diff SeqSero/libs/BWA_analysis_O_new_dependent.py @ 0:c577b57b7c74 draft

author estrain
date Wed, 06 Dec 2017 15:59:29 -0500
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/SeqSero/libs/BWA_analysis_O_new_dependent.py	Wed Dec 06 15:59:29 2017 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+#tyr_of_O2_O9.fasta should be in the same directory, in it, O9 should be first then O2
+import os
+from Bio import SeqIO
+import sys
+from Initial_functions import Uniq
+from Bio.Blast import NCBIXML
+def BWA_O_analysis(sra_name,additional_file,database,mapping_mode,file_mode):
+  if file_mode=="1":#interleaved
+    if sra_name[-3:]=="sra":
+      os.system("fastq-dump --split-files "+sra_name)
+      del_fastq=1
+      for_fq=sra_name.replace(".sra","_1.fastq")
+      rev_fq=sra_name.replace(".sra","_2.fastq")
+      for_sai=sra_name.replace(".sra","_1.sai")
+      rev_sai=sra_name.replace(".sra","_2.sai")
+      sam=sra_name.replace(".sra",".sam")
+      bam=sra_name.replace(".sra",".bam")
+    else:
+      del_fastq=0
+      core_id=sra_name.split(".fastq")[0]
+      try:
+        os.system("gunzip "+sra_name)
+      except:
+        pass
+      dirpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
+      os.system("perl "+dirpath+"/split_interleaved_fastq.pl --input "+core_id+".fastq --output "+core_id.replace(".","_")+".fastq")#######03152016
+      ori_size=os.path.getsize(core_id+".fastq")#######03152016
+      os.system("mv "+core_id.replace(".","_")+"-read1.fastq"+" "+core_id+"-read1.fastq")#######03152016
+      os.system("mv "+core_id.replace(".","_")+"-read2.fastq"+" "+core_id+"-read2.fastq")#######03152016
+      for_fq=core_id+"-read1.fastq"#######03152016
+      rev_fq=core_id+"-read2.fastq"#######03152016
+      if float(os.path.getsize(for_fq))/ori_size<=0.1 or float(os.path.getsize(rev_fq))/ori_size<=0.1:#09092015#12292015#######03152016
+        os.system("echo haha")#09092015
+        os.system("perl "+dirpath+"/splitPairedEndReads.pl "+core_id+".fastq")#09092015
+        os.system("mv "+core_id+".fastq_1 "+for_fq)##09092015
+        os.system("mv "+core_id+".fastq_2 "+rev_fq)##09092015
+      else:#09092015
+        os.system("echo hehe")#09092015
+      for_sai=core_id+"_1.sai"
+      rev_sai=core_id+"_2.sai"
+      sam=core_id+".sam"
+      bam=core_id+".bam"
+  elif file_mode=="2":#seperated
+    forword_seq=sra_name
+    reverse_seq=additional_file
+    try:
+        os.system("gunzip "+forword_seq)
+    except:
+        pass
+    try:
+        os.system("gunzip "+reverse_seq)
+    except:
+        pass
+    for_core_id=forword_seq.split(".fastq")[0]
+    re_core_id=reverse_seq.split(".fastq")[0]
+    for_fq=for_core_id+".fastq"
+    rev_fq=re_core_id+".fastq"
+    dirpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))#######03152016
+    print "check fastq id and make them in accordance with each other...please wait..."
+    os.system("python "+dirpath+"/compare_and_change_two_fastq_id.py "+for_fq+" "+rev_fq)#######03152016
+    for_sai=for_core_id+".sai"
+    rev_sai=re_core_id+".sai"
+    sam=for_core_id+".sam"
+    bam=sam.replace(".sam",".bam")
+  elif file_mode=="3":#single-end
+    if sra_name[-3:]=="sra":
+      os.system("fastq-dump --split-files "+sra_name)###01/28/2015
+      del_fastq=1
+      for_fq=sra_name.replace(".sra","_1.fastq")
+      for_sai=sra_name.replace(".sra","_1.sai")
+      sam=sra_name.replace(".sra",".sam")
+      bam=sra_name.replace(".sra",".bam")
+    else:
+      del_fastq=0
+      core_id=sra_name.split(".fastq")[0]
+      try:
+        os.system("gunzip "+sra_name)
+      except:
+        pass  
+      for_fq=core_id+".fastq"
+      for_sai=core_id+"_1.sai"
+      sam=core_id+".sam"
+      bam=core_id+".bam"
+  os.system("bwa index "+database)
+  if file_mode!="3":
+    if mapping_mode=="sam":
+      os.system("bwa aln "+database+" "+for_fq+" > "+for_sai)
+      os.system("bwa aln "+database+" "+rev_fq+" > "+rev_sai)
+      os.system("bwa sampe "+database+" "+for_sai+" "+ rev_sai+" "+for_fq+" "+rev_fq+" > "+sam)
+    elif mapping_mode=="mem":
+      os.system("bwa mem "+database+" "+for_fq+" "+rev_fq+" > "+sam) #2014/12/23
+    elif mapping_mode=="nanopore": ##
+      os.system("bwa mem -x ont2d "+database+" "+for_fq+" "+rev_fq+" > "+sam)##
+  else:
+    if mapping_mode=="mem":
+      os.system("bwa mem "+database+" "+for_fq+" > "+sam) #2014/12/23
+    elif mapping_mode=="sam":
+      os.system("bwa aln "+database+" "+for_fq+" > "+for_sai)
+      os.system("bwa samse "+database+" "+for_sai+" "+for_fq+" > "+sam)
+    elif mapping_mode=="nanopore":##
+      os.system("bwa mem -x ont2d "+database+" "+for_fq+" > "+sam)##
+  os.system("samtools view -F 4 -Sbh "+sam+" > "+bam)
+  os.system("samtools view -h -o "+sam+" "+bam)
+  file=open(sam,"r")
+  handle=file.readlines()
+  name_list=[]
+  for line in handle:
+    if len(line)>300:
+      name_list.append(line.split("\t")[2])
+  a,b=Uniq(name_list)
+  c=dict(zip(a,b))
+  final_O=sorted(c.iteritems(), key=lambda d:d[1], reverse = True) #order from frequency high to low, but tuple while not list
+  Sero_list_O=[]
+  print "Final_Otype_list:"
+  print final_O
+  num_1=0#new inserted
+  O9_wbav=0
+  O310_wzx=0
+  O946_wzy=0
+  if len(final_O)>0: #new inserted
+    for x in final_O:#new inserted
+      num_1=num_1+x[1]#new inserted
+      if "O-9,46_wbaV" in x[0]:
+        O9_wbaV=x[1]
+      if "O-3,10_wzx" in x[0]:
+        O310_wzx=x[1]
+      if "O-9,46_wzy" in x[0]:
+        O946_wzy=x[1]
+      if "O-3,10_not_in_1,3,19" in x[0]:
+        O310_no_1319=x[1]
+      if "O-9,46,27_partial_wzy" in x[0]:
+        O94627=x[1]        
+  O_list=[]
+  O_choice=""
+  print "$$$Genome:",sra_name
+  if len(final_O)==0:
+    print "$$$No Otype, due to no hit"
+  else:
+    if final_O[0][1]<8:
+      print "$$$No Otype, due to the hit reads number is small."
+    else:
+      for x in final_O:
+        if x[1]>5:
+          O_list.append(x[0])
+      qq=1#
+      for x in final_O:#
+        if "sdf" in x[0] and x[1]>3:#
+          qq=0#
+          print "$$$",x[0],"got a hit, reads:",x[1]#
+          final_O.remove(x)
+      if qq!=0:#
+        print "$$$No sdf exists"#
+      if "O-9,46_wbaV" in O_list and float(O9_wbaV)/float(num_1) > 0.1:
+        if "O-9,46_wzy" in O_list and float(O946_wzy)/float(num_1) > 0.1:
+          O_choice="O-9,46"
+          print "$$$Most possilble Otype:  O-9,46"
+        elif "O-9,46,27_partial_wzy" in O_list and float(O94627)/float(num_1) > 0.1:
+          O_choice="O-9,46,27"
+          print "$$$Most possilble Otype:  O-9,46,27"
+        else:
+          O_choice="O-9"
+          if file_mode=="3":
+            rev_fq=""
+            rev_sai=""
+            assembly(sra_name,O_choice,for_fq,rev_fq,for_sai,rev_sai,sam,bam,mapping_mode)
+          else:
+            assembly(sra_name,O_choice,for_fq,rev_fq,for_sai,rev_sai,sam,bam,mapping_mode)
+      elif ("O-3,10_wzx" in O_list) and ("O-9,46_wzy" in O_list) and float(O310_wzx)/float(num_1) > 0.1 and float(O946_wzy)/float(num_1) > 0.1:
+        if "O-3,10_not_in_1,3,19" in O_list and float(O310_no_1319)/float(num_1) > 0.1:
+          O_choice="O-3,10"
+          print "$$$Most possilble Otype:  O-3,10"
+        else:
+          O_choice="O-1,3,19"
+          print "$$$Most possilble Otype:  O-1,3,19"
+      else:
+        try: 
+          O_choice=final_O[0][0].split("_")[0]
+          if O_choice=="O-1,3,19":
+            O_choice=final_O[1][0].split("_")[0]
+          print "$$$Most possilble Otype: ",O_choice
+        except:
+          print "$$$No suitable Otype, or failure of mapping (please check the quality of raw reads)"
+def assembly(sra_name,potential_choice,for_fq,rev_fq,for_sai,rev_sai,sam,bam,mapping_mode):
+  database="ParaA_rfb.fasta"
+  os.system("bwa index database/"+database)###01/28/2015
+  if rev_fq=="":#2015/09/09
+    if mapping_mode=="mem":
+      os.system("bwa mem database/"+database+" "+for_fq+" > "+sam) #2014/12/23
+    elif mapping_mode=="sam":
+      os.system("bwa aln database/"+database+" "+for_fq+" > "+for_sai)
+      os.system("bwa samse database/"+database+" "+for_sai+" "+for_fq+" > "+sam)
+    elif mapping_mode=="nanopore":##
+      os.system("bwa mem -x ont2d database/"+database+" "+for_fq+" > "+sam)##
+  else:
+    if mapping_mode=="mem":
+      os.system("bwa mem database/"+database+" "+for_fq+" "+rev_fq+" > "+sam) #2014/12/23
+    elif mapping_mode=="sam":
+      os.system("bwa aln database/"+database+" "+for_fq+" > "+for_sai)
+      os.system("bwa aln database/"+database+" "+rev_fq+" > "+rev_sai)
+      os.system("bwa sampe database/"+database+" "+for_sai+" "+ rev_sai+" "+for_fq+" "+rev_fq+" > "+sam)
+    elif mapping_mode=="nanopore":
+      os.system("bwa mem -x ont2d database/"+database+" "+for_fq+" "+rev_fq+" > "+sam)
+  os.system("samtools view -F 4 -Sbh "+sam+" > "+bam)
+  os.system("samtools view -h -o "+sam+" "+bam)
+  os.system("cat "+sam+"|awk '{if ($5>0) {print $10}}'>"+sam+"_seq.txt")
+  os.system("cat "+sam+"|awk '{if ($5>0) {print $1}}'>"+sam+"_title.txt")
+  file1=open(sam+"_title.txt","r")
+  file2=open(sam+"_seq.txt","r")
+  file1=file1.readlines()
+  file2=file2.readlines()
+  file=open(sam+".fasta","w")
+  for i in range(len(file1)):
+    title=">"+file1[i]
+    seq=file2[i]
+    if len(seq)>=50 and len(title)>6:#generally,can be adjusted
+      file.write(title)
+      file.write(seq)
+  file.close()
+  database2="tyr_of_O2_O9.fasta"
+  os.system('makeblastdb -in database/'+database2+' -out '+database2+'_db '+'-dbtype nucl')
+  os.system("blastn -query "+sam+".fasta"+" -db "+database2+"_db -out "+sam+"_vs_O29.xml -outfmt 5")
+  handle=open(sam+"_vs_O29.xml")
+  handle=NCBIXML.parse(handle)
+  handle=list(handle)
+  O9_bigger=0
+  O2_bigger=0
+  for x in handle:
+    O9_score=0
+    O2_score=0
+    try:
+      if 'O-9' in x.alignments[0].hit_def:
+        O9_score=x.alignments[0].hsps[0].bits
+        O2_score=x.alignments[1].hsps[0].bits
+      elif 'O-2' in x.alignments[0].hit_def:
+        O9_score=x.alignments[1].hsps[0].bits
+        O2_score=x.alignments[0].hsps[0].bits
+      if O9_score>O2_score:
+        O9_bigger+=1
+      if O9_score<O2_score:
+        O2_bigger+=1
+    except:
+      continue
+  print "$$$Genome:",sra_name
+  if O9_bigger>O2_bigger:
+    print "$$$Most possible Otype is O-9"
+  elif O9_bigger<O2_bigger:
+    print "$$$Most possible Otype is O-2"
+  else:
+    print "$$$No suitable one, because can't distinct it's O-9 or O-2, but ",potential_choice," has a more possibility."
+  print "O-9 number is:",O9_bigger
+  print "O-2 number is:",O2_bigger
+  os.system("rm "+sam+"_title.txt")###01/28/2015
+  os.system("rm "+sam+"_seq.txt")###01/28/2015
+  os.system("rm "+sam+".fasta")###01/28/2015
+  os.system("rm "+database2+"_db.*")###01/28/2015
+  os.system("rm "+sam+"_vs_O29.xml")###01/28/2015
+target=sys.argv[1] #should be sra format
+if sys.argv[4] not in ("1","2","3"):
+  additional_file=sys.argv[4]
+  file_mode=sys.argv[5]
+  additional_file=""
+  file_mode=sys.argv[4]