view profia_config.xml @ 0:39ccace77270 draft

planemo upload for repository commit 2757590af8c7ba9833ba3bebd7da7f96b20d1128-dirty
author ethevenot
date Sun, 26 Mar 2017 17:37:12 -0400
children 4753e64cf694
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line source

<tool id="profia" name="proFIA" version="3.0.0">
  <description>Preprocessing of FIA-HRMS data</description>
    <requirement type="package">r-batch</requirement>
    <requirement type="package">r-FNN</requirement>
    <requirement type="package">r-maxLik</requirement>
    <requirement type="package">r-minpack.lm</requirement>
    <requirement type="package">r-pracma</requirement>
    <requirement type="package">bioconductor-proFIA</requirement>
    <exit_code range="1:" level="fatal" />
  Rscript $__tool_directory__/profia_wrapper.R

  #if $inputs.input == "lib":
  library $__app__.config.user_library_import_dir/$__user_email__/$inputs.library
  #elif $inputs.input == "zip_file":
  zipfile $inputs.zip_file
  #end if
  ppmN "$ppmN"
  ppmGroupN "$ppmGroupN"
  fracGroupN "$fracGroupN"
  kI "$kI"

  dataMatrix_out "$dataMatrix_out"
  sampleMetadata_out "$sampleMetadata_out"
  variableMetadata_out "$variableMetadata_out"
  figure "$figure"
  information "$information"
    <conditional name="inputs">
      <param name="input" type="select" label="Choose your input method" >
        <option value="zip_file" selected="true">Zip file from your history containing your raw files</option>
        <option value="lib" >Library directory name</option>
      <when value="zip_file">
        <param name="zip_file" type="data" format=",zip" label="Zip file" />
      <when value="lib">
        <param name="library" type="text" size="40" label="Library directory name" help="The name of your directory containing all your data" >
          <validator type="empty_field"/>
    <param name="ppmN" label="Maximum deviation between centroids during band detection (in ppm)" type="text" value = "5" help="[ppm]" />	  
    <param name="ppmGroupN" label="Accuracy of the mass spectrometer to be used during feature alignment (in ppm)" type="text" value = "5" help="[ppmGroup] Should be inferior or equal to the deviation parameter above." />
    <param name="fracGroupN" label=" Minimum fraction of samples in which a peak should be detected in at least one class to be kept during feature alignment" type="text" value = "0.5" help="[fracGroup]" />
    <param name="kI" label="Number of neighbour features to be used for imputation (select 0 to skip the imputation step)" type="text" value = "5" help="[k]" />
    <data name="dataMatrix_out" label="${}_dataMatrix.tsv" format="tabular" ></data>
    <data name="sampleMetadata_out" label="${}_sampleMetadata.tsv" format="tabular" ></data>
    <data name="variableMetadata_out" label="${}_variableMetadata.tsv" format="tabular" ></data>
    <data name="figure" label="${}_figure.pdf" format="pdf"/>
    <data name="information" label="${}_information.txt" format="txt"/>
      <param name="inputs|input" value="zip_file" />
      <param name="inputs|zip_file" value="" ftype="zip" />
      <param name="ppmN" value="2"/>
      <param name="ppmGroupN" value="1"/>
      <param name="fracGroupN" value="0.1"/>
      <param name="kI" value="2"/>
      <output name="dataMatrix_out" file="output-dataMatrix.tsv"/>

.. class:: infomark

**Author**	Alexis Delabriere and Etienne Thevenot (CEA, LIST, MetaboHUB Paris,


.. class:: infomark

**Please cite**

Delabriere A., Hohenester U., Junot C. and Thevenot E.A. *proFIA*: A data preprocessing workflow for Flow Injection Analysis coupled to High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry. *submitted*.


.. class:: infomark

**R package**

The **proFIA** package is available from the bioconductor repository ` &lt;;`_


.. class:: infomark

**Tool updates**

See the **NEWS** section at the bottom of this page

*proFIA*: Preprocessing workflow for FIA-HRMS data


**Flow Injection Analysis coupled to High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry (FIA-HRMS)** is a promising approach for **high-throughput metabolomics** (Madalinski *et al.*, 2008; Fuhrer *et al.*, 2011; Draper *et al.*, 2013). FIA- HRMS data, however, cannot be preprocessed with current software tools which rely on liquid chromatography separation, or handle low resolution data only.

The **proFIA module is a workflow** allowing to preprocess FIA-HRMS raw data in **centroid** mode and open format (netCDF, mzData, mzXML, and mzML), and generates the table of peak intensities (**peak table**). The workflow consists in **peak detection and quantification** within individual sample files, followed by **alignment** between files in the m/z dimension, and **imputation** of the missing values in the final peak table (Delabriere *et al.*, submitted). For each ion, the graph representing the intensity as a function of time is called a **flowgram**. A flowgram can be modeled as I = kP + ME(P) + B + e, where k is the response factor (corresponding to the ionization properties of the analyte), P is the **sample peak** (normalized profile which is common for all analytes from a sample and depends on the flow injection conditions only), ME is the **matrix effect**, B is the **solvent baseline**, and e is the heteroscedastic noise.

The generated peak table is available in the '3 table' W4M tabular format (**dataMatrix**, **sampleMetadata**, and **variableMetadata**) for downstream statistical analysis and annotation with W4M modules.

A figure provides **diagnostics** and visualization of the preprocessed data set.


.. class:: infomark


| Delabriere A., Hohenester U., Junot C. and Thevenot E.A. proFIA: A data preprocessing workflow for Flow Injection Analysis coupled to High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry. *submitted*.
| Draper J., Lloyd A., Goodacre R. and Beckmann M. (2013). Flow infusion electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry for high throughput, non-targeted metabolite fingerprinting: a review. *Metabolomics* 9, 4-29.
| Fuhrer T., Dominik H., Boris B. and Zamboni N. (2011). High-throughput, accurate mass metabolome profiling of cellular extracts by flow injection-time-of-flight mass spectrometry. *Analytical Chemistry* 83, 7074-7080.
| Madalinski G., Godat E., Alves S., Lesage D., Genin E., Levi P., Labarre J., Tabet J., Ezan E. and Junot, C. (2008). Direct introduction of biological samples into a LTQ-orbitrap hybrid mass spectrometer as a tool for fast metabolome analysis. *Analytical Chemistry* 80, 3291-3303.


Workflow position

.. image:: profia_workflowPositionImage.png
        :width: 600

Input files

| Parameter : num + label   |   Format   |
| 1 : Choose your inputs    |   zip      |

You have two methods for your inputs:
    | Zip file (recommended): You can put a zip file containing your inputs: (containing all your conditions as sub-directories).
    | library folder: You must specify the name of your "library" (folder) created within your space project (for example: /projet/externe/institut/login/galaxylibrary/yourlibrary). Your library must contain all your conditions as sub-directories.

**Steps for creating the zip file**

**Step1: Creating your directory and hierarchize the subdirectories**

.. class:: warningmark

VERY IMPORTANT: If you zip your files under Windows, you must use the **7Zip** software (, otherwise your zip will not be well unzipped on the platform W4M (zip corrupted bug).
Your zip should contain all your conditions as sub-directories. For example, two conditions (mutant and wild):

**Step2: Creating a zip file**
Create your zip file (e.g.:

**Step 3 : Uploading it to our Galaxy server**
If your zip file is less than 2Gb, you get use the Get Data tool to upload it.
Otherwise if your zip file is larger than 2Gb, please refer to the HOWTO on (
For more informations, don't hesitate to send us an email at

**Advices for converting your files for the XCMS input**

.. class:: warningmark

VERY IMPORTANT: your data must be in **centroid** mode. In addition, we recommend you to convert your raw files to mzXML.

We recommend the following parameters:

Use Filtering: **True**
Use Peak Picking: **True**
Peak Peaking -Apply to MS Levels: **All Levels (1-)** : Centroid Mode
Use zlib: **64**
Binary Encoding: **64**
m/z Encoding: **64**
Intensity Encoding: **64**

Maximum deviation between centroids during band detection; in ppm (default = 5)
	| m/z tolerance of centroids corresponding to the same ion from one scan to the other.

Accuracy of the mass spectrometer to be used during feature alignment; in ppm (default = 5)
	| Should be inferior or equal to the deviation parameter above.
Minimum fraction of samples in which a peak should be detected in at least one class to be kept during feature alignment (default = 0.5)
	| Identical to the corresponding parameter in XCMS. 

Number of neighbour features to be used for imputation (default = 5)
	| Select 0 to skip the imputation step. 

Output files

	| **dataMatrix** tabular separated file with the variables as rows and samples as columns. Missing values are indicated as 'NA' (i.e. when the signal was not significantly different from noise).
	| **sampleMetadata** tabular separated file containing the sample metadata as columns.
	| **variableMetadata** tabular separated file containing the variable metadata as columns. The **timeShifted** flag is set to 1 when the flowgram is time shifted compared to the sample peak (probably due to liquid retention in the FI tube). The **corSampPeakMean** metric is the correlation between the feature flowgram and the sample peak (values are in [-1, 1]). A value below 0.2 suggests that the feature signal is affected by a strong matrix effect. The **meanSolvent** is the mean baseline signal in the feature flowgrams. The **signalOverSolventPvalueMean** is the mean p-value of the tests discriminating between signal and baseline solvent.

	| Visualization and diagnostics about the preprocessed data set; **Feature quality**: Number of detected features per sample for each of the three categories: 'Well-behaved' features have a peak shape close to the sample peak (optimal FIA acquisition is achieved when the majority of the features fall into this category); 'Shifted' indicates a time shift compared to the sample peak, and probably results from retention in the FI tube; 'Significant Matrix Effect' corresponds to a correlation between the feature and the samples peaks of less than 0.2, which is usually caused by a strong matrix effect; **Sample peaks**: Visualization of the peak model for each sample; should have close shapes in case of similar FIA conditions; **m/z density**: may allow to detect a missing m/z value, and in turn, suggest that the *ppm* parameter should be modified; **PCA score plot** of the log10 intensities to detect sample outliers.
	| Text file with all messages and warnings generated during the computation.


Working example

Figure output

.. image:: profia_workingExampleImage.png
        :width: 600




Creation of the tool


  <citation type="bibtex">@Article{DelabriereSubmitted,
  Title                    = {proFIA: A data preprocessing workflow for Flow Injection Analysis coupled to High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry},
  Author                   = {Delabriere, Alexis and Hohenester, Ulli and Junot, Christophe and Thevenot, Etienne A},
  Journal                  = {submitted},
  Year                     = {submitted},
  Pages                    = {--},
  Volume                   = {},
  Doi                      = {}
  <citation type="doi">10.1093/bioinformatics/btu813</citation>
