-o', '--output', help='Path of the output file. If not specified, will print on the standard output')
     options, args = parser.parse_args()
     if args:
         raise Exception('Use options to provide inputs')
+    full_gene_dict = dict()
     for gff3_arg in options.gff3:
             (species, filename) = gff3_arg.split(':')
         except ValueError:
             raise Exception("Argument for --gff3 '%s' is not in the SPECIES:FILENAME format" % gff3_arg)
+        gene_dict = dict()
+        transcript_dict = dict()
+        exon_parent_dict = dict()
+        cds_parent_dict = dict()
+        five_prime_utr_parent_dict = dict()
+        three_prime_utr_parent_dict = dict()
         with open(filename) as f:
-            for i, line in enumerate(f):
+            for i, line in enumerate(f, start=1):
                 line = line.strip()
                 if not line:
                     # skip empty lines
@@ -228,27 +214,29 @@
                 feature_type = cols[2]
                     if feature_type == 'gene':
-                        gene_to_json(cols, species)
+                        add_gene_to_dict(cols, species, gene_dict)
                     elif feature_type in ('mRNA', 'transcript'):
-                        transcript_to_json(cols, species)
+                        add_transcript_to_dict(cols, species, transcript_dict)
                     elif feature_type == 'exon':
-                        exon_to_json(cols, species)
+                        add_exon_to_dict(cols, species, exon_parent_dict)
                     elif feature_type == 'five_prime_UTR':
-                        five_prime_utr_to_json(cols)
+                        feature_to_dict(cols, five_prime_utr_parent_dict)
                     elif feature_type == 'three_prime_UTR':
-                        three_prime_utr_to_json(cols)
+                        feature_to_dict(cols, three_prime_utr_parent_dict)
                     elif feature_type == 'CDS':
-                        cds_to_json(cols)
+                        add_cds_to_dict(cols, cds_parent_dict)
                         print("Line %i in file '%s': '%s' is not an implemented feature type" % (i, filename, feature_type), file=sys.stderr)
                 except Exception as e:
                     raise Exception("Line %i in file '%s': %s" % (i, filename, e))
-    join_dicts()
+        join_dicts(gene_dict, transcript_dict, exon_parent_dict, cds_parent_dict, five_prime_utr_parent_dict, three_prime_utr_parent_dict)
+        update_full_gene_dict_no_overwrite(full_gene_dict, gene_dict)
     for json_arg in options.json:
-        merge_dicts(json_arg)
+        with open(json_arg) as f:
+            update_full_gene_dict_no_overwrite(full_gene_dict, json.load(f))
-    write_json(options.output, options.sort)
+    write_json(full_gene_dict, options.output, options.sort)
 if __name__ == '__main__':