diff loadandplot.R @ 18:565118df598a draft

Uploaded 20170531
author fabio
date Wed, 31 May 2017 11:07:22 -0400
parents 1e677d6b1aaf
children 97b7f7bd7f43
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/loadandplot.R	Wed May 31 11:07:22 2017 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+if (require("IWTomics",character.only = TRUE,quietly = FALSE)) {
+  require(tools,quietly = FALSE)
+  args=commandArgs(TRUE)
+  for (i in seq_along(args)) {
+    message(args[[i]])
+  }
+  # get args names and values
+  args_values=strsplit(args,'=')
+  args_names=unlist(lapply(args_values,function(arg) arg[1]))
+  names(args_values)=args_names
+  args_values=lapply(args_values,function(arg) arg[2])
+  # read filenames
+  outrdata=args_values$outrdata
+  outregions=args_values$outregions
+  outfeatures=args_values$outfeatures
+  outpdf=args_values$outpdf
+  regionspaths=unlist(strsplit(args_values$regionspaths,'\\|'))
+  if("regionsheaderfile" %in% args_names){
+    # the file regionsheaderfile must contain as first column the (unique) regionsfilenames, 
+    # as second column the corresponding ids and as third column the names
+    tryCatch({
+      regionsheader=read.delim(args_values$regionsheaderfile,header=FALSE,stringsAsFactors=FALSE,row.names=1,sep="\t")
+      regionsfilenames=unlist(strsplit(args_values$regionsfilenames,'\\|'))
+      if(length(setdiff(regionsfilenames,row.names(regionsheader)))) {
+        quit(save="no", status=11)
+        stop('Not all regionsfilenames are present in the first column of regionsheader.')
+      }
+      id_regions=regionsheader[regionsfilenames,1]
+      name_regions=regionsheader[regionsfilenames,2]
+    }, error = function(err) {
+      quit(save="no", status=10) #error on header file
+      stop(err)
+    })
+  }else{
+    eval(parse(text=args[[which(args_names=='regionsgalaxyids')]]))
+    id_regions=paste0('data_',regionsgalaxyids)
+    name_regions=paste0('data_',regionsgalaxyids)
+  }
+  featurespaths=unlist(strsplit(args_values$featurespaths,'\\|'))
+  if("featuresheaderfile" %in% args_names){
+    # the file featuresheaderfile must contain as first column the (unique) featuresfilenames, 
+    # as second column the corresponding ids and as third column the names
+    tryCatch({
+      featuresheader=read.delim(args_values$featuresheaderfile,header=FALSE,stringsAsFactors=FALSE,row.names=1,sep="\t")
+      featuresfilenames=unlist(strsplit(args_values$featuresfilenames,'\\|'))
+      if(length(setdiff(featuresfilenames,row.names(featuresheader)))) {
+        quit(save="no", status=21)
+        stop('Not all featuresfilenames are present in the first column of featuresheader.')
+      }
+      id_features=featuresheader[featuresfilenames,1]
+      name_features=featuresheader[featuresfilenames,2]
+    }, error = function(err) {
+      quit(save="no", status=20) #error on header file
+      stop(err)
+    })
+  }else{
+    eval(parse(text=args[[which(args_names=='featuresgalaxyids')]]))
+    id_features=paste0('data_',featuresgalaxyids)
+    name_features=paste0('data_',featuresgalaxyids)
+  }
+  # read parameters (from smoothing on)
+  i_smoothing=which(args_names=='smoothing')
+  for(i in i_smoothing:length(args)){
+    eval(parse(text=args[[i]]))
+  }
+  # load data
+  tryCatch({
+    regionsFeatures=IWTomicsData(regionspaths,featurespaths,alignment,
+                                id_regions,name_regions,id_features,name_features,start.are.0based=start.are.0based)
+  }, error = function(err) {
+    if(grepl('invalid format',err$message)){
+      quit(save="no", status=31) # error, not enough columns in input file
+    }else if(grepl('duplicated regions',err$message)){
+      quit(save="no", status=32) # error, duplicated regions in region file
+    }else if(grepl('duplicated windows',err$message)){
+      quit(save="no", status=33) # error, duplicated windows in feature file
+    }else if(grepl('overlapping windows',err$message)){
+      quit(save="no", status=34) # error, overlapping windows in feature file
+    }else if(grepl('not all regions in datasets',err$message)){
+      quit(save="no", status=35) # error, windows in feature files do not cover all regions in region files
+    }else if(grepl('ifferent size windows',err$message)){
+      quit(save="no", status=36) # error, all windows in a feature files must have the same size
+    }
+    #error loading data
+    stop(err)
+    quit(save="no", status=30)
+ })
+  # smooth data
+  if(smoothing!='no'){
+    tryCatch({
+      if(smoothing=='locpoly'){
+        dist_knots=10
+      }else if(smoothing=='kernel'){
+        degree=3
+        dist_knots=10
+      }else if(smoothing=='splines'){
+        bandwidth=5
+      }
+      if(alignment=='scale'){
+        if(scale==0){
+          regionsFeatures=smooth(regionsFeatures,type=smoothing,fill_gaps=fill_gaps,
+                                bandwidth=bandwidth,degree=degree,dist_knots=dist_knots)
+        }else{
+          regionsFeatures=smooth(regionsFeatures,type=smoothing,fill_gaps=fill_gaps,
+                                bandwidth=bandwidth,degree=degree,dist_knots=dist_knots,scale_grid=scale)
+        }
+      }else{
+        regionsFeatures=smooth(regionsFeatures,type=smoothing,fill_gaps=fill_gaps,
+                              bandwidth=bandwidth,degree=degree,dist_knots=dist_knots)
+      }
+    }, error = function(err) {
+      quit(save="no", status=40) #error on smoothing
+      stop(err)
+    })
+  }
+  # plot data
+  pdf(outpdf,width=10,height=8)
+  if(plottype=='boxplot'){
+    # fix repeated probs
+    probs=sort(unique(probs))
+  }else{
+    probs=c(0.25,0.5,0.75)
+  }
+  plot(regionsFeatures,type=plottype,probs=probs,average=average,size=size,ask=FALSE)
+  dev.off()
+  # create output
+  #write.table(cbind(unlist(strsplit(args_values$regionsfilenames,'\\|')),idRegions(regionsFeatures),nameRegions(regionsFeatures)),
+              #file=outregions,quote=FALSE,sep='\t',row.names=FALSE,col.names=FALSE)
+  write.table(as.data.frame(t(idRegions(regionsFeatures))),file=outregions,quote=FALSE,sep='\t',row.names=FALSE,col.names=FALSE)
+  #write.table(cbind(unlist(strsplit(args_values$featuresfilenames,'\\|')),idFeatures(regionsFeatures),nameFeatures(regionsFeatures)),
+              #file=outfeatures,quote=FALSE,sep='\t',row.names=FALSE,col.names=FALSE)
+  write.table(as.data.frame(t(idFeatures(regionsFeatures))),file=outfeatures,quote=FALSE,sep='\t',row.names=FALSE,col.names=FALSE)
+  save(regionsFeatures,file=outrdata)
+  quit(save="no", status=255)
+  stop("Missing IWTomics package")
\ No newline at end of file