view gdal_merge.xml @ 1:caeb65a2ba87 draft

planemo upload for repository commit e533a16994d9f0cbab9c5c854db3ac896e07b6e2
author ecology
date Wed, 27 Feb 2019 14:14:36 -0500
parents ce7826d49a5c
children 8bb34fcc119a
line wrap: on
line source

<tool id="gdal_gdal_merge" name="GDAL Merge" version="@VERSION@">
    <description>mosaics a set of images</description>
    <expand macro="gdal_requirements" />
    <command detect_errors="exit_code"><![CDATA[
            #for $i in $input
            #end for

            -of '$of'

            #if $settings.advanced=='advanced'

                #if str($!=''
                    -co '$'
                #end if

                #if str($settings.ot).strip()!=''
                    -ot '$settings.ot'
                #end if
                #if $settings.condi_ps.pixelsize=='use_ps'
                    -ps $settings.condi_ps.pixelsize_x $settings.condi_ps.pixelsize_y
                #end if
                #if $settings.condi_ul_lr.ul_lr=='ul_lr'
                    -ul_lr $settings.condi_ul_lr.ulx $settings.condi_ul_lr.uly $settings.condi_ul_lr.lrx $settings.condi_ul_lr.lry
                #end if
                #if $settings.n!='nodata_value'
                    -n '$settings.n'
                #end if
                #if $settings.a_nodata!='output_nodata_value'
                    -a_nodata '$settings.a_nodata'
                #end if
                #if str($settings.init).strip()!=''
                    -init '$settings.init'
                #end if
            #end if

            -o '$output'

        <expand macro="gdal_input_raster_multiple"/>  
        <expand macro="gdal_param_of"/>
        <conditional name="settings">
            <expand macro="gdal_advanced_params_select"/>
            <when value="advanced">
                <expand macro="gdal_param_co"/> 
                <expand macro="gdal_param_ot"/> 
                <conditional name="condi_ps">
                    <param label="Fix pixel size to be used" help="-ps pixelsize_x pixelsize_y. If not specified the resolution of the first input file will be used" name="pixelsize" type="select">
                        <option value="use_ps">Fix pixel size with the -ps option</option>
                        <option value="no_ps" selected="true">Don't specify a resolution</option>
                    <when value="use_ps">
                        <param name="pixelsize_x" type="integer" value="0" min="0"/>
                        <param name="pixelsize_y" type="integer" value="0" min="0"/>
                    <when value="no_ps">
                <expand macro="gdal_param_tap"/> 
                <conditional name="condi_ul_lr">
                    <param name="ul_lr" type="select" argument="-ul_lr ulx uly lrx lry" label="The extents of the output file" help="If not specified the aggregate extents of all input files will be used" >
                        <option value="no_ul_lr" selected="true">Don't use the -ul_lr option</option>
                        <option value="ul_lr">Use the -ul_lr option</option>
                    <when value="no_ul_lr">
                    <when value="ul_lr">
                        <param name="ulx" type="integer" label="The ulx extents of the output file" value="0" min="0"/>
                        <param name="uly" type="integer" label="The uly extents of the output file" value="0" min="0"/>
                        <param name="lrx" type="integer" label="The lrx extents of the output file" value="0" min="0"/>
                        <param name="lry" type="integer" label="The lry extents of the output file" value="0" min="0"/>
                <param name="v" type="boolean" truevalue="-v" falsevalue="" checked="false" help="-v" label="Generate verbose output of mosaicing operations as they are done" />
                <expand macro="gdal_param_separate"/>
                <param name="pct" type="boolean" truevalue="-pct" falsevalue="" checked="false" help="-pct. Merging pseudo-colored images this way assumes that all input files use the same color table" label="Grab a pseudo-color table from the first input image" />
                <param name="n" type="text" argument="-n nodata_value" label="Ignore pixels from files being merged in with this pixel value" value="nodata_value" />
                <param name="a_nodata" type="text" argument="-a_nodata" label="Assign a specified nodata value to output bands" value="output_nodata_value" />
                <param name="init" type="text" help="-init values(s). It is not marked as the nodata value in the output file. If only one value is given, the same value is used in all the bands" label="Pre-initialize the output image bands with values" value="" />
        <expand macro="gdal_output_change_format"/>

            <param name="input" value="small_west.dem,small_east.dem"/>
            <param name="advanced" value="simple"/>
            <output name="output" file="small_merged.tif"/>

**What it does**

This utility will automatically mosaic a set of images. All the images must be in the same coordinate system and have a matching number of bands, but they may be overlapping, and at different resolutions. In areas of overlap, the last image will be copied over earlier ones.


**How to use it**

Select as much raster files as you want from history to make the mosaic.

Specifiy output format using short name (


**Advanced options and sources**

To see complete details and help section please check the official gdal sources.

Raster Processing Tutorial :
    <expand macro="gdal_citation"/>