diff Contra/baseline.py @ 0:7564f3b1e675

author fcaramia
date Thu, 13 Sep 2012 02:31:43 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Contra/baseline.py	Thu Sep 13 02:31:43 2012 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+import os
+import sys
+import fnmatch
+import shlex
+import subprocess
+import shutil
+import math
+from optparse import OptionParser
+from scripts.split_chromosome import splitByChromosome3 as splitByChromosome
+from scripts.get_chr_length import *
+from scripts.convert_targeted_regions import *
+from scripts.convert_gene_coordinate import convertGeneCoordinate2 as convertGeneCoordinate
+from multiprocessing import Pool
+class Params:
+	"""
+	Class for top-level system parameters:
+	"""
+	def __init__(self):
+		def mult_files(option, opt_str, value, parser):
+			args=[]
+			for arg in parser.rargs:
+				if arg[0] != "-":
+					args.append(arg)
+				else:
+					del parser.rargs[:len(args)]
+					break
+			if getattr(parser.values, option.dest):
+				args.extend(getattr(parser.values, option.dest))
+			setattr(parser.values, option.dest, args)
+		#command-line option definition
+		self.parser = OptionParser()
+		self.parser.add_option("-t", "--target",
+			help="Target region definition file [REQUIRED] [BED Format]",
+			action="store", type="string", dest="target")
+		self.parser.add_option("-f", "--files",
+			help="Files to be converted to baselines [REQUIRED] [BAM]",
+			action="callback", callback=mult_files, dest="files")
+		self.parser.add_option("-o", "--output",
+			help="Output folder [REQUIRED]",
+			action="store", type="string", dest="output")
+		self.parser.add_option("-c","--trim",
+			help="Portion of outliers to be removed before calculating average [Default: 0.2]",
+			action="store", dest="trim", default="0.2")
+		self.parser.add_option("-n","--name",
+			help="Output baseline name [Default: baseline]",
+			action="store", dest="name", default="baseline")
+		# required parameters list:
+		self.ERRORLIST = []
+		#change system parameters based on any command line arguments
+		(options, args) = self.parser.parse_args()
+		if options.target:
+			self.TARGET=options.target
+		else:
+			self.ERRORLIST.append("target")
+		if options.files:
+			self.FILES=options.files
+		else:
+			self.ERRORLIST.append("files")
+		if options.output:
+			self.OUTPUT=options.output
+		else:
+			self.ERRORLIST.append("output")
+		if options.trim:
+			self.TRIM=float(options.trim)
+		if options.name:
+			self.NAME=options.name
+		if len(self.ERRORLIST) != 0:
+			self.parser.print_help()
+			self.parser.error("Missing required parameters")
+	def repeat(self):
+		#params test
+		print "target	:", self.TARGET
+		print "files	:", self.FILES
+		print "output	:", self.OUTPUT
+		print "trim	:", self.TRIM
+		print "name	:", self.NAME
+# option handling
+params = Params() 
+targetFile	= params.TARGET
+infiles		= params.FILES
+output_dir	= params.OUTPUT
+print " ------ baseline.py ------- "
+print "Target:", targetFile
+for files in infiles:
+	print "File:", files
+print "Output Directory: ", output_dir
+def make_new_directory(outdir):
+	print outdir
+	if not os.path.exists(outdir):
+		os.mkdir(outdir)
+print " ----- creating output directory -----"
+outdir	= os.path.join(output_dir, "buf")
+targetFile2 = os.path.join(outdir, os.path.basename(targetFile)+".sorted")
+os.system("sort -k1,1 -k2n %s > %s" %(targetFile,targetFile2))
+def processInFile(infile):
+	infilename = os.path.basename(infile)
+	s_outdir = os.path.join(outdir, infilename)
+	make_new_directory(s_outdir)
+        genomeFile = os.path.join(s_outdir,infilename +'.chrsummary')
+        get_genome(infile, genomeFile)
+        bedgraph = os.path.join(s_outdir, infilename + ".BEDGRAPH")
+        args = shlex.split("genomeCoverageBed -ibam %s -bga -g %s" %(infile, genomeFile))
+        iOutFile = open(bedgraph, "w")
+        output = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout = iOutFile).wait()
+        iOutFile.close()
+        targetList = convertTarget(targetFile2)
+        splitByChromosome(bedgraph)
+        convertGeneCoordinate(targetList, os.path.dirname(bedgraph)+"/")
+        bedgraph_tgtonly = bedgraph+".TARGETONLY"
+        bedgraph_tgtonly_avg = bedgraph+".TARGETONLY.AVERAGE"
+        os.rename(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(bedgraph),"geneRefCoverage.txt"),bedgraph_tgtonly)
+        os.rename(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(bedgraph),"geneRefCoverage_targetAverage.txt"),bedgraph_tgtonly_avg)
+	shutil.copy(bedgraph_tgtonly,outdir)
+	shutil.copy(bedgraph_tgtonly_avg,outdir)
+print "----- Processing Files -----"
+pool = Pool(5)
+# STEP 2 -> Create Union BedGraph
+allfiles_names 	= [x for x in os.listdir(outdir) if x.endswith("TARGETONLY")]
+allfiles_path 	= [os.path.join(outdir,x) for x in allfiles_names]
+print (str(args))
+fo	= os.path.join(outdir,"TARGETONLY.union.txt")
+foh	= open(fo,"w")
+TRIM	= params.TRIM #TRIM 	= 0.2
+f	= fo
+fh	= open(f)
+fo=os.path.join(output_dir, params.NAME+".pooled2_TRIM"+str(TRIM)+".txt")
+Ns = None
+nSamples = None
+for line in fh:
+        lineCount+=1
+        line_elems=line.rstrip().split("\t")
+        rangeLen=int(line_elems[2])-int(line_elems[1])
+        if not Ns:
+                nSamples=len(line_elems)-3
+                Ns = [0 for x in range(nSamples)]
+        for i in range(nSamples):
+                ind=i+3
+                Ns[i] += int(line_elems[ind])*rangeLen
+nSamples_exclude = int(math.floor(TRIM*nSamples))
+def gm_mean(xs):
+        tmpprod = 1
+        p = 1.0/len(xs)
+        for x in xs:
+                tmpprod = tmpprod * math.pow(x,p)
+        return tmpprod
+Ns_gmean = gm_mean(Ns)
+def meanstdv(x):
+        from math import sqrt
+        n, mean, std = len(x), 0, 0
+        for a in x:
+                mean = mean+a
+        mean = mean / float(n)
+        for a in x:
+                std = std+(a-mean)**2
+        std=sqrt(std/float(n-1))
+        return mean, std
+libsize = 0
+for line in fh:
+        lineCount+=1
+        line_elems=line.rstrip().split("\t")
+        rangeLen=int(line_elems[2])-int(line_elems[1])
+        xs_tmp=[int(x) for x in line_elems[3:]]
+        xs = [float(xs_tmp[i])*Ns_gmean/Ns[i] for i in range(len(xs_tmp))]
+        xs.sort()
+        xs_trimmed=xs[nSamples_exclude:(nSamples-nSamples_exclude)]
+	#trimmed_mean=sum(xs_trimmed)/float(len(xs_trimmed))
+        trimmed_mean,std=meanstdv(xs_trimmed)
+        libsize+=rangeLen*trimmed_mean
+	foh.write("\t".join(line_elems[0:3]+[str(trimmed_mean),str(std)])+"\n")
+def removeTempFolder(tempFolderPath):
+	import shutil
+	shutil.rmtree(tempFolderPath)
+	print "Temp Folder Removed"
+# Removed Temp Folder