changeset 0:315246810bfa draft

Uploaded 20180404
author fabio
date Tue, 03 Apr 2018 20:27:39 -0400 (2018-04-04)
children 9a00e3b8c3c0
files ._.shed.yml ._query.xml .shed.yml query.xml
diffstat 6 files changed, 305 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
Binary file ._.shed.yml has changed
Binary file has changed
Binary file ._query.xml has changed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/.shed.yml	Tue Apr 03 20:27:39 2018 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+name: btman
+owner: iuc
+  - Data Source
+  - Web Services
+description: BloomTree Manager
+long_description: |
+  A fast querying tool to identify all publicly available sequenced
+  samples which express a transcript of interest
+type: unrestricted
+  name_template: "{{ tool_id }}"
+  descriptor_template: "Wrapper for BloomTree Manager: {{ tool_name }}."
+  name: "btman_suite"
+  description: "A suite of Galaxy tools designed to work with the BloomTree Manager."
+  long_description: |
+    A fast querying tool to identify all publicly available sequenced
+    samples which express a transcript of interest
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Tue Apr 03 20:27:39 2018 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import sys, os, uuid, optparse, requests, json, time
+#from requests_futures.sessions import FuturesSession
+#### NN14 ####
+#service_url = "";
+QUERY_URL = SERVICE_URL+"tree/1/query";
+STATUS_URL = SERVICE_URL+"status/<query_id>";
+# query delay in seconds
+__version__ = "1.0.0";
+VALID_CHARS = '.-()[]0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ '
+# in the case of collections, exitcodes equal to 0 and 1 are not considered errors
+def raiseException( exitcode, message, output_dir_path, errorfilename ):
+    errorfilepath = os.path.join(output_dir_path, errorfilename+"_txt");
+    with open(errorfilepath, 'w') as out:
+        out.write(message);
+    sys.exit(exitcode);
+def query_request( options, args, payload ):
+    output_dir_path = options.outputdir;
+    # add additional parameters to the payload
+    #payload["tree_id"] = str(options.treeid);
+    payload["search_mode"] = str(;
+    payload["exact_algorithm"] = int(options.exact);
+    payload["search_threshold"] = float(options.sthreshold);
+    # set the content type to application/json
+    headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'};
+    # create a session
+    session = requests.Session();
+    # make a synchronous post request to the query route
+    req =, headers=headers, json=payload);
+    resp_code = req.status_code;
+    #print(str(req.content)+"\n\n");
+    if resp_code ==
+        resp_content = str(req.content);
+        # convert out to json
+        json_content = json.loads(resp_content);
+        # retrieve query id
+        query_id = json_content['query_id'];
+        query_processed = False;
+        # results json content
+        json_status_content = None;
+        while query_processed is False:
+            # create a new session
+            session = requests.Session();
+            # make a synchronous get request to the status route
+            status_query_url = STATUS_URL.replace("<query_id>", query_id);
+            status_req = session.get(status_query_url);
+            status_resp_content = str(status_req.content);
+            #print(status_resp_content+"\n\n");
+            # convert out to json
+            json_status_content = json.loads(status_resp_content);
+            # take a look at the state
+            # state attribute is always available
+            if json_status_content['state'] == 'SUCCESS':
+                query_processed = True;
+                break;
+            elif json_status_content['state'] in ['FAILURE', 'REVOKED']:
+                return raiseException( ERR_EXIT_CODE, "Query ID: "+str(query_id)+"\nQuery status: "+str(json_status_content['state']), output_dir_path, str(options.errorfile) );
+            else:
+                time.sleep(QUERY_DELAY); # in seconds
+        out_file_format = "tabular";
+        for block in json_status_content['results']:
+            seq_id = block['sequence_id'];
+            # put response block in the output collection
+            output_file_path = os.path.join(output_dir_path, seq_id + "_" + out_file_format);
+            accessions_list = "";
+            hits_block = block['hits'];
+            for hit in hits_block:
+                if type(hit) is dict: # sabutan
+                    accessions_list = accessions_list + hit['accession_number'] + "\t" + hit['score'] + "\n";
+                else: # all-some
+                    accessions_list = accessions_list + str(hit) + "\n";
+            with open(output_file_path, 'w') as out:
+                out.write(accessions_list.strip());
+        return sys.exit(OK_EXIT_CODE);
+    else:
+        return raiseException( ERR_EXIT_CODE, "Unable to query the remote server. Please try again in a while.", output_dir_path, str(options.errorfile) );
+def query( options, args ):
+    output_dir_path = options.outputdir;
+    multiple_data = {};
+    comma_sep_file_paths = options.files;
+    #print("files: "+str(comma_sep_file_paths)+" - "+str(type(comma_sep_file_paths)));
+    # check if options.files contains at least one file path
+    if comma_sep_file_paths is not None:
+        # split file paths
+        file_paths = comma_sep_file_paths.split(",");
+        # split file names
+        comma_sep_file_names = str(options.names);
+        #print("names: "+str(comma_sep_file_names));
+        file_names = comma_sep_file_names.split(",");
+        for idx, file_path in enumerate(file_paths):
+            #file_name = file_names[idx];
+            with open(file_path, 'r') as content_file:
+                for line in content_file:
+                    if line.strip() != "":
+                        line_split = line.strip().split("\t"); # split on tab
+                        if len(line_split) == 2: # 0:id , 1:seq , otherwise skip line
+                            seq_id = line_split[0];
+                            # fix seq_id using valid chars only
+                            seq_id = ''.join(e for e in seq_id if e in VALID_CHARS)
+                            seq_text = line_split[1];
+                            if seq_id in multiple_data:
+                                return raiseException( ERR_EXIT_CODE, "Error: the id '"+seq_id+"' is duplicated", output_dir_path, str(options.errorfile) );
+                            multiple_data[seq_id] = seq_text;
+        if len(multiple_data) > 0:
+            return query_request( options, args,  multiple_data );
+            #return echo( options, args );
+        else:
+            return raiseException( ERR_EXIT_CODE, "An error has occurred. Please be sure that your input files are valid.", output_dir_path, str(options.errorfile) );
+    else:
+        # try with the sequence in --sequence
+        text_content = options.sequences;
+        #print("sequences: "+text_content);
+        # check if options.sequences contains a list of sequences (one for each row)
+        if text_content is not None:
+            text_content = str(text_content);
+            if text_content.strip():
+                # populate a dictionary with the files containing the sequences to query
+                text_content = text_content.strip().split("__cn__"); # split on new line
+                for line in text_content:
+                    if line.strip() != "":
+                        line_split = line.strip().split("__tc__"); # split on tab
+                        if len(line_split) == 2: # 0:id , 1:seq , otherwise skip line
+                            seq_id = line_split[0];
+                            # fix seq_id using valid chars only
+                            seq_id = ''.join(e for e in seq_id if e in VALID_CHARS)
+                            seq_text = line_split[1];
+                            if seq_id in multiple_data:
+                                return raiseException( ERR_EXIT_CODE, "Error: the id '"+seq_id+"' is duplicated", output_dir_path, str(options.errorfile) );
+                            multiple_data[seq_id] = seq_text;
+                if len(multiple_data) > 0:
+                    return query_request( options, args, multiple_data );
+                    #return echo( options, args );
+                else:
+                    return raiseException( ERR_EXIT_CODE, "An error has occurred. Please be sure that your input files are valid.", output_dir_path, str(options.errorfile) );
+            else:
+                return raiseException( ERR_EXIT_CODE, "You have to insert at least one row formatted as a tab delimited (ID, SEQUENCE) couple", output_dir_path, str(options.errorfile) );
+    return ERR_EXIT_CODE;
+def __main__():
+    # Parse the command line options
+    usage = "Usage: --files comma_sep_file_paths --names comma_seq_file_names --sequences sequences_text --search search_mode --exact exact_alg --sthreshold threshold --outputdir output_dir_path";
+    parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage = usage);
+    parser.add_option("-v", "--version", action="store_true", dest="version",
+                    default=False, help="display version and exit")
+    parser.add_option("-f", "--files", type="string",
+                    action="store", dest="files", help="comma separated files path");
+    parser.add_option("-n", "--names", type="string",
+                    action="store", dest="names", help="comma separated names associated to the files specified in --files");
+    parser.add_option("-s", "--sequences", type="string",
+                    action="store", dest="sequences", help="contains a list of sequences (one for each row)");
+    parser.add_option("-a", "--fasta", type="string",
+                    action="store", dest="fasta", help="contains the content of a fasta file");
+    parser.add_option("-x", "--search", type="string", default=0,
+                    action="store", dest="search", help="search mode");
+    parser.add_option("-e", "--exact", type="int", default=0,
+                    action="store", dest="exact", help="exact algorithm (required if search is 1 only)");
+    parser.add_option("-t", "--sthreshold", type="float",
+                    action="store", dest="sthreshold", help="threshold applied to the search algrithm");
+    parser.add_option("-o", "--outputdir", type="string", default="output",
+                    action="store", dest="outputdir", help="output directory (collection) path");
+    parser.add_option("-r", "--errorfile", type="string", default="error.log",
+                    action="store", dest="errorfile", help="error file name containing error messages");
+    # TEST
+    #sequences = 'NM_001169378.2__tc__atttcggatgctttggagggaggaactctagtgctgcattgattggggcgtgtgttaatgatattcccagttcgcatggcgagcatcgattcctggtacgtatgtgggccccttgactcccacttatcgcacttgtcgttcgcaatttgcatgaattccgcttcgtctgaaacgcacttgcgccagacttctccggctggtctgatctggtctgtgatccggtctggtggggcgccagttgcgtttcgagctcatcaccagtcactccgcagtcgcattctgccagaggtctccgatcaagagcgcttctccattcgagattcaaacgcagcgcggtctgacgccgccacatcgagtgaaatccatatcgatggccacattcacacaggacgagatcgacttcctgcgcagccatggcaacgagctgtgtgccaagacctggctgggattgtgggatccgaagcgggctgtgcaccagcaggagcagcgcgaactgatgatggacaagtatgagcggaagcgatactacctggagccggccagtcctcttaagtcgctggccaatgcggtcaacctgaagtcgtctgctccggcgacgaaccacactcagaatggccaccaaaatgggtatgccagcatccatttgacgcctcctgctgcccagcggacctcggccaatggattgcagaaggtggccaactcgtcgagtaactcttctggaaagacctcatcctcgatcagtaggccacactataatcaccagaacaacagccaaaacaacaatcacgatgcctttggcctgggtggcggattgagcagcctgaacagcgccggttccacatccactggagctctttccgacaccagcagttgtgctagcaatggcttcggtgcggactgcgactttgtggctgactttggctcggccaacattttcgacgccacatcggcgcgttccacaggatcgccggcggtgtcgtccgtgtcctcagtgggttccagcaatggctacgccaaggtgcagcccatccgggcagctcatctccagcagcaacagcagttgcagcagcagctgcatcagcagcagctcctcaatggcaatggtcatcagggcactgagaactttgccgacttcgatcacgctcccatctacaatgcagtggctccaccgacttttaacgattggatcagcgactggagcaggcggggcttccacgatcccttcgacgattgcgatgactcgccaccaggtgcccgccctccagcacctgcgccagctcctgctcaagttcccgcagtatcatcaccattgccaaccgtccgagaagaaccagagcttgcgtggaatttttgggaggacgagatgcgaatagaggcgcaggaaaaggagtcccaaactaaacagccggagttgggctactccttttcgattagtactactacgcccctttccccttcgaatcccttcctgccctaccttgtcagtgaggagcagcatcgaaatcatccagagaagccctccttttcgtattcgttgttcagctccatatcaaatagttcgcaagaagatcaggcggatgatcatgagatgaatgttttaaatgccaatttccatgatttctttacgtggagtgctcccttgcagaacggccatacgaccagtccgcccaagggcggaaatgcagcgatggcgcccagtgaggatcgatatgccgctcttaaggatctcgacgagcagctgcgagaactgaaggccagcgaaagcgccacagagacgcccacgcccaccagtggcaatgttcaggccacagatgcctttggtggagccctcaacaacaatccaaatcccttcaagggccagcaacagcagcagctcagcagccatgtggtgaatccattccagcagcagcaacagcagcagcaccagcagaatctctatggccagttgacgctcataccaaatgcctacggcagcagttcccagcagcagatggggcaccatctcctccagcagcagcagcagcaacagcagagcttcttcaacttcaacaacaacgggttcgccatctcgcagggtctgcccaacggctgcggcttcggcagcatgcaacccgctcctgtgatggccaacaatccctttgcagccagcggcgccatgaacaccaacaatccattcttatgagactcaacccgggagaatccgcctcgcgccacctggcagaggcgctgagccagcgaacaaagagcagacgcggaggaaccgaaccgaaattagtccattttactaacaatagcgttaatctatgtatacataatgcacgccggagagcactctttgtgtacatagcccaaatatgtacacccgaaaggctccacgctgacgctagtcctcgcggatggcggaggcggactggggcgttgatatattcttttacatggtaactctactctaacgtttacggatacggatatttgtatttgccgtttgccctagaactctatacttgtactaagcgcccatgaacacttcatccactaacatagctactaatcctcatcctagtggaggatgcagttggtccagacactctgttatttgttttatccatcctcgtacttgtctttgtcccatttagcactttcgttgcggataagaactttgtcagttattgattgtgtggccttaataagattataaaactaaatattataacgtacgactatacatatacggatacagatacagattcagacacagttagtacagatacagatatacatatacgcttttgtacctaatgaattgcttcttgtttccattgctaatcatctgcttttcgtgtgctaattttatacactagtacgtgcgatatcggccgtgcagatagattgctcagctcgcgagtcaagcctcttttggttgcacccacggcagacatttgtacatatactgtctgattgtaagcctcgtgtaatacctccattaacaccactcccccaccacccatccatcgaaccccgaatccatgactcaattcactgctcacatgtccatgcccatgccttaacgtgtcaaacattatcgaagccttaaagttatttaaaactacgaaatttcaataaaaacaaataagaacgctatc';
+    #(options, args) = parser.parse_args(['-x', 'rrr', '-t', 0.5, '-s', sequences, '-o', 'collection_content']);
+    (options, args) = parser.parse_args();
+    if options.version:
+        print __version__;
+    else:
+        # create output dir (collection)
+        output_dir_path = options.outputdir;
+        if not os.path.exists(output_dir_path):
+            os.makedirs(output_dir_path);
+        return query( options, args );
+if __name__ == "__main__": __main__()
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/query.xml	Tue Apr 03 20:27:39 2018 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<tool name="BloomTree Manager - Query" id="btman_query" version="1.0.0">
+    <description>the Sequence Bloom Tree</description>
+    <requirements>
+        <requirement type="package" version="2.7.10">python</requirement>
+        <requirement type="package" version="2.18.4">requests</requirement>
+    </requirements>
+    <command detect_errors="exit_code">
+    python '$__tool_directory__/'
+    --search 'rrr'
+    --sthreshold ${sthreshold}
+    --exact 0
+    #if $conditional_input.inputtype == '0':
+        #set file_paths = ','.join( [ str( $f ) for $f in $conditional_input.txtfiles ] )
+        #if $file_paths is not 'None':
+            --files '${file_paths}'
+            #set file_names = ','.join( [ str( $ ) for $f in $conditional_input.txtfiles ] )
+                --names '${file_names}'
+        #end if
+    #elif $conditional_input.inputtype == '1':
+        --sequences '${conditional_input.sequences}'
+    #end if
+    --outputdir 'collection_content'
+    --errorfile 'Error Log File'
+    </command>
+    <inputs>
+        <conditional name="conditional_input">
+            <param name="inputtype" type="select" label="Input mode" help="Select a mode based on how do you want to specify the input">
+                <option value="0" selected="true">By file</option>
+                <option value="1">By manually inserted text</option>
+            </param>
+            <when value="0">
+                <param format="tabular" name="txtfiles" type="data" label="Select files" multiple="true" optional="false" help="Select one or more tabular files containing (ID, TRANSCRIPT) couples for each line. The content of these files will be merged and the result will represent a query to the AllSome Sequence Bloom Tree Search Engine that will return a collection containing a file for each ID. The content of these files as result of the tool will be a list of accession numbers." />
+            </when>
+            <when value="1">
+                <param name="sequences" type="text" area="True" size="5x25" label="Manually insert sequences" optional="false" help="Insert a list of (ID, TRANSCRIPT) couples in a tab delimited format, one for each line. The content of this text box will represent a query to the AllSome Sequence Bloom Tree Search Engine that will return a collection containing a file for each ID. The content of these files as result of the tool will be a list of accession numbers." />
+            </when>
+        </conditional>            
+        <param name="sthreshold" size="3" type="float" value="0.7" min="0.0" max="1.0" label="Search threshold" help="This threshold controls the specificity. Lower values will produce more hits to the query. Higher values are more stringent and will produce fewer hits." />
+    </inputs>
+    <outputs>
+        <collection name="output_collect" type="list" label="AllSome Sequence Bloom Tree Search Collection">
+            <discover_datasets pattern="(?P&lt;identifier_0&gt;[^_]+)_(?P&lt;ext&gt;[^_]+)" directory="collection_content" ext="auto" />
+        </collection>
+    </outputs>
+    <help><![CDATA[
+This Query tool is part of the BloomTree Manager Framework that allow to rapidly identify all publicly available 
+sequenced samples which express a transcript of interest.
+The input for this tool is a list of (ID, TRANSCRIPT) couples, one for each line,
+in a tab delimited format::
+    ...
+The ID can contain alphanumeric characters in addition to spaces, dots, dashes, and round and square brackets.
+Any additional character will be trimmed out.
+The output of the tool is a collection that contains a file for each ID with a list of
+accession numbers representing the samples that express one particular transcript.
+.. class:: infomark
+This Galaxy tool has been developed by Fabio Cumbo.
+Please visit this GithHub_repository_ for more information about the BloomTree Manager
+.. _GithHub_repository:
+    ]]></help>
+    <citations>
+        <citation type="doi">10.1101/090464</citation>
+    </citations>